
cmaloneyI've seen those platters03:18
cmaloneylike cake box carriers with loads of platters  in there03:19
Dekkardgood morning15:09
Dekkardtoday we learn weechat15:10
Dekkardbecause we can15:10
rick_h_heh yea moved to that recently15:12
Dekkardnext project will be to enable port forwarding on the home router to stream from vlc15:12
Dekkardi suck at networking15:12
cmaloneyWeechat is what I use as well15:17
Dekkardim an old fan of BitchX and irssi.. ive heard weechat is easier15:19
Dekkardactually, I'm just old..15:27
Scary_Guyweechat gang checking in15:28
Scary_Guy./script and /fset are your friends15:29
* Dekkard taking notes15:29
Scary_GuyAlso Bitlbee is nice15:29
Dekkardmulti platform and multi protocols..nice15:30
Scary_GuyThere's an android "client" that will connect to this via SSH too.  However I also suck at networking.15:30
Scary_GuyYeah, though I do think Finch is cooler Bitlbee has support for more things.  OTR works great too.  Though I'm not sure which has a better lack of OMEMO support.15:31
Scary_GuyI wish there was more support for that in general, but it's a slow process.15:32
Dekkardi dont im other than on the phone..no workgroups or anything15:33
Scary_GuyJust about anything these days is more secure than standard SMS though.15:34
Scary_GuyI'm a big fan of Signal.15:34
cmaloneyYeah, I juse JuiceSSH on my phone to connect to my home machine15:34
cmaloneywhich runs weechat via tmux15:35
Dekkardlol..I cant imagine telling mom that she should use signal15:35
cmaloneySignal is actually one of the easier ones15:35
Scary_GuyI don't see why not, my mom does.15:35
cmaloneyfear for my friends that I make use Jami. ;)15:35
Scary_GuyMy dad too and he doesn't know how to copy files.15:36
Dekkardmy mom is 86..she texts family only..and we know it works client to client, but the encryption requires that everyone uses ot right?15:36
Scary_GuyI've toyed with the android client.  If it's too annoying for me to use there is no hope for normal people.15:37
Scary_GuyYes, but the plus side is it'll fall back to standard SMS if they don't.15:37
Scary_GuyAlso they have a nice community and are very accepting of bug reports/suggestions/etc... from what I've seen.15:38
Dekkardwasnt jami called "ring"?15:42
dzhoI didn't find Signal too disorienting to install on the phone that runs with a google account15:43
dzhomy main phone does not log into a google account persistently, though, and that is my default posture for my devices.15:44
Scary_GuyIt's come a long way.  Don't even need the google anymore.15:44
Scary_GuyYou can download the .apk directly15:44
Dekkardi have no probs with signal as far as usability, its just that most that I know are "i have nothing to hide"15:44
Scary_GuyYou don't even need Play Services.15:44
dzhothere's also the need to use SMS15:45
Scary_GuyIt still falls back to that for non Signal contacts.15:45
dzhowhich, you know, if you already have SMS what's the point, at least in some people's eyes15:45
dzhowell, it's not just a fallback15:45
Scary_GuyYeah, not enough are concerned about privacy.15:45
dzhoyou need it to activate15:45
Scary_GuyYou need a number to activate, yeah.15:46
jrwrenDekkard: i'm old too. using irssi here, don't care to change.15:47
Scary_Guyirssi is okay too, I tried it and liked this better though.15:47
mrgoodcati started with bitchx, switched to irssi, and now i use weechat15:48
Scary_GuyI started off on mIRC15:48
mrgoodcatcan confirm it is the easiest to use15:48
Dekkardjrwren:  good on yer bruh..im just so fricken bored15:48
Dekkardi actually bought a mir licence15:48
Scary_GuyThis also has a Signal-CLI bridge too, but it's a pain and it's just easier to use the GUI desktop client.15:48
Scary_GuyDid you get Winzip/WinRAR too?15:49
Dekkardlol.. nope15:49
jrwreni use windows minimally. really only to play video games.15:52
Dekkardgot furloughed last week..loosing my mind15:53
jrwreni started off on ircc, back when that was the only client I knew. ircc the client for ircd.15:53
jrwrenah, I've been playing LOTS of video games, even though I'm working full time.15:53
jrwrenthe distraction is good for ignoring the state of the world.15:54
Dekkardim doing my best to do the same15:54
Dekkardi see there is a snap for signal desktop15:55
cmaloneyHeh, I've used a bunch of IRC clients, including xchat and pidgin15:55
Scary_GuyWe had a small contingent on IRC at OakTech.  It was fun chatting with people in the same room over it.15:55
cmaloneyalong with bitchx, irssi, and others that I'm probably forgetting15:55
cmaloneyNow let's talk about email clients. ;)15:56
cmaloneyzmail. ;)15:56
Scary_GuyRemember when Mozilla/Firefox had a client?15:56
Dekkardany of you guys know Raphael Mudge?15:56
Scary_GuyI don't15:56
Dekkardbackwhen firefox wanted to be Opera?15:57
Scary_GuyMust have missed that.  It's weird though, I've used it pretty much since Netscape Navigator.15:58
* Dekkard had a netscape t-shirt15:59
Scary_GuyHad?  I'd have held onto that gem.15:59
Dekkardit fell to dust years ago16:00
Scary_GuyThe washing machine is a cruel mistress though.16:00
cmaloneyYeah, I used the NEtscape Mail Client16:00
cmaloneyt was OK16:00
Dekkardtrue dat16:00
cmaloneyI still use Thunderbird and Mutt16:00
Scary_GuyI've got an AMD K6-II shirt that's been beat to hell.  It used to be black but is now a faded gray.16:00
Dekkardwow dude.. that was my first computer16:01
Scary_GuyIt was my second, got it from a mom and pop shop that I later got my first real job at.16:01
Dekkardno name beige box16:01
Scary_GuyWell, it was my third16:01
Dekkard200 mhz16:02
Scary_GuyFirst was a Compudyne 386.  Second was a Packard Bell 486 that I later stuck a turbo on.16:02
Scary_GuyTurbo chips were neat, fan was literally built right onto the CPU.16:03
Dekkardso fan dies cpu goes up in a blaze16:03
Scary_GuyPretty much, but that thing lasted for a good long while.16:03
Dekkardmy second was an athlon 90016:04
Dekkardbuilt it from parts from  place in utica16:04
Dekkardused the case from the K616:05
Scary_GuyMy fourth was a dual P3 450 Gigabyte GA6BXD that I built myself at that mom and pop shop.16:07
Dekkardwow.. seems cobalt strike has been acquired by HelpSystems16:08
Dekkards0..once upon a time there was a mirc scripter named 'Butane16:10
Dekkardhe was considered '733416:11
Dekkardso this guy( from royal oak) goes into the airforce.. does his time16:12
Dekkardi think he atually did some time in D.C...later wrote a pentesting tool called Armitage, after some anime16:13
DekkardThan wrote Cobalt Strike..There are quite a few videos of its use on youtube16:14
DekkardIts fiacinating.. just shows you how rediculous hacking is in movies etc16:15
Scary_GuyYeah, I love that stuff16:15
Dekkardso.. its 3,500.00 per user16:16
Dekkardplus yearly renewals16:16
Dekkardand he just got bought...16:16
Dekkardlook at the stuff on in memory evasion..16:17
jrwrencobalt strike eh? I dont' know many red team tools16:17
Scary_GuyTo be fair, Cantor Dust DOES look like that hacking BS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bM3Gut1hIk16:18
jrwrenlooks like a great tool. I hope he got a lot of money for it.16:18
Dekkardfrom what I've read, there was a crack floating around and some peeps were actually using  it to do some under the table red teaming16:19
Dekkardwink wink16:19
Scary_GuyThere's always a crack floating around.16:19
Scary_GuyHalf the reason I'm on IRC16:19
Scary_GuyAlso skip to 22m on that video for the pretty16:21
Dekkardvery gibson16:23
Scary_GuyBut actually useful.  Too bad it never came to be there either.  I hear bin-walk bin-glide do similar things though.  Both are on Github.16:24
Dekkardhmmm twit tv has an appearance16:27
Scary_GuyI miss TechTV16:32
Scary_GuyG4 killed that good and dead16:33
Dekkardtwit isnt horrible16:33
Scary_GuyIt isn't, but I still miss TechTV.16:34
Scary_GuyIt was nice having it on cable.16:35
Scary_GuyThough now I just want cable to die.16:35
Scary_GuyAlso, as long as we're talking about old dead shows https://archive.org/details/computerchronicles16:38
Dekkardwow thta abcient17:13
Dekkardthats ancient17:13
cmaloneyI never watched it in the day, but I've enjoyed watching them17:29
Dekkardleo laport's laptop looks to havean Enlightenment logo on it17:44
cmaloneyI think that's the TWiT network logo17:58
Dekkardport forwarding coming up on twit..doesnt look like the same18:01
DekkardI can see the sort of cocked small case e18:02
cmaloneyIf it's the thinkpad then it's a TWiT logo18:05
Dekkardright you are18:06
cmaloneyIt's just inside of a gear18:07
Dekkardjust rtying to stay live21:05
rick_h_ugh, at that point where I'm deleting cranky tweeks21:05
rick_h_Yay Monday!21:05
Dekkardcranky tweek??21:14
* rick_h_ +1 the crank21:15
Dekkardbtw.. ya all should check out fosstodon21:16
jrwrenhappy early 20.04 beta this week. are you excited?22:19

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