[02:23] heh :) [03:28] Ok, here goes nothing. If I get in trouble for doing the right thing, then I get in trouble for doing the right thing. "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead." Mypaint is returning to Ubuntu Studio. [17:22] Eickmeyer: where would we save feature requests for -controls? [17:23] Eickmeyer: A: log window B: include adevices.sh [17:23] OvenWerks: Those wouild be bug reports. [17:23] Marked "wishlist". [17:24] Of course Matrix is being flaky this morning. [17:38] and C: make default PCH (if it exists) rather than 0,0,0 [17:39] Yeah, that could even be a bugfix if you can get that in before final freeze. [17:39] Nope... [17:40] Wishful thinking. Hence, wishlist. :) [17:40] I'm just surprised I managed to get Mypaint back in the seed and metas without getting keelhauled. [17:41] ubuntu-bug will not let me bug -controls [17:42] Just throw it in here if it's a wishlist item: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-controls [17:43] Really, we need to transition it to github for the unbranding. [17:52] Hmmm, but then it would have "Issues" :P [17:57] hehehe