
Unit193usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xfce4/panel/plugins/libpulseaudio-plugin.so Disconected Disconnected00:37
Unit193bluesabre: I whined at jbicha for sync'ing the bad xfpm.00:57
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bluesabre> Disconected Disconnected, d'oh!01:49
bluesabreinterestingly, it looks like I packaged the previous session but never uploaded it08:58
bluesabre-session uploaded, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-session/4.14.2-0ubuntu109:07
bluesabreali1234: patched xfwm4 uploaded, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfwm4/4.14.0-2ubuntu109:27
Unit193bluesabre: New xfpm coming too or no?10:20
DarkTrickI'd like to propose a change in how the package `vlc` gets installed on xubuntu. Precisely: I'd like to propose to add the `--no-one-instance` option to the (whiskers)menu item. 10:29
DarkTrickQ: Where is the best place to turn to, here?10:29
bluesabreUnit193: xfpm 1.6.6 should be all we need10:43
bluesabreDarkTrick: We don't ship vlc, and wouldn't ship a customized config or launcher for it unless there was a critical issue that prevented it from running in xubuntu. We'd leave that decision to the package maintainers (who appear to be the Debian Multimedia Team)10:46
Unit193Unless /usr/share/applications/vlc.desktop is unmodified from upstream.10:48
ali1234bluesabre: i think so yes11:56
ali1234(the xfwm patch)11:56
ali1234seems to work12:08
DarkTrickbluesabre, thank you for that information!12:25
DarkTrickbluesabre: I wasn't sure if the package maintainers are the ones who do it12:26
-BottyMcBotFace:#xubuntu-devel- Reminder: Next meeting chair is Unit19317:00
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bluesabreochosi: care to vote on those last few? Still sitting at 5 winners without anybody tweaking their votes :)23:21

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