
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
JMan_Canadian_Pahaving trouble installing Chromium on my laptop that has XUBUNTU 18.0401:47
=== jmcgnh_ is now known as jmcgnh
jphilipsAll those interested to help improve the stability of next month's Xubuntu 20.04, please read this - https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-20-04-testing-week/08:54
DarkTrickWhen I doubleclick a file to open a it inside a program, how is the application call executed?13:06
DarkTrickIs the same launcher file used as for the menu entry in whiskers menu?13:06
jphilipsDarkTrick: application call would be something like 'appname filename'13:10
DarkTrickso it's not related to the launcher settings for the menu.13:10
jphilipsi presume it will use the launcher menu execution command13:11
jphilipsif the file open is pointing at the launcher13:11
DarkTrickHm... testing it with vlc shows, that opening it through a file calls whats defined in the menu...13:12
DarkTrick"if the file open is pointing at the launcher" I don't understand this.13:12
DarkTrickBackground: I'm trying to figure out, if the behaviour I experience is normal or strange13:12
Hamilton1Can Engrampa Archiver extract/archive RAR?13:16
lightero1lHamilton1: yes, but you need to install the unrar package.13:24
Hamilton1lightero1l, nice so it automatically calls it?13:24
lightero1lHamilton1: yes.13:24
lightero1lkeep in mind that unrar is located in the multiverse repository, which you might need to enable first if you haven't done so before.13:26
Hamilton1lightero1l, yeah now it opened the rar file. Thank.13:30
Hamilton1Does it have WinRAR features like repair archive?13:30
Hamilton1Does Xubuntu have a "suckless" attitude in its default app selection? Like I remember Ubuntu's Archiver but Xubuntu's Engrampa seem to be better. The same for Riseretto image viewer vs Gnome's solution or thunar vs gnome's13:32
jphilipsDarkTrick: many files will open based on their association with a launcher, but a user can set any random application to open it, which isnt associated with a launcher13:34
DarkTrickI guess MIME type config connects a mime type (i.e. file) with the corresponding launcher. Where is this config stored?13:42
DarkTrick /usr/share/applications/defaults.list seems to be system wide13:42
DarkTrick~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list ...sometimes it's that easy!13:43
DarkTrickThank you jphilips!13:43
jphilipsyour welcome DarkTrick13:44
jphilipsthere is a mime type editor app as well13:44
xubuntu58igood evening, i'm a news rookie user, from germany and i check your irc channel. O/16:05
ubottuHello and welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions or help others. If you'd like to chit-chat, please visit #xubuntu-offtopic and for developer discussion, see #xubuntu-devel :)16:08
dmdfhey guys what's the correct way to set system-wide proxy settings for xubuntu 18.04 ?16:15
diogenes_dmdf, nm-connection-editor > double click on a network > proxy16:18
xubuntu58iok thanks, my install session is done, i go off, maybee i come back and ask or help other people :)  bye o/16:18
dmdfdiogenes_: it requires a PAC script ?16:21
dmdfi was just needing it to be localhost:8080 for all traffic16:21
dmdfregardless of which network it's connected to16:22
diogenes_dmdf, for a more accurate answer you might want to ask in #networking.16:23
=== Church- is now known as Church
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
malekmaroc7Hello! I wanted to ask how can I create a Hotspot? Xubuntu says that my WiFi chip doesn't support that although that isn't true.18:20
malekmaroc7Is that driver-related?18:21
diogenes_malekmaroc7, if proprietary broadcom then yes, driver, however you can create ad-hoc or cable share.18:22
malekmaroc7I use a TP Link WiFi module18:23
malekmaroc7I guess I can't use broadcom right?18:24
diogenes_You can use broadcom but with free driver.18:25
malekmaroc7I see, then I'm able to create hotspot right?18:25
malekmaroc7Okay. I will try that out, thank you!18:26
malekmaroc7I have another question18:26
malekmaroc7For example, when I want to install Xubuntu on my Laptop where Windows 10 is already installed, why it doesn't detect Windows 10?18:28
diogenes_What do you mean? It detects other OSes only after the installation at grub-update stage and grub is the last package that's installed.18:30
malekmaroc7I mean if I select the installation path (or partition) it says “No other OS detected...” (~)18:32
malekmaroc7Although Windows 10 is previously installed18:32
diogenes_If win is installed in UEFI then you need to create a fat32 /boot/efi partition.18:34
malekmaroc7I have a 32 GB partition (:D)18:49
malekmaroc7“(diogenes_) If win is installed in UEFI then you need to create a fat32 /boot/efi partition.”18:49
malekmaroc7Through the xubuntu installer?18:50
diogenes_malekmaroc7, yes.18:50
malekmaroc7I see. After the successful installation of xubuntu there, I get an option what OS to boot during the start up of the PC right?18:51
diogenes_malekmaroc7, yes18:56
malekmaroc7Got it18:57
malekmaroc7Thank you very much for the help!18:57
diogenes_you're welcome18:58

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