
=== jamesh__ is now known as jamesh
mupPR snapcraft#3004 opened: storeapi: add channel-map endpoint <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3004>01:22
mupPR snapcraft#3003 closed: repo: always use host source lists and remove those found in plugins <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3003>01:46
mupPR snapcraft#3001 closed: repo: type annotations and mypy fixes for base <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3001>03:37
mupPR snapcraft#3002 closed: repo: use functools.lru_cache for dpkg -L queries <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3002>03:37
mborzeckifinally some green in PRs, however the status from travis was not updated for somer PRs even though the actual job was successful05:34
mborzeckimvo: hey06:07
mborzeckimvo: the LXD PR is green06:07
mvomborzecki: nice06:12
mvomborzecki: hm, that's strange, I don't see an update06:12
* mvo is confused06:12
mborzeckimvo: hm? try refreshing the page06:26
mupPR snapcraft#3005 opened: Change dotnet runtime version from snapcraft.yaml <Created by amka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3005>06:41
zygagood morning06:47
zygaman it's late today06:47
mborzeckizyga: hey06:47
zygaanything eventful06:49
zygaI EOD and then worked more and EOD after midnight06:49
zygahow are you mvo? did you sleep at all?06:50
* zyga sips coffee and wakes up06:54
zyga-3 outside, no people06:54
mvozyga: hey, I'm good, thank you06:58
zygahey pawel07:06
zygapstolowski: do you walk your dog in the morning?07:06
zygawas it all snowy as well?07:06
pstolowskizyga: no, it's cold but sunny07:07
zygait was white outside here07:08
zygaso weird07:08
zygamborzecki: hmmm, command foo should run foo without using built-in things, right?07:18
mborzeckizyga: built in?07:18
zygabuilt into shell07:19
zygaecho vs /usr/bin/echo or /bin/echo or whatever07:19
zygacommand %q foo works in bash07:19
zygacommand printf %q foo works in bash07:19
zyga /usr/bin/printf %q foo works in anything07:19
zygabut command printf %q foo doesn't work in dash07:19
* zyga re-reads the man page07:19
mborzeckioh dash, idk ;)07:20
zygait's going for the builtin anyway07:20
mborzeckizyga: there's probably some footnote in posix spec that say why it should do that07:20
zygaah sorry07:21
zygacommand is not what I think it is07:21
zygait just skips functions07:21
zygait passes :DDDD07:41
zygaI need to watch over Lucy for two hours08:11
zygaI'll be back later08:11
mupPR snapd#8385 opened: tests/main/user-session-env: stop the user session before deleting the test-zsh user <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8385>08:13
jameshmborzecki: ^^^ I wouldn't mind a review of the above, since it is for a test you wrote08:14
mborzeckijamesh: sure08:14
zygajamesh: reviewed08:18
jameshzyga: thanks08:24
mborzeckiheh, so i added the changes to do an immediate system reboot when install is complete, and the whole process feels much faster now :P08:27
zygamborzecki: nothing like reboot to speed up computers ;)08:32
* zyga has IRC but needs to pay attention to lucy until wife is back08:33
mupPR snapd#8386 opened: many: support immediate reboot <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8386>08:34
mborzeckirebooting to recovery feels nice too now08:35
mborzeckiit will also shave some time off the uc20 test prepare phase08:36
mborzeckiehhh Mar 31 07:05:20 mar310653-786350 50-motd-news[3511]: /etc/update-motd.d/50-motd-news: 131: /etc/update-motd.d/50-motd-news: cannot create /var/cache/motd-news: Read-only file system08:36
mborzeckithat's why google:ubuntu-core-16-64:tests/main/degraded is failing08:37
mborzeckiwhy do we even have motd-news.service there?08:37
mborzeckimvo: ^^ do you recall why it's included?08:37
mborzeckioh and `HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable` when POSTing to https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh08:38
jameshpedronis: I think I've covered everything in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5822 (user-daemons PR).  The intermittent failure was due to an existing test not properly cleaning up.08:38
mupPR #5822: wrappers: allow user mode systemd daemons <:birthday:> <Needs Samuele review> <β›” Blocked> <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5822>08:39
mvomborzecki: in a meeting right now08:51
pedronisjamesh: thansk, I will review it again tomorrow09:03
jameshpedronis: thanks09:03
zygamborzecki: same bug we had in core1809:03
mborzeckihmmm, let me see the fix there09:03
mupPR snapd#8387 opened: store: search v2 tweaks <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8387>09:13
zygaeh, fun09:20
zygacore systems don't have writable /var/lib/systemd09:20
zygaso they cannot get /var/lib/systemd/linger09:20
mvomborzecki: re motd-news.service> no idea, sounds wrong09:21
zygamvo: same bug we had in core16, core18 and now core2009:21
mvozyga: uh, what is linger ?09:21
zygamvo: it's something we just inherit from ubuntu09:21
mborzeckimvo: it's removed in core20 and core18, but not core09:21
mvomborzecki: aha, sounds like an oversight then09:21
zygamvo: linger is a directory used by systemd to indicate that a user may have session services running while not being logged in09:21
mvozyga: I see, we can add it to the writable dirs if it's needed09:22
zygamvo: I need it to make test non-racy09:22
zygamvo: I think I can cope with test specific workaround but let's keep that option open09:22
mborzeckiactually the fix in core18 is weird, https://github.com/snapcore/core18/blob/master/hooks/014-set-motd.chroot#L27-L3109:22
mborzeckiit removes the services and then update is disabled?09:22
mborzeckifwiw, the timers.target.wants/motd-news.timer symlink is left behind in 18 and 2009:22
zygamborzecki: nice09:23
zygalet's fix it :)09:23
zygaI think the services should have conditions09:23
zygainstead of hooks remving them09:23
zygait would "scale" better09:23
zygaand since it's a ubuntu thing IIRC, we should have no problems adding that09:23
mborzeckiso update-motd is hooked up to pam? wtf?09:25
mborzeckizyga: see pam_motd09:28
zygaand we are struggling with PATH09:29
zygawe should just add pam_snapd09:29
zygamore lucy time09:29
mupPR core#111 opened: live-build/hooks/motd: disable dynamic motd, disable motd services <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/111>09:35
mupPR core18#149 opened: hooks/motd: cleanup dangling symlink, fix typo <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/149>09:37
mupPR core20#31 opened: hooks/motd: disable dynamic motd, cleanup dangling symlink <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/core20/pull/31>09:40
* zyga spawns a test for core workaround and goes back to luck09:41
mupPR snapd#8388 opened: cmd/snap,seed: validate full seeds (UC 16/18) <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8388>09:44
pedronismvo: ^09:45
mvopedronis: thanks09:46
zygaok, core systems now pass09:54
zygaonly centos-7 and amazonlinux with ancient printf09:54
zygalet's reimplement %q09:54
popeyMy laptop locked up last night, had to hard-reboot. Now no snaps will run09:55
popeycannot change profile for the next exec call: No such file or directory09:55
popeysnap-update-ns failed with code 1: No such file or directory09:55
popeyAnyone seen that before?09:55
zygapopey: I would help but check my Twitter09:56
popeyi would check your twitter but I can't open my browser09:56
zygaMaybe nothing mounted09:56
zygaMaybe partial dpkg update?09:57
zygacan you get root09:58
popeyi can09:58
popeyno dpkg in flight, i see squashfs files mounted09:58
zygaCan you dpkg β€”configure -a09:58
zygaCan you snap list?09:58
zygaSnaps not broken ok09:59
zygaCan you snap changes?09:59
zygaAnything in flight?09:59
zygaCan you snap run something?10:00
popeycannot change profile for the next exec call: No such file or directory10:00
popeysnap-update-ns failed with code 1: File exists10:00
zygaCan you systemctl status apparmor.service10:01
pedronispstolowski: some comments to #838710:01
mupPR #8387: store: search v2 tweaks <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8387>10:01
pstolowskipedronis: ty10:02
zygaCan you as-status please?10:02
zyga(Tying form memory, hope that is the one)10:02
popeyi dont think that's it10:04
mborzeckihmm snapcraft segfault?10:04
zygamborzecki: help, afk, help popey list loaded aa profiles please10:05
mborzeckipopey: sudo aa-status10:05
zygapopey: does the revision of core in that output match what the current points to on your system?10:06
zygaAnd is the list of snaps the same as those you see in that output?10:07
popeythat's not a long list of snaps10:07
popeysnap list shows me 88 snaps10:08
zygaCan you SNAP_CONFINE_DEBUG=yes snap run something please10:08
mupPR snapd#8332 closed: gadget: SystemDefaults helper for FilesystemOnlyApply (2/N) <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8332>10:09
zygaSo, snap-update-ns.null is absent10:11
zygaCan you look at /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles10:11
zygaIs it there?10:12
popeyyes, lots in there10:12
zygaAnd that list is larger than aa-status, right?10:12
zygaCan you look at journal log of apparmor.service10:13
zygaI wonder if apparmor loaded stuff10:13
zygaAt the same time snapd rewrote profiles10:14
zygaTo fix tour machine please restart apparmor.service10:14
* popey tries that10:14
zygaSorry for the silly typos from phone correction10:14
popeyaa-status is much longer now10:14
zygaCheck if that makes null work10:15
popeyi can run snaps10:15
zygaLook through timeline10:15
popeygive your baby a hug from me10:15
zygaOf startup uf10:15
zygaApparmor servir10:15
zygaApparmor service10:15
zygaAnd snapd service10:15
zygaMaybe we are racing?10:15
zygaIf they overlap that is a bug10:15
zygaAnd thank you for reporting10:15
popeya bug in snapd or apparmor?10:16
zygaShe is hugging me constantly now (sleeping)10:16
zygaIn our units10:16
zygaWe may need after=10:16
zygaSo please check the time stamps carefully10:16
pedronismborzecki: I started reviewing your immediate reboot PR but need to go have lunch first10:16
zygaTime stamps on those files in /v/l/a/profiles10:16
mborzeckipedronis: ok, enjoy your lunch :)10:17
* pstolowski lunch & errand10:19
mborzeckiehh the core build process :/10:21
zygait passes on centos10:32
zygarunning final check on amazon10:33
zygaliberated :)10:43
zygawe should fix 20 images10:48
zygaGDM is running10:48
zygaI bet that's not free10:48
zygamvo: ^10:48
zygaubuntu-20.04-64 has GDM running10:48
mvozyga: uh, nice find10:52
mvozyga: let's talk to sergio about this10:52
zygawe know about this10:58
zygajust reminding because it affects a test10:58
zygait's pulled in by evolution-data-server10:58
zygamvo: I'll talk to him today11:01
pedronismborzecki: I did a pass11:20
mborzeckipedronis: thanks, let me check the comments11:20
pedronismborzecki: it looks good, mostly comments on details11:20
ijohnsonhey folks11:47
pstolowskihey ijohnson11:50
zygahey ian :)11:51
ijohnsonhey zyga pstolowski11:52
ijohnsonhow's it going ?11:52
zygamaking progress today11:53
ijohnsonnice, my internet kept cutting out for a couple minutes at a time yesterday, so I'm hoping today it's more stable11:55
mborzeckipstolowski: please take another look at #837612:04
mupPR #8376: daemon: make POST /v2/systems/<label> root only <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8376>12:04
mupPR snapd#8389 opened: tests: make session tool way more robust <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8389>12:04
jdstrande/win 512:14
pedronispstolowski: I reviewed your PRs12:39
pstolowskipedronis: thank you12:40
pstolowskimborzecki: perhaps you could make 2nd review of #8343?12:43
mupPR #8343: config, features: move and rename config.GetFeatureFlag helper to features.Flag <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8343>12:43
mborzeckipstolowski: sure, will do12:43
zygamvo: I'll add my notes in a moment,13:16
zygaI try to add them every day when I EOD13:16
mvozyga: no worries13:23
mvozyga: just makes it easier to catchup on details13:24
zygaI can do them before the standup and at EOD next time13:24
zygamy favourite APIs are FooEx13:26
zygathey usually work better than Foo13:26
zygaI wonder if this is how FedEx got the name :P13:26
diddledanis it possible to export the launchpad authentication key for use in CI so I can trigger `snapcraft remote-build` from GitHub Actions?13:35
diddledanmy use case is I want more control over which channel I release builds into instead of always going into edge, so I thought to use remote-build in a GitHub Action to get all the architectures built and then in GitHub Actions release them appropriately to alternative channels than edge.13:37
diddledanGithub Actions itself is not good for building because it doesn't support ALL the architectures13:38
ackkhi, is there a way for a snap to inspect which slot/plugs it has?13:39
ackkI guess it can read meta/snap.yaml, is there a better way?13:39
cjp256diddledan: i suppose you could if you constructed the correct credential file for launchpad `$HOME/.local/share/snapcraft/provider/launchpad/credentials` first13:42
zygaI opened https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/838913:47
mupPR #8389: tests: make session tool way more robust <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8389>13:47
zygawith some luck tests will not fail on anything random in other tests13:47
diddledandon't trust tests that don't fail!13:48
diddledanmind you, you shouldn't trust failing tests, either ;-p13:48
diddledanI _always_ end up having to fix my tests rather than fixing my code because I wrote the test wrong13:48
ijohnsonackk: do you mean connected slots / plugs ?13:56
ijohnsonackk: if so then yes use `snapctl is-connected <name>`13:56
=== Raboo_ is now known as Raboo
ackkijohnson, no, I mean get the list of names13:56
ackkijohnson, it seems like looking in snap.yaml would do it, but I was wondering if there was a snapctl way13:57
ijohnsonyes, parsing snap.yaml is the best way to just get all the plugs and slots you have13:57
ackkijohnson, thanks13:57
ijohnsonyou would have to be slightly careful because you can have for example global plugs in the snap.yaml that apply to every app, and you can have global plugs that are only used in certain places13:58
pedronismborzecki: did you see this comment https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8386#discussion_r400830653 ?13:58
mupPR #8386: many: support immediate reboot <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8386>13:58
mupPR snapd#8297 closed: tests: session-tool improvements <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8297>13:58
ackkijohnson, ah yeah, I was talking specifically about the global ones (like content interfaces)13:59
ackkijohnson, thanks13:59
ijohnsonyes global plugs are bit tricky to work with in figuring out which app/hook they end up applying to13:59
ackkijohnson, does "is-connected" work for app-specific plugs as well?13:59
mborzeckipedronis: heh, missed it when fixing code14:00
ijohnsonackk: yes `snapctl is-connected` does the right thing depending on which app/snap it was called from and which plugs that app/snap has14:00
mborzeckipedronis: thanks for spotting this14:00
ijohnsonackk: (unless there are bugs of course)14:00
ackkijohnson, cool, thanks14:00
pedronismborzecki: apart from that +1 with a suggestion for one of the local vars14:01
cjwatsondiddledan: snapcraft remote-build tokens currently expire after a week14:18
cjwatsonWe might make this more flexible in future, but that's the way it is for now.  It was just enough to get going, without having to implement proper token persistence in order that users can revoke them14:18
* zyga takes a break to eat lunch14:26
mborzeck1omg #8371 has 2 +1, is finally green but the status wasn't reported back to github14:27
mupPR #8371: overlord/devicestate, daemon: record the seed current system was installed from <Needs Samuele review> <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8371>14:27
=== mborzeck1 is now known as mborzecki
mvomborzecki: I can take care of it14:30
mborzeckimvo: i've restarted the cla check, maybe this will update the status14:30
mborzeckimvo: ah you merged it, thanks!14:30
mupPR snapd#8371 closed: overlord/devicestate, daemon: record the seed current system was installed from <Needs Samuele review> <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8371>14:31
mvomborzecki: yeah, no need to run spread again and wait forever for silly issues like this, I can just override the failure14:32
mborzeckimvo: travis getting out of sync with gh is so frustrating lately14:32
mborzecki(hope it's not foul play on gh side to promote gh actions though)14:33
pedronismborzecki: it #8369 ready for re-review by me?14:36
mupPR #8369: boot, overlord/devicestate, daemon:  implement requesting boot into a given recovery system <Needs Samuele review> <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8369>14:36
mborzeckipedronis: yes it should be14:37
mvomborzecki: yeah, we need to switch to gh actions all the way14:42
zygasome store woes14:42
ijohnsonmborzecki: so I got serial console logs from cachio on a failed uc20 reboot from #837314:42
mupPR #8373: tests/lib/prepare.sh: use only initrd from the kernel snap <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8373>14:42
zygaand I didn't go to eat anything14:43
* zyga is gone14:43
ijohnsonmborzecki: does this sound familiar?14:43
mborzeckiijohnson: heh, yeah14:43
mborzeckiijohnson: that's what i was talking about ;)14:43
ijohnsonso weird14:44
mborzeckiijohnson: i had dumpes of find between the new skeleton and the extracted one, but was not able to conclude anything meaningful out of that14:45
ijohnsonso it looks like /main/init in the unpacked initrd skeleton is a symlink to usr/lib/systemd/systemd14:45
mborzeckiijohnson: afaik it shuld be14:47
ijohnsonand that's the same in both the distro skeleton and the unpacked skeleton :-(14:47
mborzeckiijohnson: notice that when extrating the initrd tar (?) complains about some symlinks14:48
mborzeckiperhaps they should all contain /14:48
ijohnsonmborzecki: hmm I don't see that complaint, when do you see that ?14:50
ackkdoes snapcraft 3.11 support core20-based snaps?14:50
mborzeckiijohnson: i saw it when extracting the initrd, tar was stripping / from symlinks14:50
ijohnsonmborzecki: you mean like from inside unmkinitramfs ?14:51
ijohnsonI don't see where we are using tar directly anywhere14:51
mborzeckiijohnson: heh no longer there :/15:02
mupPR snapd#8390 opened: state: add state.CopyState() helper <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8390>15:04
ijohnsonmborzecki: ah interesting there's:15:17
ijohnsonbut I don't see that when I run the same code on my focal desktop :-/15:17
mborzeckiijohnson: yup, that's what i saw15:17
mborzeckiand yeah, it's cpio not tar15:18
ijohnsonah so there's a new version of initramfs-tools-core available that's not installed in the google images15:20
mborzeckitime to wrap it up for today15:22
mupPR snapd#8391 opened: tests: fix cross buidl tests when installing dependencies <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8391>15:26
xnoxhelp snap command fails for me15:34
xnox$ snap info --verbose --arch arm64 pi15:34
xnoxerror: unknown flag `arch'15:34
xnoxhow do i get the id of pi snap?15:34
ijohnsonha! https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=946267 is the source of this confusion I bet15:45
* ijohnson lunches15:45
xnoxpedronis:  right, i have now used obsolete snap-tool that was removed from livecd-rootfs which talks to the store to find that out.15:50
xnoxpedronis:  i wish either snapcraft or snap commands would support --arch --channel when calling like info or status, to get these things from the store.15:50
xnoxsetting UBUNTU_STORE_ARCH=arm64 did not help, like it does with `download` command.15:50
pedronisthat's been request and is in the backlog but we haven't got to it yet15:51
pstolowskimvo: hey, what's the target date for 2.44.1?16:06
pedronispstolowski: you mean .2 ?16:09
pstolowskipedronis: right, yes16:10
pedronisbecause .1 is going stable now16:10
pstolowskipedronis: yes i mean the next one, with search v216:12
mvopstolowski: about a week from now, why?16:13
pstolowskimvo: Tony was asking16:13
mupPR snapd#8392 opened: tests: remove google-tpm backend from spread.yaml <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Skip spread> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8392>16:13
mvopstolowski: aha, for searchv2?16:15
jdstrandroadmr: hi! can you pull 20200330-2212UTC? note, this has changes that use statefulness for base snaps16:37
jdstrandkenvandine: fyi, that is part of the work needed for the freedesktop base snap ^16:37
kenvandinejdstrand: great16:49
roadmrjdstrand: interesting - yes, I'll queue it up :)16:50
jdstrandroadmr: thanks!17:02
ijohnsoncachio: how can I get a debian package updated in the ubuntu-2004-64-virt-uefi-enabled image ?17:05
ijohnsoncachio: I need the cpio and initramfs-tools-core debian packages updated in the images17:05
cachioijohnson, Iwell ubuntu-2004-64-virt-enabled is updated17:11
ijohnsoncachio: but the cpio package on that image is out of date17:11
cachioI am cleaning the uefi ones because those are by deault now17:11
ijohnsonI have just confirmed this now, it has 2.13+dfsg-1 but it needs 2.13+dfsg-217:12
cachiojust update the spread.yaml with ubuntu-2004-64-virt-enabled17:12
cachioI think this should work17:12
cachioin that case give me 10 minuttes, I'll update that image17:13
ijohnsoncachio: see https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8373#issuecomment-60675886717:14
mupPR #8373: tests/lib/prepare.sh: use only initrd from the kernel snap <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8373>17:14
ijohnsoncachio: so should I file a PR to change ubuntu-2004-64-virt-uefi-enabled to ubuntu-2004-64-virt-enabled ?17:14
cachiojust do it in the one which is failing17:15
cachioto make it quickly17:15
ijohnsoncachio: ack will push that up to 837317:15
cachioijohnson, so17:17
cachiogoogle:ubuntu-20.04-64-virt-enabled .../tasks/google/start-instance# apt-cache policy cpio17:17
cachio  Installed: 2.13+dfsg-217:17
cachio  Candidate: 2.13+dfsg-217:17
cachioso ubuntu-20.04-64-virt-enabled is ok17:17
ijohnsoncachio: great17:17
ijohnsoncachio: I pushed up that change to the PR, let's see how it does in travis/spread17:20
cachioijohnson, nice17:23
* cachio lunch17:38
mupPR snapd#8385 closed: tests/main/user-session-env: stop the user session before deleting the test-zsh user <Created by jhenstridge> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8385>17:58
zygasnapd fails to restore  https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/dPL09dsG/18:46
zygaleftover LXD mount points https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/s2YhSMhf/18:47
zygacachio: ^ FYI18:47
zygawe should unmount those when we remove lxd18:47
zygaas otherwise we crash in postrm18:47
zygamvo: ^ LXD mount points are breaking snapd dpkg postrm18:48
cachiozyga, ok, is this caused because of the last change in the lxd snap?18:48
zygaI suspect it's a race18:48
zygaunless they just pushed something18:48
zygaI just saw this for the first time18:48
zygaand I've been running tests all day18:49
zygabut our cleanup step needs to special case lxd18:49
zygaand unmount anything it mounted18:49
zygawhich can change at any time18:49
cachiook, in case they change something we are gonna need to make another change18:50
cachioI'll leave some checks to validate we cleaned all the moounts18:50
zygaI'll grab a beer18:52
zygacachio: we need to fix our postrm sadly18:52
zygacachio: not only our test stack18:53
* zyga is a bit depressed after fighting bugs and compatibility across several releases of various distributions18:53
mvozyga: in the tests?18:56
zygaI'm running tests with -repeat18:56
zygastressing the fixes I made18:56
zygaand I find lots of funky bugs18:57
mvozyga: is it a real bug that happens when someone removes the lxd snap too?18:57
mvozyga: or just test internal?18:57
zygaI suspect it depends on how you remove it18:57
cachiozyga, mvo I never saw that in the travis logs18:57
zygabut I suspect apt --purge snapd at the right time can cause that18:57
zygasince we rely on rm -rf stuff18:57
zygaand lxd does create mount points beyond our control18:58
pedronisafaict it doesn't have a remove hook19:06
zygaperhaps it should19:07
zygato clean up19:07
pedronisanyway in theory we should run remove hooks when we are trying to remove snaps19:08
pedroniswouldn't help here because there isn't one19:08
zygaI agree19:35
* zyga EODs depressingly19:36
jdstrandzyga: sorry you EOD'd depressingly. fyi, I will be doing PR reviews tomorrow, including yours19:43
zygajdstrand: no worries, it's just ... tough sometimes19:48
zygajdstrand: my thoughts on this are https://twitter.com/zygoon/status/124506298835838976719:49
mupPR snapd#8388 closed: cmd/snap,seed: validate full seeds (UC 16/18) <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8388>20:19
mupPR core20#31 closed: hooks/motd: disable dynamic motd, cleanup dangling symlink <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by xnox> <https://github.com/snapcore/core20/pull/31>20:44
jdstrandzyga: :\20:50
ijohnsonjdstrand: hey did you see my ping from a few months ago on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1656340 ?21:50
mupBug #1656340: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not created on app startup <bionic> <cosmic> <eco-team> <xenial> <Snappy:Triaged by zyga> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1656340>21:50
mupPR snapcraft#3005 closed: Change dotnet runtime version from snapcraft.yaml <Created by amka> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3005>22:04
jdstrandijohnson: I did. opinions abound and there is no resolution atm. there was a discussion which I captured in trello where I am to sketch out my thought on how to implement things and why. it isn't roadmapped so it is under other things22:05
ijohnsonjdstrand: ack that's fair thanks for the heads-up22:18
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8389 should go green23:08
mupPR #8389: tests: make session tool way more robust <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8389>23:08
zygait's such a terrible thing, it's still imperfect23:08
zygabut the error rate is lower23:08
zygaand I don't know why it fails (not yet) perhaps just bugs in old systemd/logind23:09
zygaI only saw failures on amazon linux 2 and debian 923:09

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