
EggSpurtguys LAST TIME I install 20 my battery stopped charging and I had to sdend my laptop for repair, is there some bug or was this just a normal hardwares failure? HP did not specify the cause they just sent the laptop back00:58
EggSpurtdoes Ubuntu 20 break the firmwarez?00:58
kinghatis 20.04 supposed to be faster on older systems? I have a core 2 duo Dell laptop01:20
kinghatit struggles but might toss 20.04 on it and see if it does any better01:21
kinghatthink I have neon on it currently01:21
Bashing-omkinghat: (x)ubuntu 20.04 does adbirably for me on this ole dual core Athlon system.01:29
kinghatnever used xubuntu01:30
kinghatstay away from stock?01:31
Bashing-omkinghat: Just say'n - For my mind set xfce for the DE works well.01:33
kinghat👌 I'll give her a go01:33
kinghatwhat's xfce built on?01:34
Bashing-omkinghat: xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce as the DE.01:36
kinghati just meant what is it built on, Qt?01:41
kinghatanyways i think i was running the laptop OS off a usb stick vs the hdd inside it01:42
Bashing-omkinghat: Do not recall the build - running on a USB stick will be slow as the USB speed is that limiting factor.01:44
kinghatew centrino 2 😂01:56
kinghatI think I was using the USB stick as the drive so the laptop didn't get so hot02:00
lotuspsychjegood morning02:06
kinghatit's got SATA.. wonder if I can replace this things HDD for small SSD02:19
lotuspsychjehey kinghat 02:19
kinghatjust installing xubunto 20 on this old af Dell laptop02:20
Bashing-omkinghat: Well - I did replace my HDD with a SSD , got to enable AHCI, can  be a real trick to figure out how on old hardware.02:26
kinghatya that's what SATA is currently set to in the BIOS. I had to get in there for a sec.02:27
kinghatshould just pop in a x86 SOC in the cavity and figure out how to use the laptops screen and keyboard.02:31
kinghatthere battery is already shot and I just run it off direct power02:31
aliendude5300Not sure if known bug, but Dash to Dock settings does not work on stock Ubuntu 12.04 installation. If you right click the "Show Applications",  click settings, it'll trigger an error indicating gnome-shell-extension-prefs is missing. 02:36
aliendude530020.04** Not 12.04. I've been using Ubuntu for a long time, and must have gotten some wires crossed lol02:38
aliendude5300I am guessing gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock is the package a bug should be filed against?02:39
kinghatnow I remember why I stopped with this laptop, the wifi died and failed to connect02:45
kinghatand I'm getting wifi through my phone's BT03:06
EggSpurtkinghat if you want fast look into Clear Linux04:18
EggSpurtactually i find Ubuntu, even full Kubuntu quite usable even on old systems04:19
EggSpurtif its 64 bit it'll go04:19
kinghatyeah it surprisingly is 64bit04:21
kinghattrying Ubuntu focal atm04:21
lotuspsychjepsymin: awake?04:58
psyminlotuspsychje, yes05:21
lotuspsychjepsymin: tell me how the fix worked out with that libpango?05:22
lotuspsychjemy apt is giving error too now05:22
psyminworked great05:22
psyminI downloaded two debs, did dpkg -i on them, and we're golden05:22
lotuspsychjehow can i purge that manual minecraft deb?05:23
psyminapt remove minecraft-launcher05:23
psyminI think05:23
lotuspsychjetnx tat worked05:24
lotuspsychjeapt going again :p05:24
psyminor apt --fix-broken install05:25
lotuspsychjetnx for updating that bug05:25
lotuspsychjegood morning pmjdebruijn 07:31
pmjdebruijnhi folks, does anybody know whether there is an alternate installer ISO for 20.04 already?07:31
lotuspsychjepmjdebruijn: currently the new server installer is being revamped07:31
lotuspsychjenot tested myself, but this should be the new installer method: https://linuxconfig.org/ubuntu-20-04-server-installation07:33
pmjdebruijnoh, _that's_ the installer I don't want07:34
lotuspsychjei see, maybe tomreyn or ducasse might know ^07:34
pmjdebruijnthe old debian installer simply did not need replacement really07:34
pmjdebruijnand there's installer customization we did, that we'd like to keep using07:35
lotuspsychje<tomreyn> i would also assume that http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/focal-server-amd64.iso (779MB) is debian-installer (which you could try) and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-live/current/focal-live-server-amd64.iso (911M) is subiquity (the 'new' default installer you have supposedly tried so far). both were built on march 29, 2020.07:35
pmjdebruijnalso, I noticed removing cloud-init also removes the ubuntu-server metapackage, which seems a bit bizarre07:38
lotuspsychjeim more the desktop guy, so dont know that one pmjdebruijn 07:39
pmjdebruijnthanks for the hint to the isos!07:40
lotuspsychjecredits to tomreyn :p07:41
lotuspsychjepmjdebruijn: there is also a current testing team for 20.04 available in #ubuntu-quality if you want to help/share bugs07:45
pmjdebruijnpossibly, let do an install first07:46
lotuspsychjesure thing, good luck!07:47
lotuspsychje!info konsole07:54
ubottukonsole (source: konsole): X terminal emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:19.12.3-0ubuntu1 (focal), package size 732 kB, installed size 3874 kB07:54
alkisglibpango1.0-0 is now libpangox-1.0-0 so "anydesk" has dependency failures. Should I file a bug for the renamed package to "Provides:the-old-one", or should I just create a fake package to satisfy anydesk?09:08
RikMillsalkisg: bug already exists and fix is currently in proposed pocket and hopefully migrating before the beta09:09
alkisgGreat, thank you RikMills09:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1869716 in pango1.0 (Ubuntu) "Removing libpango1.0-0 broke Minecraft Launcher " [High,Fix committed]09:09
lotuspsychjewelcome halvors 10:20
halvorsUbuntu just uninstalled all the kernels, why did it do that?10:20
lotuspsychjehalvors: can you pastebin what apt did exactly please?10:21
halvorsI'm unsure when that happend.10:22
lotuspsychjehalvors: lets see what gives: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade10:22
halvorsno packages to install10:23
lotuspsychjeuname -a ?10:23
halvors5.4.0-18-generic, but that doesn't exist anymore.-10:25
halvorsI did not reboot.10:25
lotuspsychjehalvors: can you pastebin your dpkg log?10:25
halvorslotuspsychje: Seems the reason somehow is that i installed the latest kernel from the mainline kernel ppa. But that would not remove the 5.4 kernel right? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fHS8QqwkSJ/10:30
lotuspsychjehalvors: try to reinstall current official kernel for 20.04, then sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade after to see what it does10:32
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic10:32
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (focal), package size 2 kB, installed size 17 kB10:32
halvorslotuspsychje: It says it is already installed, but update-grub does not list it.10:33
lotuspsychjehalvors: was this a clean install 20.04 or upgrade?10:33
halvorsit was clean10:33
lotuspsychjehalvors: what about if you try to purge the current kernel, what does apt say then?10:35
halvorslotuspsychje: will try10:35
halvorsstill no packages to install10:37
lotuspsychjehow about sudo apt autoremove10:37
halvorsnothing there either.10:37
lotuspsychjeok thats weird10:38
lotuspsychjenothing to install, nothing to purge..10:38
halvorsBut it did remove linux-modules-5.4.0-1002-oem earlier10:38
halvorsInstalling that package manually does nothing.10:39
lotuspsychjehalvors: are your sources all enabled properly?10:39
halvorsapt sources you mean?10:39
lotuspsychjeapt policy linux-image-generic ?10:40
lotuspsychjesays its installed10:44
luna_RikMills: thanks for the information over Telegram10:45
halvorsyes, question is why it's not being picked up by grub?10:45
lotuspsychjehalvors: did you sudo update-grub correctly?10:45
halvorsYes. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PHWPcqkxN8/10:47
lotuspsychjeweird it still picks one of your mainlines10:47
lotuspsychjehalvors: ah maybe it didnt install your headers n all?10:49
halvorsthe 5.4 kernel?10:49
lotuspsychjeapt policy linux-headers-5.4.0-14-generic10:50
halvorsthat does not exist, but why did apt remove it?10:50
halvorsit's just a clean install with mainline kernel installed on top of it.10:50
lotuspsychjehalvors: that can happen sometimes with messing with mainline kernels, i also had that once10:51
lotuspsychjei had to reinstall source, image and headers couple of times till grub showed it10:51
lotuspsychjemake sure you got all 3 for 5.410:51
halvorslinux-headers-5.4.0-18-generic is installed10:52
lotuspsychjelinux-generic* linux-image-generic*10:54
lotuspsychjethen sudo update-grub again10:56
halvorslotuspsychje: Think i'll just reinstall ubuntu and take a snapshot to easily rollback to installed state.10:58
halvorsAnd then start experimenting10:58
halvorsAll the linux-generic, linux-headers and linux-image-generic is installed.10:59
lotuspsychjeno dice?10:59
halvorslotuspsychje: dice?11:01
lotuspsychjehalvors: i mean no luck with grub?11:02
halvorsdoesn't seem that way11:03
halvorsone thing i noticed was it was only 1 kernel installed.11:03
halvorsusually it's 211:03
halvorsbut that is maybe just because of updates?11:03
lotuspsychjemaybe some glitch by playing with mainline11:07
halvorslotuspsychje: thanks for help, will look more into it after fresh installed11:11
=== nathanaelnaeri is now known as nael_n
nael_nWhen I select multiple images and/or videos and press enter, eog opens the images in as many windows, and totem opens only one video. In the previous release I used (18.04), the files were opened in a sort of gallery/playlist instead. Is the new behavior normal? Or is it a bug?11:35
nael_n(Either way it's inconvenient)11:35
lotuspsychjenael_n: both tested, image viewer & vlc here, 2 windows jump open, no playlist11:43
lotuspsychjeso seems like normal11:45
luna_is to afriad to reboot my PC with 20.04 as i am stuck in UK11:48
luna_kinda hard to ssh in to Swedish if the reboot fails11:48
st-gourichon-fHi. On previous Ubuntu, on program crash I had option to see details, like https://tipsonubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/disable-error-report.jpg . Now no option appears, just cancel or report, like https://www.linuxbabe.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/ubuntu-disable-error-reporting.png . Why? How can I get back the option? (Of course I searched the net, checked in /etc, did some dpkg-reconfigure -plow whoopsie 11:51
st-gourichon-fapport apport-gtk, no progress). Thanks for any hint.11:51
nael_nlotuspschje: thanks for confirming. I meant is this new behavior a feature that the programmers willingly implemented? It's so inconvenient I'm surprised it's a thing11:51
lotuspsychjenael_n: i never actually tested that on 18.04 so not sure11:53
nael_nk thx11:54
lotuspsychjest-gourichon-f: crashes goes to /var/crash11:54
lotuspsychjest-gourichon-f: then if you found a faulty package to bug, use ubuntu-bug packagename11:54
lotuspsychjest-gourichon-f: in systemsettings/diagnostics you can enable/disable manual/auto11:55
lotuspsychjenael_n: lemme test that on my bionic box holdon11:56
lotuspsychjenael_n: ok on bionic, pictures opened 2 windows, but in totem it added both video's in the same window, playing it behind each other11:59
lotuspsychjenael_n: and totem on 20.04 only opens 1 video12:01
nael_nlotuspsychje: OK thanks. This change of behavior is a bit weird. I don't know what to think. I guess it's voluntary.12:03
lotuspsychjenael_n: i guess its not logic, when selecting multiple vids it only opens one12:04
lotuspsychjenael_n: if you file the bug, ill affect it12:04
nael_nIf I remember correctly the whole playlist feature was removed from Totem wasn't it? Perhaps it's the reason12:06
lotuspsychjenael_n: starting totem, you can add video's to the main screen, then play them12:07
lotuspsychjebut even then, one would suspect selecting multiple from nautilus, would at least add them to the main screen?12:08
lotuspsychjemaybe its something they didnt think of?12:09
nael_nlotuspsychje: alright I finally found it: the issue has been present from before 18.04 contrary to what I erroneously remembered, and it's actually an upstream bug in Nautilus, that stems from Flatpak compatibility or something. So it's been here for years and it doesn't look like it's going away any time soon12:16
nael_nLaunchpad bug 1730231 and upstream bug https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/nautilus/issues/11712:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1730231 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Nautilus opens for every mediafile a seperate player when selecting a group of files and pressing Enter" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173023112:17
lotuspsychje!info nautilus bionic12:19
ubottunautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.26.4-0~ubuntu18.04.5 (bionic), package size 790 kB, installed size 3647 kB12:19
lotuspsychjenael_n: whats weird, is on bionic pictures opened twice, but totem grouped my videos12:20
lotuspsychjeso this bug depends on filetypes?12:20
nael_nOr on the application that is launched? Does VLC on Bionic also group your videos?12:21
lotuspsychjelemme test that on bionic vlc12:21
lotuspsychjenael_n: lol, vlc does something even weirder, opens 2 windows, plays 1 video and 1 empty black window with timeline12:24
lotuspsychjesame on 20.0412:24
lotuspsychjethis is ugly12:25
nael_nI don't know if it's worth reporting those differences in behavior just now. Perhaps best to wait for the upstream bug to be fixed, and then see what remains broken12:26
lotuspsychjenael_n: i also found a similar bug with gnome-books, when clicking an epub it does not launch program12:26
lotuspsychjebug #186966712:27
ubottubug 1869667 in gnome-books (Ubuntu) "Open .epub ebook does not launch gnome-books" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186966712:27
lotuspsychjeworks same as totem, you need to open program, then add your files local first, or place them in documents12:28
nael_nI can't confirm sorry, I never use ebooks12:31
lotuspsychjedont worry, was just to show the link between nautilus and the program is not really thinked about well12:32
pmjdebruijnhttps://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/server-installer-plans-for-20-04-lts/13631 anybody know if that's going to be true for the final 20.04 release12:34
pmjdebruijnd-i partman-auto/expert_recipe seems to be broken in the debian-installer version of the 20.04 isos12:36
lotuspsychjethink that will be the idea yeah pmjdebruijn, but as always we will need to wait till final, to see wich features made it, and wich not12:37
lotuspsychjemostly around release times, a lot of news comes out features made, or being pushed till next release, 20.10 in our case12:38
pmjdebruijnany clue of the automation is already present in subiquity?12:38
lotuspsychjesorry havent tested it myself12:39
pmjdebruijnwith automation the new crappy ui doesn't matter as much12:39
lotuspsychjein this stage, its a game of testing a lot of daily's to see new features, as things get worked on daily12:40
lotuspsychjepmjdebruijn: soon beta will come, more stable testing comes along12:42
lotuspsychjewelcome TR1950X 13:17
TR1950Xwhat kernel version is 2020.04 gonna be on? 13:17
lotuspsychjesee the schedule in the topic TR1950X 13:17
hggdhTR1950X: 5.413:20
st-gourichon-flotuspsychje, I have seen the crashes in /var/crash.  In understand that if I can guess the package name from the file in /var/crash I can get the details. Thanks.13:34
=== acheronuk is now known as RikMills
HistoIs there a setting to get tilde to function normally in 20.04?  I can't type tilde in terminal or anywhere it's really annoying14:35
HistoPressing tilde button does some weird focus thing and you can't do any input until pressing it again.14:35
HistoI'd like to be able to cd tilde in terminal again....14:36
HistoAnyone home?14:41
lotuspsychje!patience | Histo 14:42
ubottuHisto: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:42
HistoHas anyone experienced this issue or shall I file a bug?14:43
histoOkay tried under a different user and the key types a backtick not a tilde by default so there is something specific to my user that is causing weird behavior of the itilde key14:53
histoAnyone on a US keyboard in 20.04 if you press the tilde key does it type a backtick or a tilde?15:03
hggdhtilde (US/International)15:05
histoWhy would mine type a backtick by default?15:06
hggdhperhaps wrong layout?15:07
histo@hggdh do you know whwere to change the layout?15:08
histo@hggdh under region and language mine is set to English (US)15:09
histoIs there some other setting I should be looking for?  This is a default install on a lenovo15:11
histoBoth english (us) internation and english (us) type a backtick instead of a tilde. You have to press shfit + backtick to type a tidle15:15
histoIs that normal behavior for US keyboard?  I'm beginning to question my sanity?15:18
psyminyes `15:18
histoMy gawd I'm losing my marbles````~~~~15:22
histoThank you all15:22
luna_http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/ this folder is not updated yet :(16:47
CarlFKwhat's a handy URL to tell someone to browse to to get them here using a browser based chat client? 19:12
CarlFKI kinda remember wechat, I also remember something more ubuntu/canonical based 19:14
oerhekslet them register first with #freenode19:15
CarlFKusing what client?19:28
oerheksweechat in terminal, hexchat in the desktop, tons of options19:28
oerheksweechat is like issi a pain to setup.19:29
CarlFKthere are some js ones that are easy to get going with, that's what I am looking for 19:34
CarlFKmaybe weechat isn't one of them.  I might be thinking of kiwiirc.  19:35
halvorsIs Linux 5.5 planned for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS?21:12
rfmhalvors, I don't know of "plans" but it's not there now and this is beta freeze, can't imagine they'd change kernels after beta.21:17
halvorsok thx21:18
trippehman, this ice lake laptop is rough on 20.0423:33

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