
=== jamesh__ is now known as jamesh
callmepkGood morning01:26
dufluMorning callmepk 01:28
callmepkMorning duflu01:29
kenvandinerobert_ancell: please remember to help with the snap-store-3-36 branch01:29
robert_ancellkenvandine, ack01:29
kenvandinerobert_ancell: btw... good morning :)01:30
robert_ancellkenvandine, that last commit you made should be merged into a620371741f0eb85c837c7ae034b042aea3e609c - do you have everything checked in so I can rebase?01:54
kenvandineI do01:56
=== pieq_ is now known as pieq
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers05:47
dufluHi oSoMoN 05:56
oSoMoNhey duflu05:56
oSoMoNduflu, thanks for triaging my bug report, and for marking the second one a duplicate of the first one, I have no idea how I managed to file the same bug twice, concurrently06:06
dufluoSoMoN, no problem. Happens occasionally06:06
oSoMoNI think my mouse might be playing tricks on me, issuing very fast double clicks06:06
dufluYes that happens too06:07
didrocksgood morning06:27
seb128lut didrocks, good morning desktopers!06:29
didrockssalut seb128 06:36
dufluMorning didrocks and seb128 06:38
didrockshey duflu 06:38
seb128hey duflu06:40
seb128how are you?06:40
seb128didrocks, ça va ?06:40
oSoMoNsalut didrocks, seb128 06:40
seb128lut oSoMoN, comment ça va ?06:40
didrocksseb128: ça va, et toi ?06:41
didrockssalut oSoMoN 06:41
seb128didrocks, pas encore bien réveillé mais sinon ça va :)06:41
oSoMoNça va, ça va06:42
dufluseb128, sorry I missed that. I'm well other than a headache. You?07:04
seb128duflu, a bit tired but good otherwise!07:04
dufluseb128, about that missing spinner... it's still missing but I suspect that's some combination of the machine being so fast that it's never needed for long enough to fade in at all07:37
dufluI will confirm when I update my laptop07:37
dufluOh, no I won't. That laptop can't start the spinner theme for other reasons07:38
dufluThat might be my next task07:38
dufluIt's not missing if I start plymouth manually anyway07:40
marcustomlinsonmorning desktoppers07:50
dufluHi marcustomlinson, welcome back07:50
marcustomlinsonthanks. how are you duflu?07:50
duflumarcustomlinson, I can't complain. How are you?07:51
oSoMoNmornin' marcustomlinson, welcome back!07:51
marcustomlinsonyeah not bad, back at about 85%07:51
marcustomlinsonhey oSoMoN, how goes things?07:51
oSoMoNall good, thanks07:52
didrockshey, welcome back marcustomlinson! Happy to see you around here :)07:53
marcustomlinsonthanks didrocks, it is good to be back (at the desk) :)07:54
marcustomlinsonhow things with you didrocks?07:54
pieqMorning everyone!07:54
seb128hey marcustomlinson, glad to hear that you are better!07:55
seb128lut pieq, how are you?07:55
didrocksmarcustomlinson: good good :)07:55
didrockshey pieq 07:55
jameshwelcome back marcustomlinson 07:55
pieqmarcustomlinson, crazy story! Happy to see you back :)07:55
seb128duflu, yeah, plymouth doesn't look great when it's only displayed for some seconds, sometime the spinner doesn't even get to be displayed...07:56
marcustomlinsonhey pieq seb128 jamesh, thanks :) Hope all is well with you guys07:56
pieqseb128, ça va, but I can't try to reproduce https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/issues/832 cause now the Bluetooth seems broken on my laptop!07:56
gitbotPulseAudio issue 832 in pulseaudio "[Dell Inspiron 7370] External interfaces (BT, USB) show up in the sound output options but the sound keeps being emitted from the internal laptop speaker" [Opened]07:56
seb128we are doing good here yes07:56
pieqseb128, what package should I report broken bluetooth against? bluez?07:56
seb128pieq, oh? kernel?07:56
dufluseb128, if native resolution (UEFI) integration doesn't exist in grub yet then I would like to do that next cycle07:56
pieqseb128, I can see BT devices, I can pair them, but they never connect and obviously I can't output any sound to them07:56
seb128pieq, I would start with the kernel, maybe boot a previous one if you still have those installed07:56
seb128duflu, that sounds a good thing to work on07:57
seb128I've no idea what's the status of things there07:57
dufluWell, x_nox suggested it didn't exist yesterday07:57
seb128pieq, try pairing using bluetoothctl and if it's buggy there as well yes report against bluez07:58
seb128duflu, k, he probably knows better the status than me :)07:58
pieqseb128, yeah I just tried and I have a beautiful "Failed" from bluez :)07:58
pieqI'll try to boot older kernel.07:58
seb128pieq, could still be the kernel07:58
dufluIt's been a while but maybe the fact that I spent most of the 90's hacking real mode graphics might come in handy07:59
pieqseb128, how can I force display grub at boot time?07:59
pieqI tried to keep Shift pressed but it didnt' do anythign07:59
pieqduflu, indeed it is! Thanks08:00
pieqduflu, when you talk about UEFI, you want to bring a better experience for people with very high resolution screen (or very small Full HD screens) when looking at the UEFI boot screen?08:01
duflupieq, as I understand it I think grub doesn't touch the UEFI framebuffer regardless of resolution. It leaves it untouched for plymouth08:01
dufluI am guessing08:01
marcustomlinsonhey Laney08:02
dufluHi Laney08:02
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:02
pieqaaaaaaaan now it's the touchpad that's going crazy08:03
Laneywb marcustomlinson! hey duflu! hi seb128!08:03
* Laney brings round a tray of tiny triangles of toast with a weird foam on top that has an olive stuck in it08:04
seb128Laney, fancy!08:05
* seb128 wants one08:05
Laneyof course sir08:05
Laneyyeah i'm good08:06
Laneygoing to be a beta-y day I think08:06
Laneywhat about you?08:06
seb128I'm good as well, it's nice and sunny (as almost every day since we in lockdown :-/)08:06
seb128going to do bug triage and beta testing day for me08:06
seb128Trevinho, hey, do you know if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons/+bug/1868529 is due to changes of yours/a known issue?08:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1868529 in gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons (Ubuntu) "Stretched picture or pdf preview icon on desktop" [Low,Confirmed]08:08
pieqseb128, hm... I only have 3 kernels available, and it fails miserably on all of them. I'm gonna try to boot up a 19.10 live to see08:16
oSoMoNoh, fancy toast triangles, can haz one?08:26
oSoMoN(good morning Laney)08:26
didrockshey Laney 08:28
pieqseb128, ok, BT pairing/connecting works on 19.10 (5.3.0-18 + bluez 5.50).... so both kernel and bluez are different from 20.04, where should I file the bug then?08:38
seb128pieq, start with bluez I would say08:42
pieqok thanks08:42
WimpressMorning desktopers09:17
pieqseb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/186985709:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1869857 in bluez (Ubuntu) "[Intel 7265][Regression] Cannot connect BT earphones or speakers" [Undecided,New]09:17
pieqhi Wimpress !09:17
seb128hey Wimpress09:18
pieqseb128, should I upstream the issue?09:19
seb128pieq, it's always better to have more eyes on an issue :)09:21
pieqseb128, but I can't find their bugtracker09:21
seb128pieq, I think it's on the kernel bugzilla?09:22
seb128duflu, ^ do you know if that's right?09:22
dufluseb128, yes09:23
dufluMorning Wimpress 09:23
WimpressHey duflu :-)09:24
WimpressI see you made progress with Plymouth.09:24
dufluKind of09:24
dufluStill reporting more bugs than I fix09:28
xnoxseb128:  right, and after plymouth with 104.patch lands on the iso, i will still need to hunt down if anything is not shown under casper.09:41
xnox(either boot or shutdown)09:41
xnoxseb128:  i did upload new casper that uses fsckd:* messages, et.al.09:42
seb128xnox, I saw, thanks09:42
dufluxnox, I also rewrote 103.patch today09:51
dufluBut that's less important09:51
dufluHmm, either bluez is rock solid or it's failing to report crashes09:55
dufluAnd my own machine seems to suggest the latter09:56
ijohnsonTrevinho: hey so I tried using the nouveau driver instead of nvidia drivers and I was able to use fractional scaling with X11 again, I left a note in lp 1869042 about this11:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1869042 in mutter (Ubuntu) "all monitor scaling fails due to overlapping monitors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186904211:48
hellsworthgood morning desktopers13:00
marcustomlinsonhi hellsworth13:00
hellsworthhi marcustomlinson !13:00
hellsworthi hope you're feeling well :)13:01
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: much better thanks :)13:01
hellsworthso glad to hear it :)13:01
oSoMoNgood morning hellsworth 13:03
marcustomlinsonricotz: hey! Thanks for all your help on libreoffice these last few days!13:03
hellsworth+1 on that13:04
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: welcome back!13:05
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: thanks ken! good to be back13:05
oSoMoNhellsworth, marcustomlinson, ricotz: this looks like a deadlock: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/1:6.4.2-0ubuntu3/+build/1908811213:19
marcustomlinsonoSoMoN: could be, could not be13:19
hellsworthi saw that but wasn't sure what to make of it13:19
oSoMoNlet's give it one more hour or so, and if it hasn't progressed let's re-start13:19
marcustomlinsonI've seen that waiting for lock happen for over 20 hours before and still complete13:19
oSoMoNoh really?13:20
oSoMoNok, I won't touch it then13:20
hellsworthshould we not worry about the unsatisfiable depends on libreoffice-dev-common?13:20
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: where's that?13:21
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: oh I think that's unsatisfiable simply because the amd64 build hasn't completed yet13:21
hellsworthok that's what i was hoping13:22
marcustomlinsonas it's that build that outputs the -common package13:22
hellsworthgreyed out means don't worry *yet* :)13:22
hellsworthah makes sense13:22
popeyseb128 is this (extra i386 package suggestion for focal) something for you chaps, or does this require v orlon? https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/community-process-for-32-bit-compatibility/12598/61 13:22
seb128popey, the later, sorry13:23
Wimpressseb128 Laney Yep, I thought this might requires Steve's attention.13:24
WimpressThat said, it there anyone else who can assist. Is this a skill we can acquire?13:24
seb128Wimpress, one more thing for us to do right? :)13:24
WimpressI suspect most impact for missing 32-bit libs will impact desktop use cases.13:24
Wimpressseb128: Status quo ;-)13:25
seb128Wimpress, the technical side we can probably do/handle today, I'm just unsure on the policy side for deciding there13:25
seb128but yes, we should have someone in position to take those decision I think13:25
LaneyI think it'd be fine for ubuntu-archive to take those decisions13:27
seb128Wimpress, maybe a topic for the foundations catchup call tomorrow (if it happens)13:27
Laneybut I'm not on that team so I can't really say that :p13:27
* seb128 hides13:27
Laneythat's the group though imho13:27
Laneynot individually initially but they could work out how they want to handle those13:28
seb128k, meanwhile meeting time13:30
seb128#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-03-3113:30
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Mar 31 13:30:49 2020 UTC.  The chair is seb128. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.13:30
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick13:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-03-31 | Current topic:
seb128Roll call:  didrocks, duflu (out), heather, jamesh (out), jibel, kenvandine, laney, marcustomlinson (out), oSoMoN, tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (out)13:31
marcustomlinsonI'm actually here13:31
oSoMoN   \o13:31
seb128Hey Heather13:31
seb128wb Marcus glad to see you doing better13:31
seb128k, let's get started, I expected everyone is busy with beta coming and snapcraft summit13:32
seb128#topic rls-bb-bugs13:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-03-31 | Current topic: rls-bb-bugs
marcustomlinsonshouldn't callmepk be on the roll call13:32
marcustomlinson(sorry derailing. carry on)13:32
seb128no desktop item there13:32
seb128all assigned13:33
seb128#topic rls-ee-bugs13:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-03-31 | Current topic: rls-ee-bugs
seb128no desktop item there13:33
seb128bug #173332113:33
ubot5bug 1733321 in network-manager (Ubuntu Focal) "network-manager ADT tests fail with on ppc64el with artful/linux" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173332113:33
seb128I will take this one13:33
seb128since I'm the by-default nm maintainer atm...13:34
seb128that's it for E13:34
seb128#topic rls-ff-bug13:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-03-31 | Current topic: rls-ff-bug
seb128bug #186619413:34
ubot5bug 1866194 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "[Dell Inspiron 7370] shows up in the sound output options but the sound keeps being emitted from the internal laptop speaker" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186619413:34
seb128I could confirm the issue now, here13:34
seb128it's a bit weird, g-c-c/totem play through the speakers even after pairing the headset13:35
seb128but paplay / gst-launch go to the headset13:35
seb128I vote +1 to accept the nomination13:35
seb128and I will take assignment since I've been providing info to upstream13:35
seb128and I've more testing to do13:35
seb128bug #186208113:36
ubot5bug 1862081 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Gnome resizes framebuffer when playing fullscreen video over and over again (when using X11 fractional scaling)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186208113:36
seb128Trevinho, do you think that should be rls tracked?13:37
seb128it's unclear to me from the description the impact13:37
seb128it has 3 dups though13:37
Laneyimo this is the kind of bug that should be fixed if the option is promoted to people13:38
seb128I tend to agree13:39
seb128let's nominate it13:39
seb128Trevinho, ^13:39
seb128bug #186583813:39
ubot5bug 1865838 in gdm3 (Ubuntu Focal) "no error displayed on failed fingerprint authentification" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186583813:39
seb128untagged now so we can skip it13:39
Trevinhoseb128: yeah13:39
seb128(I need to propose a patch to make the report skip milestoned/assigned which still have the tag)13:39
seb128k, next one is to target for Trevinho as well13:40
seb128bug #186790813:40
ubot5bug 1867908 in wpa (Ubuntu) "Fix RTM NEW/DELLINK IFLA_IFNAME copy for maximum ifname length" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186790813:40
seb128sounds like worth taking13:40
seb128it has a patch backported from upstream so easy13:41
seb128I will sponsor the upload13:41
seb128bug #186908613:41
ubot5bug 1869086 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Firmware upgrade always notifies to reboot the device even on immediate failure" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186908613:41
Laney(andrewsh recommends a sync if you didn't see that)13:41
seb128(I didn't but didn't read the details yet, will check that, thanks)13:42
seb128that gnome-software notification13:42
seb128nice to fix but not rls material13:42
seb128it's just a notification13:42
seb128and clicking on firmware update while on battery isn't a daily action13:42
seb128I vote -113:42
hellsworthi vote not fix13:42
Trevinhoseb128: the bad of it is that it's a standing notification13:43
seb128Trevinho, report it upstream, they might fix it for us even if we don't get to it :)13:43
Trevinhonot going away13:43
seb128even if you click 'not now'?13:43
Trevinhofwiw +1 on me :)13:43
LaneyIt makes you assume that the update succeeded13:43
marcustomlinsonwe're replacing gnome-software with snap-store in ff13:43
Trevinhowell yep... that's the thing13:43
seb128marcustomlinson, I expect snap-store has the same problem13:44
marcustomlinsonthat's the question13:44
seb128Trevinho, sounds like buggy from the shell that 'not now' doesn't dismiss the notification13:44
seb128Laney, so you vote +1 to take it?13:44
hellswortheven if the same problem is in the snap store and you do an extra reboot, you'll be prompted to start the update again, won't you?13:44
Trevinhoseb128: ok not-now does hide it, but it requires an action and the text says you need to do it13:44
LaneyI think it's potentially quite misleading13:44
Laneyso yes probably, or at least give Robert the action to look into it13:44
seb128kenvandine, opinion as the owner of snap-store? do you think you guys can take on it? should be a simple fix13:45
kenvandinei think it should be simple13:45
seb128k, let's take it13:45
seb128kenvandine, can you assign to whoever is right?13:45
seb128bug #186963513:45
ubot5bug 1869635 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "the menu "Dash to Dock Settings" is visible" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186963513:45
kenvandinewill do13:45
seb128small thing but same category13:45
seb128(I tagged it)13:45
seb128the item leads to an error about the command not being found as well13:46
seb128Trevinho, can you take on that one, should be easy for you?13:46
Trevinhoah! merge error for sure13:46
Trevinhoyeah, 13:46
Laney+1 for me13:46
Trevinhoit was better if I did leave it broken upstream xD 13:46
seb128bug #186840913:46
ubot5bug 1868409 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "gnome-{calculator,logs,characters} snaps not removed after the equivalent APT packages are installed on 20.04, and gnome-software APT package not replaced by snap-store" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186840913:47
didrocks+1 ofc :)13:47
Laneythat's already being worked13:47
seb128marcustomlinson is working on that13:47
seb128let's take it13:47
seb128bug #186983513:47
ubot5bug 1869835 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Login screen randomly reverts my default keyboard layout to en-US" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186983513:47
seb128I didn't notice that problem here13:48
seb128but I've only one layout configured13:48
seb128I would vote +1 if we get more reports13:48
didrocks2 layouts here as well, no issue13:48
didrocks(both fr)13:48
seb128k, so I vote -1 for now13:49
seb128Olivier upstreamed it13:49
seb128I would put it back on the list if we get other reports though13:49
oSoMoNyeah, fair enough if I'm the only one seeing it13:49
jibelno issue here either with 2 layouts13:49
didrocksoSoMoN: let’s discuss after the report, I have an issue with layout switching, may be related13:49
seb128bug #186866613:50
ubot5bug 1868666 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashes when resuming from lock screen [st_widget_remove_accessible_state: assertion 'ST_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed]" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186866613:50
seb128it's a champagne/incomplete from previous week that didn't get a follow up13:50
seb128let's skip, I will untag before next meeting if it's not updated13:50
seb128bug #186974713:51
ubot5bug 1869747 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Recent changes have caused Xorg to fail to start. Possibly nvidia driver related." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186974713:51
hellsworthseb128: before moving to rls-ff-tracking, could we evaluate a focal bug that i just labeled incoming?13:52
seb128the user submitted with apport now but it didn't get retraced yet/isn't accessible13:52
seb128hellsworth, yes, let me finish the list and I ping you13:52
seb128next one is assigned to marco13:53
seb128will target13:53
seb128bug #186583813:54
ubot5bug 1865838 in gdm3 (Ubuntu Focal) "no error displayed on failed fingerprint authentification" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186583813:54
hellsworthwe already talked about that one, didn't we?13:54
seb128yes, it's untagged now, the tag was left by error13:54
seb128k, what's the new bug? :)13:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1869561 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Libreoffice Help does not work" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:55
hellsworthbasically in 6.4.X libreoffice-help is broken13:55
hellsworthrico found this over the weekend and i did some testing13:55
hellsworthseems like we should fix it13:55
seb128sounds like an important issue yes13:55
seb128+1 from me13:55
hellsworthi agree. +113:56
seb128k, let's take it13:56
seb128and that's it for incoming13:56
Laneysry got distracted13:56
Laneydid everybody else too? :P13:56
=== xclaesse3 is now known as xclaesse
Trevinhoyou bad13:56
hellsworthseb128: so i should change the tag to tracking then?13:57
seb128hellsworth, I'm doing that13:57
hellsworthah ok. thanks :)13:57
seb128bug #1733321 we already discussed13:57
ubot5bug 1733321 in network-manager (Ubuntu Focal) "network-manager ADT tests fail with on ppc64el with artful/linux" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173332113:57
seb128bug #1865838 also13:58
ubot5bug 1865838 in gdm3 (Ubuntu Focal) "no error displayed on failed fingerprint authentification" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186583813:58
seb128bug #186981913:58
ubot5bug 1869819 in OEM Priority Project "[SRU] System can't detect external headset in the codec of Conexant" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186981913:58
LaneyI got all of that: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8bP6wcppsZ/ in one go13:58
seb128OEM request, they submitted the patch upstream13:58
seb128I vote +113:58
seb128I will take the task to help them landing it13:59
seb128that's it for bugs13:59
seb128#topic update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages13:59
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-03-31 | Current topic: update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages
marcustomlinsonlooks so clean14:00
=== acheronuk is now known as RikMills
seb128nothing to handle there, good work team :)14:00
marcustomlinsonwell done14:00
seb128(the libreoffice one is only because it's not built on all archs yet)14:00
seb128#topic AOB14:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-03-31 | Current topic: AOB
seb128one topic from me, beta week, please try to help with ISO testing14:01
seb128and do update to focal if you didn't do that yet!14:01
marcustomlinsoncallmepk should be added to the meeting roll call :)14:01
seb128you said 'callmepk' early, I though it was a typo/weird word :p14:02
seb128I didn't realize it was Patrick14:02
seb128I didn't see him active on the channel yet14:02
seb128callmepk, welcome on board!14:02
Laneybaptism of 🔥 for a new team member14:02
kenvandinecallmepk: welcome!14:02
hellswortho/ callmepk !14:03
callmepkSorry for not seeing that, still get familiar with IRC14:03
Trevinhowelcome callmepk 14:03
marcustomlinsonha isn't it like 10pm for you callmepk14:03
marcustomlinsonwelcome to the team14:03
LaneySomeone should probably talk you through what on earth just happened in here before expecting participation14:03
callmepkThanks, yep it is 10pm here14:03
TrevinhoSomething maybe personal, but I've applied for being a desktop team member, so if some other of desktoppers can help with that... :-) https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2020-March/006289.html14:03
kenvandineTrevinho: awesome14:04
oSoMoNhappy to chime in, but I don't remember sponsoring any of your uploads, would my +1 count?14:04
seb128kenvandine, didrocks, can maybe help?14:05
pieqseb128, hey, another question popped in my mind: is it possible to see the release timeline for a given package? I'd like to know what were the latest bluez releases (in 20.04) and, if possible, an associated changelog14:05
TrevinhoI guess it does, but don't worry I assume it's better if it is based on facts :)14:05
kenvandineTrevinho: i'll reply14:05
seb128pieq, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+publishinghistory14:05
seb128looks like it14:06
seb128thanks team14:06
hellsworththanks for a short meeting!14:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Mar 31 14:06:18 2020 UTC.  14:06
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2020/ubuntu-desktop.2020-03-31-13.30.moin.txt14:06
seb128ah, g-c-c and pango migrated, happy time14:07
seb128kenvandine, popey, you will be able to play minecraft again14:07
Laneybest quality hints14:08
seb128Trevinho, and fractional scaling UI is in beta now :)14:08
seb128Laney, thanks!14:08
kenvandinethx seb128 14:08
popeyseb128 <3 thank you.14:08
seb128I hope I just didn't ruin the snapcraft summit's productivity :p14:08
Laneysmcv's feedback seemed fair btw14:09
pieqseb128, thanks, exactly what I was looking for. And, indeed, 5.53-0ubuntu2 was released last week... before that, I could connect BT devices, so it's very likely a regression in that package14:09
pieqbut the weird thing is that it's a security update...14:09
seb128pieq, it's a security update, try downgrading to 0ubuntu1 see if that makes a diffeence?14:09
pieqseb128, how can I downgrade a package?14:10
pieq(0ubuntu1 was released... 4 minutes after 0ubuntu2 according to the link :))14:11
pieqI think I would have to roll back to 5.52 from Feb 27th14:11
seb128pieq, download the debs on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/5.53-0ubuntu1/+build/18766720 and sudo dpkg -iO *.deb14:12
pieqseb128, thanks. I'll try that tomorrow. It's pretty late here now.14:13
pieqBonne fin de journée !14:13
seb128pieq, bonne nuit14:14
seb128pieq, the UI is confusing but https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/5.53-0ubuntu1/+publishinghistory14:14
seb128 Published on 2020-02-26 14:14
seb128pieq, 0ubuntu1 was published for like a month14:14
seb128(need to click on the second > to have the detail)14:15
didrocksoSoMoN: so, the issue I have with layout switching is in the lock screen14:19
didrocksif you have layout2 in your session14:19
didrockslock screen14:19
didrocksswitch to layout114:19
didrocksthen, you back on your session but still with layout214:19
didrocksyou lock the screen again14:19
didrocksand layout2, as it’s the one in your session14:19
didrocks(I did spot it only once, didn’t retry if I can reproduce or not)14:20
didrocksunsure if that can help you inr your debug14:20
oSoMoNdidrocks, that looks like a different issue than mine, and I think I saw an upstream bug report that would match this14:20
oSoMoNdidrocks, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gdm/-/issues/461 maybe?14:21
didrocksoSoMoN:looks like it, I’ll amend with the fact that the session isn’t changed either14:21
ricotzlibreoffice amd64 build is still kicking14:32
oSoMoNricotz, it's actually done now, just need to wait for the launchpad builder to clean up and upload14:53
oSoMoNxnox, hey, I've prepared a merge of nodejs 10.19.0 from debian unstable, would you mind sponsoring it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1863463/comments/814:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1863463 in nodejs (Ubuntu) "Firefox 75 requires nodejs >= 10.19" [High,Confirmed]14:57
oSoMoNI've successfully built it and ran autopkgtests for all architectures in a PPA14:57
xnoxoSoMoN:  yes, i can review that. Did you dput the built source package somewhere? either ppa or like people.canonical.com?14:59
xnoxoSoMoN:  it might be easier to review something i can download with `dget` rather that massive debdiff14:59
oSoMoNxnox, everything is there: https://people.canonical.com/~osomon/sponsoring/nodejs-10.19.0/15:12
oSoMoNxnox, and the PPA I used for testing is https://launchpad.net/~osomon/+archive/ubuntu/nodejs-10.19-focal/+packages15:14
seb128Laney, wooot, plymouth made it :)15:24
xnoxseb128:  so i'm doing casper testing tomorrow?! or will we have a iso respin today too?15:26
seb128xnox, I'm also waiting to be able to test that, it looks like from #ubuntu-release we will probably get a build started soon15:26
seb128probably to test tomorrow morning at this point for me15:27
seb128unless I come back in the evening, which I might...15:27
seb128Trevinho, what icons size does appindicator needs?16:03
fossfreedomseb128: 22px is the expected size for appindicator icons16:07
Trevinhoseb128: so, yeah 22px is expected... Buuuut, actually in gnome-shell the system icons are 16px, so the appindicator extension now follows that rule16:30
Trevinhoso we can say that it was expected16:30
Trevinhoas having 22px icons would imply no vertical padding in the panel, and that's bad, unless we don't decide patching the panel to take more vertical space (24px as was in unity)16:31
seb128fossfreedom, Trevinho, in focal update-notifier livepatch icons aren't right. update-notified does ask livepatch-ok / livepatch-warning icons but only ships a svg but the indicator side prefers to use the livepatch.png provided by yaru (so fallbacking the name and using the wrong icon), I guess we need to provide icons in addition to the svg one17:04
seb128that would be 16x16 or 22x22 ones then?17:04
seb128Trevinho, wooooot, congrats on joining the ~ubuntu-desktop on launchpad!17:18
oSoMoNTrevinho, congrats!17:30
KGB-2mutter tags 4d37d94 Simon McVittie upstream/3.36.1 * Upstream version 3.36.1 * https://deb.li/3DMXV17:58
KGB-2mutter tags 4d37d94 Simon McVittie upstream/3.36.1 * tag deleted17:59
KGB-2mutter pristine-tar 28ff4dd Simon McVittie mutter_3.36.1.orig.tar.xz.delta mutter_3.36.1.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for mutter_3.36.1.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/dObc18:01
KGB-2mutter upstream/latest c8ee04d Simon McVittie * pushed 94 commits * https://deb.li/31cky18:01
KGB-2mutter tags 8d0c4b4 Simon McVittie upstream/3.36.1 * Upstream version 3.36.1 * https://deb.li/3DMXV18:02
KGB-2gnome-shell pristine-tar 8855384 Simon McVittie gnome-shell_3.36.1.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-shell_3.36.1.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-shell_3.36.1.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3lcQ718:18
KGB-2gnome-shell upstream/latest f4f3b81 Simon McVittie * pushed 171 commits * https://deb.li/9ZuU18:18
KGB-2gnome-shell tags 775c28c Simon McVittie upstream/3.36.1 * Upstream version 3.36.1 * https://deb.li/35VSF18:18
KGB-2gnome-shell debian/master Simon McVittie * [open] merge request !37: WIP: 3.36.1 * https://deb.li/PVai18:19
KGB-2mutter debian/master Simon McVittie * [open] merge request !58: WIP: 3.36.1 * https://deb.li/3cOHh18:19
Trevinhoseb128 (and Olivier, but he's out :D) thanks!! 18:59
Trevinhoseb128: and also that g-s fix merged19:01
TrevinhoKGB-2: HIIIIII (thanks Laney)19:02
KGB-2Trevinho: We either would better monitorize shareware services, or need to maximize GPRS applet portals for debugging the development of AI.19:02
Trevinhodesktoppers: that's our new friend ^^^19:02
sarnoldoh sure, the bot would like more AI funding, surprise surprise19:02
rikardGnI unfortunteatly missed the meeting. I would like to adress the following to problems I have in ubntu 18.04:19:26
rikardGnWhen using the nvidia closed source driver I'm not able to run my integrated vega graphics in my ryzen 5 at the same time with my geforce gtx 1650 super19:28
rikardGnMy ubuntu 18.04 also won't boot properly and hangs in the middle when using my geforce gtx1650 graphics card19:29
seb128rikardGn, hey, try #ubuntu for user support19:29
rikardGnis that the appropriate forum?19:29
rikardGnok thanks19:30
robert_ancellThanks seb128 for finishing off the g-c-c scaling patch!20:32
seb128robert_ancell, np!21:27

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