
lotuspsychjegood morning02:06
ducassegood morning06:31
=== acheronuk is now known as RikMills
pragmaticenigmaThere is no community.. only cathulu14:13
ubot5Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com14:14
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
EickmeyerEVERYONE: If someone has advanced audio questions like someone did and pragmaticenigma redirected them to #ubuntustudio, a much more active room would be #lau (Linux Audio Users) for such discussion and troubleshooting. Unless it's something specifiic to Ubuntu Studio, consider redirecting there.17:12
EickmeyerPlease put that in your set of tools.17:12
EickmeyerThanks, oerheks. :)17:14
oerheksanything to help out17:14
EickmeyerI'm having to take today off to keep from burning out, first noticed when I reacted a way when someone got snippy with me in #ubuntustudio for not knowing the answer to their problem.17:14
oerheksEickmeyer, you are doing a great job. take your time, your family is more important now.17:15
pragmaticenigmaEickmeyer: might be a good idea... you appear rather tense right now. My only intent was to direct someone to a resource I knew of and thought would either help or further direct them to a better resource. There was no ill intent and I had no idea that invidual would have reacted the way they did in the #ubuntustudio channel.17:19
oerhekstensions in irc channels go up and down, just a proof they are not all AI chatbots17:20
RikMillsbeta release is a tad stressful for devs as well17:22
* RikMills is calm... ommmmmmmmmmmm17:22
pragmaticenigmathe world overall is extremely tense right now17:23
daftykinsonly some17:24
Eickmeyer[m]pragmaticenigma: You're fine. I just wanted to give everyone another set of tools for their arsenal.18:19

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