[00:00] lol [00:00] im running manjaro [00:01] was running lts...didnt handlemultimedia very well [00:01] lots of lock ups, stuttering. [00:03] so.. trying the new flavor of the week [03:57] is there a name for when over compressed video has the effect that parts of the changes of the video trails other parts? [04:03] Artifacting [04:04] Well, that's when digital video messes up in general. Bleed? Artifact Bleed? I need to look into it more now. [04:07] The glitch art community might have a more definitive answer. [04:14] datamoshing [04:14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glitch_art [11:44] morning [11:47] https://discord.gg/B3mNzfh I got bored and made a server for City Club. This message is mostly for jrwren but anyone else who wants to come is welcome. [13:28] i might have been thinking of block boundary artifacts. [13:28] thanks for the links Scary_Guy [13:28] oh man, i'm afraid to join a CC discord ;) [22:59] so....i wonder if microcenter has an os2 to usb adaptor [23:00] * Dekkard feels like getting the model M out of the basement [23:03] PS/2 you mean [23:03] Unless you're porting the whole of OS/2 to USB [23:26] yes..ps2 [23:26] porting 0s2....funny [23:34] * Dekkard looking for os2 virtualbox image [23:35] found it [23:55] useless