
=== ben_r_ is now known as ben_r
adam4567I'm on Ubuntu 18.04, a software I have calls /bin/csh  so, could I install that beside bash, and leave bash as is, as the default start-up shell? I feel aliasing csh to bash would be sure wrong.00:24
oerhekssudo usermod -s <shell> <username> # change your default shell for your user00:27
sarnoldadam4567: yes, you can install csh alongside bash just fine00:30
adam4567oerheks: I suppose its not much different, csh or bash. I'd like to stick with bash00:31
sarnoldadam4567: and you're completely right ;) if you try to symlink one to the other, you're going to make all kinds of horrible problems. you'd be booting to single-user mode to fix it. :)00:31
adam4567sarnold: thanks, will look at install not switch csh to user default00:31
adam4567Its only in 4 places in the code as "/bin/csh" suppose I could replace with "/bin/bash"00:32
sarnoldwhat are you doing?00:32
adam4567sarnold: its sbcl Lisp stuff, as (sb-ext:run-program "/bin/csh" (list "-fc" cmd)00:33
sarnoldOH GOD00:33
sarnoldthat's .. wow :)00:33
adam4567easily done, but installing a passive csh might work also00:34
sarnoldadam4567: seriously though, if that's what you're solving, a simple "apt install csh" will do the trick00:34
adam4567sarnold: thanks. Might (cautiously) try. Beaut.00:34
sarnoldI thought for a bit you might be wanting to use csh yourself for a CS class where the slides were written in 1993 and the prof wasn't about to update them or something00:34
adam4567Probably old software, its true.00:35
adam4567Now, the working difference between csh and bash, I can look into in my own time00:36
sarnoldadam4567: a lot of csh users moved to tcsh somewhere along the way; I don't know what features it offered over csh00:37
adam4567sarnold: yes, have seen tcsh mentioned alot. Not sure I want to spend time there.00:38
adam4567installed csh now. Will log out and in, and see how we go.00:38
sarnoldadam4567: probably nothing will change (and nothing needs to change)00:39
sarnoldadam4567: you don't need to *switch* to it to make this lispy thing work00:39
adam4567sarnold: works perfectly. Log out and in is to check it hasn't switched to default. Looks good so far. Beaut!00:40
sarnoldaha :)00:40
adam4567cheers folks. Simple, comprehensible fix the best.00:40
sarnoldevery now and then I get the urge to try out one of the fancy new shells.. like https://elv.sh/ or https://fishshell.com/00:41
adam4567its difficult not to be a heavy shell user, for us Linux folk. I recently did a TeamViewer thing with a friend on his Win10 machine. That tiny CMD window was fun. Lol. He'd never seen command prompt stuff before. Yes, will stick with bash for now.00:48
codeguruwindows cmd? Bah, I hate it. It's so restrictive00:58
EggSpurtguys LAST TIME I install 20 my battery stopped charging and I had to sdend my laptop for repair, is there some bug or was this just a normal hardwares failure? HP did not specify the cause they just sent the laptop back with a new mb00:59
EggSpurtanyone heard anything about that?01:00
sarnolda friend just had a similar problem with his lenovo; something broke with the charging capability, he's got to send it back for repairs. it'll be forever before he gets it back01:02
EggSpurthad he used Ubuntu 20.04?01:03
EggSpurtits either 20.04 or could be that i charged my juul device01:03
EggSpurtits more likely charging the juul broke the charging circuit right? I mean the firmwarez dont get messed with when you upgrade01:04
EggSpurtI want to install Focal Fossa so bad but I am scared01:05
EggSpurtwhat if i break moms laptop again01:05
oerheksoh, juul is known for issues.01:05
EggSpurtaha! I knew it01:05
EggSpurtdoing release upgrade01:05
EggSpurtI dont wanna mess up again she gets mad as hell if sahe cant check her mesgs on Plenty of fish01:06
EggSpurthopefully she will find me a new dad soon and i wont have to worry about things like this01:07
sarnoldno, I think my friend is using arch on that system01:08
sarnoldyeah I'd be very careful plugging cheap devices into expensive devices :)01:08
sarnoldwall chargers are cheap and while they are *also* terrible, you might be able to yank them out of the wall before they start a house fire.. but a laptop, well, that could be killed before you know anything's wrong01:09
EggSpurtI'd probably just install windows 10 again but the last time i did it just sat there for 3 days updating, like it was in a fugue state01:10
EggSpurtit actually downloaded a new windows 10 image01:10
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codeguruEggSpurt: Why bother with Win10, instead of Ubuntu or Mint or something?01:12
EggSpurtsome of my ham radio stuff wont run right on wine01:12
codeguruYou made it platform-dependent?01:13
EggSpurtproscan.org for one, which serves a shoutcast server so we can hear the police scanner on our phones01:14
codeguruEggSpurt: Why not use a VM?01:20
codeguruThat way you don't have to go through the trouble of installing an entirely new OS on the metal01:21
swift110good idea codeguru01:43
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halvorsHow can i make ubuntu onlock all entries in /etc/crypttab?01:50
halvorsBefore mounting the filesystems.01:50
halvorsI have a multidevice btrfs filesystem spanning different luks partitions.01:50
halvorsI need to make Ubuntu decrypt my luks partitions in /etc/crypttab before trying to mount the root filesystem. How can i do this? The case is that i have a btrfs multidevice setup.02:14
jimklo_Not sure where to ask this question, but figure someone here might have the answer.... I'm trying to mirror my local workspace to a remote server using rsync, however I need permissions preserved. Some files need to be set read only.  I can sync the first time, however subsequent times rsync fails on all the read-only files on the destination; which I just want to overwrite and reset read-only.  Is there some combinatio03:00
jimklo_n of flags to rsync that I need to pass to make this work?03:00
pavlosjimklo_: -a (archive) -p (preserve)03:27
lestacI have a random resets in ethernet connection, this can be a problem in the cable, router, or computer?03:29
codeguruIt can be a problem in all 3. Details, details03:30
jimklo_pavlos: hmm... thats what I have.... and it doesn't work... however I think I know the problem... one of the directories on the remote system needs to be owned by a non-standard group (so docker can write into it)... I think what's happening is as I'm on mac locally, remote is Ubuntu... local ownership is login:staff, remote ownership is login:othergroup, file perms are a+r,-wx03:31
lestaccodeguru i usiny normally, and after 2-3 minutes, they reset and don't have internet for 5-6 seconds03:35
pavloslestac: is computer overheating?03:36
lestacpavlos think not, psu don't have high air03:39
lestaci have the same problem in another devir connected, a notebook03:39
jimklo_lestac: is this a "new" problem? e.g. did something change in your setup and this started happening? EFI from cheap cables can cause this sort of thing..03:39
codegurulestac: my gut's telling me it's a router issue. If both devices are randomly disconnecting, that seems like a software issue03:40
lestacjimklo_ think after happen with another cable, old code probabbly03:42
lestaccodeguru software in router?03:42
jimklo_lestac: router could be an issue, but if this all of a sudden happened and nothing changed at the router... likely not the router...03:43
jimklo_however do you know that there is internet on the wan side of the router?03:44
codegurulestac: more like a configuration03:44
lestacthe router is new, we ask the change team for a week or two. From the first moment began to restart the connection sporadically now that I remember03:45
jimklo_ah.. the router is likely the issue then.03:46
lestaccodeguru I don't know much of networking, but I can go to and check a couple of settings, could be something there?03:53
lestacwell, probabbly it's a problem with cable04:41
lestaci try another and work fine04:41
=== maybeshe is now known as beaver^
FaTaL_Ghey all06:17
FaTaL_GI'm having issues on basic updates/upgrades06:18
FaTaL_Gnot sure why headers never updates?06:18
mohavyppft I don’t know a thing about linux troubleshooting06:18
FaTaL_GI'm thinking its broken in an update thread/ppa?06:19
mohavyHave you tried Google perhaps?06:21
ducasseFaTaL_G: try 'sudo apt install linux-headers-generic' first06:38
echeloni'm trying to do a 2 server OpenLDAP multi-master setup06:53
echelonbut all the documentation seems to be out of date06:53
echelonis there anything close to official on setting this up?06:53
ducasseechelon: try #ubuntu-server06:55
pmjdebruijndoes anybody know whether there is an alternate server install iso for 20.04 available yet (even if alpha)07:26
lotuspsychjepmjdebruijn: come join in #ubuntu+1 for 20.04 support please07:29
=== leion1 is now known as leion
phobosophso the eth0 is now ens3, right?08:27
phobosophbut why is it ens3 or ens33? because even when I set netplan up to use eth0 instead, there is still an ens308:27
phobosophis ens3 the default in ubuntu?08:27
phobosophor is it ens33? or is this a random number thing?08:28
Psil0Cybinhey guys to upgrade ubuntu versions do i just change the sources 2) backu p my home directory 3) run apt-get update && upgrade + dist-upgrade?08:49
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phobosophanyone here? :)08:52
viktor_phobosoph: yes, you :p09:04
phobosophmrmime, viktor_: is the IPv6 subnet the same as the prefix? somehow?09:05
viktor_phobosoph: prefix of what?09:06
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phobosophwhen I use netplan and set gateway6, can I force the interface?09:07
patafixHello everyone. I have a friend who deleted by mistake wireless-tools and wireless-regdb and can't connect to wifi - or ethernet line which is weird. Now, I'm trying to simply download the .deb packages from packages.ubuntu.com and pass it to her so that she can install them from a usb drive or something, but I can't find .deb packages on the website09:16
patafixis there any way to download the deb files? I'm from debian 10, so I can't just apt download them09:31
unixfu-why can't you apt download them from debian 10?09:32
unixfu-apt-get or apt should suffice, it's still there, or no connectivity or you referring to the recent exploitz put into package systems09:33
Mathisenpatafix, what ubuntu version09:34
patafixMathisen, eoan 19.1009:41
Mathisenpatafix, https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/wireless-tools09:46
patafixThanks Mathisen09:47
Mathisenand https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/wireless-regdb09:47
eeoshi everyone. Anyone using the bubbleupnpserver?09:53
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Mathiseneeos, better if you ask the real question, people tend to answer better then09:54
zero01ok bos09:57
jphdotamAfter using the system normally for a week, my system now hangs when I type my password on the login screen (the text box disappears but then immediately becomes unresponsive with the maroon background). I can't move the mouse, or switch to another TTY with ctrl+alt+<number>. CTRL+ALT+DEL restarts the system but that's it10:09
jphdotamThe only way I can find to make the system usable is getting GRUB to load the system in level 3, then switching loggin in as myself in text mode, and then running 'startx'10:09
Kingsyif I have weird issues where all of a sudden I cant ping google.com after I connect to a VPN, but I can do other things, what is the best thing to check? does ubuntu still use iptables?10:13
Kingsyor ufw or something?10:13
Blueratehello all, I need vpn for my local machine ubuntu 18.04 .. tried openvpn but doesn't work.. could you recommend any free vpn ??10:15
halvorsUm, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS just uninstalled the only installed kernel, what do i do?10:15
eeosMathisen: I installed it and configured on our internal home network. I was hoping to be able to streamm music across the home network, but the main receiver (Marantz NR1200) does not recognise it. Yet, if I run Kodi for example, it does see the machine.10:15
akemKingsy, I would expect the other way around, you can ping google but not other things. Anyway i would check my DNS, try with this one you sure can ping google.10:16
eeosMathisen: what I am looking for is a very light server than can server music and sound files on the internal network, without necessarily indexing them10:17
akemBluerate, OpenVPN should work, what's wrong with it?10:17
akemBluerate, Maybe you're looking for a VPN service provider? In that case it's not free most of the time. ExpressVPN, NordVPN, ...10:18
akemBluerate, There is this project also, not sure if it works atm: https://freepn.com/10:18
lotuspsychjehalvors: 20.04 support in #ubuntu+1 plz10:20
Bluerateakem: need only vpn for my local machine that's all10:25
Bluerateakem: I tried vpnbook with openvpn but doesn't work10:25
Bluerateakem: also, someone from community recommends simple script https://github.com/angristan/openvpn-install but doesn't work also10:26
akemBluerate, Like i said VPNs aren't free. You may be able to use Tor tho.10:31
Bluerateakem: just free one10:33
Blueratedo you know OpenVPN configuration that's should work ?10:34
Bey0ndB1naryis it possible to buy a VPN by paying cash / Bitcoin ?10:36
lotuspsychje!ot | Bey0ndB1nary10:36
ubottuBey0ndB1nary: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:36
Bey0ndB1naryOk Sure.10:37
BluerateBey0ndB1nary: it's impossible in Sudan to make electronic money transactions10:38
EriC^^Bluerate: i find that hard to believe10:41
BluerateEriC^^: what do you mean?10:43
akemBut he is in India.10:45
Bey0ndB1naryOK Bluerate10:49
BluesKajHiyas all10:50
eeosHy everybody! I am looking for is a very light server than can server music and sound files on the internal network, without necessarily indexing them10:51
eeosAs light as possible ...,10:51
patafixHello everyone. A friend of mine with ubuntu 19.10 has somehow managed to break her network, both wifi and ethernet, and I can't understand what the problem is. Could you hint me in the right debug direction?10:54
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max12345hey all, I just installed windows 10, but grub doesn't find it. os-prober doesn't find it that is. what to do?11:15
BluesKajmax12345, try running sudo update-grub11:20
EriC^^max12345: type 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' paste the link here11:20
EriC^^max12345: also 'ls /sys/firmware/efi' does it give dirs or no such dir?11:21
MonkeyDust!grubrepair | patafix11:21
ubottupatafix: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub211:21
EriC^^MonkeyDust: i think that was meant for max12345 ?11:22
MonkeyDustEriC^^: true :)11:22
MonkeyDust!grubrepair | max1234511:22
ubottumax12345: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub211:22
EriC^^patafix: you could try asking in ##networking as well if nobody answers here, or ##linux perhaps11:23
patafixMonkeyDust, thanks, but I do not have any grub problem...11:24
patafixEriC^^, thanks, I'll give a try over there too!11:24
max12345ok, thank you, the command you linked,should that retunr a link?11:25
max12345also I thought to update and upgrade apt11:25
EriC^^max12345: yeah11:25
max12345and that brought me to some grub config thing where it says grub is no longer properly installed11:26
max12345but I'm not sure how to select a drive for installation?11:26
EriC^^max12345: the pastebin might show some info11:26
max12345the command returned no link11:27
EriC^^max12345: ok, type 'sudo parted -ls' and pastebin it11:27
EriC^^!paste | max1234511:27
ubottumax12345: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:27
max12345and the dialogue I'm in after the update is called configuring grub-pc so I think I'm on the right track there11:30
max12345but I don't know how to select a drive for installation11:30
EriC^^max12345: ok, windows is installed in uefi mode, ubuntu is installed in legacy (bios) mode, you need to reinstall ubuntu in uefi mode11:30
max12345hm that's annoying. no waz around it?11:31
EriC^^max12345: you could convert to uefi11:32
EriC^^frankly it's easier and faster to reinstall11:33
pyzozordHello my touchpad in my ThinkPad x230 on Ubuntu 19 is working ok, but the two finger scrolling is kind of slow. 1) Can I make it more sensitive. 2) Can I make it "slide" like it slides in macbooks?11:34
max12345but I will have to reinstall all my packages correct?11:34
max12345and juggle some backups.11:34
pragmaticenigma!YY.MM | pyzozord11:34
ubottupyzozord: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle11:34
EriC^^max12345: yeah, if you want to convert you can11:34
max12345hm. maybe some other time then...11:37
max12345thanks for the help!11:38
EriC^^max12345: it'll take like 10mins or so fwiw11:38
EriC^^max12345: no problem11:38
max12345the conversion or the reinstall11:38
max12345because so far touching anything with my installed linux always resulted in at least 3 days of cleanup for me11:39
EriC^^max12345: the conversion11:40
max12345hm do you have a recommended guide I should follow?11:41
EriC^^max12345: i could walk you through if you want11:41
max12345sure that would be best of course11:41
EriC^^max12345: ok, great, type "dpkg -l | grep grub" and pastebin the results please11:42
mattiasbHi all! Does anyone know where the source code for the ubuntu install iso is located? Specifically I'm looking for ubuntu server 18.04 with the old school install (the one that is easier to preseed, not the one with black and orange colors, sorry for the bad description). The one producing this iso: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04.1/ubuntu-18.04.1-server-amd64.iso11:43
EriC^^max12345: there is one thing though you have to decide on, do you want ubuntu to use windows' EFI partition for its bootloader location? or do you want a separate EFI partition on the ubuntu drive? the latter would let it be a standalone install, the former would make it depend on windows, no windows drive, no ubuntu booting11:44
lotuspsychje!server | mattiasb11:44
ubottumattiasb: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server11:44
max12345EriC^^: then I probably prefer the later, separate partition11:44
EriC^^max12345: good idea11:45
mattiasbI'm being bitten by this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netcfg/+bug/713385 and I'm hoping to understand the install sequence so I can build some script that enables my NICs (by sending some data on them) before netcfg kicks in.11:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 713385 in netcfg (Ubuntu) "netcfg/choose_interface=auto fails to find the right interface" [Medium,Confirmed]11:45
mattiasblotuspsychje ok thx11:46
EriC^^max12345: ok, first type "sudo swapoff -a"11:46
EriC^^max12345: we will delete the swap partition to make an efi partition for ubuntu, then recreate it like 100mb smaller or so11:46
EriC^^max12345: type "sudo cfdisk /dev/sda"11:47
max12345ok. I see a tree with 3 entries sda1 sda2 and then as a child of that sda5 which has "linux swap" in the type column to the right11:48
EriC^^max12345: alright, delete the sda2 and sda511:49
EriC^^then create a new primary partition11:49
pyzozordubottu: 19.1011:49
ubottuUbuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) is the 31st release of Ubuntu, supported until July 2020. Release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EoanErmine/ReleaseNotes11:49
pyzozordpragmaticenigma: 19.1011:50
max12345EriC^^: how big should that be?11:50
EriC^^max12345: 100mb should be enough11:50
max12345primary or extended11:51
EriC^^max12345: primary11:51
max12345ok and the another one extended to recreate swap?11:52
EriC^^max12345: yes sir11:52
no_gravityHello! When I plug my Android phone into my Ubuntu machine, I can access the files from Gnomes file manager. With some weird path like mtp://%5Busb%... But how do I access them from the terminal?11:53
max12345Ok. I like this program,pretty intuitive.11:53
EriC^^max12345: yup11:53
grawityno_gravity: look inside $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/gvfs11:53
max12345should the type of the 100mb partition be "linux"? that was the default11:53
EriC^^max12345: once you're done creating the partitions, go to 'type' and change the efi partition to type "EF" and the swap to type "82"11:53
no_gravitygrawity: $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is empty11:54
pragmaticenigmapyzozord: Have you looked in Settings > Devices > Mouse & Touchpad to see if the settings you're interested are available there?11:54
grawity/run/user/$UID/gvfs, then11:54
EriC^^max12345: once you're done, "write" the table and exit11:54
max12345"ef EFI (FAT-12 ..."11:54
EriC^^yes that's the one11:54
max12345ok. done.11:55
no_gravitygrawity: Cool. Is that mount somehow specific to that userid? root cannot access it for some reason.11:55
EriC^^max12345: ok, type "sudo partprobe /dev/sda" to re-read the partition table11:55
grawity(not that you should need root for anything here – your phone does not care about the local uid)11:56
no_gravitygrawity: Didn't know that there are user specific mounts. Any way for root to access the files?11:56
EriC^^max12345: then type "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" and pastebin the contents please11:56
grawitythe restriction is actually a general FUSE feature, not necessarily something specific to gvfs11:56
max12345EriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HWN8ZrR3Yn/11:57
grawityno_gravity: why do you *need* root to access the files?11:57
no_gravitygrawity: I would like to add the dir to a backup script that runs as root.11:57
EriC^^max12345: looks good, although swap is kind of huge i just noticed11:58
max12345yes, I noticed that as well, but I'm not really doing anything disk space intensive anyway11:59
EriC^^max12345: alright, fair enough11:59
EriC^^max12345: type "sudo mkfs.fat /dev/sda2"11:59
EriC^^max12345: also type "sudo blkid" and pastebin the contents12:00
max12345EriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/B22RhqWWh6/12:01
EriC^^max12345: ok, type "cat /etc/fstab" and pastebin again please12:02
max12345EriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VnDvpfdft6/12:03
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EriC^^max12345: interesting, fstab isnt actually using the swap partition, instead a /swapfile12:03
max12345EriC^^: don't I have to manually turn on swap again...12:04
EriC^^max12345: i wonder what the size is try, "ls -lh /swapfile"12:04
EriC^^max12345: ok, if i were you i'd leave the swapfile, and later just format the swap partition and use it somehow12:05
max12345ok then I will do that, sounds like a good idea.12:05
EriC^^max12345: type 'sudo nano /etc/fstab'12:06
EriC^^now you're going to add the efi partition there so it gets mounted automatically on boot12:06
EriC^^add this line12:06
EriC^^UUID=0C6C-1138  /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0077      0       112:06
max12345how much does alignment matter12:07
max12345are spaces good enough?12:07
EriC^^max12345: yup12:07
max12345Ok how do I save? I never use nano :)12:08
EriC^^max12345: press ctrl+x to save and exit12:08
max12345ok. done.12:09
EriC^^max12345: type "sudo mkdir /boot/efi" to create the mountpoint12:09
EriC^^then type "sudo mount /boot/efi" to mount it using fstab12:09
EriC^^max12345: now for the fun part12:10
EriC^^max12345: type 'sudo apt-get purge grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub-efi-amd64-signed+'12:11
EriC^^note the "+" at the end of the last package12:11
grawityexactly what does the "+" do?12:12
max12345ok now it's asking me if I want to remove all files from /boot/grub12:12
EriC^^grawity: it tells apt to install rather than remove, same for apt install <package>-12:14
EriC^^max12345: sure why not12:15
grawityah, sounds fun12:15
max12345EriC^^: ok done, but at the end it aborted something https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dMyDTjWBc5/12:16
Kingsy.j voidlinux12:16
EriC^^max12345: what does 'dpkg -l | grep grub' look like right now?12:17
max123455 entries, one grub-common one grub2-common and three grub-efi12:18
multifractalHi novice web developer here. Our site runs on an ubuntu server and has a cron job scheduled to do some stuff every day at midnight. However daylight savings time recently kicked in and now the cron job is happening at 1AM. $ timedatectl12:18
multifractal                      Local time: Tue 2020-03-31 12:15:57 UTC12:18
multifractal                  Universal time: Tue 2020-03-31 12:15:57 UTC12:18
multifractal                        RTC time: Tue 2020-03-31 12:15:5812:18
multifractal                       Time zone: Etc/UTC (UTC, +0000)12:18
multifractal       System clock synchronized: yes12:18
multifractalsystemd-timesyncd.service active: yes12:18
multifractal                 RTC in local TZ: no12:18
multifractalWhat should I do? Try to reconfigure ubuntu's system time? Change the time of the cron job to be artificially 23:00 (which is midnight IRL)?12:18
EriC^^max12345: that looks good12:18
EriC^^max12345: ok, type "sudo grub-install"12:18
max12345that complains that a target is needed12:19
EriC^^max12345: try "sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi"12:19
max12345ok, no errors but a warning that EFI variables are not supported on this system12:20
EriC^^max12345: the thing is here, that usually you need to be booted in uefi mode, to add the uefi entry for ubuntu, it might error out on that, we can try using the default paths the motherboard knows, and once you reboot into ubuntu, then run grub-install again, if that doesnt pan out, we'll need a live ubuntu usb to boot in uefi mode to add it from there12:20
EriC^^max12345: ok, type "sudo mkdir -p /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot"12:21
EriC^^max12345: as well as "sudo mkdir /boot/efi/efi/boot"12:21
EriC^^max12345: also please type "sudo ls -lR /boot/efi" and pastebin the contents12:21
EriC^^max12345: yeah that error pertains to what i mentioned above12:22
max12345EriC^^: can't create the later because it already exists.12:22
max12345EriC^^: paste of ls https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Tcf8ndm3ps/12:23
EriC^^max12345: ah good12:23
EriC^^max12345: ok, type also "sudo mkdir /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu"12:24
EriC^^max12345: then type "sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/grub/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi"12:25
pragmaticenigmamultifractal: set the production server to use UTC as its local time12:27
pragmaticenigmamultifractal: or rather, set the locale timezone for UTC12:27
multifractalpragmaticenigma: how do I do that? my understanding from the output of timedatectl is that it's already set to UTC "Time zone: Etc/UTC (UTC, +0000)"12:28
EriC^^max12345: ok, type "sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/grub/* /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu"12:29
max12345"no matches for wildcard"12:29
EriC^^max12345: try "sudo cp /boot/efi/EFI/grub/* /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu"12:30
max12345EriC^^: same problem12:30
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pragmaticenigmamultifractal: oh, I see, it's the other way around. You're expecting something to occur at 0000 hours your local time, and the server being configured for UTC12:31
multifractalpragmaticenigma: Oh UTC doesn't incorporate the daylight savings changes that apply here in the UK?12:31
EriC^^max12345: try 'sudo rsync /boot/efi/EFI/grub/ /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu'    note the trailing "/" after grub is important here12:32
EriC^^max12345: yeah, the error is cause bash can't access the dir naturally as your user, my bad12:32
pragmaticenigmamultifractal: The entire purpose of UTC is that it doesn't have a concept of daylight saving time. Hence it's often called "Universal Coordinated Time" ensuring everyone is corrdinated across timezones and local time keeping rules.12:33
max12345"skipping directory ." I'm using fish not bash is that a problem?12:33
esvcould it be /boot/efi/EFI/Boot?12:33
multifractalpragmaticenigma: Sorry that's pretty dumb of me. So what I need to do is advance the system time one hour forward, or set my timezone to UK or whatever12:34
pragmaticenigmamultifractal: If you're attempting to run reports. Fix your code, make sure data queries are looking at time stamps occurring within the time period you desire12:34
multifractalpragmaticenigma: OK that's a good point. I should expect python's datetime package to return times consistent with the system clock right?12:35
EriC^^max12345: nope12:35
EriC^^max12345: ok, please type "ls -lR /boot/efi" and pastebin to make sure everything's in order12:35
pragmaticenigmamultifractal: correct, and python has many tools to help with timezone conversion. Personally I write all my code with the expectation of timestamps being in UTC... I handle the conversion to local time at the presentation layer (where the user will see the content)12:36
max12345EriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5X7XmVMtK9/12:36
EriC^^max12345: type 'sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/grub /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu'12:37
EriC^^max12345: type 'sudo cp -r /boot/efi/efi/grub /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu'12:37
pragmaticenigmamultifractal: python's time.time() always returns in UTC. the datetime libraries have two different calls for getting the current time.. one is set for pulling UTC, the other will generate a timestamp based on the current environmnets locale timezone setting.12:38
max12345EriC^^:  ok paste now looks like this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mHq5PDKrRf/12:39
EriC^^max12345: looking good, type "sudo update-grub"12:40
max12345ok it finds 3 linux images and the memtest12:41
EriC^^max12345: awesome12:42
EriC^^max12345: ok, try rebooting, then go to the bios, make sure uefi is enabled, or csm legacy is disabled12:43
EriC^^max12345: also if secureboot is on, disable it12:43
max12345alright, see you in a bit hopefully12:44
max12345EriC^^: ok, there was no explicit UEFI option I think? there was something called CSM support which is no off and secure boot was off already.12:50
max12345and grub was blue now, for some reason12:51
EriC^^max12345: aha so it booted into ubuntu12:54
max12345more or less, I had to tell it to pick ubuntu as the drive to boot into but otherwise no problem.12:55
EriC^^max12345: ok, type "sudo grub-install"12:55
max12345ok. "finished no errors"12:56
EriC^^max12345: type "sudo update-grub"12:56
max12345aaah, now it found the three linux and the windows12:56
Southern_Gentlemthis may sound like a dumb question is libvirt usable in the ubuntu world12:57
max12345so, that's it, all done? :)12:57
EriC^^max12345: yup :)12:58
max12345EriC^^: great, thank you so much for your help then!12:58
EriC^^max12345: no problem12:58
max12345ok then, bye bye and I'll go try it out now. :)12:59
lotuspsychjeFor the users who want to help test 20.04: Test week will start April 2 join #ubuntu-quality | https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-20-04-testing-week/1504312:59
EriC^^max12345: alright, enjoy :)12:59
pragmaticenigmaSouthern_Gentlem: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/libvirt.html13:15
TR1950Xwhat is exact release date of ubuntu 2020.04?13:15
TR1950Xwhat kernel version is that gonna be on?13:15
pragmaticenigmaTR1950X: Please ask in #ubuntu+1 ... there is no defined date as testing will determine when it is ready for release13:15
Southern_Gentlempragmaticenigma, ty13:19
filohuhumhey guys13:26
filohuhumanyone knows about the "no wifi after suspension" problem ?13:26
pragmaticenigmafilohuhum: There is no such thing... What you have is a computer that doesn't support the suspend feature fully and should avoid using it13:28
jeremy31filohuhum: does results for iwconfig in terminal show power management on?13:29
filohuhumit use to work13:29
filohuhumthe wifi after suspension13:29
filohuhumwlp2s0    IEEE 802.11  ESSID:"..."13:30
filohuhum          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.437 GHz  Access Point: FC:A6:21:7B:6B:DD13:30
filohuhum          Bit Rate=65 Mb/s   Tx-Power=17 dBm13:30
filohuhum          Retry short limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off13:30
filohuhum          Power Management:off13:30
filohuhum          Link Quality=66/70  Signal level=-44 dBm13:30
pragmaticenigma!paste | filohuhum13:30
ubottufilohuhum: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:30
halvorsHi! I tried to copy over a GPT partition scheme with sgdisk, and randomize the UUIDs with sgdisk -G /dev/sdb13:30
jeremy31filohuhum: in terminal do>  sudo sed -i 's/wifi.powersave = 3/wifi.powersave = 2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf13:32
esvEriC^^, while solving max12345 boot issue you did not copy the grubx64.efi (as bootmgfw.efi) from a microsoft partition is this file jan immutable bootstrap loader for MS and other OSs?13:33
esvs/jan/just an/13:34
pragmaticenigmahalvors: Is there an issue you need help with? Looks like you only made a statement. Also, please remember to include details, such as OS version, kernel versions, what hardware is involved, and what your end goal is.13:34
halvorsBut output of blkid the UUIDs are still the same, but not partuuids.13:35
halvorsYeah, sorry. I was interupted :O13:35
pragmaticenigmahalvors: I'm not 100% sure... but some IDs are based on physical attributes of the storage volume and are not user changeable13:37
EriC^^esv: yeah, it's the default location for windows and some uefi implementations use it13:40
esvI'll try to use some of that info the ubuntu install clobbered my centos8 boot image, and the fedora install did not fix it :)13:42
eeosHy everybody! I am looking for is a very light server than can server music and sound files on the internal network, without necessarily indexing them. I need something as light as possible. I have been using Kodi, but discovered it is not the definition of light.13:43
esvI mean, I have a box with centos, ubuntu and f31, after I installed ubuntu the centos8 partition would not boot on its own and need to boot from the boot menu in the pc. kind of wacked right now13:44
grawityEriC^^: I've heard of machines which hardcode the Windows bootmgr path, but are there actually any which don't check the standard bootx64 path?13:46
halvorspragmaticenigma: Thanks, seems there was the filesystem id that was not randomized. Thats ok :)13:50
pragmaticenigmahalvors: ah, I see. you got figured out?13:52
wozyis there any way to play call of duty warzone in ubuntu?13:53
pragmaticenigmawozy: If it is available through steam, it may be possible. However support for Steam and/or Call of Duty (or other software not provided through official Ubuntu software channels) is considered offtopic. Feel free to join us in #ubuntu-offtopic if you would like further help with your question.13:56
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wozypragmaticenigma: call of duty warzone is not avaiable via steam13:58
wozyit used the Blizzard's Battle.net launcher13:59
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RonaldsMazitisI am trying to use MIDI device with LMMS, but I can't change from alsa sequencer to any other MIDI support in LMMS14:02
RonaldsMazitisI installed low latency kernel14:03
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pragmaticenigmaRonaldsMazitis: There might be some people in #ubuntustudio that can help you better. I'm not seeing our resident expert at the moment in here14:06
ufkhow do i configure etcd to bind to * instead of localhost ?14:19
pragmaticenigmaufk: #etcd might be a better resource for you14:22
HistoDid ubuntu change something that the tilde key no longer works?  Upon pressing the tilde key it's doing some weird lose focus behavior14:28
HistoOr anyone know how I restore tilde to normal functionality?14:29
pragmaticenigmaHisto: have you tried rebooting?14:30
Histo@pragmaticenigma yes this has been happening since install weeks ago14:31
pragmaticenigmaHisto: does it persist after a reboot?14:31
pragmaticenigmacheck your keyboard shortcuts? make sure it didn't get reassigned14:32
HistoIt's not assigned anywhere only Super+backtick is assigned to switch windows of an application (default behavior) I believe14:33
HistoThis is on a news install of 20.0414:34
pragmaticenigmaHisto: 20.04 hasn't been released yet, all support and bugs MUST be reported in #ubuntu+114:34
glickhi im having a networking issue14:35
glickim running two ubuntu hosts in a virtualbox14:35
glicki set up a virtual NAT network and attached them both14:35
glickthey can both see the outside world14:35
glickbut one can see the other14:35
glickbut the other cant see the other one14:36
glickwhen i ping i can go from one to the other but not vice versa14:36
pragmaticenigmaglick: This isn't the right support channel for virtual machine host configuration. Please seek out a channel for your specific virtualization platform14:36
HistoNo one answering in #ubuntu is there somewhere else to ask?  Someone must have experienced this behavior14:42
ioriaHisto, for now, i suggest you to  test it in a newly created user14:43
pragmaticenigmaHisto: I told you were to go for support...14:43
pragmaticenigmaHisto: #ubuntu+1 for support14:43
Histo@pragmaticenigma I've asked there I'm asking if there are other options.14:43
Histo@ioria good Idea I will test more if not file a bug I guess.14:44
pragmaticenigmaHisto: You didn't read my whole statement, did you? 20.04 is not released... meaning support is only available #ubuntu+1 ... there is no other resource available... that's why #ubuntu+1 is there14:44
ufki'm asking here how to change etcd to bind to * instead of localhost because there is a configuration file at /etc/defaults/etcd that i think is ubuntu specific14:45
pragmaticenigmaufk: I'm suggesting a place where people are more knowledgeable about the topic you have... You might be waiting here a long time for someone to respond, if anyone would respond knowing anything about that particular component14:48
ufkahh ok i read the etcd.service.. it's just a matter of understanding what parameter etcd needs, not ubuntu specific. thanks14:48
histo@ioria different user sort of worked it types a backtick not a tilde. this is something specific to my user then and no idea what.14:52
ioriahisto, some extensions , maybe14:53
pavlosglick: see table 6.1 in https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch06.html14:53
histoNo extensions installed14:53
histo@ioria foudn it somehow drop down terminal was half baked installed extension however now to figure out why it's typing a backtick instead of tilde like I thought it used to.14:55
akemAnyone knows how to find out the port number needed to check a MIDI input device with aseqdump? I can't seem to find it in dmesg.15:02
akemaseqdum -p <ID> <- the ID i'm looking for, on a newly plugged device.15:02
akemNever mind i find out "aseqdump -l" list them :)15:03
histo@ioria on your keyboard if you press the tilde key does it type a tilde or backtick by default?15:05
ioriahisto, i don't have a tilde key; it 's a combo (altgr+'):  run this : xmodmap -pke | grep -i tild15:09
klu3i have about 10 distro running using virtualbox, they are all downloading files at 100KB/s, my question is, is that safe for harddrive? or should I be concerned that it might stress it out even though its only writing small data15:10
ioriahisto, but if it's about 20.04 i really suggest ubuntu+115:10
histo@ioria yeah I'm there.15:11
histo@ioria not really 20.04 specific issue though something is messed up in my keyboard layout15:11
ioriai agree15:11
pragmaticenigmaklu3: I don't think it will hurt the drive, it's doing what it is designed to do... If it is an SSD host drive, I wouldn't worry at all. If it is a physical media HDD, I would consider maybe reducing the number of concurrent applications trying to access the drive at the same time.15:13
ufki added softdog to /etc/modules but after a restart i still need to modprobe it manually15:20
klu3pragmaticenigma: ah ok thanks, the reason i got that weird idea is because you know how when you split partitions on one hdd, technically the hand moves all over the place if you trying to access files on many partitions so i thought it might behave like that having multiple virtual15:20
histo@ufk are they commented out?15:23
ufkno... but i googled and read that softdog is not some blacklist of systemd.. i configured watchdog to load softdog on startup, just testing it should be fine15:23
histo@ufk what are you trying to do?15:25
ufkjust to load softdog on boot15:25
ufkyeah i configured watchdog to load softdog automatically.. it's fine.. just weird that softdog is somehow blacklisted because of systemd15:26
histo@ufk why do you think it's being blacklsited?15:27
ufkbecause of this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1535840 but actually i didn't confirm that this is the case...15:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1535840 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd ignoring /etc/modules due to blacklist" [Undecided,Opinion]15:28
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tekki've got the wierdest new issue ever.16:02
tekkufw is disabled... upon booting, my install works as expected... after some time, incoming connections from foreign hosts are all getting connection refused, despite networking working.... Any existing open connection continues to function.16:03
tekkI can't find anything in syslog16:03
tekkstumped :(16:03
pavlostekk: incoming connections as in ssh ??16:07
ufkmodprobe softdog and /dewv/watchdog gives me device or resource busy. any ideas ?16:08
ioriatekk, i'd say resources run out16:09
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gonutsfordonutsHello! Can someone point me in the right direction here? I have downloaded an executable program and I'm trying to add it to my Activities search (you know - the search prompt you get by pressing Super or Alt+F1). I can't seem to find any posts online for how to manually add programs to this but I'd be surprised if it wasn't documented somewhere16:45
ioriagnoyou need a .desktop file in .local/share/applications16:46
ioriagonutsfordonuts,    you need a .desktop file in .local/share/applications16:47
oerheksioria +116:49
oerheks place your .desktop file at /usr/share/applications/ or at ~/.local/share/applications/16:49
gonutsfordonutsioria oerheks - Thank you! That's exactly what I've been looking for16:52
pyzozordHow can I increase sensitivity of my touchpad page scroll? Is there an option for "sliding" when scrolling like it does on macbooks?16:53
oerheksthere are some more options in gnome-tweak-tool for mouse and touchpad?16:55
oerheks!info gnome-tweak-tool16:55
ubottugnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweaks): adjust advanced settings for GNOME - transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.34.0-2 (eoan), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB16:55
tekkpavlos, ioria, yes ssh / anything. gonna check resources now but i think they're ok17:00
pavlostekk: for ssh sessions, look in /var/log/auth.log I get entries when clients con/disconnect17:03
pyzozordoerheks: there is no options about scrolling on touchpad in gnome-tweak-tool. It seems very basic17:10
ioriapyzozord, do you mean  'Natural Scrolling' ?17:10
pyzozordioria: no I mean when i move my fingers i want more of page to scroll also when i want i let go i want it to keep scrolling for a while like its on ice17:11
ioriapyzozord, that should be in systemsettings -> Mouse&Touchpad17:11
Psil0CybinAnyone having trouble installing PIA on Ubuntu 1.817:11
Psil0Cybini keep getting private internet access error any version except legacy v.8217:11
Psil0Cybini am so confused17:11
pyzozordioria: that's touchpad speed. I mean specifically scrolling with a touchpad. When you use two fingers to scroll a page17:12
matiHi, I'm looking for a simple way to print specific lines from a text file in the terminal. My file has around 200 lines and I want to display lines from 10 to 20. How can I do that?17:15
pyzozordmati: you need sed17:16
pyzozordmati: cat file | sed 10q will print first 10 lines17:16
pyzozordmati: sed has entire syntax and is very powerful, read manual for sed with man sed17:17
daxsed -n -e '10,20p' file.txt17:17
ioriaor with awk, awk '10<=NR && NR <=20'17:19
matidax: thanks a lot! Also, I've heard something about head vs sed 11q. Why do people not like to use head?17:19
pyzozordI guess because head is really redundant17:20
pyzozordif you can do sed 11q why have another program is the main issue I guess17:20
daxmati: you could do it with head and tail too, it doesn't make much difference. i just used sed 'cause it's one command instead of two17:20
ioriapyzozord, not sure you can do that with libinput, you might try with synaptics17:21
pyzozordioria: I though libinput and synaptics are different thigs17:22
pyzozordioria: I don't really understand what they are17:22
ioriathat's what i said17:22
pyzozordI mean I though libinput is more fundamental and cannot be swapped out or something like that17:22
ioriapyzozord,  libinput driver has fewer options to customize touchpad behaviou17:24
ioriapyzozord,  i suggest the archlinux pages on both (are very good), and you'll probably find the tweaks you want17:26
pyzozordioria: would you mind linking to more or less where I could start searching there?17:29
ioriapyzozord,  https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchpad_Synaptics   https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/libinput17:29
pyzozordioria: that is really great thanks a lot!17:30
pyzozordioria: btw im still not decided on whether I should use arch or ubuntu. Would you suggest using arch?17:31
pyzozordI do find their wiki sometimes, and it always gives impression of comprehensive and extensive documentation17:31
ioriapyzozord,  i think it's up to you17:31
pragmaticenigmapyzozord: that's completely up to you. documentation is for the application, so while it's not installed in the same exact base OS, it probably applies to the application itself. You just might have to do some digging to find the differences that may exist between Ubuntu and another distribution17:32
sc0utonlinuxI can't figure out where to change my keyboard layout :(17:34
sc0utonlinuxim un Kubuntu17:34
pragmaticenigmaodd sc0utonlinux mine isn't greyed out like that17:37
sarnoldis one of you in an adm or sudo group and the other one not?17:38
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pragmaticenigmaI'm on my primary account, which would be in sudoers17:38
daxsc0utonlinux: click the Hardware tab, is there something selected in the "Keyboard model" dropdown? If not, pick something appropriate and see if that fixes the Layouts tab17:39
sc0utonlinuxdax: it's greyed out too17:40
sc0utonlinuxyeah it's strange I don't know what i've done or why it's like this.17:40
ioriasc0utonlinux, cat /etc/default/keyboard17:41
ioriasc0utonlinux, only french ... so what you want to change ?17:43
sc0utonlinuxioria: actually i wanted to change that the numlock is on at startup and saw that the option to change layout was gone..17:44
sc0utonlinuxCurrently I have a french keyboard but would like to swap to german when I want.. and the option has disapeared17:44
ioriasc0utonlinux, you don't have german; try to add it again17:45
sc0utonlinuxioria: how ?17:45
ioriasc0utonlinux, on ubuntu in region&Language17:46
sc0utonlinuxdid you see the screenshots i posted?17:46
sc0utonlinuxit's all grey17:46
ioriasc0utonlinux, find the equivalent on kde17:46
sc0utonlinuxioria: it's greyed out .. the option has disapeared17:46
ioriasc0utonlinux, i told you region&langauge not keyboard17:49
sc0utonlinuxioria: in region and language there is no keyboard settings only configure plasma translations17:50
sc0utonlinuxthat should stay english17:50
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ioriasc0utonlinux, are you running neon ?17:56
sc0utonlinuxioria: definitly not :)17:56
ioriasc0utonlinux, might be a keybaod hw problem; can you plug anothe one ?18:00
sc0utonlinuxioria: good idea ill give that a go hold up18:00
sc0utonlinuxioria: oh wow that actually worked.. and now I repluged the old keyboard and everything is available18:03
sc0utonlinuxioria: very .. but i suspect the motherboard USB ports arn't that good anymore .. i've had some wierd issues18:03
sc0utonlinuxioria: thank you for your patience ! and assitance18:04
sarnoldvery weird18:04
ioriasc0utonlinux, no prob18:05
ottomang7I was told to ask the following in here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1222933/dual-boot-windows-with-ubuntu-using-uefi-and-not-modifying-the-mbr18:06
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ufkis there some repository for ubuntu to update patroni to latest version ? currently on ubuntu 19.10 i have 1.5.5 while the latest is 1.6.318:20
oerheksufk, i see no ppa, an option would be 'pip install patroni' ...18:22
ufkoohh right!18:22
oerheksfound here. https://www.alibabacloud.com/blog/how-to-set-up-a-highly-available-postgresql-cluster-using-patroni-on-ubuntu-16-04_59447718:23
ufkamazing! thanks a lot :)18:23
oerheksnext LTS will have 1.6.4 .. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/patroni18:26
halvorsIs there any documentation on how to use LUKS with TPM on Ubuntu?18:30
sarnoldhalvors: we're currently implementing the feature, it should be available for ubuntu core "soon", and regular ubuntu is planned to come some point later18:31
halvorsSo not in time for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS?18:31
sarnoldprobably not18:31
halvorssarnold: thx for answering :)18:32
Psil0Cybinanyone having problems with PIA private internet access on upgrading desktops of ubuntu or debian18:36
Psil0Cybin[2020-03-31 17:50:22.022][b96c][default][fatal] Could not initialize GLX18:36
Psil0Cybin in debug log?18:37
howudodathey everyone, small business network of about 10 users db server, middleware, email, fileserver (each running on VMs).  Firewall is ubuntu server running iptables.  My friend wants to add a vpn server for his workers to work from home.  Any thoughts on running the vpn server on a separate machine from the firewall or on the firewall?  Network routing is simpler if it's on the firewall, but you open another service on the fw that can18:38
howudodat be attacked, any other pros/cons?18:38
sarnoldPsil0Cybin: I'm surprised your VPN provider uses your GPU18:40
Psil0Cybinsarnold, private internet access18:40
sarnoldhowudodat: I'd probably go for firewall, since the routing feels like it'll be much easier; and I'm very lazy person..18:40
Psil0Cybinlegacy versions work all new versions so 1.5 + give me that error code on Debian 1018:41
Psil0Cybinworked perfect on Debian 918:41
Psil0Cybinhow can i fix that? GPU problem?18:41
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akemPsil0Cybin, Where does that log line comes from?18:44
pragmaticenigmaPsil0Cybin: If you are running on Debian... you should be asking in #debian18:44
tekkioria, plenty of free resources18:46
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aodsnasionHi guys, trying to compile kernel on ubuntu 18.04 x64 and this error occurs19:00
aodsnasionfailedmake: *** [vmlinux] Error 13719:00
sarnoldaodsnasion: pastebin your whole buildlog somewhere19:01
aodsnasionthat's what i want to do it will take a sec19:01
sarnoldthe pastebinit tool may help :)19:01
rikardGnI have the following two problems19:33
rikardGn1.I'm not able to run my vega integrated graphics in my ryzen 3 at the same times as my nvidia gtx 1650 super when using the propritary nvidia driver, however this works fine with the open source nvidia driver19:35
rikardGn2.I'm not able to boot in ubuntu 18.04 when using my nvidia 1650 gtx super in ubuntu 18.04 it hangs halfway19:35
rikardGnBooting using only my integrated vega graphics in my ryzen 3 works fine thoguh.19:36
rikardGnAny ideas on this issue?19:36
ioriarikardGn, what version of nvidia ? 440 ?19:39
rikardGnlet me check have to rebbot19:40
ioriawhy ?19:41
rikardGncurrently i'm not on ubuntu19:41
ioriai see19:41
rikardGnok now im back in ubuntu 18.0419:54
matsamanfrom where?19:55
filohuhumanyone miss 8.04?19:57
rikardGni just asked a question about a problem with ryzen 319:58
rikardGnand nvidia drivers in ubnutnu 18.0419:58
roryi bet #ubuntu-offtopic sure does filohuhum. i know i do.19:58
rikardGnbut I hade to reboot to check what drivers i'm running on ubuntu19:58
rikardGnright now i'm running on my amd vega integrated on my ryzen 319:59
rikardGnin this mode ubuntu 18.04 boots without problems19:59
rikardGnbut when I try to boot with my nvidia gtx 1650 super and ubuntu 18.04, ubuntu 18.04 hangs in the middle19:59
mdunniohello! is this the best place to ask questions related to snapd?20:05
matsamanI can think of worse places20:05
pyzozordhey trying to make my touchpad scroll "slide" like on ice. No idea how to do it20:06
matsamanpyzozord: don't remember what that's called, but it's probably just an option you can configure via xorg.conf.d or other methods to configure synaptics devices, etc.20:09
mdunniohere is my problem: I'm installing a snap and I need to give it access to an additional drive mounted at /var/lib/data, but the standard confinement rules aren't allowing access20:09
mdunniois there an interface that I can add that will give me access? or does classic mode allow this? or would I have to do both?20:09
halvorshow can i install gnome shell extensions on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS? Seems software center is gone and replaced with snap store, why?20:11
halvorsHow to search for non-snap packages?20:11
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rikardGnshould i try to install nvidia proparity drivers to see if iäm able to boot my computer in ubnutnu 18.04 with these instead of the open source ones?20:13
StevenJayCohenhalvors, apt, aptitude, and synaptic :)20:14
halvorsStevenJayCohen: But seems a lot of gnome shell extensions isn't available in ubuntu 20.04 lts20:14
pyzozordmatsaman: i'd need more help I'm pretty newbe to linux20:14
rikardGnthat is boot into ubuntu 18.04 using my geforce gtx 1650 super20:14
halvorsIs there a way to fetch them directly from the gnome extentions repo20:14
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StevenJayCohenhalvors, 2 different questions :) If what you want are only snaps, flatpacks, and appimages, then that's actually a different issue.20:17
halvorsI want a deb package installing the caffeine gnome shell extension20:17
StevenJayCohenhalvors, Debian 10 packages may be compatible20:18
StevenJayCohenhalvors, YMMV :)20:18
matsamanhalvors: you can replicate a 'caffeine' app by having a user cron run something like 'DISPLAY=:0 xdotool key F13'20:19
StevenJayCohenmatsaman, good point!20:19
halvorswas able to install it thru firefox plugin directly from gnome.org20:19
matsamanhalvors: StevenJayCohen: and you can use xidle if you really need the exact interval for inactivity20:20
matsamanor xprintidle, whatever it's called20:20
nualarikardGn: im using an nvidia proprietary driver for a geforce several generations older than yours for... quite a long time alrdy. so it prolly wont set your pc on fire. (and iirc you can revert to your previos driver via command line worst case)20:20
matsamanor y'know s/user cron/regular shell script/20:21
rikardGnnuala: ok i will try to install the proparityarty nvidia driver20:28
pyzozordI know how it's called. Kinetict scroll! I want kinetic scroll in firefox. I checked about:config kinetic flag and that's turned on but kinetic scroll in firefox doesnt wokr20:38
rikardGnnuala, will try to install the nvidia stable driver20:42
matsamanpyzozord: y'mean when you use middle button?20:46
matsamanthink that's called 'autoscroll' in Firefox lingo20:47
pyzozordmatsaman: no, I mean phisical based scrolling, when I make a stronger motion and let go it should keep scrolling that direction for a moment until it loses inertia20:51
pyzozordIt works for Ubuntu's Text Editor app, smoths kinetically, with intertia. But does not work in firefox.20:52
rikardGnrebooting back soon20:53
pragmaticenigmapyzozord: it's possible that Firefox is having trouble because it provides it's own GTK libraries instead of using the system provided ones20:55
pragmaticenigmapyzozord: and it might have older GTK libraries that aren't setup to support kinetic scrolling20:55
pyzozordpragmaticenigma: you dont experience that problem?20:57
pragmaticenigmapyzozord: what do you mean?20:58
pyzozordpragmaticenigma: I mean you do have kinetic and precise scrolling in firefox?20:59
pragmaticenigmapyzozord: I still don't understand the context of the question20:59
pyzozordpragmaticenigma: you mentioned that it could be an issue with older GTK librarie and it sounded like you are just guessing and do not experience that issue yourself21:00
pyzozordI have just installed lates official standard ubuntu and made no cusomisations on it, so I am wondering if this is issue only for me or a bug that everybody experiences21:01
pyzozordnevermind i figured out add MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 env variable makes firefox behave ok21:03
pragmaticenigmaI was basing my comment on the knowledge that Firefox ships with it's own GTK libraries. You mentioned that other applications are behaving as expected. which leads me to believe that the issue is within Firefox. With the knowledge that Firefox supplies it's own GTK libraries (unlinked) to expand it's ability to run on multiple platforms, it might be using an older GTK library that doesn't have the feature enabled. Currently21:03
pragmaticenigmareading through a bug report, the feature appears to only work for MacOS21:03
matsamanpyzozord: aha, 'coasting'21:03
pyzozordpragmaticenigma: if you run MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 firefox it will work, I just checked21:03
matsamanpyzozord: https://askubuntu.com/questions/493377/how-do-i-enable-mouse-momentum-after-release-in-kde-gnome-unity21:03
pyzozordmatsaman: yeah they call it "coasting" in synaptics but in libinput they don't implement it and they expect client app to implement it21:04
pragmaticenigmapyzozord: correct... because you are setting a flag to tell firefox the system can provide the needed support so it lets the system handle it21:04
matsamanpyzozord: can't use synaptics anymore?21:04
pyzozordmatsaman: dont want to, in arch they deprecated it21:05
pyzozordmatsaman: also libinput is the default in ubuntu 19.10 at least21:05
pyzozordalso synatics coasting implementation was hacky it was actually just "emulating" it with more button 4 and 5 events21:05
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pyzozordjust guys, tell me where i can put MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 so that it's loaded for my user so firefox picks it up automatically21:06
pragmaticenigma.bash_rc I believe21:06
sarnoldI'd be surprised if that works21:06
sarnoldunless you routinely start firefox via your shell21:06
pyzozordi'd assume bashrc is not the place because i dont start firefox from my bash21:07
pragmaticenigmaah... righ21:07
* pragmaticenigma lives in the command line21:07
sarnoldhow do you start firefox usually?21:07
pyzozordsarnold: via ubuntu's activities feature21:08
oerhekswhole post with your answer.. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/122277721:08
sarnoldyeah that'll work if all users on the system want it, and they all log in via a service that uses that PAM module21:08
oerheksinteresting you find an answer without details where to put it21:09
matsamanI've used a CTRL+ALT+f since forever.21:09
pragmaticenigmaoerheks: it's listed in several bug threads... don't think those were concerned with where to put it for everyday users21:10
halvorsIs Linux 5.5. planned for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS?21:10
matsamanFor things I don't use often enough to have a shortcut for, I use a launcher, which I have mapped to Alt+Space macOS style (this shortcut for launcher might be the only thing I truly like from macOS).21:10
matsamanhalvors: does it matter?21:11
oerhekshalvors, not sure, 5.4 maybe ??21:11
pragmaticenigmahalvors: support and discussion about 20.04 is in #ubuntu+1 only please21:11
halvorspragmaticenigma: Sorry.21:11
halvorsoerheks: Yes because of btrfs raid1 moodes.21:11
pragmaticenigmahalvors: versions may not matter... some features are being backported21:12
pragmaticenigmafor details in the previously mentioned channel21:12
halvorspragmaticenigma: Reason i was asking is that 5.4 is to releases behind latest.21:13
halvorspragmaticenigma: Yeah did go there :)21:13
pyzozordturns out .bashrc is the right place. "login shells" so xorg I guess or whatever use .profile analogically to normal shells using .bashrc. In case of ubuntu 19.10 .profile reads and executes .bashrc21:21
pyzozordgod damn, finally smooth scrolling with inertia... I needed that. Browsing internet was so annyoing21:21
pyzozordnow it's not much worse then experience in macbooks, actually very comperable, close to perfect21:22
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oerheksinteresting, new firmware update21:31
rikardGnmy computer works fine now21:32
rikardGnThe nvidia gt 1650 super runs fine on my ryzen 3 now21:32
rikardGnI installed the nvidia proparirty driver whihc i downloaded from the nvidia offical page21:32
rikardGnthanks for the help21:33
rikardGngood night21:33
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yateson my system, the /usr/local/bin folderis after /usr/bin folder, so if some custom version of a binary is placed in /usr/local/bin, it won't override the version in /usr/bin. is this normal?22:05
akemyates, No, you may edit your ~/.profile to check your PATH variable.22:09
oerheksyates, i think it depends on the place in your PATH, priority22:09
oerheksPATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" >> https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/49389/amending-path-so-that-usr-local-bin-is-ahead-of-usr-bin22:09
yatesok, let me have a look - thanks22:11
yatesbut why does the "default" path put /usr/bin ahead of /usr/local/bin?22:13
yatesyes, i could override it, i see that22:13
akemDefault is that /usr/local is before /usr, something must have been modified on your system.22:15
yateswhere is the "default" path set? i didn't see it in /etc/.bash.bashrc nor in /etc/profile22:17
guntbertyates: default path? never heard of such ...22:18
sarnoldpam_env(8) reads /etc/environment by default, for PAM services that are configured to use pam_env22:18
yatesguntbert: so when you log in and "echo $PATH" you get nothing?!?22:19
sarnoldbash will set one for you, if it isn't set when bash is spawned22:19
akemOr you may have a look in /etc/profile.d/apps-bin-path.sh too. But pam_env is probably the way to go.22:20
yatesit's correct in /etc/environment22:20
guntbertyates: ah, thats what you mean -- I misunderstood :-))22:20
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yatesmaybe i'm missing something - let me look around a little more thoroughly22:21
sarnoldsystemd.exec(5) describes a default PATH used for unit files22:21
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filohuhumhey guys23:19
miu5hi guys, anyone know of an easy way to launch an app on a specific monitor display?  Ive used xrandr to identify the displays. But how do you send an application to it?  need to do this in bash script23:25
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sarnoldwhich window manager are you using? it may have mechanisms to help23:31
miu5sarnold, how do i find out which window manager im using? is there a command to see the name?23:32
miu5xfce basically23:34
sarnoldit doesn't look like it supports many of of the "open this window on display N" kinds of things, but they suggest using devilspie or wmctrl23:36
miu5i think wmctrl can work23:37
cuscohow to keep wifi working on a laptop, when I idle'23:39
sarnoldcusco: in fact, if you had asked "how do I disconnect my laptop when it's idle", I'd have no idea how to do that... staying connected is just the way it ought to work23:40
cuscoyes.. hmm forgot to mention this is "kubuntu" - not sure if related23:40
cuscoI leave a job running, go to sleep come back to find that it stopped working after a while and wifi was disconnected, even no networks showing on nm23:41
cuscohmm might be something else, didnt bother to check any logs23:41
cuscook thanks23:41
ecovcusco: energy saving settings23:44
ecovcusco: https://i.imgur.com/YtogsM6.png23:45
ecovat the bottom23:45
faridodd1nhow can i use irc?23:45
faridodd1nfirst time i use it23:45
oerheksfaridodd1n, step 1; read the topic.23:46
sarnoldecov: hooray :)23:47
sarnoldfaridodd1n: welcome23:47
faridodd1nim confused23:48
ecovyoure successfully using IRC right now23:48
ecovgood job, bud23:49
faridodd1nyeah but how i can get help? just i ask?23:51
ObrienDavewell, since you're on the Ubuntu channel, it's either help with Ubuntu or IRC that you're seeking?23:52
ObrienDaveplease don't ask to ask for help, just ask :)23:52
faridodd1nok i install ubuntu and told me if you have any questions ask in irc23:55
ObrienDaveso, what is your question?23:55
faridodd1ncan i use pbk file in linux?23:58
faridodd1ni use it for my office23:58
ObrienDavenot sure where a pbk file comes from23:59

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