
RonaldsMazitisI am trying to use MIDI device with LMMS, but I can't change from alsa sequencer to any other MIDI support in LMMS14:30
akemRonaldsMazitis, Can't seem to use MIDI either with LMMS. Though it works fine with Renoise using Alsa or Jack. And also with my own program or with Wine(Alsa only).14:44
RonaldsMazitisI used to use it14:44
RonaldsMazitisbefore I reinstalled PC14:44
akemRonaldsMazitis, You can try to launch lmms from the terminal, and look at the lines it prints. Then try to change midi config from settings maybe.14:46
EickmeyerWhich version of Ubuntu? You might have to wait until 20.04 releases (or test 20.04 now) to get a newer version with bug fixes.14:50
EickmeyerNewer version of lmms.14:51
RonaldsMazitisit worked on 16.04 as well as 18.0414:51
EickmeyerThere's a newer version landed in 20.04.14:51
EickmeyerThe version in 19.10 might be buggy.14:51
* Eickmeyer doesn't use lmms14:51
RonaldsMazitisI am on 18.0414:52
RonaldsMazitisI told You it already worked before reinstall14:52
EickmeyerAre you using Ubuntu Studio?14:52
RonaldsMazitis#ubuntu sent me here14:54
EickmeyerThe question still stands. I need to know your installation media.14:54
RonaldsMazitisthat means I'm on standard Ubuntu14:55
EickmeyerWhere you were sent from means nothing. If you're going to be like this, I'm going to go silent.14:56
RonaldsMazitisI told You I'm on ubuntu 18.0414:57
RonaldsMazitisstudio just means extra audio tools installed14:57
EickmeyerThat's false. We do a lot for the configuration of the audio tools out of the box.14:58
RonaldsMazitisI told You it worked on standard Ubuntu 16-18 before14:58
EickmeyerPlease refrain from the attitude. You got the operating system FOR FREE and I'm trying to help you.14:58
akemRonaldsMazitis, Maybe you should try on regular #ubuntu again. Did you check your midi device with aseqdump?14:58
EickmeyerI'm a volunteer.14:58
RonaldsMazitisas You can see LMMS finds my MIDI keyboard15:00
akemAnyone knows how to find out the port number needed to check a MIDI input device with aseqdump? I can't seem to find it in dmesg.15:00
akemaseqdum -p <ID> <- the ID i'm looking for, on a newly plugged device.15:00
EickmeyerRonaldsMazitis: It looks like a bug in lmms then. We can't do anything here.15:00
Eickmeyerakem: I don't know, sorry.15:01
akemRonaldsMazitis, Maybe it sees it, but doesn't receive the events from it?15:01
RonaldsMazitisvmpk seems to get keys I pres15:03
RonaldsMazitisI am thinking of adding lmms repo15:03
RonaldsMazitisand upgrading version15:03
akemIf vmpk receive them, then it should be fine on the MIDI side, yeah.15:03
akemThat's strange.15:04
akemRonaldsMazitis, I know it's not a very good suggestion, but you could try to launch it as root just to see if it's not some right issue.15:09
akemLike adding your user to some group or whatever. But i doubt it, if it works with vmpk.15:09
RonaldsMazitisthis setting gives output15:11
RonaldsMazitisit uses lmms15:12
RonaldsMazitisyeah so root works15:13
RonaldsMazitisfor some reason15:13
akemYou probably need to add your user to some group, don't know which one tho.15:16
Turdlarwhat is the term for the instruments or sounds that are found under "banks" if i want to find additional collections? or in other words, how do i find additional sounds for the "banks" section?16:45
OvenWerksTurdlar: I am not sure I understand what you mean17:50
TurdlarIn Yoshimi, can choose the sounds my midi keyboard outputs, by selecting a 'sound' in a window titled "yoshimi:Root 5, Bank 110 - [file path]. What is the  'sound items in that window called? is it just banks? i have a bank under number 105, that is called "will godfrey collection"17:56
Turdlari tried googling stuff like "banks for yoshimi" or "banks for synth", but without anything obviously related17:57
Guest27can I get support for ubuntu studio in here? or is that a different chat room?17:58
OvenWerksTurdlar: I think everything is a bank/patch, but I think a bank can be loaded as a different bank number too (I am not sure) Will would know :) but I don't know if he hngs out at #lau or #opensourcemusicians or not.18:00
OvenWerksSo a bank is a set of patches that can be loaded or created.18:00
OvenWerksWill does seem to read the lau mailing list (linuxaudio users) though18:01
Turdlaris the bank the correct name for the collection of "sounds" to use for midi keyboards like that?18:02
OvenWerksFor that particular synth I would think so, for something like fluidsynth they would be called sound fonts18:03
TurdlarGuest27, try to ask the question, and people will respond if they can help18:03
=== Guest27 is now known as ottomang7
TurdlarOvenWerks, Sound Fonts sounds more legit - thanks18:04
ottomang7I figured pasting the link would be easier18:04
OvenWerksottomang7: you would be better asking in #ubuntu for that one. I think there are very few people in here who do that. (there has been no windows in our house sinse WIN95)18:05
ottomang7hehe ok thank you so much.18:05
Turdlarottomang7, Or #debian18:06
=== Christoffer[m] is now known as Christofferchris
=== Guest27 is now known as ottoman
=== ottoman is now known as ottomang7
=== nuuro is now known as ajan
craigbass76What's the trick to getting what I'm hearing coming into my Line In jack to record in Ardour? The screen shots I took of buss settings aren't cutting it (pardon the pun)23:15
OvenWerksline in? you mean like the on board line in?23:17
craigbass76Yeah, the regular 1/8" jack. I'm just coming out of an analog mixer's RCA jacks.23:18
OvenWerksIt should be part of the PCH device23:18
craigbass76I'm hearing it out the computers speakers, just not getting any levels in Ardour. I do get a signal in Audacity, while crakly...23:18
OvenWerksAre you using jack or alsa in ardour?23:19
OvenWerkswhich device is jack set to?23:20
craigbass76Is this something I'd see in QjackCtl ?23:24
OvenWerksif you used qjackctl to start jack yes23:25
craigbass76All I'm seeing in the Audio clients is PulseAudio Jack Sink23:26
OvenWerks"Audio clients"? Is that in the qjackctl connections window?23:26
craigbass76Yep, left-hand pane (readable). Right-hand (writable) says system and PulseAudio JACK Source23:28
OvenWerkscraigbass76: what does the setup say?23:28
OvenWerksthere should be a settings tab with Parameters tab inside23:28
OvenWerkswhat "Interface" does it say23:29
craigbass76Alsa is the driver, and interface might be the culprit... Restarting Jack23:29
craigbass76Gah. Bonehead. It was set to USB (from me trying to use a Scarlett box a few months ago)23:30
OvenWerksSo ok now?23:30
craigbass76I'd hug you, but... Corona.23:31
craigbass76I was trying to use the FOcusrite, but was having a delay that I'm not getting with an analog Mackie. I didn't remember having to switch to USB, and forgot to swap back. So, the screenshots I took WERE in fact valid, I just failed to stop and think long enough about Jack input. You could say, I don't know Jack?23:33
OvenWerksjust a slip.23:33
craigbass76Been a long three weeks...23:34

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