
Unit193Hrm, seems we're too late to update some packages.00:10
bluesabrewhich ones?00:17
Unit193xfce4-clipman-plugin, xfce4-terminal.00:24
bluesabreclipman seems pretty substantial, terminal not so much00:52
Unit193"The queue freeze will last from now until final release in April, which00:55
Unit193means that all seeded packages will now need a spot-check and review in00:55
Unit193the queue from a release team member before they are let into the00:55
jphilipsbluesabre ochosi Unit193: any update on the finalization of the wallpaper winners, as it was intended to be announced at the end of march and today is the last day of march03:53
jphilipswould be great to put the winning wallpaper on marketing images i'm working on as well :D03:54
ochosibluesabre: clipman adds a new binary, other than that it's also lots of fixes...05:26
ochosibluesabre: ok, will go back to voting tonight05:26
bluesabrejphilips: voting's not done yet, but should be today10:25
bluesabreochosi: much appreciated, hopefully you'll surface the last winner (and not negate one of the +1s)10:31
Unit193If he does the latter, just discard his vote. :>10:33
=== acheronuk is now known as RikMills
jphilipsUnit193: i wanted to setup a telegram group that bridges with #xubuntu. Can you install and get this snap running https://snapcraft.io/matterbridge14:00
jphilipspleia2: or possibly you ^^^14:09
pleia2no, unfortunately I definitely don't have the time to run and maintain a service like that14:35
jphilipspleia2: not sure how much maintenance it will take as its a snap14:48
jphilipsdoes xubuntu have any servers of its own that this could run off?14:49
pleia2I did operations for 15 years, and I'm telling you I don't have time right now ;) you still need to schedule upgrades when a new snap comes out, restart it when the bridge dies (the bridge died in a community I'm part of when the owner was vacationing in Europe, it was not good)14:53
pleia2dev.xubuntu.org is an Ubuntu server, if we have at least 2 systems type folks to volunteer to be on call for it, we can discuss setting it up14:54
pleia2but like all of our shared resources for the project, this really has to be a team decision, presented with pros/cons and whatnot14:55
jphilipspleia2: thanks for the explanation15:19
jphilipsis xubuntu-docs still hosted on launchpad as someone mentioned 'Cosmic is EOL. It looks like xubuntu-docs no longer uses LP for translations. You need to find out where translations of that package happens nowadays.'15:36
=== jphilips_ is now known as jphilips
bluesabreochosi: ping ;)23:43
Unit193bluesabre: Hi.  So with regards to backporting, how do I need to do the lock-setep -session/xfpm/-screensaver?  Is xfpm the "problem" one that needs 4.14.2 -session?23:44
bluesabreUnit193: they're all partially at fault... xfpm and session didn't talk to it correctly before, and screensaver didn't respond correctly (was not sending a response as opposed to sending a blank response)23:46
Unit193bluesabre: Yes, though one change made it all clear to the user.  If 4.14 isn't backported, I should skip xfpm .6?23:47
Unit193bluesabre: To be clear: Not trying to blame, just backport with the least amount of bugs. :323:47
bluesabreTechnically, you can use an older xfpm and session, since the screensaver knew they didn't work before it correctly handles the events they are now in charge of :)23:48
bluesabreThere's not really a good answer because I already worked around everybody else :D23:49
Unit193OK, so just backports of -screensaver.  Thank you!23:50
bluesabreAlrighty, will be back later to announce the wallpaper winners (or upvote more things, I guess)23:52

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