
lafayettez#kyrie   Hi!03:47
dmdfhey guys04:03
dmdfdoes anyone know how come e2guardian is not started at boot by default on 18.04 ?04:04
dmdfi used the package from the default repo04:04
jphilipsif it doesnt, just add it to the 'session and startup'04:08
Unit193jphilips: It's a daemon.05:28
jphilipsUnit193: oh okay :D05:28
jphilipsi see a number of daemons run from 'session and startup'05:29
Unit193..Not that type, it's a filtering proxy.05:30
jphilipsoh okay05:32
jphilipsIf there are any italian speaking individuals in the group, can you please assist in translating the documentation - https://translations.launchpad.net/xubuntu-docs/cosmic/+lang/it06:05
nine_ptI am trying to use a yubikey and problems registering on the ssh agent. Only found this page ( https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Yubikey-SSH search for xubuntu) with a section about xfce but still not work10:31
nine_ptUsing xubuntu 19.1010:31
=== jphilips_ is now known as jphilips
sahil23Hello, Can i run xubuntu latest version on my 10 year old laptop with amd sempron processor and 2 gb ddr3 ram?16:43
gnrpsahil23: Should work, but you have to try it out.16:47
gnrpPeople's perception of acceptable speed varies quite a bit16:47
sahil23Which one should i download 32 bit or 64 bit? Windows 7 64 bit was running fine before.16:50
xu-irc98wStupid question21:45
xu-irc98wHow do I undecorate firefox?21:45
xu-irc98wI'd prefer CSD21:45
xu-irc98wI want less titlebar, not more21:45
xu-irc98wright clicking the title doesn't show me the undecorate button. So that's disapointing :|21:46
xu-irc98wother than that, xubuntu is going pretty ok21:46
xu-irc98wnot spectacular, but not awful21:46
xu-irc98wway better than Gnome / LXDE21:46
xu-irc98wI'm trying to escape Windows as much as possible but my success so far on my laptop has been limited21:47
xu-irc98wmy desktop and server are fine21:47
xu-irc98wIt's just bad power management killing me21:48
xu-irc98wwell that and no "comfy" desktop enviroment21:48
xu-irc98wkinda tempted to strip it back to a WM only.21:48
xu-irc98wand build up from there21:49
xu-irc98wLike one of my next projects will probably be a better network manager interface21:53
xu-irc98wbecause I find most of them overly clunky21:53
kgbyou can customize literally firefox-everything (almost)21:59
miu5hi guys, anyone know of an easy way to launch an app on a specific monitor display?  Ive used xrandr to identify the displays. But how do you send an application to it?  need to do this in bash23:25

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