
babbageclunkwallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1138401:57
babbageclunkway more in the description and QA steps than the code change!01:57
wallyworldgood :-)01:58
wallyworldbabbageclunk: what happens if you got to juju/description and try and run the tests?01:58
babbageclunkum, fails - is that me?02:06
babbageclunk(This is on the tip of master)02:06
wallyworldit fails for me due to registering a http protocol twice02:06
wallyworldnfi how stuff got landed02:06
babbageclunkyeah, seems pretty weird02:07
wallyworldbabbageclunk: =1 on review with a request for a change02:07
babbageclunkgo version diffs?02:07
babbageclunkok, thanks!02:07
babbageclunkwallyworld: for me the juju/description failure is missing quotes around a time value02:21
babbageclunkwhich might be a yaml version diff02:21
wallyworldfor me it's a godeps issue02:21
wallyworldthe upstream all have incompatible deps02:21
wallyworldit's a mess02:21
wallyworldso you ned to godeps -u dependencies.tsv02:22
wallyworldto get the deps as specified02:22
wallyworldthen stuff fails02:22
wallyworldand trying to fix one breaks something else02:22
wallyworldthanks for looking though02:22
babbageclunkok now the tests pass for me02:23
babbageclunk(I'd forgotten how to run godeps!)02:23
wallyworldi'll try again after resetting everything02:24
babbageclunkthat's the only way to be sure02:24
babbageclunk(bar nuking from orbit)02:24
wallyworldnup, still get the protocol already registered :-( must be a transitive dep somewhere02:25
wallyworldmight be go 1.1402:26
babbageclunkno, just tried with go 1.14 - maybe something with gomodules?02:28
wallyworldgodeps should write out all the upstream repos to the specified sha, no gomodules involved. i've updated deps to get past that and now have juju/clock vs utls/clock compile errors, so will just need to keep at it02:29
wallyworldbabbageclunk: maybe past you EOD, if so let me know... here's a juju/description PR, works with juju state tests with operations added. jenkins acting up pulling repos so still getting merge check to pass04:14
babbageclunkwallyworld: nope - looking now04:14
tlmhas the ACME code in juju ever worked ?04:14
wallyworldi think so, there was a bug filed recently that hpidcock fixed04:15
tlmah yep I see it now04:16
tlmmissed a line and was scratching my head04:16
hpidcocktlm: wallyworld: I only updated x/crypto to support acme v2. Not sure if the whole thing works end to end. I do remember testing to see if the error happened anymore and didn't see it when I setup a domain etc04:17
hpidcockand a controller using that domain04:18
tlmyeah not it's fine hpidcock, I would kill for go 1.14 at the moment04:18
wallyworldnext week with luck04:18
tlmthere is a helper function that would save me an hour of work04:19
wallyworldcut and paste? :-)04:19
tlmyeah could do04:20
hpidcocktlm: hah yeah.. we ain't vendoring that for you04:20
tlmbut where do I dump the cut and paste04:20
wallyworldmaybe with the worker that uses it (or whatever it is) with a TODO to remove next week04:20
hpidcockYeah I'd rather you just todo it and come back to it next week like wallyworld suggests04:21
babbageclunkOr a test that fails in go 1.14!04:21
tlmchecking out how they did it in 1.10 and see if there is a quick win with that first04:22
wallyworldthamks babbageclunk04:23
babbageclunkwallyworld: approved - it's a pity there's so much boilerplate to add a new entity there04:23
tlmok going for the cut and paste04:23
tlmsorry juju04:23
babbageclunkI feel like we could do with some codegen04:23
kelvinliuwallyworld: +1 plz a small PR to disable some CMDs for daemonset  https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1138604:42
wallyworldkelvinliu: looks nice. ty. here's a small one also https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1138704:50
kelvinliuty looking now04:51
pmatuliscan the value of JUJU_AVAILABILITY_ZONE be inspected somehow?04:59
wallyworldi think you can use juju run and look at the env vars in a hook context that way04:59
kelvinliuwallyworld: lgtm ty05:02
wallyworldkelvinliu: can you plese comment on https://discourse.juju.is/t/k8s-spec-v3-changes/2698/205:03
eloxGood morning05:28
hpidcockwallyworld: this bug fix is going to take at least another day. Hopefully I have a pr up this afternoon for the implementation so you can sanity check it, but the unit tests are going to be fun.05:35
wallyworldyeah, i bet05:35
wallyworldmanadart: what's O7k?06:07
manadartwallyworld: OpenStack06:57
wallyworldah, derp06:57
wallyworldall this fance txt speak06:57
* manadart gestures with pipe. "We we was comin' up, we talked proper like."06:58
wallyworldwhen i was a boy, people did speak properly with grammer rules and punctuation all followed07:00
stickupkidmanadart, got a second?08:08
manadartstickupkid: Yeah.08:09
stickupkidmanadart, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1138808:25
manadartstickupkid: Yup.08:25
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eloxI'm trying to deploy a centos charm in vsphere. But I have no idea as how to get a working image in there and how to get vsphere to understand "--series centos7". Anyone that has a clue? The same is true for AWS https://discourse.juju.is/t/deploying-centos7-in-aws/2839/410:01
manadartstickupkid: HO?11:06
stickupkidmanadart, of course11:06
hmlmanadart:  updated the pr with caas qa test14:05
manadarthml: Ack.14:06
stickupkidmanadart, so I have an issue with trying to pass a new type of header func through the client, in that it gets very messy and by messy, each goose.Client holds a http.Client and we create lots of different types of goose.Clients.14:32
stickupkidmanadart, we then end up having lots of different ways to construct this goose.Client and non of them seem right14:33
stickupkidmanadart, it feels like there should be a factory to get me a client and depending on my parameters14:34
manadartstickupkid: Yes.14:35
stickupkidmanadart, but nova and neutron share the same http client between them both14:35
jamguild https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11389 does now have some tests of both the CLI parsing and putting the args into the right spot, and more direct unit tests of how args get serialized.14:35
jamfeedback appreciated.14:36
manadarthml: Getting this on the integration test. https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/pq6m8kfVhy/14:40
hmlmanadart: huh, i’ll take a look.14:41
stickupkidmanadart, can I grab you before you EOD quickly?14:59
manadartstickupkid: I'm in Daily.15:03
hmlmanadart: i’ll have to put up a new pr to fix the integration test.  it’ll run if you replace `_` with `-`15:54
stickupkidhml, manadart that because juju has that restriction15:55
hmlstickupkid: np, it just looks like i replaced only one.  not sure where that happened15:59
stickupkidyeah, :)15:59
achilleasaanyone wants to review https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11390?16:28
rick_h_achilleasa:  can you please make sure that you ping an email to thumper to peek at it as well16:30
achilleasarick_h_: I have already @commented him in the PR16:30
achilleasarick_h_: btw, if you have some time can you try to poke any holes in the implementation?16:30
rick_h_achilleasa:  awesome ty16:40
rick_h_achilleasa:  will look ty16:40
achilleasahml: left a few comments on 11376; overall it looks good but I would recommend getting a +1 from someone who has worked with storage before16:57
hmlquick pr review anyone?  https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1139117:51
rick_h_hml:  +118:15
hmlrick_h_: ty18:16
hmlanother quick on :-) https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1139218:19
hatchI'm having issues running the gui simplestreams tests....it requires the values in export_test which aren't loaded when running the test file directly `go test environs/gui/simplestreams_test.go`19:53
=== mruffell_ is now known as mruffell
tlmmongo pem handling doesn't support headers :(23:37

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