
zakipavlushka, https://knome.org09:24
pavlushkazaki: ha ha ha09:24
zakiThe next operating system for your computer09:25
zakiThe configurability and resource usage of GNOME paired with the simplicity and focus of KDE - all rolled into a single package. Introducing KNOME, built using QTK3 and Kutter.09:26
zakimay be this is for people like me :P 09:26
pavlushkazaki: i use my customized mate on top of every system and i am happy with it09:26
zakiwho like KDE but use gnome09:26
pavlushkazaki: you?09:26
zakipavlushka, that is there slogan :P 09:27
zakiThe next operating system for your computer09:27
zakiI use Default09:27
pavlushkazaki: that's just the DE. not the whole OS09:27
pavlushkazaki: hey you can use dark theme on chatterbox, check that in the account settings -> themes09:28
zakipavlushka, https://knome.org09:30
zakiand check the download button :P 09:30
pavlushkazaki: it is the April fool, didn't get it?09:30
zakiat the bottom 09:30
pavlushkazaki: I didn't need to check the download option to find that out09:31
pavlushkazaki: that smells like that all over the website09:32
groudon_bengali is not displayed correctly in xchat12:40
groudon_I don't know how to change fonts12:40
groudon_in terminal same problem12:40
groudon_in firefox everything is okay12:41
groudon_anyone can help me?12:42
zakiplease use hexchat12:46
zakigroudon_, 12:46
zakior konversation on from KDE12:47
groudon_zaki, irssi?12:48
groudon_zaki, how about irssi?12:48
zakiআমি জানি না। 12:49

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