
callmepkGood morning00:14
pieqhi duflu! Regardung <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/1869857>, what's the easiest way to install 5.3 kernel on focal?03:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1869857 in bluez (Ubuntu) "[Intel 7265][Regression] Ultimate Ears BOOM speaker disconnects immediately after pairing" [Undecided,New]03:29
pieqduflu, I think I'll try installing older version of bluez first, just to make sure it's not bluez regression03:29
dufluJust a sec...03:30
duflupieq, you can choose a kernel from https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/?C=M;O=D and skip any packages mentioning 'lowlatency'03:31
pieqthanks duflu 03:36
seb128goood morning desktopers06:19
dufluMorning seb128 06:19
seb128hey duflu, how are you?06:20
dufluseb128, feeling better than I have lately. You?06:20
jibelhi all06:20
dufluHi jibel 06:20
seb128lut jibel, comment ça va ?06:20
seb128duflu, that's good to read! I'm fine, could have slept a bit more though06:21
dufluAlso biab..06:23
seb128urg, sorry, wrong command and I managed to close my session :-/06:23
seb128jibel, how are you?06:24
* seb128 downloads a beta iso06:24
jibelseb128, I'm good. I'd really need more exercise though. You?06:27
seb128jibel, I'm good thanks! Similar problem here, the ratio food/movement is not good atm, I feel better when I exercice more :-/06:28
jibelsooo, beta is broken on kde06:29
didrocksgood morning06:35
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:40
seb128lut didrocks, oSoMoN, comment ça va ?06:42
seb128jibel, where would be the fun without a bug :p06:43
seb128wooot, at least the plymouth fixes work, iso checksum feedback is back on screen \o/ :)06:44
seb128slightly buggy though06:44
seb128duflu, so, for some reason the md5 check tell to "ctrl-C to cancel the filesystem check" instead of "S to skip", did you notice that?06:45
oSoMoNsalut seb128, didrocks 06:45
didrocksça va seb128, et toi ?06:46
didrockssalut oSoMoN 06:46
seb128didrocks, je dormirais bien, et c'est pas journée 'jonglage', mais sinon ça va :)06:47
seb128happy to see that the plymouth spinner theme is getting there06:47
seb128duflu, bug #1870018 on lubuntu which doesn't use spinner, I guess it means it's not us but the new casper06:50
ubot5bug 1870018 in casper (Ubuntu) "No option shown to disable ISO verification S key not working" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187001806:50
seb128xnox, ^ regression from your recent casper changes?06:50
seb128ah, changelog says it was changed to ctrl-C on purpose06:51
didrockslibmtp regressed, can’t transfer any "big files" anymore to the sd card of my phone anymore and the error is quite cryptique. We’ll see later by bluetooth never worked, mtp was flacky and now, no more solution :(06:52
seb128didrocks, what's the error?07:03
didrocksseb128: libmtp error: Could not send object info.07:06
seb128didrocks, does it do it at a random time?07:06
didrocksquite cryptic and googling just shows up bugs from 2012 with some workarounds, but I guess it’s a bag mix of things07:06
didrocksseb128: no, I have it reliably when I start doing the file transfer07:07
didrocksonly for big files on the sd card07:07
seb128you could try to install the libmtp from bionic see if that fixes it I guess07:07
didrocks(sd card from my phone)07:07
seb128could also be the kernel or something else...07:07
didrocksdo you think nautilus will still work? (no libc or such?)07:07
seb128apt will tell you if some depends is unhappy07:08
jameshyay.  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8289 has been merged07:08
gitbotsnapcore issue (Pull request) 8289 in snapd "xdgopenproxy: forward requests to the desktop portal" [Squash-Merge, Closed]07:08
seb128but otherwise just rebuild the bionic libmtp on focal07:08
seb128to pikc right depends07:08
seb128libmtp doesn't change much, I doubt anything requires a new symbol or anything like that07:08
seb128jamesh, wooot, well done :)07:08
didrockswell, apt won’t tell me as I’ll dpkg :p07:09
jameshfewer ugly Zenity dialogs07:09
seb128didrocks, if you dpkg and apt -f install it will tell you if things are in a way apt doesn't like it usually07:10
seb128and probably suggest to upgrade libmtp in that case probably07:10
seb128(yes, hackish way ;-)07:11
didrocksseb128: yeah, so no conflict, but after killing nautilus and all *mtp* processes, replug the phone, select mtp, no way to access my phone content by mtp anymore07:11
didrocks/usr/libexec/gvfs-mtp-volume-monitor is started though07:11
didrocksbut nautilus is spinning forever07:11
seb128didrocks, no gvfsd-mtp ?07:12
didrocksmaybe maybe I should kill the gvfs processes as well?07:12
seb128try starting it by hand07:13
seb128maybe it does want a new symbol...07:13
didrocks/usr/libexec/gvfsd-mtp: symbol lookup error: /usr/libexec/gvfsd-mtp: undefined symbol: LIBMTP_Move_Object07:13
didrocksapt didn’t complain07:13
didrockssee :p07:13
seb128you win :)07:13
didrocksunsure it’s a win TBH :p07:13
seb128well "win"07:13
didrocksit was still working a week ago07:14
didrocksso, I’ll rather try 1.1.17-2 just in case07:14
seb128debian/libmtp9.symbols: LIBMTP_Move_Object@Base 1.1.1607:14
seb128yu can try 1.1.16 from disco/eoan07:15
didrocksI doubt that it’s 1.1.17-3 which broke it07:15
didrocksseb128: as -2 was working, let’s go the easy path07:15
didrocksto at least single out libmtp07:15
seb128-3 only changed udev rules07:15
seb128to not claim devices that are printer07:15
seb128so I doubt it's the issue07:16
didrocksgvfsd-mtp exits07:18
didrocksand nautilus spins forever07:19
didrocksmaybe should kill all gvfsd processes07:19
didrocksanyway, won’t logout/login back07:19
didrocksbut I feel this is a regression from another part of the stack07:19
didrockstransferring files to phone has always been an issue at least on my phones, dunno why :/07:20
didrocks(and when I got the error, nothing in the journal)07:20
dufluseb128, just caught up, yes that's from casper07:21
didrockshey Laney 08:09
seb128hey Laney, how are you? happy beta testing day!08:11
dufluAin't that the truth08:15
dufluMorning Laney08:15
Laneyhey didrocks seb128 duflu 08:16
Laneystraight into it!08:16
dufluseb128, fyi it doesn't sound like PulseAudio 14 will be tagged soon: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/-/issues/733 but I also know of no reason why that would be a problem for us08:17
dufluJust not a clean version number08:17
xnoxseb128: so S was brand new, and I changed to the thing that fckd uses.... Such that "everything" works the same... That's one of the things I need to check that help message about ctrl+c is shown....08:17
seb128we can SRU it and have it for .1 if it's late08:18
seb128xnox, it works for us but looks like some flavor might have their theme not ready for that08:18
xnox(in-focal regression basically, cause S was visible, and available only briefly in Focal)08:18
xnoxIf they use ubuntu-logo like themes, I guess I can generate per-theme messages...08:19
marcustomlinsonmorning desktoppers08:19
xnoxOr do integrity check by default only on flavours that have Plymouth integration working08:19
didrockshey marcustomlinson!08:20
seb128hey marcustomlinson, how are you today?08:20
seb128xnox, good news is that md5checksum and shutdown message are working now on the beta ISO for Ubuntu :)08:20
marcustomlinsonhey didrocks, seb128, doing fine thanks you?08:20
seb128doing good, thanks!08:20
didrocksmarcustomlinson: good good08:21
seb128Trevinho, bonjouno!08:23
dufluMorning marcustomlinson and Trevinho?08:31
dufluand xnox08:32
marcustomlinsonhey duflu!08:32
dufluxnox, I observe that bluetoothd doesn't seem to leave core dumps and we don't get crash reports. Even when my kernel log shows a crash. Is that some systemd config?08:32
xnoxduflu: do you have apport & whoopsie installed and enabled?!08:34
dufluYes, other things leave .crash files08:34
xnoxHuh?! Hmmm indeed08:34
dufluBut also errors.ubuntu.com doesn't show us crashes from anyone's08:35
dufluOnly from supplementary bluez binaries08:35
xnoxduflu: Open a bug report against Bluetooth&whoopsie and we can investigate.08:35
xnoxAnd tag it champagne08:35
seb128duflu, did you keep the buggy .config/pulse ? could be interesting to upstream, they asked for it befor08:42
dufluseb128, no, I just wrote that in the bug :(08:42
dufluI did not feel it was valuable to me at the time08:42
dufluBut if that's the issue then good news: progress!08:43
WimpressMorning desktoppers09:00
marcustomlinsonmorning Wimpress09:00
jameshtkamppeter: if you want to chat about the cups changes at some point, just ask09:00
dufluMorning Wimpress 09:02
didrocksmorning Wimpress 09:04
Laneyanyone noticed gnome-disks not giving progress updates when it's burning isos?10:12
Laneylike some callback isn't happening or something10:12
dufluseb128, bad news is that I have good news: Another update is needed: bug 183872510:26
ubot5bug 1838725 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Plymouth fails to display graphical splash screens on some machines, shows text mode dots animation instead." [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183872510:26
dufluI'm hoping that will help with Nvidia too, as well as AMD systems mentioned upstream10:27
dufluWill find out another day10:27
oSoMoNxnox, do you know when you'll be able to review my nodejs 10.19.0 merge? there's a firefox 75.0 RC that requires it as a build dep11:51
Wimpresstkamppeter: Hi there.11:51
WimpressAre you aware of this issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/186998111:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1869981 in cups (Ubuntu) "Printer notification every day at midnight" [Undecided,New]11:52
xnoxoSoMoN:  today, let me see11:53
oSoMoNcool, thanks!11:53
tkamppeterWimpress, no, this is the first time someone reporting it.11:54
tkamppeterWimpress, can be that it is due to CUPS being stopped and restarted for logrotate at midnight, perhaps one needs to somehow turn off notifications during this process.11:56
tkamppeterWimpress, probably the new GNOME is more verbose, generating notification pop-ups in situations where the old version did not.12:01
tkamppeterWimpress, on CUPS there were no recent changes, the 2.3.1 release was already several months ago and now Apple is re-structuring and therefore they did not issue a new CUPS version.12:02
tkamppeterWimpress, what is the GNOME component receiving the CUPS events and deciding which ones are worth notifying about? We need to move this bug to that component.12:03
mdeslaurI started getting that on 18.04 for the past month or so12:05
mdeslauror perhaps the past couple of weeks12:06
Wimpressseb128 Create job on the spinner theme :D12:23
tkamppetermdeslaur, AFAIK there was no update of CUPS in 18.04 in the last weeks. Did perhaps any GNOME components get updated which could have changed notification behavior.12:23
mdeslaurgood question12:30
mdeslaurtkamppeter: the kernel isn't involved in this at all, is it?12:30
mdeslaurI don't see anything sticking out as being a problematic update12:30
tkamppetermdeslaur, no, the kernel cannot be the culprit.12:39
mdeslaurI'll try and investigate more tomorrow morning once I get the notification again12:40
mdeslaurtkamppeter: is there a particular log file I can look at to see those events?12:40
tkamppetermdeslaur, CUPS has a D-Bus service for notifications. GNOMe subscribes to certain notification events and pops up notification, not necessarily for all events.12:40
tkamppetermdeslaur, if you run CUPS in debug mode ("LogLevel debug" in cupsd.conf) /var/log/cups/error_log should show when CUPS has served a notification to a client, but there one cannot see how the client will use it.12:42
mdeslaurtkamppeter: ok, I'll set it to debug mode and will comment in the bug if I see anything interesting, thanks tkamppeter 12:43
mdeslaurtkamppeter: I just did systemctl restart cups after adding the debug line, and the notification popped up12:43
mdeslaurtkamppeter: could it coincide with the logrotate?12:43
WimpressHey desktoppers12:47
WimpressIdeas for apps to list in that ☝️ which add value to the desktop.12:48
didrockszoom-client, given the context :)12:50
oSoMoNthat would be timely12:53
tkamppetermdeslaur, yes, logrotate stops CUPS, rotates the logs and starts CUPS, so you should be able to reproduce the bug by simply stopping and starting CUPS, as you did now.12:57
seb128Wimpress, thanks, credit goes to duflu as well :)13:27
clobranoWimpress, Telegram is quite used nowadays 13:27
clobrano...talking about suggested apps13:28
Wimpressclobrano1: Telegram is in the list, just not shown in that screenshot 🙂13:37
TrevinhoWimpress: Very nice. For future iterations, would probably be nice to also provide a combo list depending on the type of user you are... Like my mum won't be interested by PyCharm CE (I'm also curious how she would spell that xD), but maybe she might enjoy play a game or well, I mean, these are a great selection for developers, although they normally know how to find things, while casual13:46
Trevinhousers might be the one who need more "initial traininig"13:46
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you?13:55
Trevinhohi seb128 all good :)13:55
seb128Trevinho, did you test your patch on upstream shell or on the ubuntu package?13:55
seb128good, thanks13:55
seb128Trevinho, I still see snap-store with that patch applied to the focal package...13:56
Trevinhoseb128: well, I've tested locally in my dev env, but it's just like ubuntu as I've the same XDG_RUNTIME_DESKTOP set13:56
seb128Trevinho, do you have ubuntu patches applied13:56
seb128or is it upstream code?13:56
Trevinhoseb128: snap store version in snap (store) has not the notshowin thingy no?13:56
seb128Trevinho, you need the beta channel one13:56
seb128see my email13:56
Trevinhoseb128: let my try with both, but...13:56
seb128can you test that?13:56
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, I don't care much I just modified it and added to my apps13:57
Trevinholet me try again13:57
seb128Trevinho, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/472012147/gnome-shell_3.36.0-2ubuntu3~debug3_3.36.0-2ubuntu3~build1.diff.gz13:57
seb128Trevinho, the debdiff is abit weird because I had before tried to disable some distro patches to make sure it was not it13:58
seb128Trevinho, wait, let me check something :p13:58
Trevinhoseb128: works here... check the visual check in telegram :)14:02
seb128Trevinho, sorry, works for me as well now, teaching me trying one last cycle at midnight :p14:03
Trevinhoseb128: the only option could be that GLib.getenv('XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP') is null when the shell is ran? But I assume not, as that should be set14:03
seb128Trevinho, I had another set of shell debs in the same dir which had another revision and I did dpkg -IO *.deb which ended up with the other version14:04
seb128Trevinho, sorry for the noise, it works :)14:04
Trevinhoahah good for once you had a false-positive!!! :-D14:04
* Trevinho celebrateeees14:04
* seb128 sets the bug back to fix commited14:04
hellsworthgood morning desktopers14:15
marcustomlinsonhey hellsworth14:15
hellswortho/ marcustomlinson !14:15
seb128hey Heather14:17
didrockshey hellsworth!14:17
hellsworthhi seb128 , didrocks !14:17
seb128kenvandine, hey, replying to your email here rather14:18
kenvandinegood morning hellsworth 14:18
kenvandinehey seb128 14:18
seb128kenvandine, is the shell issue the only thingblocking you to land the beta snap-store version to stable?14:18
seb128so it's not an issue for beta?14:19
seb128I think Trevinho is going to want to land .1 with some other fixes after beta, so that can wait for that right?14:19
kenvandineit would be nice to have the shell fix in beta14:19
seb128if it has no impact14:19
kenvandinejust so the beta release has the right desktop file14:19
kenvandinethe beta snap is actually in focal :)14:20
seb128do we install the snap from beta?14:20
Trevinhowell, aren't we in freeze  now?14:20
seb128Trevinho, we are14:20
kenvandineit's also on ubuntu-20.0414:20
Trevinhoso.... 14:20
kenvandineit's fine for after beta14:20
seb128kenvandine, I would suggest you just amend the .desktop until we land the fix14:20
seb128remove the onlyshowin14:20
seb128and make snap-store NoDisplay=true?14:20
kenvandineI can do that14:21
seb128everyone gets ubuntu-software this one for beta14:21
seb128we are not likely to see a gnome-shell upload migrating and land on a respin for that issue14:21
seb128Trevinho, we are frozen but we take fixes for bugs we consider milestone blockers14:21
seb128that one could be considered one14:22
seb128but I think just realxing the .desktop rules as a workaround is easier14:22
kenvandinewe can work around it in the snap14:22
kenvandinesince the snap from that channel is only in focal14:22
seb128Trevinho, just make sure to cherry pick that one with your next upload please :)14:22
Trevinhoyeah, sure it's already done14:24
KGB-0gnome-shell ubuntu/master 017beae Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ series main-Don-t-override-DesktopAppInfo-desktop-if-already-GNO.patch * debian/patches: Don't override DestkopAppInfo desktop env * https://deb.li/jZev14:28
Trevinhoseb128: ^14:28
KGB-0gnome-shell ubuntu/master 58f5f8e Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ series main-Don-t-override-DesktopAppInfo-desktop-if-already-GNO.patch * debian/patches: Don't override DestkopAppInfo desktop env * https://deb.li/3TMSU14:32
seb128Trevinho, thanks14:34
seb128kenvandine, ^14:34
Laneystop force pushing!14:34
TrevinhoLaney: :*14:34
kenvandineTrevinho, seb128 thanks14:35
TrevinhoLaney: that was just to be nicer on patch-tagging adding the bug-ubuntu line I forgot14:35
Trevinho(although it was mentioned in commit for gbp dch love)14:35
Laneyriiiiight, that probably didn't need to be a force push14:36
Laneyanyway, consider yourself spanked14:37
seb128Laney, re gnome-disks, what do you call 'burning iso'? I've a nice progress bar updating correctly when I do 'restore image' to an usb stick14:38
seb128k, so it's not a 'buggy for everyone'14:40
xnoxoSoMoN:  nodejs uploaded, although i think we can drop portions of delta around acorn stuff, but not too sure. Will revisit later.15:45
oSoMoNxnox, ack, thanks a bunch!15:46
Laneywho wants to write some cool things in the beta release notes?16:46
Laneythere's sections for neat stuff you worked on16:46
iam730are there any twitter desktop clients that are better than just plain twitter.com in a standard browser?17:01
KGB-2mutter debian/master Simon McVittie * [update] merge request !58: WIP: 3.36.1 * https://deb.li/3cOHh19:09
seb128Trevinho, Laney, ^ should we only be notified about ubuntu/master?19:15
robert_ancellkenvandine, do you have an issue where snapcraft stops finding the gnome-3-34 extension? I installed candidate, but now my build is complaining again - is there a different version inside the VM?20:50
kenvandinethe VM refreshes to stable20:51
kenvandinesnapcraft --debug20:51
kenvandinesnap refresh --candidate snapcraft20:51
kenvandinein the debug shell 20:51
kenvandinethen you'll be good20:51
kenvandinesergio has a fix in the pipe somewhere20:52
robert_ancellDoes that stick?20:52
kenvandineonce you refresh it, it'll stick20:52
Laneyseb128: It doesn't apply to merge requests20:59
LaneySomeone needs to work on a change to do that21:00
seb128Laney, ah, ok21:14
seb128hint taken, maybe for my next hackday, I should try to have one of those every now and then, was nice when we did it21:16
seb128kenvandine, NotShowIn=ubuntu:GNOME; sounds weird/buggy, why would you do that?21:17
kenvandinewe don't want snap-store to show in ubuntu:GNOME21:17
seb128does it work?21:17
seb128I don't think the spec allows for that21:18
seb128you don't want it to show in 'ubuntu'21:18
kenvandineoh... are you sure?21:18
seb128GNOME is a fallback in the definition21:18
kenvandinei was worried about effecting flavors21:18
kenvandinelike MATE maybe21:19
seb128no flavor claims to be 'ubuntu' afaik?21:19
kenvandinegood ;)21:19
kenvandinethen i can change it21:19
kenvandinefor now i've published it with the workaround21:20
kenvandineand that's working21:20
kenvandinebut of course i don't want that to ever go to stable :)21:21
seb128well the shell fix is fix commited21:21
seb128so you can revert after beta21:21
seb128kenvandine, bug #1870184 ... is 'snap-store' supposed to show debs?21:40
ubot5bug 1870184 in snap-store "Snap store not showing ubuntu repository apt apps inthe store" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187018421:40
seb128kenvandine, to me it looks like from the screenshot they just got the wrong variant and have snaps only (the showonlyin bug)21:40
kenvandineWell, I'm seeing this currently as well21:41
kenvandineBut couldn't reproduce it on today's daily image21:41
seb128'snap-store" I though only had the snap plugin enabled21:41
seb128unlike snap-store.ubuntu-software?21:42
kenvandineIt actually doesn't matter which desktop file you click21:42
seb128or did I get that wrong?21:42
seb128same code, the .desktop is only reflecting the runtime capacity?21:42
kenvandineJust for display21:42
KGB-0mutter debian/master Simon McVittie * [update] merge request !58: WIP: 3.36.1 * https://deb.li/3cOHh22:08
KGB-0gnome-shell debian/master Simon McVittie * [update] merge request !37: WIP: 3.36.1 * https://deb.li/PVai22:09

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