
oerheksit is a windows phone file, plain text.00:00
ObrienDavewhat program do you use to generate that file?00:00
oerheksWhat is a PBK file?00:00
oerheksData file used by the Network Connections utility in Microsoft Windows, which is also referred to as the Remote Access Phonebook; stores saved dial-up connection settings, which include phone numbers, logins, and passwords; can save data for multiple connections.00:00
ObrienDavesounds like an Outlook address book?00:01
faridodd1npbk file is a vpn connection to access a espicial site00:01
oerheksif you want to use it for a VPN connection, one needs to open that file in a text program, and use the info manually00:01
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ObrienDaveoerheks to the rescue :)00:02
oerheksor get a linux version from that VPN provider?00:02
oerheks.ovpn or something00:02
ObrienDaveyea, that's OpenVPN file extension00:02
faridodd1nno i dont want vpn i set it to connect a especial site is ssat.ir00:03
faridodd1nthe site is www.sset.ir00:04
faridodd1nthis site just open with his pbk connection00:05
oerheksit is all the info i have.00:06
ObrienDavesorry, I can't help with pbk files00:06
sarnoldhmm, are you sure that the pbk thing isn't actually creating a VPN for you on windows? I can't get to that site myself..00:06
faridodd1npbk connections can use for vpn but you can set it to access sites for security reasons00:10
faridodd1nthis sites have private pbk to access it00:11
oerheksit is just a phone number, site rl, user name, password?00:11
oerheksdid you open it in a texteditor?00:11
faridodd1nyes anyone have user and pass . yes i open it buy text editor but 4 and 5 pages full of code00:14
ObrienDavereadable code or binary?00:19
faridodd1nI search the net but i can't solve this problem. not important.im use windows for it00:23
faridodd1nbut I have one question00:23
AlericHi. What is the default version of gcc on ubuntu LTS at the moment?00:25
faridodd1nmy laptop Dell 5010 core i3 is very hot with ubuntu and CPU all the time is 10000:25
doug16k`echo 1024 | sudo tee sysctl.conf` is crazy, right? -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM%20-%20Using%20Hugepages00:26
oerheksAleric, easy t find on launchpad00:26
sarnoldheh, is it easy? :)00:27
sarnoldit takes me forever to find it, even with a local archive mirror handy..00:27
Aleric...still didn't find it00:27
Alerichttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-lts  seems a dead end00:27
sarnolddoug16k: yes, that's crazy00:28
Jordan_Ufaridodd1n: If you run "top" in a terminal it should show you the processes using the most CPU at the top of the list. What processes is that?00:28
Alericstill not found...00:28
Alericnope.. not easy00:28
AlericI can't find it oerheks00:28
Alericoh, you gave the url anyway00:28
AlericThat page doesn't load00:29
AlericSo, can someone help me?00:31
sarnoldAleric: here we go https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-defaults00:31
oerheksheavy load on launchpad, it seems00:31
faridodd1nJordan_U: I see the top and write root 786 100 . I try mint and elementary and all of them have this problem.at the end I install xubuntu and it's ok00:32
Jordan_UAleric: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/gcc seems to show .00:32
AlericThat is WAY too old :/00:32
Jordan_UAleric: What are you trying to do?00:32
AlericI was discussing with a friend whether it was 7 or 800:32
AlericTrying to decide whether or not I want/need to support gcc 7.x for my project.00:33
Alericfriend: Why would you want to support gcc 7.x?  Me: that is the default in ubuntu LTS?  friend: I thought that was 8.00:33
AlericI ask here.. and you tell me it's 4.700:34
Jordan_UAleric: gcc 8 is available in universe. I'm not totally sure that what is provided by the gcc metapackage is the "default".00:34
Jordan_UAleric: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/gcc-800:35
oerheks4.7.4.0 = 7.x.y00:36
Jordan_UAleric: It seems that the default is 7.4.0, I'm not sure what the 4: is from.00:36
cuscothanks sarnold .. wireless was not tickets.. hmm I ticked it and set it no change00:37
sarnoldAleric: hopefully useful https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Fc9GZPjHhx/00:37
oerheksold but still valid00:38
AlericYeah, I just figured that out too... 7.4.0.  Which accepts -std=c++17 but doesn't provide std::from_chars :/00:38
Jordan_Uoerheks: I don't understand how http://www.ducea.com/2006/06/17/ubuntu-package-version-naming-explanation/ explains the 4: in 4:7.4.0-1ubuntu2.3 .00:43
oerheksyes, this 4.- is a mistery too..00:44
oerheksfrom upstream above debian?00:44
Jordan_UAleric: If you wait one month then the latest LTS release will be using gcc 9 :)00:49
Aleric*deleted what he was doing*00:49
Jordan_UAleric: (Because 20.04 will be released, and thus will be the latest LTS)00:50
AlericGuess I'll only support compilers that are really C++17 then.00:50
Jordan_UAleric: You're welcome :)00:50
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AureiDears, using liveusb, is posible to modify installed packages on it?01:38
AureiOr is not possible, as it's using squashfs?01:38
Aureii need to change the kernel to the latest one to test it on a notebook01:38
sarnoldnew kernel is probably too much01:39
Aureidue to it's dependances?01:40
Bashing-omAurei: Can not change the actual .iso - is read only: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9660 . But one can install packages as the system is in ram.01:40
sarnoldwhat do these .list files show? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/bionic/daily-live/current/bionic-desktop-amd64.list01:44
Aureii see, is there any bleeding edge solution, just to try the latest ubuntu kernel?01:46
ObrienDaveyou could try the daily builds01:47
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AureiCool, found it! Thanks a lot01:48
ses1984i think something might be going wrong with my bluetooth at the system level, i have a bluetooth keyboard that seems to sometimes disconnect and when i try to troubleshoot it the bluetooth gui is kind of unresponsive02:15
ses1984is there a way to reset the bluetooth stack02:16
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Someguy123are there any rsync mirrors for cloud-images.ubuntu.com ?02:42
Someguy123there seems to be tons of mirrors for cdimage.ubuntu.com and releases.ubuntu.com - but I can't find any for cloud-images.ubuntu.com02:44
Bashing-omSomeguy123: Try: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/minimal/daily/ .02:44
sarnoldSomeguy123: that's probably a question for #ubuntu-mirrors -- BUT I suspect this changes way too quickly for it to make sense to try to rsync it all. it's meant to be consumed via simplestreams clients when images are needed02:45
Someguy123sarnold: hmm okay, I run a server host, and we also have file servers in the three european countries we operate in, so we like to mirror things that we might use, to save bandwidth03:01
Someguy123for cloud-images I couldn't find any mirrors, but at the least cloud-images.ubuntu.com does run rsync, so we can mirror directly from them03:01
sarnoldSomeguy123: my guess is this would consume vastly more bandwidth than just pulling the images that your users need, when they need them03:02
sarnoldSomeguy123: it might be worthwhile talking to our certified public cloud team if that is a lot more than I think it is ;)03:02
Someguy123sarnold: meh, we mirror a lot of random things :)03:05
sarnoldSomeguy123: cool :D03:05
Someguy123I've limited our mirroring at least03:05
Someguy123e.g. no powerpc / armhf / s890x images etc.03:05
sarnoldSomeguy123: that reminds me of many happy hours on sunsite or wustl back in the day...03:05
Someguy123those are completely useless to most people, including ourselves - no point wasting space03:06
sarnoldI've got power9 *and* armhf in the house! (granted the armhf is turned off because the second time the pandaboard ate its SD card, like, eh, it was easier to fire up an AWS instance..)03:06
GryllidaHello. What app can I use to view USB webcam? I have tried webcamoid, but its ui is confusing.03:23
lotuspsychjeGryllida: cheese, kamoso, guvcview03:34
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Gryllidalotuspsychje: 'cheese' does not have an option to select the external camera, does it?03:35
lotuspsychjeGryllida: in preferences you can select a cam03:40
Gryllidalotuspsychje: screenshot, please? i don't see any preferences in cheese03:42
lotuspsychjeGryllida: https://imgur.com/a/XBOD8Kp03:43
Gryllidalotuspsychje: i'm using another wm, so that button is absent in my titlebar03:44
Gryllidai'd be a bit surprised if it didn't have a workaround for that03:44
lotuspsychjeGryllida: wich ubuntu version is that?03:44
Gryllidai removed everything and installed windowmaker03:44
lotuspsychjeGryllida: ok so you probably missing cheese's main menu heh?03:45
CarlFKthere is a ping like command that shows current stats - so after 5 min I can let it keep running but see totals too.  anyone now what that is?03:46
Gryllidalotuspsychje: yes03:47
gimmelHi all, I'm trying to get the unifi controller installed into Ubuntu. The Unifi guide gives a link to the mongodb website to install mongodb, but those instructions seem outdated or at least don't work. I've tried looking around for other guides on installing it, but I keep running into dep and version issues. Does anyone in here have mongodb running?04:09
lilkuz2005can anyone tell me if its possible to install the nvidia-340 legacy driver on 18.04? i keep getting xorg errors when i try it04:10
Bashing-omlilkuz2005: If you have the 18.04.1 install then: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa .04:15
gimmelHere is my current conundrum with mongodb. apt list says that there are packages installed, but if I try to remove them, apt says they're not installed -> https://pastebin.com/MQVABSKq04:17
ToxmiConsidering a huge directory with lots of sub-directories (these subdirectories may or may not have .git folder).  Is ther a tool (like git) which track just the changes made in the files in course of time?  I need such a tool similar to git but git store the contents and diff which I don't want for such a huge directory. I just want to have record of changes to files inside a direcotry (like04:27
Toxmihaveing statistics of changes over time).Considering a huge directory with lots of sub-directories (these subdirectories may or may not have .git folder).  Is ther a tool (like git) which track just the changes made in the files in course of time?  I need such a tool similar to git but git store the contents and diff which I don't want for such a huge directory. I just want to have record of04:27
Toxmichanges to files inside a direcotry (like haveing statistics of changes over time).04:27
ToxmiSorry for double paste :(04:27
jjbugglehey all.  I installed a new ssd drive.  I used a gpt partition.  When I start up, it says INVALID PARTITION TABLE!  I hit enter.  It goes to grub menu and seems to start ok.  Any idea what the issue is?04:30
jjbugglehmm, maybe it is a bios issue, nm04:31
al_nz1Anyone here free to help me get a bash file running as a service04:54
al_nz1actually here it is with error04:57
jjbugglei have free space on my ssd, but the installer wants to delete everything anyway.  Is there a way to get it to just use the freespace?  I'm not sure I know how to setup the partitions...05:00
jjbuggleprolly noone awake...05:00
Ben64well you didn't really give enough information and only waited 17 seconds05:02
jjbuggleheh, sorry05:02
jjbuggleim used to msdos partitioning, but someone advised me to go GPT with this new ssd.  Then it had bad partition error after i installed.  I realized that I don't really know how to setup GPT, so I'm trying to get ubuntu  to do it for me.  I have 2 partitions of data that I was hoping to save and want to use the rest of the space for xubuntu 18.04.  But, it only offers to wipe everything.05:04
jjbugglebut honestly, I should probably just do that, since I can just get the data again.  I have the old drive.05:04
jjbuggleis that enough info?05:06
ufkhi! i think my server crashed several times yesterday... does ubuntu saves a kernel panic log or something ?05:29
lestachttps://es.aliexpress.com/item/4000100340969.html what think about that kit?05:29
n-iCehow can I solve this errors https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3nbTB2C7jp/06:09
lotuspsychjen-iCe: cosmic is end of life06:14
lotuspsychjen-iCe: install a supported ubuntu version from the topic please06:14
n-iCeok thank you06:15
n-iCe18.04 is ok for no 64bits laptop?06:17
faunhi there06:19
vltufk: Usually after a kernel panic, nothing gets written anywhere. But you could things like `journalctl` and /var/log/syslog for something just before it happened.06:33
ufkah ok thanks06:34
vltufk: One way to log even a kernel panic is an attached serial cable to a separate machine. I use ThinClients from the late 1990's for this :-D06:35
vltn-iCe: If "no 64bits" means at least 32, then yes.06:36
n-iCeok im back06:43
n-iCehow can I know my ubuntu version?06:44
ufklsb_release -a06:45
n-iCeis 18.0.4 the lastest?06:46
n-iCeok downloading06:47
ufk18.04.4 is latest LTS06:49
n-iCeok and oto upgrade?06:50
ramoalamIs this the right place to ask for installation support ?07:17
exportramoalam: seems like the right place for ubuntu support, it's not -offtopic just go ahead and ask, it's a little dead here but you can try and see.07:22
ramoalamwhile trying to install Ubuntu 18.04 from a live USB (the system was previously Windows and I opted to erase Windows) I encountered the issue described in this (https://askubuntu.com/questions/771899/pcie-bus-error-severity-corrected) post. As instructed in that post, I inserted the line "pci=noaer" into the GRUB and managed to finally install07:39
ramoalamUbuntu. The issue is that it only allowed me install it in OEM installation mode. I would really like to have a traditional install route, and understand what exactly was initially causing me this install issue. Is there anything I can do now that I have installed Ubuntu on my system (albeit in OEM mode) to reverse engineer what was causing the07:39
ramoalamissues in the first place, that would then allow me to fix the installation issues and install Ubuntu normally ? I have no issue doing a fresh install (I haven't used the new Ubuntu install yet).07:39
john_ramboI want to type in Bengali in LibreOffice Writer. How can I do that ?07:43
amosbirdHi, is there a command I can use to "cat" the content of a Word doc?07:48
EriC^amosbird: https://askubuntu.com/questions/364872/how-to-view-a-doc-from-command-line07:53
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mohit006ubuntu 19.108:20
mohit006baronkrause: hi can you help me with ubuntu 19.1108:24
geirhait's 19.10, yy.mm08:24
mohit006i am a new user so please tell me how do i find it08:25
geirhahow to get ubuntu 19.10? you go to https://ubuntu.com and click Download at the top menu bar08:26
mohit006well i have already installed it08:26
mohit006please help me with some issues08:26
lotuspsychjeso ask your question mohit00608:28
mohit006i am having connectivity issues like either i can browse but cannot use software or use software but not able to browse on firefox it says secure connection problem08:29
wawrekhi there,08:31
wawrekcan I replace gnome with xfce on ubuntu?08:31
sixwheeledbeastjust use Xubuntu?08:32
wawrekI didn't know that?08:33
wawrekI will give it a try08:33
lotuspsychje!pm | mohit00608:35
ubottumohit006: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.08:35
wawrekubottu: how do you mean? isn't this the main channel?08:38
ubottuwawrek: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:38
wawrekubottu: I won't ;)08:38
ubottuwawrek: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:38
wawrekbut can I permanently delete gnome  after installing xfce? Is ubuntu using gnome?08:40
geirhaubuntu uses gnome by default, yes08:40
geirhadeleting gnome will be cumbersome, and xfce uses some gnome stuff too08:41
geirhaIt's also possible to have both installed. Then you choose which one to use at the login screen08:41
DiezelAnyone know how to change the regional formats to something like English (local). At the moment I have the local settings, Finland, but I really don't want to see the months in Finnish just becasue I'm located in Finland at the moment. Changing it to English US also changes the currency from € to $08:45
wawrekgeirha: I wanted to get rid of gnome08:45
wawrekno need to have both of these on my system08:46
geirhawell, you can install the xubuntu-desktop and remove the ubuntu-desktop package, any remaining gnome-pakcages that are not required by xubuntu-desktop after that should be in the list of "no longer needed" packages08:47
geirhaI wouldn't attempt to remove any more gnome-related packages beyond that08:48
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sixwheeledbeastProbably best to install Xubuntu over the top of your ubuntu installation09:58
mohit006cannot play videos on mozilla ubuntu 19.1010:00
mohit006please help10:00
NissanGTR_FanBoymohit006: that is sad10:00
NissanGTR_FanBoymohit006: more context please10:01
NissanGTR_FanBoymohit006: what videos? which version of Firefox?10:01
NissanGTR_FanBoymohit006: did you try to use Chromium browser? Same result?10:02
mohit006firefox 7410:02
mohit006videos such as prime video player not working10:02
mohit006facebook videos not working10:02
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mohit006havn't used chromium10:02
mohit006not sure about the format10:03
mohit006must be mp410:03
NissanGTR_FanBoycan you open the developper console on firefox, go in a page with a video that is bugging, and tell us if there is error shown in the console (you can use pastebin for this)10:04
mohit006NotSupportedError: MediaSource.addSourceBuffer: Can't play type10:05
mohit006he video on this page can’t be played. Your system may not have the required video codecs for: video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E mp4a.40.2", video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401E mp4a.410:05
NissanGTR_FanBoydid you installed the codec?10:09
mohit006please guide how to install10:09
sixwheeledbeastfirefox maybe blocking playback due to its security settings, if it works with another browser maybe ask over in #firefox10:11
barnexHi. I'm having trouble figuring out where all of my RAM is going. Attached my attempt to find heavy processes and I see no way this can acocunt for 20G used? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hNDBxGFw8s/10:41
barnexwell disregard that10:43
barnexturns out if you add all the numbers the result is a big number10:43
barnexThe followup question is, is it cool that ibus-portal and xdg-desktop-portal are eating 2.5GB mem each?10:45
DrManhattanit's not like windows mem usage10:46
DrManhattanbut it does seem high10:46
DrManhattanoh nvm, I read that entirely wrong10:48
DrManhattanthe list is reading how much total ram is being used10:48
DrManhattaneach process is not using the amount of ram listed next to it10:49
barnexso I made the command wrong? I was trying to clump together things like chromium-browser that has 90 processes because obviously it does10:49
DrManhattanYes, it's listing the total amount of ram used, not the amount of ram used by the process10:50
DrManhattanit increments10:50
barnexit only increments cause it is sorted I think10:50
DrManhattan1.7G for spotify?10:51
barnex-P "^$proc" should filter10:51
barnexhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Qdt4Pp7CBB/ here's the full unsorted output of that loop10:51
DrManhattanI don't think that is right either10:52
barnexmight be, I wrote that loop myself with limited understanding of things10:52
DrManhattanit doesn't appear those memory amounts have anything to do with the program listed next to them10:53
barnexhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kKHVXK6y95/ here's what gets counted for spoify10:53
DrManhattanI am aghast - either a bunch of those apps are leaking memory or the desktop landscape has changed a lot more than I thought10:56
DrManhattan1.4G gnome-software10:56
DrManhattanyou have to be kidding me10:56
barnexI think both, I tend to not reboot my desktop ever, uptime is 62 days10:56
barnexI might have restarted X once at some point during those days10:57
barnexWell that's how much it's using, it's just one process, so not much chance to be checking it wrong :P11:02
barnex17594 barnex   /usr/bin/gnome-software --l     8.0K     1.4G     1.4G     1.4G11:02
DrManhattanyeah your code is fine11:02
DrManhattanthere's something screwy11:02
DrManhattansomething amiss11:02
barnexit's actually trying to do something with some .deb I might have installed for zoom conferencing for some reason11:02
barnexI guess I'll just kill the gnome-software and not be much worse off11:03
barnexwell thanks anyway11:03
lotuspsychjeNissanGTR_FanBoy: dont please11:14
NissanGTR_FanBoysorry, my cat...11:14
untakenstupidnicwould x.org come with 20.04 as an option?11:15
lotuspsychjeuntakenstupidnic: #ubuntu+1 for 20.04 support11:15
sixwheeledbeastIt's still X in 20.04 anyway AFAIK11:18
halvorsubuntu doesn't nativly preload right? Is it recommended to install the preload package?11:20
lotuspsychjehalvors: its reccomended yes11:20
lotuspsychje!info preload | halvors optional==>11:21
ubottuhalvors optional==>: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-5 (eoan), package size 28 kB, installed size 92 kB11:21
halvorsany reason it's not default?11:21
lotuspsychjehalvors: you can make a wishlist bug if you want, ill affect it too11:22
BluesKajHi folks11:23
independentCan anyone help with XEN?11:36
independentxen: event channel open: No such file or directory11:36
independent2020-04-01T10:27:27.305029Z qemu-system-x86_64: xen hardware virtual machine initialisation failed11:36
AdrTruHey guys, whenever I close the lid on my Lenovo Ideapad S340 the touchpad jumps around weridly afterwards. How can I fix that?11:42
AdrTruwhy is this channel so dead?11:45
lotuspsychje!patience | AdrTru11:45
ubottuAdrTru: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/11:45
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of https://web.archive.org/web/20170201184826/http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/11:45
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kiopsupHi guys, I just rebooted my pc brutally and lost the possibility to set my second screen at 4k resolution. I'm using a amd GPU with out of the box driver on a x11 session. Any idea ? Thanks in advance12:30
kiopsupalso xrandr only show 1280x800 maximum res12:33
fedelHi everyone. I'd like to know if someone can help me to make my bluetooth headset mic work on my ubuntu. I've tried some things on forums but can't make it work. I''m using bluez/blueman to connect the device and it's aways connecting on a2dp sink. When I try to change the profile  on blueman, it returns an error. If I try it on the settings, it12:48
fedeldoesn't do anything12:48
jeremy31fedel in blueman, set the audio profile to off, then use blueman to disconnect the device, then reconnect and see if you can set to HSP/HFP12:50
fedeljeremy31, didn't work. It shows the same error: failed to change profile to headset_head_unit12:56
jeremy31fedel: Might be a bluez/pulseaudio bug12:57
koomenHi, I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 and install rbenv, but when I do "rbenv install -l | grep 2.5" I only get "2.5.0-dev" and "rbx-2.5.0" until "rbx-2.5.8", how do I install 2.5.0+ on ubuntu?13:01
fedeljeremy31, Thanks. I'll try to check13:07
gst568923Hi guys, I have a problem of laptop black screen and the error is "[drm:uvd_v1_0_start [radeon]] *ERROR* UVD not responding, trying to reset the VCPU!!!"13:15
gst568923Yesterday a patch was released but my problem was not resolved https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/186513013:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1865130 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "[drm:uvd_v1_0_start [radeon]] *ERROR* UVD not responding, trying to reset the VCPU!!!" [High,Fix released]13:17
gotchai have an ubuntu 12.04 vm running at home, is there a way to upgrade to latest?13:17
braindead_i installed a fresh ubuntu server and want to mkdir -p /opt/containers/{traefik,portainer} but permission denied. i am the only user with root rights. what am i doing wrong :(13:36
braindead_please forget that13:38
pragmaticenigmaforget the sudo in front?13:39
HuskyDevYeah, are you sure you entered sudo?13:39
eindoofushi, does anyone know how to display file extensions in ubuntu? i was just trying to save an xls in chrome and it doesn't mention the type in the save prompt, and i later end up with what appears to be a zip file13:57
ajm5700is there something going on with repository signatures? I noticed a lot got updated today and I can't run apt update at the moment14:52
oerhekshi ajm5700, can you paste the output on paste.ubuntu.com please?14:55
ajm5700oerheks:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BbTm2wvwdz/14:57
ajm5700each of the ones that failed got a new INRELEASE file today14:58
oerheksajm5700, maybe your mirror is in sync now; try again in a minute, if that does not fix,..14:58
oerhekssudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists && sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade  >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PackageManagerTroubleshootingProcedure14:58
ajm5700this is a docker container pulled this morning, there is nothing actually in the lists folder to remove15:00
oerheksoh docker, for that i have no clue ..15:01
pragmaticenigmaajm5700: You will have to check with the docker maintainer... those images are customized and the volunteers here do not know where the documentation for those images are. They are usually developed by 3rd parties with no direction to Ubuntu or Canonical community15:01
ajm5700this is ubuntu:18.04 which is maintained by Canonical15:02
oerheksyes, it is ubuntu, but not a canonical docker vm?15:03
pragmaticenigmaajm5700: Canonical does not produce any docker images... they provide premade cloud images that can be made into docker images15:03
pragmaticenigmaand to make the cloud instances into docker, requires customization. Again, there is no published documentation, the volunteers here rely on the official documentation from Canonical to provide support. Without that, we don't know what is going on in that instance15:05
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eindoofusi'm using a 4k tv as a monitor. is there a way to prevent some apps from opening maximized across the entire screen?15:16
eindoofusevery time i open a spreadsheet in libreoffice it covers the entire screen15:17
pragmaticenigmaeindoofus: I think libreoffice remembers how it was opened from the last time... try opening it directly (not via a document/file) un-maximizing it, closing it, then open again directly15:31
g0tchahey guys, i have an ubuntu 12.04 running on a VM that i want to upgrade, what is the best way to do that?15:34
pragmaticenigmag0tcha: it will be faster to install 18.04 or 19.10 directly than to upgrade.15:35
g0tchapragmaticenigma, i have a webserver and other web services running on it15:35
pragmaticenigma!eol | g0tcha otherwise follow the instructions in the link:15:35
ubottug0tcha otherwise follow the instructions in the link:: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:35
pragmaticenigmag0tcha: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades ... and good luck15:36
g0tchapragmaticenigma, your 'good luck' doesnt sound very assuring hehehe15:36
pragmaticenigmag0tcha: It's not... there have been significant architecture changes through Ubuntu since 12.9415:37
g0tchai was afraid of that15:38
g0tchamaybe i should look up on how to migrate apache etc from an older version to a new server install15:38
pragmaticenigmag0tcha: if it were me... i would start up a fresh 18.04 and migrate stuff over. Apache specifically has a lot of changes (especially in directory permissions settings) ... there is legacy support, but you will be better off taking the migration approach rather than the upgrade approach15:40
g0tchapragmaticenigma, yeah, i might have to do that15:42
imihi. in which directory does ubuntu store the default desktop background images?15:50
pragmaticenigmaimi: /usr/share/background15:56
pragmaticenigmaimi: * /usr/share/backgrounds15:56
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jvwjgamesI'm trying to make a custom Ubuntu ISO that can be installed. How do I go about doing that?17:02
oerheksjvwjgames, there is cubic, https://askubuntu.com/questions/741753/how-to-use-cubic-to-create-a-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-image17:04
oerheksbut this channel is not about help to make your own ubuntu mission, good luck!17:04
jvwjgamesOk thanks I have tried cubic17:06
halvorsIs it a way to change to IEC prefixes instead of SI prefixes in Ubuntu?17:15
MonkeyDusthalvors: is this useful   https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/Wishlist-for-R/issues/617:46
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halvorsMonkeyDust: I was thinking more of changeing unit in Nautilus.17:51
pragmaticenigmanot the first time I've seen that question... and the rabit holes I've gone down... the units are hard coded by the Gnome team... there isn't a way to change them17:52
pragmaticenigma*there isn't an easy way to change them17:52
halvorspragmaticenigma: thx :)17:55
halvorsso not a ubuntu issue.17:55
CoolerXhow do you execute a shell script on double click?17:56
pragmaticenigmahalvors: It could be proposed as a feature on launchpad, but Ubuntu tends to focus on the majority not smaller edge cases17:58
MonkeyDustCoolerX: start here   https://askubuntu.com/questions/64222/how-can-i-create-launchers-on-my-desktop17:59
CoolerXMonkeyDust, command not found18:01
CoolerXI am on ubuntu 18.04, I get "command not found" when I do alt + f2 and then type  gnome-desktop-item-edit --create-new ~/Desktop18:02
CoolerXI guess it isn't gnome desktop anymore?18:03
pragmaticenigmaCoolerX: it is gnome desktop, but those instructions are very old18:03
pragmaticenigmathe original post was 8 years ago18:03
CoolerXpragmaticenigma, "very old" anyone remember when the world was going to end in 2012?18:04
pragmaticenigmaCoolerX: "sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends gnome-panel" will enable the command18:04
pragmaticenigmaCoolerX: I'm not a fan of this site, but in this case it seems to have a pretty accurate tutorial: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-create-desktop-shortcut-launcher-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux18:05
CoolerXpragmaticenigma, that installed but18:06
CoolerXnow when I run the command it does nothing18:06
CoolerXpragmaticenigma, I don't have an icon18:15
CoolerXthe file is just an executable I downloaded18:16
CoolerXpragmaticenigma, I think the executable might have an icon embedded inside it18:17
pragmaticenigmaI don't know anything about selecting the icons... I know you can click the icon in the configuration tool to change it to something else. if the executable has one embedded you might be able to select the executable and see if the tool can automatically extract out the icon. otherwise, I think it will default to a collection of available icons that hopefully suit your needs18:21
suprhm76Client: HexChat 2.14.2 • OS: Ubuntu "eoan" 19.10 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3337U CPU @ 1.80GHz (2.53GHz) • Memory: Physical: 5.5 GiB Total (3.1 GiB Free) Swap: 5.6 GiB Total (5.4 GiB Free) • Storage: 318.0 GB / 486.8 GB (168.8 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller @ Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor DRAM Controller • Uptime: 1d 4h 47m 118:35
elgehi there.  I wonder what patches are applied to stterm package for building.  Where could I have a look to check it?18:41
sarnoldelge: the 'easy' way to get it is to duplicate your 'deb' lines in /etc/apt/sources.list* files, adding matching deb-src lines; then you can run apt source stterm18:44
sarnoldelge: you can grab the files from launchpad, too https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/stterm/0.8.2-118:44
elgesarnold, thanks18:49
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jonvonbSo now when I unlock my screen I get an "Authentication Required" dialog in the top left that cannot be moved or dismissed. It says authentication is required to run gvfsd-admin daemon.18:53
jonvonbWeirdly, I can "click through" the dialog and access GUI elements behind it.18:55
jonvonbThis is on 19.1018:55
sarnoldjonvonb: what release?18:57
MonkeyDustjonvonb: I have that too, for gvfs... I simply use 'anonymous' and it works for the exteran hdd... the ssd requires a password however19:00
noob_on_railshey all, i have a really weird problem, my 18.04 stopped recognizing a lot of my installed programs that were working perfectly fine till this afternoon :O , last thing i remember doing was installing the chrome-gnome-shell19:00
jonvonbI noticed some updates available. Gonna apply those and reboot first to see what happens.19:00
noob_on_railsdoing stuff like which firefox returns nothing!19:00
noob_on_railsanyone experienced something similar ?19:00
jonvonbThis is new behavior. Been on 19.10 since the week it was released19:01
Smashcat_Anyone know how to boot Ubuntu 19.10 into text mode? I made the mistake of installing the Ubuntu nvidia driver, so it now can't boot to the gui19:10
Smashcat_the old grub 'e' method no longer works19:10
Bashing-omSmashcat_: The recovery console from grub's boot menu exist for reasons like this.19:12
Smashcat_It used to, yeah :)19:13
Bashing-omSmashcat_: Under "advanced" there are no recovery kernels ?19:14
Smashcat_No. After hitting ESC to get into grub, it now just shows "grub>" and waits for a command.19:15
Smashcat_Meh, I'll just reinstall :)19:15
mlokpcHow can I set a binary as ExecStart in systemd?19:16
lordcirthmlokpc, just point to it's absolute path.19:17
lordcirthIt probably needs to be executable19:17
mlokpclordcirth: thanks19:18
noob_on_railsanyone on my issue? I'm really clueless...19:19
sarnoldnoob_on_rails: check /var/log/dpkg.log* files to see what changed recently19:20
sarnoldnoob_on_rails: perhaps you accidentically uninstalled a bunch of important things19:20
noob_on_railssarnold: hmmm, pff maybe you're right cause i was messing with openssl trying to figure out something19:21
noob_on_railslet's see19:21
sarnoldheh yeah, people trying to replace openssl for whatever reason is a common cause of busting things pretty badly19:21
relipse2installed mysql-server-5.7 package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 119:22
relipse2I'm trying to install mysql server but it's not working19:23
Bashing-omrelipse2: pastebin for the channel ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; dpkg -l mysql-server-5.7 ' .19:24
Smashcat_Almost done reinstalling - must remember, don't EVER install display drivers :)19:25
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noob_on_railssarnold: i might be in deep trouble :/19:35
sarnoldnoob_on_rails: uhoh. what else got removed?19:35
noob_on_railsi did a lot of install & uninstall of openssl while trying to create a specific key19:36
noob_on_railsand thought the version was causing trouble19:37
sarnoldnoob_on_rails: ouch. alright, hold on a bit..19:41
noob_on_railsit's messy :(19:42
noob_on_railsthanks for helping out sarnold19:42
sarnoldnoob_on_rails: here's the list of packages that were removed: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7RRXkzrZ9J/19:44
relipse2Bashing-om: http://dpaste.com/1WYTCD519:44
noob_on_railssarnold: should i like apt install them?19:45
sarnoldnoob_on_rails: can you get to that link? if not we could try other resources.. anyway, I *hope* an apt install of that long list will help get you towards fixing this19:45
relipse2ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)19:45
oerheksthat is, if apt is still valid19:45
noob_on_railsoh ok let's see , yea i could read it, the formatting was all in a straight line but all good19:46
noob_on_railsoerheks: apt is ok!19:46
noob_on_railsalso kvirc is ok (the client im using to connect to freenode)19:46
Bashing-omrelipse2: Did update/upgrade run clean ? show no issues ?19:46
noob_on_railsi used apt to install chromium so i can search for the problem :/19:46
oerheksoof, that is good :-)19:47
relipse2Bashing-om: http://dpaste.com/11FQ4YY19:47
Bashing-omrelipse2: I am not too good at guessing games. Paste bin ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' to remove my doubts.19:50
sarnoldoerheks: luckily apt uses gnutls rather than openssl; otherwise we'd have *loads* of folks with outright unfixable systems19:52
relipse2Bashing-om: ok here you go: http://dpaste.com/1WZEBMB19:53
noob_on_railsbrb restart19:54
relipse2what do you think Bashing-om19:57
noob_on_railssarnold: thanks so much! i think it's mostly back to normal :D :D20:01
noob_on_railsi had some problems with the postgres installation but i'll resolve them20:01
sarnoldnoob_on_rails: sweet! :)20:01
noob_on_railsat least i can work for thursday and friday and if i find it defective, format over the weekend, thanks again!20:02
sarnoldif you got it this far, a reinstall probably won't be necessary20:02
noob_on_railsoh ok20:02
sarnoldthat reboot did worry me, I wondered what else might have been missing, from before the log entries, heh20:02
Bashing-omrelipse2: Well ! You were way behind :) .. reboot and show us in a pastebin ' uname -r ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt -f install ' .20:03
noob_on_railsno, everything looks normal, the only program that lost it's saved preferences is firefox20:03
noob_on_railsatom, slack, mailspring, reminna are all ok20:03
Phruishey peeps20:03
Phruiswith dolphin can i change my drive names?20:03
sarnoldnoob_on_rails: ugh :( -- that might be worth a report. is your firefox a snap package?20:04
Phruis3.6 TB Hard Drive isn't very descriptive when you have more than one20:04
relipse2Bashing-om: how do I reboot20:04
sarnoldnoob_on_rails: I don't know if I'd expect purging and reinstalling snap to leave snap preferences alone or not. hrm.20:04
Phruisrelipse2, type reboot in the terminal20:04
noob_on_railssarnold: umm I don't really remember tbh :D20:04
noob_on_railssarnold: yea it's ok, easy fix20:04
noob_on_railsphew that was close :D heheh20:05
noob_on_railsthanks again sarnold! have a good one!20:05
sarnoldyou too noob_on_rails :)20:05
oerheksPhruis, yes, when they are unmounted, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive#Changing_the_Label20:05
Phruisoerheks, thanks20:05
Bashing-omrelipse2: relipse2 ' systemctl reboot ' .20:05
oerheksnot so via a filemanager, but then again, why would that be an option.20:05
relipse2Bashing-om: Doesn't work, i'm on WSL: System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.20:06
Bashing-omrelipse2: Never seen WSL - can not advise further.20:07
relipse2Windows Subsystem Linux20:08
Bashing-om!wsl | relipse220:08
ubotturelipse2: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide20:08
relipse2Bashing-om: ok here http://dpaste.com/17XMA8D20:14
Bashing-omrelipse2: what results ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.7 ' ?20:16
relipse2 /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: mysql-server-5.7 is broken or not fully installed20:16
relipse2do I have to use a differnet port or something?20:17
relipse2like 3307?20:17
Phruisi think it is broken or not fully installed20:18
relipse2right but how do I fix it?20:19
Phruisrelipse2, did you use the mysql documentation?20:19
Phruisthey have a config tool to set mysql to the version you desire20:20
Ben64should really be asking in the wsl channel20:20
Phruissudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config20:21
Bashing-omrelipse2: Try ' sudo apt -o DPkg::options::=--force-confmiss --reinstall install mysql-server-5.7 ' .20:21
Phruisdev/mysql.com/get/ <--version20:21
relipse2: Internal Error, No file name for mysql-server-5.7:amd6420:22
Bashing-omrelipse2: As advised .. seek help in the WSL channel.20:24
relipse2There are only 14 people in that channel20:24
relipse2And none of them havenswered me20:25
Ben64well you're not running linux so it's not super relevant to be asking here20:25
relipse2its ubuntu???20:26
Phruisgray area20:26
relipse2Phruis: ok i downloaded it, how do I install it20:26
Ben64definitely not a linux kernel, so i'd say it's not really ubuntu20:26
Phruisyou gotta add the repo add gnupg then run sudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config*20:27
Phruisyou probably dont have 5.7 installed20:27
Bashing-omrelipse2: Ben64:: 4.4.0-18362-Microsoft :(20:27
Phruisfor example my system has mysql 8 on it20:28
Phruisdepending on your version of "WSL/Ubuntu"20:28
Phruisif it is 18.04 whatever it defaults to20:28
Phruisyou gotta configure your apt repo sources and that package takes care of the magic for you20:29
relipse2what do I do with this file: mysql-apt-config_0.8.15-1_all.deb I downloaded it from oracle20:30
relipse2on the page which you linked20:30
oerheksoracle blob on ubuntu.20:35
relipse2dpkg: error processing package mysql-server (--configure):20:36
relipse2 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured20:36
relipse2Errors were encountered while processing:  mysql-server-5.720:37
relipse2 mysql-server20:37
oerheksyes? why the 8 series for a 5.7 ...20:38
Bashing-om!info mysql-server-5.7 bionic | Phruis - relipse220:38
ubottuPhruis - relipse2: mysql-server-5.7 (source: mysql-5.7): MySQL database server binaries and system database setup. In component main, is optional. Version 5.7.29-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 2863 kB, installed size 46374 kB20:38
pragmaticenigmaI don't believe the .deb files will work under WSL... even if they do... this channel does not support them relipse220:39
relipse2Why is this so difficult? I just want to install php 7.2 mysqli extension so I can connect to mysql on my windows machine20:40
pragmaticenigmarelipse2: why not use the PHP installer for windows instead and stop adding layers of complexity to your workflow20:41
sarnoldrelipse2: the linux subsystem of the windows kernel is amazing work but *not* linux; you could rent a VM from a cloud provider for a few bucks a month, or install a VM tool yourself on a system you own, to run *linux*, which would then let you do all the usual linux things on it20:41
sarnoldrelipse2: or just repurpose a system to run a linux directly20:42
relipse2because gearman is only available for linux20:43
sc0utonlinuxwhat exactly does alt + click on a window do ?20:45
pragmaticenigmaso you are trying to shoe horn an application that is not intended to run on WSL... You really should read documentation. WSL is intended to be a sys admin tool, not a full time runtime for your software. Do it right, install to a linux machine, or create a VM with Ubuntu installed. Don't think WSL is going to be the shortcut to solve your problem. It's not. It isn't supported here because it isn't a direct byte-for-byte copy of20:45
pragmaticenigmaUbuntu. It is a striped down, undocumented copy that Microsoft put together. That is why as before, you were told it is not supported here.20:45
sc0utonlinuxI get like a crosshair with a red dot when i do it20:45
relipse2I was just following instructions on https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/setup-a-php-development-environment-on-windows-subsystem-for-linux-wsl-9193ff28ae83/20:48
relipse2they seemed to do it ok20:48
sarnoldsc0utonlinux: it depends upon the application and window manager20:51
sarnoldsc0utonlinux: some window managers use alt+drag to move windows20:51
sarnoldsc0utonlinux: some applications use alt+drag for their ownpurposes -- like rectangular selections in urxvt20:51
sc0utonlinuxsarnold: i think that's what it does with me .. how can i change this behaviour ?20:51
sc0utonlinuxits stopping me from using photoshop in virtual box .. cause it doesn't allow me to alt click20:52
pragmaticenigmarelipse2: the truth is, volunteers on this channel rely and require the official documentation for Ubuntu as provided through Ubuntu's official support and documenation channels. There is no such documentation for WSL on any of the Ubuntu/Canonical official pages. the volunteers of this channel have in the past deemed that without documentation, support cannot be provided. that is why you were sent to the WSL specific channels.20:52
pragmaticenigmaIt is unfortuantely the was no one there to help you, but that is the appropriate place to be seeking out help as the members there have taken the time to learn and understand WSL and are willing to help each other out.20:52
sarnoldsc0utonlinux: normally VM things have a way to 'grab' pointer and keyboard to try to prevent other X clients from doing anything with them -- does your VM system allow "grabbing" in this way?20:52
relipse2ok thanks for trying to help me20:53
sc0utonlinuxsarnold: it does .. but i've been investigating a known bug .. with Kubuntu where it seems to overwirte this functionality20:54
sc0utonlinuxfor example the host key will open the windows menu as well as the kubuntu menu .. the soltion in the discussions whas to re assign .. the host key button on Ubuntu..20:54
oerheksphotoshop works best in full screen mode, not windowd20:54
sc0utonlinuxand Ubuntu was refusing to accept it as a bug because .. its blaming virutal box for not being programmed correctly20:55
oerheksgrinn, wineHQ could tell you20:55
sarnoldsc0utonlinux: yes, that does sound like a virtualbox bug to me, too, heh20:55
sarnoldsc0utonlinux: they ought to be able to grab the input devices to prevent that, if they wanted to, anyway20:55
sc0utonlinuxapparently it's a known issue for years .. and both Virtual box and Ubuntu just keep blaming eachother and nothing gets done .. sooo20:56
sarnoldsc0utonlinux: *maybe* it's a bug in however kubuntu is written, but it'd surprise me20:56
sarnoldsc0utonlinux: tried libvirt?20:56
oerheksmo, it is a user problem for years...20:56
sc0utonlinuxhere ia m looking to re-asign my alt key to function differently20:56
sc0utonlinuxsarnold: i havn't tried libvirt .. im a bit afraid of it20:57
sc0utonlinuxI was previously advised against it because im still a noob20:57
sarnoldheh, weird, I found it way easier to use than virtualbox last time I tried that.. switching between them doesn't sound like great fun, but shouldn't be impossible20:58
sc0utonlinuxsarnold: so you would recommend Libvrt ? would I be able to import my current VMs? and does it have a Gui ? or is ti all command line?21:00
sc0utonlinuxAlternatively I could try and find that alt hotkey and re-assign it in Kubuntu .. problem is I haven't been able to find the setting...21:01
sarnoldsc0utonlinux: yes, I would recommend libvirt -- the virt-manager program provides a gui if you want one21:21
Ben64sc0utonlinux: pretty sure i recommended libvirt to you21:24
sc0utonlinuxDo either of you have a guide for a noob to install ?21:27
sc0utonlinuxis it the same as KVM ?21:27
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM21:27
sc0utonlinuxill give it a go21:29
Klindahello, I runned gparted live with legacy boot and find this https://imgur.com/a/l0Ahk3C, so no system is installed in this machine? It had windows 10 and 'select boot device failed' or hardisk 03f problem with uefi mode. With legacy mode will not boot too21:42
AlmarShenwanhi, can i get help?21:48
AlmarShenwani installed ubuntu.. wirking fine, after reboot there is only blank screen (i have asus, nvidia video card)21:48
AlmarShenwanhot to fix?21:48
AlmarShenwanhow to fix?21:48
sarnoldKlinda: that's what that looks like, but with the difference between uefi and legacy, I'm not 100% certain21:54
sarnoldAlmarShenwan: if you hold down the left shift key while booting, do you get a grub menu?21:54
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Phruisrelipse2, it is difficult because you have never used linux before from the sounds of it and you are trying to do some dev ops probably22:10
Phruisi suggest you follow a tutorial or a guide22:10
Phruisit will be more helpful and explain the whole process22:10
sarnoldPhruis: heh, that's what got relipse2 to WSL in the first place, following a guide :)22:11
relipse2I  use linux22:11
relipse2i have an ubuntu machine sitting next to me22:12
relipse2but i'm not an expert22:12
Phruishow do you install deb files?22:12
Phruisthis is fundamental22:12
Phruisusing the gui and using the command line are very different22:13
MrCuddlesPretty much a complete linux noob. If I'd like a process to keep running even after I log off (containers running in docker to be more specific). Anything in particular I need to do?22:13
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TheFu_sudo apt install path-to-file.deb22:16
matsamanMrCuddles: starting via GNU Screen or tmux would be one simple way22:16
sarnoldMrCuddles: tmux or screen would let you more or less keep the same workflow you've got now; but I have to imagine there's a way to launch a bunch of containers at boot via systemd units, perhaps containderd instead or similar?22:16
matsamanMrCuddles: if you're thinking of it like a service, though, you might write an init script/service file22:16
TheFu_Phruis, there are liabilities in directly installing .deb files. Best to stay with official repos whenever possible.22:17
PhruisTheFu_, sure but when you are setting something up for a client/employer it isn't always an option especially with an existing project which is what I am assuming22:18
Phruis5.7 is required if you want to have a dev environment that is comparable to google cloud for example22:19
oerhekswhy not use the repo version ..22:19
oerheksit is supported22:19
Phruisrelipse2, ^22:20
oerheksoh wait, he is using WSL22:20
MrCuddlesMy desired workflow is basically: log on, make modifications to my docker images as needed, run them, log off. And then, hopefully, have to worry about them as little as possible. :)22:21
matsamanMrCuddles: the two most straightforward approaches have already been said22:22
matsamanin stereo =)22:22
oerheksMRwhat guide do you follow?22:23
matsamanalthough I don't use docker much on GNU/Linux; you should probably check that they don't remain running without any extra steps22:23
MrCuddlesScreen or tmux. Got it! Thanks!22:24
matsamanor writing an init script/service file22:25
matsamanno harm walking before running, though22:25
TheFu_Phruis, Understood, but directly installing .deb files brings in all sorts of undesirable liabilities. If the system will never be updated and not on any network, fine.22:26
matsamanscreen -S docker; command to start docker business; CTRL+a, d (CTRL+a, release, d) to detach; screen -d -r docker (to re-attach)22:26
matsamanMrCuddles: ^22:26
matsamanalthough if you forget to detach, that's fine it'll be fine22:27
sc0utonlinuxis there a channel where i can get help Libvrt ?22:30
sc0utonlinuxor can I ask here?22:30
MrCuddlesThanks for the info! :) Taking a quick look at service files22:30
TheFu_sc0utonlinux, libvirt or libvrt?22:31
sc0utonlinuxTheFu_: oh dear there is a difference ?22:34
sc0utonlinuxi think i installed Libvirt22:34
sc0utonlinuxsudo apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients bridge-utils22:35
sc0utonlinuxyes Libvirt22:35
TheFu_Details matter.22:35
sc0utonlinuxTheFu_: as always in life ... but Im very badly dislexic so I am at a strong disadvantage :(22:35
TheFu_In general, we don't use libvirt directly.  We use virt-manager or virsh to interact with it and VMs.22:35
sc0utonlinuxTheFu_: Yes ! That's what I have open right now22:36
sc0utonlinuxI've just migrated from Virtual box and I'm trying to replicate my network setting that I had before22:36
TheFu_I setup bridging OUTSIDE any virtualization. Long ago, the built-in libvirt networking stuff was less than great and I've never changed that habit.22:37
sc0utonlinuxTheFu_: I have Virtual Machine Manager open and managed to import my Virtual box Machine after converting it22:37
sc0utonlinuxTheFu_: any guide I can read ? on how to do so ?22:37
ubottuNetplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/22:38
TheFu_Depends on the version of Ubuntu Server you are running.22:38
sc0utonlinuxTheFu_: i'm on simple Kubuntu desktop ..22:38
TheFu_Need numbers.22:38
sc0utonlinuxi'm running Photoshop on a windows Guest22:38
TheFu_Sorry, cannot help with 19.10. We only run LTS and are skipping 18.04 completely.22:39
TheFu_I have some notes on netplan and setting up bridges. Haven't tried in a few yrs to get it working.22:40
TheFu_n-ubuntu-bionic/ has notes.22:40
sc0utonlinuxAll I really want to do is share a folder between guest and host and disable the internet on the guest vm22:42
sc0utonlinuxmaybe the network solution i used on Virtual box isn't the easiest solution for Libvirt22:43
Phruismaybe a web based interface is better?22:43
Phruiswith qemu22:43
TheFu_I've never wanted that, but usually would use NAT - the default libvirt network setup - if I need that.22:44
TheFu_There isn't any way to share storage without using normal netowrking.  USe NFS between the hostOS and any guests. Normal, standard, NFS.22:44
TheFu_To my knowledge, there isn't any vboxsf-like driver, which is actually good.  The vboxsf solution has always been pretty poor.22:45
sc0utonlinuxnot even like a USB stick ?22:45
TheFu_USB passthru needs exclusive access, not shared between the guest and host.22:45
sc0utonlinuxoh man22:45
TheFu_I always just use ssh, scp, sftp, rsync, sshfs between unix systems when I don't have NFS setup between them.22:46
TheFu_ssh is how unix systems work together. Learn it. Know it. Love it.  SSH is freakin' amazing.22:47
sc0utonlinuxI like SSH22:47
sc0utonlinuxbut I'm running a Windows Guest22:47
pavlossc0utonlinux: share folder between host<->VM qemu ... https://cialu.net/qemu-kvm-on-ubuntu-and-sharing-files-between-host-and-guests/22:47
sc0utonlinuxpavlos:  thank you :)!22:47
TheFu_sc0utonlinux, I'm so sorry for you. ;)  Then I'd use CIFS - or WinSCP.22:49
TheFu_Or something like "wormhole"22:50
sc0utonlinuxpavlos: that's only between Linux systems .. not between Linux and Windows22:50
sc0utonlinuxTheFu_: use those to create a network shared folder ? or use them to do what ? I can google but a little more direction would be great22:51
pavlossc0utonlinux: just read that you ca nenable RDP on win guest and then use remmina from linux to connect to, and transfer files. Let me send the link22:51
pavlossc0utonlinux: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/165554/shared-folder-between-qemu-windows-guest-and-linux-host22:51
sc0utonlinuxpavlos: ah great your a star let me check it out22:52
default_cd ..22:53
=== default_ is now known as gandhii
TheFu_RDP doesn't work on Win-Home.22:54
TheFu_IF the Linux side has ssh-server running already, just get WinSCP for Windows and use sftp.22:55
TheFu_sftp feels like "plain FTP", but doesn't share credentials unencrypted.  sftp uses ssh for encryption and authentication.22:56
pavlossc0utonlinux: another suggestion is to install teamviewer on both linux host and win guest and transfer files22:59
TheFu_https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/wormhole-fast-secure-way-send-files-users-cli - Wormhole23:00
TheFu_https://winscp.net/eng/docs/getting_started - WinSCP23:01
pavlossc0utonlinux: install RDP wrapper in win home ... https://www.itechtics.com/remote-desktop-windows-10-home/23:02
=== ben_r_ is now known as ben_r
sc0utonlinuxTheFu_: this sFTP might be a good option .. however I don't want to allow the Windows guest access to the internet .. is that still possible ?23:03
sc0utonlinuxso intranet only access23:03
sc0utonlinuxmaybe ill just block access on my router .. and have a shared network folder that's accesible by both23:03
TheFu_Anything is "possible."23:03
TheFu_Just depends on your time, effort, skill.23:04
sc0utonlinuxTheFu_: that's a good philosophy :)23:04
TheFu_Being possible and being a good idea are seldom the same things. ;)23:04
sc0utonlinuxim gonna save this chat there are a lot of cool solutions and programs being listed ..lots of stuff i've never heard about before23:05
sc0utonlinuxTheFu_: also very true ..!23:05
TheFu_I'd just have the hostOS block all outbound connects from the NAT subnet used by the VM guests.  You can have multiple NAT subnets.23:05
sc0utonlinuxTheFu_: using firewall settings of Host ?23:06
sc0utonlinuxim very new to all of this .. so you gonna really have to dumb it down :P23:07
TheFu_I'm not a GUI user and always have to look up firewall stuff. Plus, network configs on 18.04 and newer releases is beyond my knowledge.23:08
=== ben_r_ is now known as ben_r
sc0utonlinuxTheFu_: like no GUI at all ? that's quite hardcore23:09
TheFu_Linux isn't like Windows. Skills build on prior skills. It is very hard to jump into the middle of intermediate level stuff without first learning to crawl.23:09
TheFu_sc0utonlinux, no it isn't. Unix servers don't have GUIs.23:10
TheFu_It also means there aren't 100 different GUIs all being 20% answers to any issue and being dropped, changed every 2-4 yrs.  If you learn the server method, you have almost always learned the generic method for all desktops too.23:11
TheFu_So ... I'm back to the easy answer ... run ssh-server on the Unix machine and use WinSCP from the Windows machine to access the files - pull or push. Your choice.23:12
TheFu_You could have already been done.23:12
sc0utonlinuxI will try this TheFu_ thank you for your input23:13
=== mrinfinity is now known as mrbeyond
r3duxcan someone simply explain the difference between "building from source" and "make install"?23:46
kk4ewtthat is installing from source23:53
CashDash123Can I ask a question about the build log for a kernel here?23:57

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