
=== cannabis_indica is now known as mesaboogie
=== Guest27 is now known as ottomangg7
=== ottomangg7 is now known as ottomang7
ottomang7Does ubuntu studio support UEFI?16:54
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:57
Eickmeyerottomang7: In other words, yes.16:59
Eickmeyerottomang7: Also, please remember, Ubuntu Studio *is* Ubuntu. It's simply a different default configuration and default installation, otherwise there's no difference. Anything that applies to Ubuntu applies to Studio as well.17:00
EickmeyerNot a separate distribution.17:01
Turdlarin Qsynth, how do i change the instrument? when i click the "channels" button, i am presented with a list of different instruments with some numbers next to them in "chan", "bank" & "prog" columns17:29
EickmeyerTurdlar: Best to ask in #lau (Linux Audio Users) as it's much more active.17:30
* Eickmeyer doesn't use Qsynt17:30
Turdlari tried checking a bunch of tutorials without much luck - the only guy i saw do it, seems to do it through a software midi keyboard17:30
Turdlaralright, i'll try there - thanks17:30
EickmeyerTurdlar: Another one might be #opensourcemusicians17:31
Turdlarnice - thanks!17:32
OvenWerksTurdlar: you want to load a new bank or sound font18:18
OvenWerksTurdlar: look under setup -> Soundfonts18:18
OvenWerksTurdlar: you should be able to find lots of soundfonts (files that end in .sf2) on the internet18:19
StevenJayCohenStarting from a stock Ubuntu Install (19.10 or 20.04), if all I need is the Ubuntu Studio Controls (and JACK of course), what are the steps?19:14
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-installer | StevenJayCohen19:14
ubottuStevenJayCohen: Ubuntu Studio Installer is an app that can be used to add Ubuntu Studio's benefits to an existing Ubuntu (or official flavor) installation, or add additional packages. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioInstaller19:14
EickmeyerThat's it. All there is to it.19:14
StevenJayCohenEickmeyer, that's amazing. So, the JACK with Pulse bridging will be done through that, and I can just add the tools that I want to the install?19:16
EickmeyerJack and Pulse bridging is done *by* Ubuntu Studio Controls.19:16
EickmeyerAnd, yes.19:17
StevenJayCohenYes, sorry for being obtuse, I knew that.19:17
EickmeyerNo worries.19:17
EickmeyerIt's been something I've been hammering for a year now. It's just that simple. Fancy backend configuation is done for you when you install/run ubuntustudio-installer, and is made even better if one installs the performance tweaks in the installer.19:18
EickmeyerAll the hard configuration is a thing of the past. It. Just. Works.19:19
StevenJayCohenEickmeyer, yes. That's exactly what I want.19:19
StevenJayCohenWith 20.04 coming up, I was debating about upgrading the current 19.10 Studio install or going vanilla Ubuntu then seeing if I could do what I asked. Reaper is the tool that I work in that needs JACK, not Ardour or LMMS/etc. So, I don't really need the pre-installed software or XFCE (though I like how light XFCE is).19:21
EickmeyerStevenJayCohen: That's why ubuntustudio-installer exists.19:25
EickmeyerUbuntu Studio != Xfce19:25
EickmeyerBut, you know that. :)19:25
StevenJayCohenOddly, doesn't that "weaken" the Flavour in a way? I don't really see a way to fix that. But, it's also why you wind up getting all of the Ardour/LMMS/etc support requests (since they are part of the install).19:26
EickmeyerYes, but notice we don't get any Gimp requests.19:27
StevenJayCohenHa! Very good point. It's the audio geeks.19:27
EickmeyerNot even the main #ubuntu channel gets support requests for included software. That's usually directed to other channels.19:28
StevenJayCohenLike you did with #lau19:28
* StevenJayCohen slowly begins to understand19:29

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