
hpidcockwallyworld: I added https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1870458 for 2.9-beta1, something we can't forget about but isn't too urgent.01:28
mupBug #1870458: extend k8s remote hook context with sh and python <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1870458>01:28
hpidcockalso added the k8s application cleanup bug to 2.8-beta101:29
wallyworldkelvinliu: small one https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1139803:12
kelvinliunice! wallyworld03:16
wallyworldit was manadart's excellent suggestion03:16
kelvinliuinitially, k8s controller supposed to only support k8s models but now it's not the case anymore.03:25
wallyworldkelvinliu: correct. but even for k8s models, there could be another cluster added as a separate cloud03:32
wallyworldbabbageclunk: any chance to look at the add-model bug?03:36
kelvinliuthat's right03:37
babbageclunkwallyworld: I'll look at it now03:37
wallyworldbabbageclunk: whereever you get to let me know so i can progress it. thanks for helping!03:38
wallyworldhpidcock: did you raise a bug or create a card for the remote exec path issue?05:02
hpidcockahh will do05:02
wallyworldta, add to 2.8-beta1 milestone please05:02
wallyworldmanadart: or stickupkid__ or achilleasa: a vert small PR to fix a long standing, subtle add-model bug https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1139906:45
manadartwallyworld: That's approved.07:38
wallyworldmanadart: awesome, ty07:43
stickupkidmanadart, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11388 <- it wasn't as easy as I first thought, see08:43
stickupkidmanadart, agreed, I'll fix it up09:11
stickupkidspent most of my time fixing the client, will go back to the original problem space09:11
wallyworldachilleasa: did you consider max-unitagent-state-size instead of max-uniter-state-size? unitagent is what end users think about. uniter is of little meaning outside juju dev and is more of an implementation artefact. compare to how we present status - Agent Status, Workload Status etc09:53
wallyworldmax-agent-state-size even09:53
wallyworldsince we want to combine the agents eventually09:53
achilleasawallyworld: the uniter-state-size was added for symmetry and is probably something operators never have to worry about or tweak (although you can set it to 0 as an escape hatch if something goes wrong). It is there more as a sanity check for ensuring that the uniter does not suddenly try to persist an odd amount of data09:58
achilleasawallyworld: happy to rename if you think it's ambiguous09:58
wallyworldnot some muh ambiguous but not how we expose that particular juju component elsewhere. everywhere else we talk externally about the "unit agent"09:59
wallyworldthe uniter is just what we chose to call the package implementing the main aspect of the unit agent10:00
wallyworldit has no meaning to users10:00
wallyworldand since we want to combine unit agent and machine agent to just a single agent, just "agent" makes sense10:00
achilleasawallyworld: makes sense. I will open a small PR to rename to max-agent-state-size10:01
wallyworldthank you :-) sorry for the late input10:02
achilleasawallyworld: no prob. Small renames are no biggie as opposed to omg-you-implemented-this-wrong! :D10:02
wallyworldthat i have no opinion on :-) haven't read the code in detail, but i'm sure you did a greta job :-)10:03
wallyworldgreta lol. *great10:03
achilleasamanadart: or stickupkid small PR to rename the config option for the max uniter state size: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11401 ^10:41
stickupkidmanadart, I updated and added some tests11:22
manadartstickupkid: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11402. Was deep in this one, will grab a bite and review yours.12:11
stickupkidmanadart, I had to rebase my changes anyway12:14
achilleasahml: any tips for testing the meterstatus worker? IIRC you had something metrics-related in the QA steps for one of your PRs15:12
hmlachilleasa:  i would have to look at the QA steps in that pr.  :-)15:13
achilleasahml: asking bec I can't find it :D15:13
hmlachilleasa:  sure, let me look15:13
hmlachilleasa:  i’m thinking it’s broken with the stdout change:   juju collect-metrics keystone/015:16
hmlfailed to collect metrics: could not read stdout15:16
SpecialK|CanonHello! If I have Charm source on Launchpad that I'm actively developing, what's the easiest way for me to be able to use it in JaaS / jujucharms.com please?15:16
hmlachilleasa:  here is the pr https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1131815:17
SpecialK|CanonOr do I need to get it into the charmstore as a prerequisite?15:17
hmlachilleasa:  got out output from metrics —all like i should have15:18
hmlachilleasa:  i’m still… need to deploy a specific charm first15:18
achilleasahml: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xJC9FnmjkX/ seems like it's working :D15:22
achilleasanow I need to test what happens when you move from 2.6 -> 2.715:22
achilleasaer... 2.7 yo 2.815:23
hmlachilleasa:  i’d leave it for a bit… gather data then due the upgrade15:23
achilleasahml: seems like it fires immediately after the hook comes online. So I will bootstrap 2.7, verify the state file is there and then upgrade to verify the state got migrated15:26
hmlachilleasa:  rgr15:26
manadartachilleasa, hml, stickupkid: I messed the LXD thing up: Here's the fix: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1140415:48
manadartIf anyone approves it, please go ahead and merge.15:56
stickupkidmanadart, nps, bridge vs bridged :)16:12
achilleasahml: the meter-status state PR is ready for review; please have a look and I will address any feedback on Monday: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1140518:01
hmlachilleasa:  sure.  might need a break from the UT in relations.  ha!18:02
achilleasaI also have a separate PR for renaming SetStateArg.State -> SetStateArg.CharmState (and everywhere we use this; also a bit of naming cleanup in the uniter context to avoid confusion as to what "state" we are caching). I will push this on Monday though18:03
hmlachilleasa:  ack18:03
* achilleasa waves18:03

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