
valorieupgrade to Fossa on my travel lappy was perfect!00:59
valorieeven Falkon is working again, yay!01:00
valoriehowever there is a popup telling me that language support is not complete01:00
valorieclicking it did nothing01:00
valorieanyone else encounter this?01:00
valorieI was going to quote the whole thing but of course it has not disappeared01:01
valoriehas disappeared01:05
valorieI guess not quite a bug, just annoying01:05
valorielater I got prompted to update something which I did and now it's gone01:06
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> No language prompt on any of my upgrades or fresh installs.01:19
valoriecool, just me then01:25
-queuebot:#kubuntu-devel- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Focal Beta] has been marked as ready09:22
BluesKajHiyas all10:35
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> https://twitter.com/kubuntu/status/124606598053675417613:25
IrcsomeBot1<DarinMiller> Where shall we record our installation tests?  I don't see any new options on the tracker.... http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker14:06
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> It's the same ISO so the same place14:09
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mamarleyI just had the kraziest thing happen. On one (and only one) of my Kubuntu Focal systems, trying to upgrade the "accountsservice" package reproducibly caused a hang and reboot.  After purging and reinstalling the package, it installed successfully.16:35
mamarley(I know this isn't the responsibility of anyone here; I just thought it was interesting/weird.)16:36
geniiCould a Telegram admin please remove spammer Hu4n666 if not already done? Thanks21:07
RikMillsgenii: done, thanks21:15
geniiRikMills: Much appreciated21:15
geniiWhich dm does Neon use by default? SDDM ?21:25
geniiWant to make sure user I'm trying to assist in #kubuntu has whichever one it normally uises installed21:26
valorieyes, neon uses SDDM21:36
valoriegenii: ^^21:36
valoriemamarley: maybe it had a corrupt config file or so?21:36
mamarleyI have no idea.  Whatever it was shouldn't have been enough to cause an immediate system crash and reboot.21:38

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