
lotuspsychjegood morning00:37
lotuspsychjeanyone running a beta 20.04 for an easy quick bug test?00:47
JoakimZieglerHello, trying to run virt-install on 20.04 passing through a PCI NIC, IOMMU should be correctly configured, but it gives me ERROR    internal error: qemu unexpectedly closed the monitor: 2020-04-04T01:05:11.130353Z qemu-system-x86_64: -device vfio-pci,host=0000:44:00.0,id=hostdev0,bus=pci.3,addr=0x0: vfio 0000:44:00.0: failed to setup container for group 48: Failed to set iommu for container: Operation not permitted01:08
JoakimZieglerI've looked at several tutorials and forum posts, which suggest setting some kernel command line options and module configurations, which I've done, and my lspci output looks like it says it should, however, it's still not working.01:08
JoakimZieglerSpecifically, the PCI device I'm trying to pass through shows this:01:09
JoakimZieglerKernel driver in use: vfio-pci01:09
JoakimZieglerWhich should be correct.01:09
CarlFKhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/408/builds is confusing me...05:13
CarlFKif I want a typical install, I want Desktop, right ?05:13
lotuspsychjeyou want to test ubuntu-desktop?05:14
CarlFKI think I want http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/408/builds/210065/downloads05:14
CarlFK"Link to the download information" made me think "how to download an iso"  so I skipped that and was reading "Install (auto-resize)..." on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/408/builds/210065/testcases05:15
CarlFKsetup: resizing to make room "this may take a while / OK"  dialog closes, cursor stays i-beam, I am guessing the resize is happening but there is no progress or "please wait" message.  looks odd.  what package should I bug>06:40
CarlFKsetup: installed focal next to cosmic.  (thus the resize)  "install is done"  pulled the usb stick and hit OK (which then spewed a bunch of errors, I think thats ok)   rebooted 07:02
CarlFKit didnt give me a grub menu to pick what os, it went stright into cosmic 07:02
irreleph4ntHi. I am new to Ubuntu so am wondering: With the release of 20.04 no 3 weeks from now, would you still recommend I reinstall the entire system when it's time to switch from the development to the stable branch?13:40
irreleph4ntOr is there a way to upgrade from development to stable directly?13:41
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Focal and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 20.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.13:41
irreleph4ntlotuspsychje, nice. Thank you!13:42
lotuspsychjeirreleph4nt: in some cases its possible you need a reinstal anyway, due to bugs13:42
irreleph4ntlotuspsychje, even though we are that close to the official release date? :O13:43
lotuspsychjeirreleph4nt: its getting more stable, but there still are bugs to solve currently13:44
irreleph4ntwow, okay. I'll hold off with migrating my NAS to Ubuntu then13:44
lotuspsychjeirreleph4nt: also keep in mind the prefered LTS way is waiting till 20.04.1 comes out in aug13:44
lotuspsychjeirreleph4nt: server in production?13:44
irreleph4nthomelab, so not mission critical :)13:45
lotuspsychjeok, then its the users choice13:45
mifritscherHI, can I provide any additional useful info for a Kernel BUG while plugging in a DP ->2x HDMI splitter? I've created a bug report under https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/1870786 .15:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1870786 in linux-meta (Ubuntu) "Kernel BUG sometimes during pluging in a DP Splitter" [Undecided,New]15:02
lotuspsychjemifritscher: when filing bugs against the kernel use package name linux15:32
lotuspsychjemifritscher: also use ubuntu-bug packagename in the future, so relevant info gets pulled into your bug report15:33
lotuspsychjemifritscher: you can still pull the info with: apport-collect 1870786 , at this stage so the devs can try to debug a better way15:34
jattI'm getting the following error with openssl:18:56
jattwas TLS v1 support removed from openssl in focal fossa?18:56

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