
lotuspsychjegood morning03:38
ducassegood morning06:12
=== arch1mede0 is now known as arch1mede
joeywebbhey guys18:02
joeywebbhows everyone?18:02
daftykinsall well here thanks, and you?18:03
=== pauljw_18 is now known as pauljw
CroranUnity is better than Gnome. Discuss.19:42
akemSo i compiled a kernel some time ago, then a more recent one lately (both using make menuconfig etc), and i wanted to remove the old one of course, but looks like there is nothing to do it automaticly, no "make uninstall" or whatever? that's strange. So i just removed the files manually.19:43
daftykinssounds fine, might want to update grub though19:44
Croranyou didn't find any issues similar to those when you switched Groar?19:45
GroarYeah, I prefered the bubbles over the new notifications, for example. Also, the title bar and menus waste so much space19:46
Croranand when you click something that opens a 'sub window' you can no longer click the main window?19:46
Crorannor even see what's underneath.19:46
Groaryeah, absolutely agree19:47
akemI think you can still install Unity if you want it. But Gnome is not bad. But i like LXQT even more(the DE shipped with LUbuntu).19:47
GroarI'm thinking about moving to KDE19:47
CroranKDE was unstable when i last used it, and ugly.19:47
daftykinskubuntu as a whole is nice, almost fully functional for me out of the box19:47
Groarwell, I used it when KDE 4 was released for the last time19:47
Croranakem: yes installing unity still works fine in 18.04. not officially supported though :(19:48
GroarKDE 4 was fine, but unstable. But again, I used it when it was released19:48
Groarit wasn't ugly though19:48
Crorangroar: you don't mind all the white/blue alternate colored rows in the file manager and music library and such19:48
Crorancroran: it looks like something an accountant would like19:49
Croranlol. talking to myself.19:49
GroarCroran: well, I don't care about it tbh19:49
GroarI think that's made to make it easier to read a lot of lines19:50
Crorangroar: i like to be able to hit the meta key, type in a partial application name and hit enter and have it start.19:50
Crorangroar: as i recall, kde required some third-party plugin to even enable a 'search'19:50
Groarsearch apps?19:50
Groaror files?19:51
Crorangroar: apps19:51
Groaroh, normally I used the menus19:51
Groarotherwise I'd be using command-line, create a shortcut and click over it haha19:51
Crorangroar: right, i never use the menu. i put my 90% used apps in the dock and the rest i hit meta, type the name, and enter.19:51
daftykinskrunner is invoked with alt+space and can be used to launch anything19:51
Groaryeah so unity fits for you19:51
Crorandaftykins: thanks. can be remapped to meta key without issues?19:52
daftykinsi imagine you mean super by that19:52
daftykinsi don't personally believe in fighting defaults19:52
Crorandaftykins: yes19:52
daftykinsthough i was a bit frustrated since alt+space's original use is something i use19:53
Crorandaftykins: me neither usually, but certain keyboard shortcuts i've used so much that i don't want to change.19:54
Crorandaftykins: eg. i use ctrl+c and ctrl+v in vim19:54
Crorangvim, rather.19:55
daftykinsi only know of copy and paste being different on macOS :D19:55
daftykinsa truly horrible OS19:56
Crorandaftkins: well gvim default is like "+yy or some nonsense19:56
daftykinsah, life is too short for text editors you have to learn, in my book19:57
Croranwell don't get me wrong. i still think gvim is a net win for saving life.19:57
Croranjust the ability to select text 'columns' is a big one.19:58
Groarhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/449651/how-do-i-enable-wobbly-windows >> sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-plugins || I'm amazed 3D cube and wobbly windows are still available in Ubuntu20:02
daftykinsi'm amazed anyone still wants them20:02
GroarI want them :D20:03
Crorangroar: haha. my fav is the compizconfig 'commands' plugin for keyboard shortcuts.20:03
Groartime to have dinner20:05
Groarhave fun guys20:06
Croranyou too20:06

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