
thafreakanyone else's updates/downloads crawling lately?21:10
thafreakI was fetching ubuntu beta iso's and i was lucky to be getting 120KB/s :/21:10
thafreakand topday updates seem to be ridiculously slow21:11
thafreakanyway....just needed to vent to probably the only other people in ohio who might be seeing the same thing :)21:11
thafreakHope you all are staying away from others21:11
thafreakwhoa, nevermind, did a speed test, normally I get >100MBps, now I'm getting 6...21:19
Unit193I'm getting pretty close to full speed on http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/focal/beta/xubuntu-20.04-beta-desktop-amd64.iso21:19
thafreakProbably not ubuntu's fault lol21:19
Unit193Everyone that's staying home is watching netflix in HD.21:19
thafreakyeah, the majority of my neighborhood is on cable internet21:19
thafreakand they're ALL home21:19
Unit193Trynig out the GNOME beta?21:20
Unit193https://contest.xubuntu.org/wallpaper_contest/xubuntu-20-04-community-wallpaper-contest/?action=view for a little shameless plug.21:21
thafreakTrying lots of things ;)21:21
thafreakSo far honestly budgie might be my favorite21:22
thafreakalthough since I'm a big gnome3 fan, the plain ubuntu version is actually not too bad. Still don't like that dock they stick in there by default.21:23
thafreakI really prefer the way vanilla gnome works better, but, it's not bad.21:23
thafreakI'm a system76 customer though, so I'm more interested in seeing the next pop_os21:23
thafreakBut I'm looking forward to it.21:24
Unit193Someone still maintains the Ubuntu GNOME packages from before Ubuntu went back.  Meh, OK.21:24
thafreakMy biggest complaint is that even though they give zfs root as an option, you can't get encrypted zfs root :(21:24
dzhothafreak: oh hey21:28
dzhojust doing a quick scan of the channels before stepping afk for a bit but saw you in and figured I'd say hi21:28
dzhoI didn't know that about ZFS21:28
thafreakit's big letters marked experimental but it works...just no encryption option :/21:33
Unit193WireGuard is baked into the kernel on 20.04, so you can use it with UEFI systems.21:35
dzhoyeah I know some other people that are excited about that too22:47
Unit193Or one can continue to use the dkms module...22:49

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