
Unit193bikepunk: No, the menu that whisker is an alternative for.00:10
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bikepunkwhisker is installed and configured by default in xubuntu 18.0402:07
FurretUberWhile the whisker menu is default on Xubuntu, it is an external module, while the applications menu is not02:16
FurretUberI find the experience with the whisker menu better than the applications menu. However, there are a few computers so limited I had to use applications menu instead02:18
FurretUberThe additional 20 or 30 MB memory usage per external modules in the default Xubuntu panel increases memory usage in a way it was meaningful. They aren't Pi Zero, but are close02:21
bikepunkFurretUber, thanks for the details ;-)02:29
bikepunkdoes anyone know why the default command for "PrintScreen" key is "xfce4-screenshooter -f" and not simply "xfce4-screenshooter" wich provides more usefull options ?02:31
FurretUberI don't know why, but to me it is better. Because, not rarely, I want to take a screenshot from the instant, and a prompt with options could make lose that moment02:32
bikepunkok, but in other distributions I'm used to have the choice of what I want to take. at first it made me think that xfce4-screenshooter was unable to select the area to caputre...02:35
FurretUberIt is actually better on Focal Beta, as the Shift+PrintScreen shortcut is added by default now02:36
bikepunkthe "xfce4screenshooter -f" gives a prompt anyway, with less options02:36
FurretUberIs the option to save the notifications new on 4.14? I tried using it, but after a few hours, it made everything work slower02:40
FurretUberI noticed the problem was that it was saving every volume change notification, and it grew to hundreds of notifications02:42
FurretUberAfter that, anything that would send a notification would work delayed. Not just the notification, the program that tried to send it too02:42
FurretUberDoes it tries to write to the log file immediately?02:43
bikepunkjust tried focal03:42
bikepunkthe Shift+PrintSreen is neat, as soon as you're aware of it03:42
bikepunkI'll have to reopen the bug https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1445603:44
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14456 in General "Entry name for xfce4-terminal-settings in Whisker menu is misleading" [Minor,Resolved: fixed]03:44
bikepunksince the fix doesn't fix the display in Whisker menu03:44
bikepunkit mitigate in application finder though03:45
knomebluesabre, soon, soon, before thu ;)09:14
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bluesabreknome, awesome, thanks :)18:21
ASE9411Hi. I'm looking for a book (or books) that teach how to develope in ubuntu.19:46
ASE9411Any recommendations?19:47
Unit193I don't have a clue at least.19:59
ASE9411I'll try to lookup something in piratebay20:00
bluesabreASE9411: Books on GTK development would get you moving in the right direction, https://www.oreilly.com/search/?query=gtk20:01
bluesabreUnit193: anything other changes you'd recommend for the community-wallpapers package? https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-community-artwork/+git/xubuntu-community-artwork/+ref/master20:03
bluesabre(fixed a typo just now)20:04
Unit193Heh, "drop d/control" :D20:09
bluesabreYeah, figured we'd go for a truly minimal approach20:10
ASE9411bluesabre: thanks, I'll look it up.20:14
Unit193Can the breaks/replaces be dropped now?20:21
Unit193But otherwise, no comment.20:21
Unit193ochosi: http://paste.openstack.org/show/NVbJL0BJ5ZucPJ8enH10, http://paste.openstack.org/show/g5dJodX0ytKaTiOVLHS720:32
ochosiUnit193: i prefer bz reports, but thanks, pushed!20:40
Unit193ochosi: Thanks!20:40
Unit193I don't know what I was thinking last night when I couldn't sleep: https://salsa.debian.org/xfce-team/goodies/xfce4-clipman-plugin/-/commit/7e5b2ccffbc419402d01e03bb636f9d0d5693a3320:42
bluesabrepleia2: for the wallpaper contest winners, should I just email them for mailing addresses and then send the results your way?22:03

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