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andras-kovacsI really don't get it now how the max_wait parameter works with OpenStack :(12:29
andras-kovacsmax_wait: 100 without any other timeout related settings tries to curl the metadata seems like forever (I was waiting for more than 5minutes)12:36
andras-kovacsBut     max_wait: 100,      timeout: 10,    retries: 5 waits for 130 seconds before gave up (which will be fine). Maybe it's my dumbness but I can't make the math.12:37
andras-kovacsand it doesn't work like it should... again :D12:53
andras-kovacsso cloud-init with rhel 7.8 is not timing out for me13:42
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blackboxswwoot!  cloud-init | 20.1-10-g71af48df-0ubuntu3         | focal           | source, all15:39
blackboxswlooks like focal cloud-init cherry-picks got released Odd_Bloke/rharper15:39
rharperblackboxsw: \o/15:39
nealeI'm building my own cloud. How can I get cloud-init to configure the network if I don't have access to the local filesystem (it's a PXE booted squashfs that I don't want to regenerate for every node)? Is my best bet using the EC2 dataset provider and retooling my management network to include the link-local subnet?18:27
rharperneale: cloud-init can read network-config via /proc/cmdline18:28
rharperit also parses ip=  klibc formats18:28
nealerharper: the base64-encoded v2 configuration?18:28
rharperor v218:29
rharperor v118:29
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nealerharper: okay, cool. Is there no way to do it with the cloud-init yaml file?18:29
rharperso, network-config needs to be provided by the datasource or the system config as we bring networking up to fetch user-data18:30
nealeRight, I'm already doing that configuration with `ip=::::${IPv4}:BOOTIF` and the `hwaddr=` cmdline argument.18:30
nealeBut I think I have my answer, thank you very much!18:31
Odd_BlokeFYI folks, I have a unit test doc PR at https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/311 and a pytest improvement PR at https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/30418:57
Odd_Blokeblackboxsw: rharper: FYI: ^21:43
rharperOdd_Bloke: thanks,  will review ... pushing up all the curtin PRs stuck behind the multipath one21:45
rharperblackboxsw: I didn't forget your PR for daily builds too21:45
blackboxswrharper: no problem, was just wrapping up a review in ua-tools land22:04
blackboxswrharper: on my daily recipe build now.22:05
blackboxswwill likely use git revert -n notation instead of git reset HEAD~#22:05
blackboxswwill be cleaner, and less individual commits for our bulk --pop-all, new cherry-pick etc.22:05
rharperblackboxsw: ah, ok22:38
rharpersounds nicer22:38
andras-kovacsyour bugzilla is great! I really don't mind now that I got registered22:45
andras-kovacsDo you have any idea which would be the most sophisticated way to increase LVM with cloud-init?23:16

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