=== nicolo is now known as Guest9349 | ||
pepe | me ayudais en español por favor? | 10:04 |
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Guest6079 | buenos 'dias, me ayudais en español | 10:04 |
kc2bez | !es | 10:04 |
ubottu | En este canal de lubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #lubuntu-es; escriba " /join #lubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 10:04 |
Guest6079 | gracias | 10:05 |
kc2bez | de nada | 10:05 |
lubot | <rs2009> !es | 10:05 |
lubot | <rs2009> ?? | 10:05 |
lubot | <rs2009> Ah | 10:05 |
kc2bez | You won't be able to trigger the bot from telegram | 10:06 |
lubot | <rs2009> Yup, I realized | 10:06 |
lubot | <rs2009> Am logging into IRC now | 10:06 |
lubot | <rs2009> What was the channel name? | 10:07 |
kc2bez | #lubuntu | 10:07 |
lubot | <rs2009> Ah | 10:07 |
lubot | <rs2009> I thought it was #lubuntu-support | 10:07 |
lubot | <rs2009> No wonder it wasn't working | 10:08 |
lubot | <rs2009> Have connected | 10:08 |
kc2bez | lubuntu.me/links | 10:08 |
rs2009 | By the way, I'm continuing LXDE in my own distro | 10:09 |
lubot | Kernelxqt was added by: Kernelxqt | 11:44 |
lubot | <Kernelxqt> Hello everyone. If I install the ISO Daily Build 20.04 will go directly to 20.04 LTS ? | 11:47 |
Mainframe1986 | Hi .. If I install the daily build 20.04 ... then will I have to reinstall the LTS or will it automatically update to LTS? | 11:53 |
lubot | <aptghetto> No, it will be the normal 20.04 | 11:54 |
Mainframe1986 | then it will switch to LTS. ok. Thanks | 11:55 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest36762 | ||
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izder456 | will the 20.04 release feature lxqt or lxde? | 14:03 |
lubot | <aptghetto> LXQt | 14:03 |
lubot | <rs2009> why not create a version for netbooks? | 14:04 |
lubot | <rs2009> featuring lxde | 14:04 |
gridLok | Anyone with SFML and c++ experience that would be willing to answer a few questions? | 14:08 |
lubot | <aptghetto> This is the support channel of Lubuntu, not SFML | 14:09 |
gridLok | I know that... Just trying to spice things up a bit. | 14:10 |
izder456 | i just feel that lxqt can be too demanding for some machines | 14:14 |
izder456 | I like the interface and all but there should be a respin of it like how fedora does it | 14:15 |
izder456 | idk just an idea | 14:15 |
lubot | <aptghetto> Yes, feelings are feelings. Not much, that we can do about the feelings of different people. | 14:15 |
izder456 | Yeah i hear ya | 14:15 |
izder456 | It's probably alot of work to change destop environment and update the packages to support it | 14:16 |
lubot | <aptghetto> The development of LXDE is practically dead. And it is based on GTK2 | 14:16 |
izder456 | Oh i didn't know that | 14:16 |
izder456 | Is that why it was switched | 14:16 |
lubot | <aptghetto> https://lubuntu.me/taking-a-new-direction/ | 14:18 |
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest15273 | ||
v_lens | Hi everyone !! I was asking yesterday about installing ubuntu.My girls laptop's drive cannot create a partition sized more than 18 gb . So i have decided to install lubuntu . Does lubuntu gets installed the same way as ubuntu ? | 16:51 |
lubot | <teward001> more or less, yes. | 16:51 |
lubot | <teward001> but 18GB is *very* small so it probably won't be able to hold much after the GUI is installed | 16:52 |
v_lens | I saw somewhere that it need 2 gb or more | 16:53 |
v_lens | not accurate ? | 16:53 |
lubot | <kc2bez> It is about 4.8 or so just to get the system installed. | 16:53 |
lubot | <kc2bez> 2 Gb will hold the live iso but that is it. | 16:54 |
v_lens | i see... Do i have to make a partition , or just select the first option it sais something about install lubuntu side by side windows | 16:55 |
v_lens | what do you think ? | 16:55 |
lubot | <teward001> erm | 16:56 |
lubot | <teward001> 18GB - is that what's NOT used by Windows? | 16:56 |
lubot | <teward001> if so then yes | 16:57 |
lubot | <teward001> otherwise, you've got something else going on | 16:57 |
v_lens | got it ... I have to make a partition then . So i have just to install it on that 18 gb partition and thats it ? Cause i watched a video that sais i have to repartition the partition to a swap thing ,i dont know... | 16:58 |
lubot | <teward001> don't trust videos | 17:00 |
v_lens | thats why i got here ! Cant be any better place for lubuntu ! So ... just one partition and let it installed in that ? | 17:01 |
alkisg | v_lens: sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999 | 17:12 |
alkisg | This will show the partition information | 17:12 |
v_lens | thanks | 17:14 |
lubot | <teward001> oh hey you're alive alkisg i need to torture yo ufor something separately | 17:14 |
teward | alkisg: see PM | 17:19 |
grinrause | Hi, | 18:23 |
grinrause | Thanks for the great work. | 18:24 |
grinrause | I just came here to say that I'm using lubuntu 20.04 and its great, | 18:25 |
grinrause | The only thing i found that is no 100% is SNAPD and its APPS, | 18:26 |
lubot | <The_LoudSpeaker> @grinrause [<grinrause> The only thing i found that is no 100% is SNAPD and its APPS,], Do you mean it is not 100% snap packages? | 18:35 |
lubot | <Kernelxqt> @aptghetto [LXQt], Aesthetically it is Top 😍 | 19:42 |
lubot | <tbs61> at 20.04 lts, will lubuntu continue supporting 32 bit? | 19:59 |
lubot | <kc2bez> 18.04 is the only option for 32 bit support. | 19:59 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> @rs2009 [why not create a version for netbooks?], I have Netbooks with lubuntu 19.10, the only problem is if it has 32bit | 20:01 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> to free some ram you can disable autosart of lxqt-runner qlipper and if you don't print printer-applet | 20:11 |
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