=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer | ||
sil2100 | o/ | 15:00 |
ddstreet | o/ | 15:01 |
rbasak | o/ | 15:01 |
teward | o/ (Time split with an IT Security matter @ work, so not 100% here) | 15:04 |
teward | i don't see Simon here | 15:06 |
teward | so someone else might need to chair. (Can't be me as i'm splitting time/attention by work duties) | 15:06 |
ddstreet | next in the charing list is slashd but he doesn't appear around either | 15:07 |
teward | *sigh* fine I"ll give this a try... gonna need to brush up on meetingology commands though | 15:08 |
ddstreet | teward i'm earlier than you in the charing list, so i can chair if you prefer | 15:08 |
teward | yeah please do | 15:08 |
teward | i need to make notes on meetingology again 'cause I haven't used it in a while :p | 15:08 |
ddstreet | ack, i'll give it a try, may be slow on the cmds | 15:08 |
slashd | o/ guys can someonelse chair today for me ? I'll be here but on and off | 15:09 |
teward | same :P | 15:09 |
slashd | sorry about that | 15:09 |
ddstreet | #startmeeting | 15:09 |
meetingology | Meeting started Mon Apr 6 15:09:21 2020 UTC. The chair is ddstreet. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. | 15:09 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 15:09 |
ddstreet | #topic Review of previous action items | 15:09 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Review of previous action items | ||
ddstreet | tsimonq2 to better document what we expect applicants to know (carried over) | 15:10 |
teward | simon isn't here so we'll have to carry over his action item. | 15:10 |
ddstreet | ddstreet to define an initial list of 'flavor teams' | 15:10 |
ddstreet | I sent an email to the list, as far as i can tell the short summary is there is a list of all flavor teams in my email, so we can set the expiry for those teams | 15:11 |
ddstreet | but also, two of the flavors do not have teams | 15:11 |
ddstreet | so, i think we also need to create teams for those 2 flavors, ubuntu-mate and ubuntustudio | 15:11 |
teward | ubuntu studio has a dev team | 15:12 |
teward | it's just not part of the packageset | 15:12 |
teward | (I'm on the dev team for Studio :P) | 15:12 |
ddstreet | ok then probably the packageset should be changed over to use the dev team, instead of just rosco2 | 15:12 |
ddstreet | right? | 15:12 |
teward | ddstreet: add an action item RE: that team to me to follow up with Erich Eickmeyer (flavor lead) RE: a 'core' team for them with upload rights | 15:12 |
teward | the dev team includes quite a few people I would not want to give direct upload rights to | 15:12 |
teward | (i'll act as liaison since I"m actually on their team helping with upload sponsors and NEW stuff) | 15:13 |
* Eickmeyer butts-in | 15:13 | |
Eickmeyer | We technically *do* have a core team of which I'm the owner. | 15:13 |
Eickmeyer | I know that doesn't include upload rights | 15:13 |
teward | Eickmeyer: given YOU do not even have upload rights to the studio packageset yet because you haven't applied, we need to discuss this outside of the DMB meeting | 15:13 |
Eickmeyer | teward: ack | 15:14 |
ddstreet | #action teward follow up with Erich Eickmeyer (flavor lead) RE: a 'core' team for them with upload rights | 15:14 |
meetingology | ACTION: teward follow up with Erich Eickmeyer (flavor lead) RE: a 'core' team for them with upload rights | 15:14 |
teward | my two cents. | 15:14 |
teward | ('cause it's a larger discussioN) | 15:14 |
teward | ('cause it's a larger discussion) | 15:14 |
ddstreet | ok that's for ubuntustudio, what about for ubuntu-mate? | 15:14 |
ddstreet | someone should follow up on changing it to use a team for packageset owner instead of just flexiondotorg | 15:15 |
ddstreet | teward you want to take that one as well? | 15:15 |
teward | I don't ahve any direct ties to the MATE team but i'll take the action item | 15:15 |
ddstreet | ack thanks | 15:16 |
ddstreet | #action teward follow up on packageset owning team for ubuntu-mate | 15:16 |
meetingology | ACTION: teward follow up on packageset owning team for ubuntu-mate | 15:16 |
ddstreet | ok and just so i don't forget we're carrying over simon's item | 15:16 |
ddstreet | #action tsimonq2 to better document what we expect applicants to know (carried over) | 15:17 |
meetingology | ACTION: tsimonq2 to better document what we expect applicants to know (carried over) | 15:17 |
teward | #meetingtopic DMB Meeting | 15:17 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | <wxl> be nice | DMB Meeting | Current topic: Review of previous action items | ||
teward | (we forgot to set the topic heh) | 15:17 |
ddstreet | thanks | 15:17 |
ddstreet | ok to finish up this action item, someone needs to set expiry time on the existing identified flavor teams, unless anyone else wants that i can take it | 15:18 |
ddstreet | #action ddstreet set expiry time on identified flavor teams | 15:18 |
meetingology | ACTION: ddstreet set expiry time on identified flavor teams | 15:18 |
ddstreet | also, if anyone disagrees with the list i sent, feel free to comment, of course | 15:19 |
teward | i haven't had time to review it yet ddstreet | 15:19 |
teward | so at least for the next few days don't kick expiry into gear yet if possible | 15:19 |
teward | i want to review it ;0 | 15:19 |
teward | ;) * | 15:19 |
ddstreet | ack, i'll wait until next week to do that | 15:19 |
ddstreet | ok, on with the carried over items | 15:19 |
teward | (out of order) | 15:20 |
teward | teward to handle request "Requesting upload rights for ltsp" | 15:20 |
teward | Completed, and rights granted per PPU mechanisms | 15:20 |
teward | teward to handle request "Adding lubuntu-update-notifier to the Lubuntu package set" | 15:20 |
teward | Carry it over, still figuring out the packageset stuff | 15:20 |
teward | unless you know how to do it (I haven't found docs on it) | 15:20 |
teward | BUt i will ultimately ACK that into the packageset as it's only an Lubuntu package | 15:20 |
ddstreet | i do not, i'm happy to let you carry it over :) | 15:21 |
teward | yep | 15:21 |
ddstreet | #action teward to handle request "Adding lubuntu-update-notifier to the Lubuntu package set" | 15:21 |
meetingology | ACTION: teward to handle request "Adding lubuntu-update-notifier to the Lubuntu package set" | 15:21 |
ddstreet | rafaeldtinoco to handle request "Expired MOTU membership" | 15:21 |
ddstreet | rafaeldtinoco is not around, so we can carry this over also | 15:21 |
ddstreet | #action rafaeldtinoco to handle request "Expired MOTU membership" (carried over) | 15:21 |
meetingology | ACTION: rafaeldtinoco to handle request "Expired MOTU membership" (carried over) | 15:22 |
rafaeldtinoco | yes pls | 15:22 |
rafaeldtinoco | sorry, i'll do this week | 15:22 |
ddstreet | ah hi o/ | 15:22 |
ddstreet | ack thanks | 15:22 |
ddstreet | slashd to handle request "Please add new printing-related packages to my upload rights into main" | 15:22 |
teward | rafaeldtinoco: if you don't get time let me know, and I'll give it a review/handle (I literally am bored off my butt with work from home heh) | 15:22 |
rafaeldtinoco | teward: alright. tku, will try to have it done but will let u kow | 15:22 |
teward | yep | 15:23 |
teward | NOW onto slashd :) | 15:23 |
ddstreet | slashd any update for printing pkgs item? | 15:23 |
slashd | ddstreet: not yet, will do my best to look at it this week. | 15:23 |
slashd | been a bit crazy lately for me | 15:23 |
ddstreet | ack, thanks | 15:24 |
ddstreet | #action slashd to handle request "Please add new printing-related packages to my upload rights into main" (carried over) | 15:24 |
meetingology | ACTION: slashd to handle request "Please add new printing-related packages to my upload rights into main" (carried over) | 15:24 |
ddstreet | ddstreet to write up a proposal for upload access expiry following some period of disuse | 15:24 |
ddstreet | i have not got to this | 15:24 |
ddstreet | #action ddstreet to write up a proposal for upload access expiry following some period of disuse (carried over) | 15:24 |
meetingology | ACTION: ddstreet to write up a proposal for upload access expiry following some period of disuse (carried over) | 15:24 |
ddstreet | ok i think that's all the carried over items | 15:24 |
teward | yep | 15:25 |
ddstreet | The PPU application is set for next meeting, so skipping over that | 15:25 |
teward | yep, we have no MOTU, SRU Dev, or Core Dev applications | 15:25 |
teward | just a few mailing list items | 15:25 |
ddstreet | #topic Outstanding mailing list requests to assign | 15:25 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | <wxl> be nice | DMB Meeting | Current topic: Outstanding mailing list requests to assign | ||
ddstreet | Consider dissolution of packagesets for defunct flavor: edubuntu (teward) | 15:25 |
ddstreet | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2020-March/001466.html | 15:26 |
teward | For those who haven't reviewed my email on the mailing list yet I can summarize: | 15:26 |
teward | Basically, in regards to the LTSP request, it brought up a point that Edubuntu is dead - and as a result the packageset has no need to exist | 15:26 |
teward | my proposal is to remove the packageset and thsoe who need direct upload to those packages can continue to apply via PPU processes | 15:26 |
teward | such dissolution of the packageset will, in my opinion, require quorum vote | 15:26 |
ddstreet | my only question re: that is there appears to be 1 memeber who would then lose existing upload rights | 15:27 |
ddstreet | should we make them re-apply to get upload rights back? | 15:27 |
ddstreet | or create a personal packageset for them? | 15:28 |
ddstreet | specifically, - Alkis Georgopoulos (alkisg) | 15:28 |
rbasak | Can we invite that person to join the discussion? | 15:28 |
ddstreet | and the edbuntu packageset is https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/packagesets/focal/edubuntu | 15:28 |
rbasak | Ask them what they'd like. | 15:28 |
teward | it looks like stgraber owuld be affected as well as alkisg, unless stgraber has core and i'm blind at reading their memberships | 15:29 |
rafaeldtinoco | question, we would have to approve to this person ppu for all those pkgs then ? | 15:29 |
rbasak | stgraber is a core dev | 15:29 |
teward | then i am blind :) | 15:29 |
rbasak | So no impact to him | 15:29 |
teward | rafaeldtinoco: it'd probably make sense to make a packageset for that user - a personal packageset for alkisg | 15:29 |
teward | I'm not opposed to that | 15:29 |
rafaeldtinoco | thats why I ask, to make sure we are on the same page | 15:29 |
teward | but because of the dead edubuntu flavor, edubuntu-dev still has uploads. | 15:29 |
rbasak | If we did that, it'd be individual PPU, not a personal packageset. | 15:30 |
teward | mmm, we would have to do it a PPU then. I think we'll have to loop in alkisg, but I'm hesitant to keep defunct flavors' packagesets around | 15:30 |
teward | just my two cents | 15:30 |
rbasak | I suggest we propose it to alkisg | 15:30 |
rafaeldtinoco | +1 | 15:30 |
rbasak | Before making any decision | 15:30 |
teward | +1 | 15:30 |
ddstreet | +1 | 15:31 |
ddstreet | anyone want to take that action item? | 15:31 |
teward | so then action item is to reach out to aklisg and ask if they're willing to make a PPU application for all the packages | 15:31 |
teward | *raises hand* | 15:31 |
teward | ... if you want to keep assigning things to me that is :p | 15:31 |
rbasak | No even a PPU application | 15:31 |
rbasak | I don't think an application is necessary | 15:31 |
rafaeldtinoco | just the change to happen | 15:31 |
rbasak | We should just ask if a transfer to PPU would be acceptable as a way forward | 15:31 |
rbasak | We can figure out how we want to achieve that later. | 15:31 |
rbasak | (I'm in favour of JFDI with no application) | 15:32 |
rafaeldtinoco | sgtm | 15:32 |
teward | agreed, so i'll take the action item of proposing to them and then JFDI if that's OK'd | 15:32 |
ddstreet | #action teward discuss edbuntu conversion to ppu with aklisg | 15:32 |
meetingology | ACTION: teward discuss edbuntu conversion to ppu with aklisg | 15:32 |
ddstreet | thanks! | 15:32 |
rbasak | One consequence is that things that might have previously qualified to just-be-added to the edubuntu packageset will now require individual PPU applications. | 15:32 |
rbasak | I think that would be fine though - just pointing it out. | 15:32 |
teward | rbasak: my opinion is that the Edubuntu Package Set is a legacy piece | 15:33 |
rbasak | Agreed | 15:33 |
teward | leftover from the defunct flavor | 15:33 |
teward | as such, NOTHING gets added to Edubuntu going forward | 15:33 |
teward | but we're free to remove from or dissolve the packageset | 15:33 |
teward | which is why I gave them PPU via DM on their ML request. | 15:34 |
teward | that's my opinion regarding defunct packagesets anyways | 15:34 |
ddstreet | ok so should we vote on edbuntu dissolution now, or wait until after teward talks to aklisg? | 15:35 |
rbasak | after teward talks to alkisg please | 15:35 |
teward | ddstreet: carry that over, we want to talk to alkisg | 15:35 |
rafaeldtinoco | yep | 15:35 |
ddstreet | ack, so let's move to the next email request | 15:35 |
ddstreet | Please add ukui packages to the ubuntukylin package set (handsome_feng) | 15:35 |
ddstreet | i think this, and the next one, are trivial items that any indivudla dmb member can handle | 15:35 |
ddstreet | just adding packages to packageset | 15:36 |
rbasak | Yes, but | 15:36 |
rbasak | If it's an automatically generated packageset, then that makes it complicated | 15:36 |
ddstreet | ah right since it's flavor pkgset | 15:36 |
rbasak | If you just add it to the packageset in Launchpad, that will revert the next time the automation is run | 15:36 |
ddstreet | so in this case, the actual action is to run the script tooling to update the packageset from the seeds | 15:37 |
ddstreet | right? | 15:37 |
rbasak | I'm not sure all flavor packagesets are generated by the script | 15:37 |
rbasak | ddstreet: yeah, roughly | 15:37 |
ddstreet | ok i guess we should take an item to check the tooling, and run it | 15:37 |
rbasak | Hopefully the script will agree with the request, and then it can just happen | 15:37 |
rbasak | Otherwise the script logic and/or exception lists might need adjusting | 15:37 |
ddstreet | any volunteers for that? | 15:38 |
rafaeldtinoco | i can give it a try | 15:38 |
ddstreet | thanks! | 15:38 |
ddstreet | #action rafaeldtinoco look at flavor packageset tooling re: update of ubuntukylin packageset, run tooling to update packageset | 15:39 |
meetingology | ACTION: rafaeldtinoco look at flavor packageset tooling re: update of ubuntukylin packageset, run tooling to update packageset | 15:39 |
ddstreet | request to add jsunit to the mozilla packageset (olivier.tilloy) | 15:39 |
ddstreet | this isn't a flavor packageset (mozilla) so i think this should just be a manual addition to the packageset | 15:39 |
ddstreet | any volunteers? | 15:40 |
teward | i can handle it | 15:40 |
ddstreet | don't overload yourself :) | 15:41 |
teward | yes i know i'm volunteering for everything but if anyone else wants it feel free to take it | 15:41 |
teward | ddstreet: put into perspective: | 15:41 |
teward | 90% of the day i'm sitting on my butt bingewatching TV and checking email and work chat for tasks | 15:41 |
teward | so i am not overloaded - i'm DYING for stuff to keep me entertained :) | 15:41 |
ddstreet | ah well that makes sense :) | 15:41 |
teward | so if anyone else wants it take it, otherwise assign it to me | 15:41 |
ddstreet | looks like it's yours ;) | 15:42 |
ddstreet | #action teward request to add jsunit to the mozilla packageset (olivier.tilloy) | 15:42 |
meetingology | ACTION: teward request to add jsunit to the mozilla packageset (olivier.tilloy) | 15:42 |
teward | aso i've already binged Stargate SG-1 from Season 1 to final episode of Season 10 already with WFH - which gives you an idea of exactly HOW BUSY I am not :p | 15:42 |
ddstreet | lol, sg-1 is a good one to watch | 15:42 |
ddstreet | ok last item i think | 15:43 |
ddstreet | #topic Select a chair for the next meeting (following alphabetical order of first names) | 15:43 |
* RikMills loans teward Atlantis Bluerays | 15:43 | |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | <wxl> be nice | DMB Meeting | Current topic: Select a chair for the next meeting (following alphabetical order of first names) | ||
rbasak | It'll be Simon again I guess? | 15:43 |
teward | RikMills: joke's on you, I have 4k streaming of it via Amazon Prime :) | 15:44 |
rbasak | And ddstreet can move himself to the end. | 15:44 |
RikMills | teward: ditto | 15:44 |
ddstreet | ack sounds good, i'll move myself in the list but otherwise leave as is | 15:44 |
teward | rbasak: i'd say we need to remove Simon from the chairs list for now | 15:44 |
teward | i can't even raise him on texts at the moment | 15:44 |
teward | and that's no easy feat | 15:44 |
* rbasak doesn't mind | 15:44 | |
rbasak | (who is chair) | 15:44 |
ddstreet | ack, will do that too | 15:44 |
rbasak | Just do something, and call it done please :) | 15:44 |
teward | yep | 15:44 |
ddstreet | ok AOB? | 15:44 |
ddstreet | 10... | 15:45 |
ddstreet | 5 | 15:45 |
ddstreet | 4 | 15:45 |
ddstreet | 3 | 15:45 |
teward | yep | 15:45 |
ddstreet | you do have othe rbusiness? | 15:45 |
teward | but nothing that needs discussion - thanks to everyone on the DMB for being alive since the recent election | 15:45 |
teward | it's great we can get quorum and discussions regularly again :) | 15:45 |
ddstreet | agreed! | 15:45 |
teward | (so nothing crucial just something to point out) | 15:45 |
ddstreet | ok 2, 1, done | 15:46 |
ddstreet | #endmeeting | 15:46 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | <wxl> be nice | ||
meetingology | Meeting ended Mon Apr 6 15:46:04 2020 UTC. | 15:46 |
meetingology | Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2020/ubuntu-meeting.2020-04-06-15.09.moin.txt | 15:46 |
ddstreet | thanks everyone! | 15:46 |
rbasak | Thank you for chairing ddstreet! | 15:47 |
teward | indeed, thanks! | 15:47 |
ddstreet | it was fun, hopefully i didn't wander too much or miss any items :) | 15:47 |
teward | nope, if anything I was the most tangent-causing :P | 15:47 |
teward | also my apologies for just punting Eickmeyer to another location heh | 15:47 |
teward | but i didn't want a long drawn out discussion here RE: upload rights :) | 15:48 |
* Eickmeyer salts teward | 15:48 | |
* teward pours molten fluoride salts onto Eickmeyer's computer | 15:48 | |
teward | I WIN | 15:48 |
teward | *shot* | 15:48 |
teward | anyways, back to work for me! | 15:48 |
teward | Eickmeyer: I'll follow up with you via Telegram | 15:48 |
Eickmeyer | teward: sounds good. :) | 15:48 |
=== rafaeldtinoco_ is now known as rafaeldtinoco | ||
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