josefvin | Hello! Looking at giving 20.04 beta a spin. Really glad to hear of the revival of this project as I last tried studio on 18.04 and was a little disappointed... Rededicating free time to include music practice and production and wanna support if I can :) I am also a devops engineer with a background in test automation if there is any use for those | 00:09 |
josefvin | skills | 00:09 |
Eickmeyer | josefvin: Are you looking to test it for now? | 00:14 |
josefvin | Not sure I understand your question. | 00:16 |
josefvin | I'll install and try things out and submit any issues I find. Haven't read through all of the contribution docs yet or anything. Happy to submit issues pre or post release and or answer support questions if I can. | 00:17 |
Eickmeyer | I mean, you want to give 20.04 beta a spin. Would you be interested in also downloading/testing the daily images? We have a testing week in progress at the moment. | 00:17 |
josefvin | Sure, I will be glad to check out the daily images. When does the test week end? | 00:18 |
Eickmeyer | josefvin: Check this out: | 00:19 |
Eickmeyer | We've got a lot of activity going on in #ubuntu-quality if you wanna hop in there and discuss all the things. | 00:19 |
Eickmeyer | As far as automated testing, teward and I were talking about getting some sort of CI set up in the future, so we can definitely use help with that. | 00:19 |
josefvin | Ahh great timing! I will check out the #ubuntu-quality channel and go from there. Thanks! | 00:22 |
Eickmeyer | No problem. Thanks for being willing! | 00:22 |
teward | well we'll have to be picky about the CI | 00:24 |
teward | we can't run *everything* lest we run into the evil Lubuntu just ran into | 00:24 |
Eickmeyer | We'll have to remember to clear stuff out. | 00:25 |
teward | or set it up properly. | 00:26 |
teward | but that's a thing for the future heh | 00:26 |
Eickmeyer | Exactly. ERR:NotAPriority | 00:26 |
Eickmeyer | I got some positive feedback from RAOF (tag unintentional) about the lsp-plugins issue, teward. | 00:27 |
Eickmeyer | josefvin: Another thing, you said you'd e cool wit answering support quetions as they arise? | 00:34 |
josefvin | Help | 00:59 |
Eickmeyer[m] | josefvin: Help? | 02:01 |
studiobot | <teward001> they departed on IRC | 02:01 |
studiobot | <teward001> was just about to ask em what they needed help with | 02:01 |
studiobot | <teward001> *salts Eickmeyer for reasons* | 02:01 |
* Eickmeyer[m] vinegars @teward001 because acid | 02:01 | |
Eickmeyer[m] | I mean... uh... | 02:01 |
studiobot | <teward001> lol | 02:02 |
Eickmeyer[m] | RAOF: You rock. Your suggestion completely fixed the issue. Next upload of this package (probably after GG opens) will have a new package for the common library and allow for more common libraries if they ever occur in the package. | 03:16 |
RAOF | Glad to be of assistance! | 03:17 |
Christoffer[m] | I've come to shoot aliens and chew bubblegum, but I'm all out of bubble gum. How may I be of service. | 13:29 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Christoffer: I just woke up, so give me a little while. I think I have a plan for you. :) | 15:11 |
studiobot | <teward001> Eickmeyer has other things to complete first | 15:11 |
studiobot | <teward001> *throws Eickmeyer into the DMB pit re: application* | 15:11 |
Eickmeyer[m] | ERR:NeedCoffee | 15:12 |
Christoffer[m] | I'm not in a hurry or anything heheh | 15:42 |
studiobot | <teward001> doesn't help I keep stealing Eickmeyer for other things :P | 15:50 |
* Eickmeyer[m] is also catching up on a plethora of emails he's received | 15:53 | |
Christoffer[m] | One thing that should be addressed for Ubuntu Studio is a page for press and media with information, pictures and brand assets. | 16:15 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Christoffer: So, here's what I'm thinking: I'd like to give you access to the Facebook and Twitter accounts. I think you have the motivation to handle them. BUT, I do like that stuff handled a certain way. | 16:15 |
Eickmeyer[m] | I can make you an admin of the Facebook page if you're on there. | 16:16 |
Eickmeyer[m] | There's a page for brand assets. | 16:16 |
Eickmeyer[m] | It's in the wiki. | 16:16 |
Christoffer[m] | I'm not on Facebook personally, but I could make a dumb account | 16:16 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Then don't worry about it. | 16:16 |
Eickmeyer[m] | How about Twitter? | 16:16 |
Christoffer[m] | Ahh, I see | 16:16 |
Christoffer[m] | I don't have Twitter personally either | 16:18 |
Christoffer[m] | I only share my personal presence on the fediverse | 16:18 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Ohhhh.... | 16:18 |
Christoffer[m] | Of the social media stuff | 16:19 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Well, I can't exactly give you the Mastodon account because that's not easily shared without the master password, and @azbulutlu handles that. | 16:19 |
Eickmeyer[m] | And we don't really share the master passwords. | 16:19 |
Christoffer[m] | Yeah, I understand. I don't need to have direct access to the media profiles to do my work, although it will make less hassle | 16:20 |
Eickmeyer[m] | I can make you team member on Twitter if you had a Twitter account, same with Facebook. | 16:20 |
Christoffer[m] | I'll make a dumb account for both | 16:21 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Ok. | 16:21 |
Christoffer[m] | Twitter is @namnesen | 16:37 |
Christoffer[m] | Facebook is taking a bit longer, IDK why but the phone confirmation thing is taking it's time | 16:38 |
Christoffer[m] | There, this is the dumb facebook account | 16:43 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Christoffer: You're now added as an editor to the FB page and a contributor to the Twitter account. You'll need to do it from | 16:56 |
Christoffer[m] | I see. | 17:04 |
Christoffer[m] | BTW. Here is my email for important matters if you want it. Not that I'm not accessible here, but then you guys will have a certain way of getting in contact with me. | 17:04 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Christoffer: Perfect. Just let me know when/what you plan on posting before you post it. For a little while, I want to be able to review what you have. Feel free to ping me here with what you want to post. :) | 17:08 |
Christoffer[m] | Yeah, with how I do things I usually plan content for a whole week and such. But there are some important questions! I take it we don't have a communication strategy, personas and the like. That's something I'd like to start with before anything. | 17:12 |
Christoffer[m] | I'm also having a hard time finding the press kit. Having it accessible on the about page would be superb. | 17:12 |
Christoffer[m] | And do we have any design guide and stuff? Need to know brand colors, fonts and the like. | 17:15 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Christoffer: | 17:17 |
Eickmeyer[m] | That gives you almost everything. | 17:17 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Font is the Ubuntu font. | 17:17 |
Eickmeyer[m] | The svg assets are here: | 17:18 |
Christoffer[m] | * Yeah, with how I do things I usually plan content for a whole week and such. But there are some important questions! I take it we don't have a communication strategy, personas and the like. That's something I'd like to start with before anything. | 17:18 |
Christoffer[m] | I'm also having a hard time finding the press kit. Having it accessible on the about page would be superb. (Here is an example of Ubuntu's press kit even though it looks less than ideal lol) | 17:18 |
Christoffer[m] | I see, this is super helpfull for me | 17:19 |
Christoffer[m] | I'm not too familiar with code.launchpad but I'll try to wrap my head around it as soon as possible | 17:22 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Oh! Anything that gets tweeted on Twitter automatically gets tooted on Mastodon. | 17:22 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Christoffer: This should make that easier:\ | 17:22 |
Eickmeyer[m] | oops... | 17:22 |
Eickmeyer[m] | | 17:23 |
Christoffer[m] | Ahh, I see! | 17:23 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Click on an asset, the click on "plain" and it will download that asset. | 17:23 |
Christoffer[m] | Ah, thanks! | 17:26 |
Christoffer[m] | Looking into the wiki a bit more I see there is a PR & support page but it has no content other than "pr and support home." | 17:26 |
Christoffer[m] | But my input on it is that making an extra press page that is within Ubuntu Studio would be superb, maybe it can be drop downed under about. Page could contain the contact information of the person who responds to press & media, a couple of pictures and screenshots, logo and branding stuff so it's accessible for journalists and the like so there is a much higher likely hood of someone making an article or | 17:30 |
Christoffer[m] | something on Ubuntu studio, but also the article will then look that much better. | 17:30 |
Christoffer[m] | You can do what you will with the input but I'll happily help out with this in any way possible. | 17:30 |
Christoffer[m] | * But my input on it is that making an extra press page that is within Ubuntu Studio's website would be superb, maybe it can be drop downed under about. Page could contain the contact information of the person who responds to press & media, a couple of pictures and screenshots, logo and branding stuff so it's accessible for journalists and the like so there is a much higher likely hood of someone making an | 17:30 |
Christoffer[m] | article or something on Ubuntu studio, but also the article will then look that much better. | 17:30 |
Christoffer[m] | You can do what you will with the input but I'll happily help out with this in any way possible. | 17:30 |
Eickmeyer[m] | I'd rather it be a wiki page. There is a LOT to clean up on the wiki that my predecessor's predecessor was trying to do, which I have the feeling led to his eventual burnout. | 17:31 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Rather, he wasn't cleaning it up, but adding to it. | 17:31 |
Christoffer[m] | I see | 17:32 |
Christoffer[m] | I'm not against it being on the wiki as long as it's far from grasp when entering the main website | 17:32 |
Christoffer[m] | * I'm not against it being on the wiki as long as it's NOT far from grasp when entering the main website | 17:33 |
Eickmeyer[m] | We can make a new page somewhere that links to it. Perhaps in the sidebar on the "news" page. | 17:33 |
Christoffer[m] | Yeah! That's a great idea | 17:34 |
Eickmeyer[m] | So, all you need to edit the Wiki is an Ubuntu SSO account, which isn't hard to get (you don't even need to be a member). Feel free to use those assets to make a page on the wiki under BTW, the wiki predates the website, so there's a lot of ancient stuff there. | 17:36 |
Eickmeyer[m] | In fact, at first, Ubuntu Studio only existed as a wiki page with instructions. | 17:37 |
Christoffer[m] | Cool | 17:38 |
Christoffer[m] | Is the "PR" in "PR & Support" something else than I think it is by chance? | 17:38 |
Christoffer[m] | But if it is ment for press & media I could add stuff there maybe | 17:39 |
Eickmeyer[m] | I'll let you take over that area. Feel free to update the living snot out of that. | 17:40 |
Christoffer[m] | heheeh | 17:40 |
Eickmeyer[m] | The team members listed on there aren't even involved anymore. :P | 17:41 |
Christoffer[m] | Aiaiai, I'll need to make changes to that then | 17:42 |
* OvenWerks wonders what team members are | 17:42 | |
Eickmeyer[m] | OvenWerks: | 17:43 |
OvenWerks | Eickmeyer[m]: it was meant tongue in cheek | 17:43 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Ohhhhhh... :P | 17:43 |
* Eickmeyer[m] is slow this morning, juggling this with homeschooling | 17:44 | |
* OvenWerks son has a virtual class in 15 min. | 17:44 | |
Christoffer[m] | I'm logged in but it doesn't let me edit the PR & support page :curious: | 17:49 |
Christoffer[m] | * I'm logged in but it doesn't let me edit the PR & support page 🤔 | 17:50 |
Eickmeyer[m] | That's odd. What's your launchpad? | 17:55 |
Christoffer[m] | Oh, I'm probably just not knowledgable enough with wiki stuff | 17:56 |
Christoffer[m] | It just seemed intuitive to me that the edit thing at the right would be the thing | 17:56 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Well, I'll admit. The Ubuntu wiki isn't intuitive and has a steep learning curve as its markdown syntax isn't standard. | 17:57 |
Christoffer[m] | Oh darn | 17:58 |
Christoffer[m] | I'm logged in to both ubuntu studio wiki and the launchpad but I have no idea what I have to do to start editing | 18:00 |
Christoffer[m] | * I'm logged in to both ubuntu studio wiki and the launchpad but I have no idea what I have to do to start edits for you guys to approve | 18:00 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Christoffer: I trust you on the wiki. If I see anything that doesn't quite look right, I'll fix it myself. Tag me when you're done. | 18:01 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Christoffer: I added you to the documentation team. | 18:04 |
Christoffer[m] | Cool | 18:05 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> hi Christoffer[m] nice to see you on the team. *tries desperately to remember what we did last time. Eickmeyer I believe we need to add him to the alias? | 18:11 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> let me see what we did on that | 18:11 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> Well, we could, and that would give him the emails, but in terms of sending toots, that's done automatically with Twitter, iirc. | 18:12 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> I mean, I have no problem adding him to the social groupl. | 18:12 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> if he can create a pgp key on his launchpad I can share the key with him via email. if there is a better way to do it i cannot think of it, off the top off my head. | 18:13 |
Christoffer[m] | Hi, Azbulutlu! | 18:14 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> hi | 18:15 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> (this is Eylul from mastodon btw) | 18:15 |
Christoffer[m] | BTW, I'm finding it overly hard to figure out how I get to edit the wiki-page. But I'll work on the information for the page in the meantime and find out the rest later. | 18:15 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> @azbulutlu I'm having trouble finding the Ubuntu Studio Social team? I thought we made one. | 18:16 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> we did make one. hang on | 18:16 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> (I should probably change my username on telegram at some point. this one is bound to eventually cause some confusion) | 18:17 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> ....this possibly? | 18:19 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> I look member of this and also NOT member of this. launchpad is confusing | 18:19 |
Christoffer[m] | Ahh, I see | 18:19 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> actually no this is very old | 18:19 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> ok note to self, we need to document this at some point | 18:20 |
Christoffer[m] | Long time no see | 18:20 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> indeed. I do need to email you at some point btw. about the podcast thing | 18:20 |
Christoffer[m] | Okay! Just send it to | 18:21 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> @azbulutlu [....this possibly?], I don't think that was it? | 18:22 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> Maybe it was something I did in my mind. | 18:22 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> actually WAIT | 18:23 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> it wasn't a launchpad group I think | 18:23 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> it could be a mailing list? | 18:23 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> that's what they did, create a mailing list. | 18:23 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> Could be? | 18:23 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> Ah, yes. That's what it was. | 18:23 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> let me see hang on | 18:23 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> this is embarassing. it wasn't even too long ago xD | 18:23 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> Right?!? lol | 18:23 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> I have about 5 minutes then I have to go run an errand with my son. | 18:24 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> I don't have a lot of time either but let me see if I can find it | 18:24 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> there is no listen mailing list. and I cannot find the password for it either. hang on let me try to go through my emails and find what we ended up doing for this. arrgh | 18:26 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> It's | 18:28 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> Adding people requires an RT ticket. :P | 18:28 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> @eickmeyer.. yeah | 18:29 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> I'll see if I can create a team with that email address when I get back. Might be a couple hours. | 18:29 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> they gave us the option to make a launchpad ml, but I remember us deciding against it because we weren't sure that there would be an archive, and if that would be a safety issue | 18:29 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> I think at this point any archive items wouldn't be an issue. | 18:30 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> Anyhow, gotta go for now. I'll be back later, but you might be in bed @azbulutlu . | 18:30 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> Christoffer[m] if you can email me at one of my emails, signed with PGP key, that will go a lot better, i cannot send you the password in plaintext. | 18:30 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> bye @eickmeyer | 18:30 |
Christoffer[m] | @azbulutlu I don't have any of your emails and it's not accessible on your website :( | 18:34 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> oh sorry. eylul at would be the best. | 18:35 |
Christoffer[m] | ahh, thanks | 18:35 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> my bad, I thought the email address at mastodon was visible | 18:36 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> :) | 18:36 |
Christoffer[m] | This is my draft of the press kit | 18:42 |
Christoffer[m] | IDK whp is the PR contact | 18:43 |
Christoffer[m] | * IDK who is the PR contact person. Please edit and add to it however one wants | 18:43 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> Christoffer I do need your public key to encrypt the password information and send it to you. | 18:58 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> yo:) | 18:58 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> :) * | 18:58 |
Christoffer[m] | Oh, I see | 18:59 |
Christoffer[m] | Password for what? | 18:59 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> alternatively if you can think of another way to securely share the key I am open to the idea | 18:59 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> mastodon is the problem | 18:59 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> we cannot just add people to a team, like we do on other social media | 18:59 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> key -> password | 19:00 |
Christoffer[m] | Oh, I thought I wasn't going to have access to it | 19:00 |
Christoffer[m] | Because sharing the password and such | 19:02 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> I thought eickmeyer wanted me to give you the access to it... *is now also confused* | 19:03 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> "<Eickmeyer[m]> Well, I can't exactly give you the Mastodon account because that's not easily shared without the master password, and @azbulutlu handles that." | 19:04 |
Christoffer[m] | I don't necessarilly need access to it anyway | 19:05 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> I'd rather eventually have everyone on the PR team accessing it. | 19:05 |
Christoffer[m] | But Facebook, Twitter and Mastodon are all our platforms right? | 19:06 |
Christoffer[m] | * But Facebook, Twitter and Mastodon are all the platforms right? | 19:06 |
Christoffer[m] | Ahh, we can maybe fix it later then | 19:06 |
Christoffer[m] | I intend to have GPG stuff fixed anyway | 19:06 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> I'll talk to him when he gets back and figure out who understood him correctly rofl :) | 19:06 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> yes | 19:06 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> well I also need to redo my GPG too, as I need to dig up my keys. (I had to do an emergency re-install a few weeks ago) In that case I'll go back to slide preparation and deal with it tomorrow. :) | 19:07 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> do you still need help with login to the wiki btw? | 19:08 |
Christoffer[m] | But if you guys want to have a social media strategy I'll happily join a Jitsi meeting or something where we can establish 4 personas and a couple of more things when people have time | 19:09 |
Christoffer[m] | I'm logged in to the wiki, but can't for the life of me understand how to edit it hehhe | 19:09 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> *laughs* hang on let me see what is broken | 19:10 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> it might not be you at all | 19:10 |
OvenWerks | also when going back to the page you wish to edit after logging in it seemed to me a page refresh was needed | 19:10 |
* OvenWerks found wiki editing really not obvious | 19:11 | |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> Christoffer[m] just to test can you edit this page. also, on that tiny menu above (immutable page / info, subscribe/attachments/more actions/login etc | 19:13 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> do you see login or yourname/logout/help | 19:13 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> at the end | 19:13 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> | 19:13 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> the wiki can hiccup sometimes | 19:13 |
Christoffer[m] | Ahhh | 19:13 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> also generally if you haven't gone through an ubuntu one login, something is probably not working right. it shoudl redirect you to ubuntu one login, and that will give you the correct permissions I believe. | 19:14 |
Christoffer[m] | I can see the login and my username, I also have acces to "more actions" | 19:14 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> and if your last login was before eickmeyer added you to the documentation team, it might require a logout and a re-login | 19:15 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> what happens if you press "login" | 19:15 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> ? | 19:15 |
Christoffer[m] | And on the page to the right on certain pages there is a (edit) but it just says i don't have access | 19:15 |
Christoffer[m] | But that might not be the right edit thing? | 19:16 |
Christoffer[m] | Eyy | 19:17 |
Christoffer[m] | now I got a lot more permissions! | 19:17 |
Christoffer[m] | Logging in and out worked! | 19:17 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> hehe | 19:19 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> you probably logged in before you got the permissions | 19:19 |
studiobot | <azbulutlu> alright. I need to go deal with class things for real now. feel free to holler for emergencies. | 19:20 |
Christoffer[m] | TBH I don't feel to comfertable editing with this wiki thing. I think I already messed something up. | 19:27 |
Christoffer[m] | Not a biggie, but the PR & support page probably has a different adress, didn't think that would happen. So now when clicking PR & support it goes to no page | 19:30 |
Christoffer[m] | I feel like this wiki kind of sets a high bar for it being edited lol | 19:34 |
Christoffer[m] | * I feel like this wiki-program kind of sets a high bar for it being edited lol | 19:35 |
Christoffer[m] | I fixed it BTW | 19:46 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Christoffer: Don't worry about it. The pages all have history that can be accessed and reverted, kinda like git. | 20:26 |
Christoffer[m] | Good! | 20:32 |
Christoffer[m] | Are there any plans to update the "features" section of the website, a lot of the programs seems to outdated and particulary the images | 20:34 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Christoffer: Yeah, let me handle those images. One of those things where it's not 100% a priority. | 20:51 |
Christoffer[m] | 👍️ | 20:56 |
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