=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash | ||
RoadRunner | having problems connecting a printer to xub 16.04; troubleshooter says 'The CUPS print spooler does not appear to be running. To correct this, choose System>Administration>Services'. Where is that? | 01:31 |
RoadRunner | problems connecting new printer to xub 16.04; printer troubleshooter says CUPS service isn't running. Where do I find 'Services' to start it? | 01:47 |
RoadRunner | anybody in? | 02:08 |
well_laid_lawn | RoadRunner: generally there's people about | 02:09 |
well_laid_lawn | but not everyone can answer every uestion | 02:09 |
RoadRunner | well_laid_lawn: do you know where Services are hiding? | 02:10 |
well_laid_lawn | RoadRunner: serices are handled by systemd | 02:12 |
well_laid_lawn | !systemd | 02:13 |
ubottu | systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units | 02:13 |
well_laid_lawn | the second link has info for controlling services | 02:13 |
RoadRunner | thank you, had a quick look through; is the only way to deal with this through terminal - no convinient GUI app? | 02:17 |
well_laid_lawn | RoadRunner: afaik no gui for services | 02:19 |
well_laid_lawn | it is pretty straight forward though | 02:19 |
RoadRunner | when I set up my xub 16.04 box, no printer was connected to it; perhaps that's why the needed service was disabled? on a new install with a connected printer, is the printer usually automaticaly set up without additional action by users? | 02:21 |
well_laid_lawn | I nevver use a printer so I can't say | 02:22 |
well_laid_lawn | but enabling and starting the cups service should be an easy start to sorting that out | 02:22 |
well_laid_lawn | !printing | 02:23 |
ubottu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu | 02:23 |
RoadRunner | thank you :) | 02:29 |
well_laid_lawn | luck | 02:29 |
RoadRunner | well_laid_lawn: hmm, not much luck so far... to: 'sudo systemctl start cups.service' get 'Failed to start cups.service: Unit cups.service not found. | 02:39 |
well_laid_lawn | youu have to enable a service before starting it | 02:41 |
RoadRunner | ah | 02:41 |
well_laid_lawn | did you follow the printing links above ? | 02:41 |
RoadRunner | not yet, just your second link so far; but regarding enabling: to 'sudo systemctl enable cups.service' get 'Failed to execute operation: No such file or directory | 02:47 |
RoadRunner | well_laid_lawn: went through all of the links you suggested; my printer: brother hl-2040 was described by one user as working with xub 10 and both a driver and an install tool are available from Brother. But will do me any good if I can't enable 'cups'? | 03:09 |
RoadRunner | *will it... | 03:10 |
well_laid_lawn | RoadRunner: I was afk. you might have to install cups - Lie I said I don't use a printer | 03:12 |
well_laid_lawn | maybe someone else can help with that in a bit | 03:12 |
RoadRunner | thanks anyway :); cups -Lie is full name of the package? Synaptic tells me I don't have it installed, so I gess I'll grab it from there | 03:16 |
RoadRunner | just suprprised it wasn't installed during the original install automaticaly... | 03:17 |
kryten | I'd check for "cups" though, "Lie" was just a misspelled "Like".. | 03:19 |
kryten | And fwiw, Xubuntu 16.04 is end-of-life for about a year now. | 03:20 |
RoadRunner | kryten: "Lie" lol - stupid me :) and yes I'll be transitioning to 20 when it becomes available. | 03:21 |
Bashing-om | RoadRunner: 20.04 is up for testing now: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2020-April/004948.html | 03:26 |
RoadRunner | Bashing-om: 20.04 is bleeding edge now; for now I just want to print with what I have and according to Synaptic I do have some cups stuff installed yet can't seem to enable that service | 03:30 |
Bashing-om | RoadRunner: Not too up on what it takes to enable printing, sorry :( | 03:31 |
RoadRunner | kryten: any suggestions on what may be preventing me from enabling cups? | 03:32 |
=== cmcmanis is now known as chuckm | ||
xu-help44w | I am having issues with HDMI Audio | 09:11 |
xu-help44w | It shows unplugged | 09:11 |
xu-help44w | no matter what | 09:11 |
xu-help44w | but the video is working | 09:11 |
diogenes_ | xu-help44w, run: inxi -G | nc termbin.com 9999 | 09:14 |
diogenes_ | share link | 09:15 |
Unit193 | -c0 will strip colors and make it easier to read. | 09:15 |
diogenes_ | inxi -Gc0 | nc termbin.com 9999 | 09:16 |
diogenes_ | thanks Unit193 | 09:16 |
Unit193 | Glad to be of help. | 09:17 |
xu-help44w | Graphics: Card: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] RS780M [Mobility Radeon HD 3200] Display Server: x11 (X.Org 1.20.5 ) drivers: ati,radeon (unloaded: modesetting,fbdev,vesa) Resolution: 1920x1080@60.00hz OpenGL: renderer: AMD RS780 (DRM 2.50.0 / 5.3.0-45-generic, LLVM 9.0.0) version: 3.3 Mesa 19.2.8 | 09:18 |
xu-help44w | https://termbin.com/zskr9 | 09:18 |
diogenes_ | xu-help44w, look in pavucontrol > configuration | 09:19 |
xu-help44w | It shows | 09:21 |
xu-help44w | Digital Stero (HDMI) Output (Unplugged)\ | 09:21 |
diogenes_ | there are many options with HDMI. | 09:22 |
xu-help44w | all HDMI options are showing as unplugged | 09:22 |
diogenes_ | xu-help44w, has it ever worked with linux? | 09:23 |
xu-help44w | haven't tried it before | 09:23 |
diogenes_ | xu-help44w, maybe this could help: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1032811/ubuntu-18-04-no-hdmi-audio-with-amd-radeon-hd-7870 | 09:26 |
xu-help44w | tried it | 09:32 |
xu-help44w | but doesn't help | 09:32 |
xu-help44w | Reboot after the changes helps though | 09:36 |
xu-help44w | sound is working now. | 09:37 |
xu-help44w | Thanks for the help | 09:37 |
diogenes_ | xu-help44w, what command worked? | 09:37 |
xu-help44w | pacmd | 09:38 |
diogenes_ | ok good to know. | 09:39 |
xu-help44w | mkdir -p $HOME/binecho '#!/bin/bash# Temporary workaround to restore HDMI until kernel is fixed## Paste at command line:# aplay -l | grep HDMI## Example return:# card 1: HDMI [HDA ATI HDMI], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]# That is card 1, device 3 so "1,3" and "_1_3"## If actual numbers are different than example, replace# the "1,3" and "_1_3" in | 09:39 |
xu-help44w | lines below with the returned numbers.#pulseaudio --killrm $HOME/.config/pulse/*waitpacmd load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:1,3pacmd set-default-sink alsa_output.hw_1_3pacmd set-sink-volume alsa_output.hw_1_3 35000' > $HOME/bin/fixHDMIaudiochmod +x $HOME/bin/fixHDMIaudioechocat $HOME/bin/fixHDMIaudio | 09:39 |
MoogusShow | Hullo. Is there a difference between installing the 20.04 daily now and waiting until the official release? I have used the daily on a virtual machine, but I want to go ahead and install it for real. | 11:21 |
Unit193 | Technically there could be slight differences between if you installed now and installed with the final, but...Not dramatic. | 11:27 |
MoogusShow | But, I won't have to install the official release, I can just keep updating, right? Sorry for the very basic question. | 11:28 |
Unit193 | Yeah. | 11:30 |
MoogusShow | Thank you. :-[ | 11:31 |
jphilips | Two more days left in the #UbuntuTestingWeek, so all those interested to help improve the stability of this month's Xubuntu 20.04, please read this - https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-20-04-testing-week/ | 11:45 |
Sumit44 | i use xubutu, i want to transfer file from windows 10 to xubuntu through ethernet cable | 14:32 |
Sumit44 | is it possible if yes pls help/guide. shall be grateful | 14:32 |
Sumit44 | =L | 14:36 |
Sumit44 | !! pls help | 14:41 |
ernalve | Hi, I'm receiving unwanted notifications with ads on the panel. How do I delete this? Is it malware? I have a screenshot if it helps. | 15:32 |
diogenes_ | ernalve, screen. | 15:35 |
ernalve | https://imgur.com/a/xp2BVSg | 15:40 |
diogenes_ | ernalve, maybe it's from twitter, i don't habla espagnol. | 15:43 |
sumit333 | i use xubuntu i wanted to know can i transfer files from windows 10 to this xubuntu. | 16:07 |
sumit333 | if possible pls help/guide | 16:07 |
sumit333 | throgh ethernet cable | 16:07 |
diogenes_ | sumit333, with samba. | 16:08 |
diogenes_ | !samba | 16:08 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html | 16:08 |
genii | It is also now possible to enable NFS in Windows | 16:13 |
=== mp107_ is now known as mp107 | ||
Hamilton | I'm getting accidental selection on right-clicking stuff...On rightclick the menu appears but it immedeatly selects the entry which my mouse is on | 18:44 |
Hamilton | https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=591258#c79 | 18:45 |
ubottu | Gnome bug 591258 in Widget: GtkMenu "Easy to accidentally select first option in popup menus" [Minor,Resolved: obsolete] | 18:45 |
Gunstick | greetings. 2 days ago I was here about lz4 in mkinitrd, well my repair did not work. system is unbootable. kernel panic "unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)" | 19:15 |
Gunstick | tried to set up grub, wiith no effect | 19:15 |
Gunstick | it is an full disk encrypted lvm | 19:16 |
xu-help8w | i use xubuntu, i wanted to know can i transfer files from windows 10 to this xubuntu. if possible pls help/guidethrogh ethernet cable | 19:37 |
Gunstick | for m above problem, trying this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/844132/how-to-repair-boot-on-luks-encrypted-harddrive | 19:39 |
Gunstick | xubuntu can mount windows shares. that's probably the easiest way | 19:39 |
xu-help8w | how to setup | 19:39 |
Gunstick | xu-help8w: that on xubuntu the File Manager | 19:40 |
Gunstick | I cannot tell you how to set up windows to do a file share. | 19:40 |
xu-help8w | pls help i am novice | 19:41 |
Gunstick | maybe someone else can help but best idea is to ask in a windows group how to create a share on your network. | 19:41 |
xu-help8w | windows share if i do can i view it in xubuntu | 19:43 |
Gunstick | yes | 19:43 |
xu-help8w | in which forum i need to ask for setup of windows share | 19:44 |
Gunstick | The last time I installed a windows was in 1995, so sorry | 19:45 |
xu-help8w | .... | 19:46 |
xu-help8w | xUbuntu to xubuntu can it be possible | 19:47 |
xu-help8w | i mean both the pcs same od | 19:47 |
xu-help8w | os | 19:48 |
Gunstick | yes | 19:49 |
Hamilton | Gunstick, What exactly do you want? | 19:57 |
Hamilton | Do you want to for example share a directory over local WiFi network so files are accessible on browsers? | 19:58 |
Gunstick | It is not me but xu-help8w who wants that | 19:58 |
Gunstick | (I am still working on solving my kernel panic with grub) | 19:58 |
Gunstick | lol, now it wants to boot from the live-install I used to reconfigure grub! | 20:00 |
Gunstick | I guess this is my issue: no cryptsetup in initramfs, despite root being encrypted. why isn't cryptsetup by default copied to initramfs if there is an issue to make it work reliably? https://askubuntu.com/questions/381624/lvm-on-encrypted-partition-drops-me-to-initramfs-root-missing | 20:36 |
=== zChris_ is now known as zChris |
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