[01:30] Morning [01:31] Morning callmepk [01:32] Hi duflu [04:14] Hi! [04:14] I'm checking 20.04 beta image install process and I faced a crash [04:15] but when I tried to report the issue, I was told it was an existing issue [04:15] the problem is... I cannot access the issue (it's bug #998492) [04:15] bug 998492 in Baltix "Fails to detect package download errors on architectures other than amd64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/998492 [04:15] there is a "oops" everytime I try to access it [04:18] trying again but in safe graphics mode (this laptop has a nvidia card...) [04:19] duflu, do you know what logs I should be looking at during the install process? Just anything in /var/log/installer? [04:19] * duflu looks [04:20] pieq, I can't access that bug either. If it really is a crash then I can only suggest following all the steps in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Missing_a_crash_report_or_having_a_.crash_attachment [04:28] pieq: you left #hwe before an answer ;) [04:29] duflu, install crashes again... but there is nothing in /var/crash and the whoopsie id points to an empty page [04:29] tjaalton, ah! Sorry, I wanted to backup the /home partition [04:29] tjaalton, so I had to leave hexchat [04:29] let me reconnect from another computer [04:30] I dont see anything bad in /var/log/installer/debug [04:33] but whenever I'm trying to log a bug (ubuntu-bug ubiquity) I am told bug #998492 exists [04:33] bug 998492 in Baltix "Fails to detect package download errors on architectures other than amd64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/998492 [04:33] pieq, no idea. I suggest not being connected to the Internet during install. It will go faster and might avoid that crash [04:34] ok, let me try this [04:35] pieq, also ask jibel to see if he can access that bug..? [04:38] duflu, I think this bug is very old and has a lot of dependencies, and Launchpad crashes when trying to access it. I've asked in the launchpad channel [04:44] morning all [04:45] pieq, Salut [04:45] pieq, anything in /var/log/syslog? [04:46] jibel, not much. I've captured the log and I'm reinstalling without internet to see if that helps (but I'm busy with something else atm) [04:46] I saw 2 occurrences of a bug during installation where libc fails to install [04:46] jibel, yeah, I saw that error in /var/lib/ubiquity [04:47] it's talking about an i386 version [04:47] yes [04:47] so it's a real bug [04:47] jibel, do you have the bug id? [04:47] cf bug 1871268 [04:47] bug 1871268 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Clean Install first time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1871268 [04:47] jibel, shit, it's my work laptop... no running system ATM [04:47] the error is in spanish [04:48] install should pass without network [04:49] Apr 7 01:14:48 xubuntu /plugininstall.py: apt_pkg.Error: E:No se pudo configurar «libc6:i386», E:No se pudo realizar la configuración inmediata de «libgcc-s1:i386». Consulte la página de manual con «man 5 apt.conf» bajo «APT::Immediate-Configure» para más información. (2) [04:49] jibel, yes, I saw the same error but in English [04:49] I'll attach the logs later if that can help [04:50] yes please [04:50] pieq, it's Ubuntu not Xubuntu? [04:51] the bug report is for xubuntu [04:51] it doesn't really matter, just making sure it affects everyone and not limited to a flavor [04:53] jibel, done [04:54] jibel, oh yeah I forgot to mention it's for Ubuntu, not Xubuntu [04:54] jibel, and the error is in /var/lib/ubiquity/install.trace [04:57] thank you [05:01] jibel, this system has secure boot enabled, and nvidia card [05:02] I can see the installer is trying to install a nvidia-dkms, and I know dkms don't play well with secure boot [05:02] jibel, added that info in the bug, in case of [05:04] pieq, the OP also has an nVidia GPU, it could be the common denominator [05:05] jibel, duflu the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/998492 can now be accessed, and also mentions i386 [05:05] Ubuntu bug 998492 in Baltix "Fails to detect package download errors on architectures other than amd64" [Undecided,New] [05:06] it's just apport being confused. They seem unrelated [05:06] Morning jibel [05:07] good morning duflu [05:11] jibel, just finished the install. The workaround of not being connected during install worked [06:26] good morning desktoppers [06:29] Hi oSoMoN [06:29] hey callmepk [06:41] goood morning desktopers [06:41] hey oSoMoN, callmepk, how are you today? [06:41] Good. How are you seb128 ? [06:42] I'm good thanks! [06:44] good morning [06:54] good morning Europe-based desktoppers! :) [06:54] (jibel doesn't count cause he wakes up waaaay too early) [06:55] salut seb128, I'm tired (didn't sleep enough), but good otherwise [06:55] salut pieq, ça va? [06:56] salut didrocks [06:56] hey pieq, salut oSoMoN [06:57] oSoMoN, oui ça va, merci ! Try to get a nap this afternoon! ;) [07:00] morning desktoppers [07:01] hey marcustomlinson [07:03] hey didrocks, how's things? [07:04] good good, yourself? [07:05] yeah doing well thanks [07:05] oSoMoN: ditto on the lack of sleep though :P [07:23] lut didrocks pieq [07:23] hey marcustomlinson [07:23] salut seb128 [07:23] oSoMoN, same here, could do with more sleep, days are challenging atm [07:23] morning seb128 [07:35] Hi oSoMoN, seb128, marcustomlinson, didrocks [07:36] hey duflu [07:42] hey duflu, how are you? [07:42] seb128, stressed. Family life peaks in line with focal beta. How are you? [07:43] hey duflu [07:43] duflu, oh, sorry to read, there is no ermergency with the release so don't overstress and take time if needed [07:44] seb128, yeah I keep thinking there are no emergencies so that's good [07:52] take it easy duflu [08:04] jibel, didrocks999: hey would zsys be ok with having go 1.14 as default in focal? [08:04] yo [08:08] mwhudson: we build upstream with 1.14 since its release, so nothing bad should happen [08:08] hey Laney [08:08] lo Laney [08:08] didrocks999: thanks [08:09] hey Laney, how are you? [08:10] morning Laney === doko_ is now known as doko [08:19] hey didrocks999 duflu seb128 marcustomlinson [08:19] yeah doing alright [08:19] you? [08:20] Morning desktopers o/ [08:21] morning Wimpress [08:21] I'm alright, I could do with a bit more sleep and some extra exercice, I can feel the ratio food/movement isn't great atm [08:21] hey Wimpress [08:25] didrocks999: We had a catch up with Yaru team last night. [08:26] They've got some fixes that are preparing for an update release. [08:28] good morning all 0/ [08:32] Hi Wimpress [08:32] and hi clobrano [08:33] hi duflu [08:40] Wimpress, looking at the PopOS commit that solves the build with libsass 3.6.3 issue we talked about yesterday, it seems they squashed the gtk-3.20 folder in gtk-3.0. Now, I am unsure about what gtk version is currently supporting our gtk-3.0 folder [08:41] good morning desktopers :) [08:41] hey clobrano [08:41] heya ricotz [08:41] seb128, hey, please sync vala :) [08:41] good morning seb128, ricotz :) [08:42] Wimpress: nice! let’s get that as soon as possible :) [08:43] ricotz, hey, ok :) [08:44] woa didrocks leveled up [08:45] even above seb ! [08:45] XD [08:51] tjaalton, I'm confused. Can you please explain how modeset gets used with the nvidia kernel driver without drm explicitly enabled? bug 1870637 [08:51] bug 1870637 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Nvidia+modeset: Can't set 4K@60Hz: HDMI max TMDS frequency 300000KHz" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1870637 [08:51] \o/ [08:51] thanks IRC timeout :p === didrocks999 is now known as didrocks [08:52] duflu: you mean tseliot? [08:52] marcustomlinson: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#update-manager sux [08:52] Err, maybe :) [08:52] tseliot, any idea? [08:53] Sorry, I have nick blindness in this area [08:53] Laney: ah what a lame failure [08:55] hmm, oh it's not the PyGIWarning that's the issue [08:56] odd that I didn't see that locally [08:57] different linters run during the autopkgtests [08:57] quality [08:57] kind of questionable as an autopkgtest at all imho, but there we are [08:58] very questionable [08:58] sigh, I'll MR asap [08:58] duflu, that doesn't look right. I'll have a look [09:28] Laney: could you trigger this for me: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=focal&arch=amd64&package=update-manager&ppa=marcustomlinson/test&trigger=update-manager/1:20.04.4 [09:29] I can do, but [09:29] do you know how to run autopkgtests locally? [09:29] * Laney puts teacher hat on [09:34] Laney: oh would I not run into the same problem of different linter? [09:48] marcustomlinson: nah, it should run basically the same thing that would get run if I click that link [09:49] teach away good sir [09:49] ok, install autopkgtest [09:49] then run `autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud -r focal --verbose` and wait for that to finish, it will make a qemu VM in the current working directory [09:52] meanwhile build the package so you get an _amd64.changes with the source in it too, e.g. sbuild -d focal -s -A foo.dsc [10:00] seb128, xnox, if I want to create a file in /usr/share/plymouth, how do I make it seen at boot time? [10:00] It's still not found [10:00] duflu, do you use disk encryption? [10:00] seb128, no [10:01] it should be available then... [10:01] what's the error? [10:01] marcustomlinson: and then, you can run something like "autopkgtest --shell-fail --apt-upgrade update-manager_20.04.4_amd64.changes -- qemu ~/temp/autopkgtest-focal-amd64.img" [10:01] and it should do the thing [10:01] seb128, creating a plymouthd.defaults is ignored [10:02] Laney: ok I'll give it a go thanks! [10:03] meanwhile I clicked that link [10:04] Oh, maybe our distro patch is blocking it [10:04] could well be [10:11] seb128, yeah that's it. I think I will rewrite that patch. There's nothing wrong with the proposed one but fixing more bugs requires a new design. Let the proposed one release first? [10:12] duflu, yes, it's annoying that riscv blocked migration now :/ [10:12] * duflu shrugs. I accidentally closed email and decided not to reopen it till tomorrow [10:13] don't, it's late enough [10:13] go enjoy your evening! [10:13] duflu: Also, I see you made the news again :-) [10:13] Wimpress, yeah someone reads the status reports :) [10:14] Triggered upstream to wake up and answer my comments [10:18] duflu: has it been included in the initrd? i.e. did you do $ sudo update-initramfs -u ? [10:19] xnox, yes I tried that [10:19] The plymouth debug log still claims it can't file that file which exists [10:20] (/usr/share/plymouth//plymouthd.defaults) [10:20] generally the // is not a problem [10:21] *find that file [10:21] i've never heard of such a path [10:22] xnox, we don't ship it. It's an upstream thing that plymouthd checks for though [10:22] duflu: lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img | grep plymouthd.defaults ? does it have it [10:23] Ah that's the command I wanted [10:23] duflu: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/plymouth is probably need to be edited to copy new/extra things [10:24] (if plymouthd.defaults is not in the initrd) [10:24] duflu: also not sure if that's something that should be in /usr, or in /etc/plymouth. [10:24] xnox, I think it knows about it already. More likely the problem is just that the config file is skipped after we patch in a hardcoded value [10:24] # copy defaults file if exist [10:24] if [ -r /usr/share/plymouth/plymouthd.defaults ] [10:24] then [10:24] cp -a /usr/share/plymouth/plymouthd.defaults "${DESTDIR}/usr/share/plymouth/" [10:24] fi [10:24] it is there.... [10:24] Yes [10:24] no idea, sorry [10:24] So I will modify the patch [10:25] After the proposed one releases [10:50] Huh, efifb remembers its mode (and has modes?!) across reboots [11:34] Laney: thanks for the lesson by the way :) I did get the tests running locally and it's a good thing I did too as there were more issues [11:37] ah great [11:37] blasted issues [11:38] would the pyflakes3 test run at build-time too if we added a build-dep on it? [11:38] if so, that would be a way better time to catch these issues [11:56] doesn't look like it [11:58] AH [12:03] Laney: https://code.launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/update-manager/update-manager/+merge/381817 [12:03] that'll do it [12:05] ok lemme see in a minute [12:08] oSoMoN: hi, have you ever seen problems related to invalid opcodes when calling xdg-open from chromium? [12:09] cmatsuoka, that doesn't ring a bell [12:09] oSoMoN: we got this bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1870861 [12:09] Ubuntu bug 1870861 in snapd (Ubuntu) "chromium-browser is unable to open downloads" [Undecided,New] [12:10] it's not something I could reproduce [12:15] cmatsuoka, sorry, I've never seen that [12:16] oSoMoN: thanks, just checking :) [12:46] hey Trevinho! Do you know if Yaru gnome shell in 20.04 builds the gresource? (It should, if I got it right) [13:30] good morning desktopers [13:30] howdy ho! [13:30] hi there mr hankey ;) [13:30] meeting time? [13:31] Yes. [13:31] And hello hellsworth o/ [13:31] howdy ho Wimpress [13:31] #startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-04-07 [13:31] Meeting started Tue Apr 7 13:31:37 2020 UTC. The chair is Wimpress. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [13:31] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-04-07 | Current topic: [13:31] Roll call: didrocks, duflu, hellsworth, jamesh, jibel, kenvandine, Laney, marcustomlinson, oSoMoN, seb128 , tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell, callmepk [13:31] \o [13:31] o/ [13:32] \o [13:32] _o/ [13:32] o/ [13:32] o/ [13:32] #topic rls-bb-bugs === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-04-07 | Current topic: rls-bb-bugs [13:33] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-incoming-bug-tasks.html [13:33] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1870270 [13:33] Ubuntu bug 1870270 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Bionic) "gnome-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in dri_flush_front_buffer() from intel_flush_front() from intel_glFlush()" [Medium,Triaged] [13:33] Fix released. [13:34] not for bionic? [13:34] we are on 3.32 there [13:34] Yep, looks like Daniel is working this one. [13:34] assign to him and untag? [13:34] Yep. [13:35] Done [13:36] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-tracking-bug-tasks.html [13:36] okay here [13:36] ( late o/ ) [13:36] o/ [13:37] Look fine. Only unassisgned bug is the one we just dealt with. [13:37] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1559650 [13:37] Ubuntu bug 1559650 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Bionic) "gnome-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in ___vsnprintf_chk()" [Medium,Confirmed] [13:38] Again, looks like Daniel is tracking it. [13:39] Assign to Daniel? [13:39] yes, the numbers of e.u.c reports seem enough to keep it on the list if he wants to deal with it [13:39] so I would do that yes [13:39] Done [13:39] #topic rls-ee-bugs === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-04-07 | Current topic: rls-ee-bugs [13:39] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ee-incoming-bug-tasks.html [13:40] All clear. [13:40] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ee-tracking-bug-tasks.html [13:40] wait [13:40] * Wimpress waits [13:40] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/1870564 [13:40] Ubuntu bug 1870564 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) " Libreoffice's option "Customize" is imcompatble to decrease its Window size in Ubuntu 19.10" [Undecided,New] [13:40] i just tagged that ee-incoming (sorry for that) [13:40] i haven't looked at it yet.. [13:41] but wonder if we want to spend time on it [13:41] Want that assigning to you to triage? [13:41] sure [13:41] but then what happens with the tag? [13:42] doesn't look like rls material to me [13:42] * ricotz hopes seb128 didn't forget vala ;) [13:42] especially not for a stable which is about to be superseeded and is not a LTS [13:42] I would vote wontfix for 19.10 [13:42] seb128: Yeah, I'll drop the tag. It will be loved by hellsworth :-) [13:42] wfm [13:42] ok [13:42] thx [13:42] ricotz, no, I just had to step out for a bit and I'm only catching up with things now, will do in a bit [13:43] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ee-tracking-bug-tasks.html [13:43] seb128, ah, I see, thanks! [13:44] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1733321 [13:44] Ubuntu bug 1733321 in network-manager (Ubuntu Focal) "network-manager ADT tests fail with on ppc64el with artful/linux" [Medium,New] [13:44] Wimpress, I would wontfix that for 19.10 [13:44] we don't really care about ppc autopkgtest there at this point [13:45] Makr won't fix for 19.10 [13:46] Looks like sts are tracking that bug. [13:46] yes, I was pondering uploading to focal [13:46] but the current patch is an hack adding a sleep [13:46] and one of their guy asked to work on a proper fix so I will rather wait for that :) [13:47] Agreed. [13:47] seb128: Can you comment accordingly please? [13:47] sure [13:48] Thanks. [13:48] #topic rls-ff-bugs === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-04-07 | Current topic: rls-ff-bugs [13:48] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html [13:48] OK, there's a lot here. [13:48] holy moly [13:48] * Laney cries [13:49] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1867613 [13:49] Ubuntu bug 1867613 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu dock does not allow drag and move icons at bottom of screen" [High,Confirmed] [13:49] Looks like a rls bug to me. [13:50] I tagged it, it has some dups [13:50] I was tracking it anyways though [13:50] and even if the bottom of the screen is not the default I saw some comments of users having issues with dock on the left [13:50] take it [13:50] so I would vote +1 and assigning to Trevinho [13:50] Done [13:51] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1867763 [13:51] Ubuntu bug 1867763 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashed with SIGABRT: assertion failure in st_bin_destroy: assertion failed: (priv->child == NULL)" [High,Confirmed] [13:52] Needs an owner I think. [13:52] I vote +1, it has some duplicates and is trivial to trigger (at least on my xps 13) [13:52] Who wants it? [13:52] Trevinho, is that gjs or dock or shell in you opinion? do you have capacity to look at it or should we ask Daniel? [13:52] * Trevinho hides [13:53] I'm a bit busy... [13:53] I've assigned to Daniel [13:53] thanks [13:54] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1870046 [13:54] Ubuntu bug 1870046 in appstream-glib (Ubuntu) "appstream-glib ftbfs in focal (all archs)" [High,Confirmed] [13:54] it's likely the dock though, so in case I would steal when i'm about to release the dokc [13:54] k, talk to Daniel if needed [13:55] Wimpress, wgrant fixed it (I guess because it was in riscv path), https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appstream-glib/0.7.16-1ubuntu1 [13:55] Is 1870046 release blocking? [13:55] Marked as fixed released and commented. [13:56] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1870062 [13:56] Ubuntu bug 1870062 in libcmis (Ubuntu) "libcmis ftbfs in focal" [High,Confirmed] [13:56] we need to accept the ftbfs ones [13:56] so it's just a matter to find assignes [13:57] Who want libcmis then? [13:57] I'll have that one [13:57] thanks [13:57] Thank Laney. [13:58] launchpad.net/bugs/1870508 [13:58] is rls bug. Who wants it? [13:58] was it a one time thing or is it doing it every time? [13:58] Everytime. [13:59] are you sure? [13:59] yes [13:59] there is no dup and no other comment [13:59] Can repreoduce everytime. [13:59] and 1 affect person [13:59] those info should be written on bugs :p [13:59] it's the screenreader [13:59] I've just +1'd it. [13:59] there is a test case [13:59] jibel, do you want to try to have a go at fixing it? [13:59] I have comments (no via LP) from community about this. [13:59] no [13:59] :( [14:00] Wimpress, want to take on some bugs to help? ;) [14:00] we are going to be short to assign all the things there... [14:00] I can put that one on my backlog but I'm already overcommited at this point [14:00] I can try [14:00] I don't have time this week or next. [14:00] but it's the case of most people [14:01] marcustomlinson: Thanks. [14:01] marcustomlinson, thanks [14:02] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1870758 [14:02] Ubuntu bug 1870758 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-440 (Ubuntu) "[nvidia] Display scaling results in monitor power save state" [High,Confirmed] [14:02] +1 to take it [14:02] Yep. [14:02] They can be fixed by SRUing and we might want to make use of the milestone feature to express that [14:02] Marco thinks it's a driver bug [14:02] possibly by doing a separate pass of all the rls bugs [14:02] not in this meeting [14:02] Laney, good idea [14:03] So assign it to Daniel for now? [14:03] tseliot said he would have a look this week, assign to him [14:03] Wimpress, ^ [14:03] Or just move on? [14:03] OK [14:03] yeah, I mean... it didn't happen with previous drivers, and anything changed for non-nvidia... [14:03] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1871195 [14:03] Ubuntu bug 1871195 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "The adaptive layouts aren't working properly" [High,Confirmed] [14:03] I suggested that one [14:04] see the short video to see the issue [14:04] it's looking lame and I would suggest we disable the adaptive layout, it brings little on a desktop and create those issues [14:04] Sounds senisble. [14:04] Want to take that one seb128? [14:04] kenvandine, could robert look at it? [14:04] sure [14:04] Wimpress, Robert is our gcc maintainer :p [14:05] but he can't I can try to have a look [14:05] Assigned to Robert [14:05] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1843982 [14:05] Ubuntu bug 1843982 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) "Various programs crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_hash() from g_hash_table_lookup() from update_user()" [High,Triaged] [14:05] it has a few duplicates [14:06] I vote +1 to take it [14:06] it's a gdm segfault, not nice [14:06] I agree. [14:06] upstream also gave some hints to a fix [14:06] Who would like to take that one? [14:06] Laney, sounds like something in your skillset if you have cycles? [14:07] that can probably be a SRU [14:07] well, maybe it's just doing what upstream suggested and trivial, we should sanity check what he wrote though [14:08] I guess so [14:08] Probably should be more than the same few people taking all the bugs though [14:08] indeed [14:09] I can try this too if kenvandine is fine with me postponing my other work [14:09] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1870089 [14:09] Ubuntu bug 1870089 in yelp (Ubuntu) "yelp ftbfs in focal" [High,Triaged] [14:09] that's an easy one, need some appstream update [14:09] kenvandine can you maybe take it? [14:10] (also update to 3.36 maybe while you are at it, the update is done in Debian an trivial, the build issue is what stopped the upload) [14:11] Ken wins a bug ;-) [14:11] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1870356 [14:11] Ubuntu bug 1870356 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Can't connect to paired bluetooth devices via g-c-c" [High,Triaged] [14:11] yay :) [14:11] unsure about that one [14:12] it's not new but it sucks [14:12] https://www.reddit.com/r/gnome/comments/flpy74/does_anyone_else_see_this_bug_with_bluetooth_ive/?sort=new has stack of users mentioning having the problem and I could confirm [14:12] the bluetooth panel generates constant activity which block the pairing to work by creating resource access conflicts [14:12] well, not pairing, connecting [14:12] This feel like a .1 SRU [14:13] at the same time it's not new and ... [14:13] right, my feeling [14:13] do we have a prcoess for that? accept and use milestone? [14:13] Do we need to give it an owner right now? [14:13] We don't have a 20.04.1 milestone yet. [14:13] Who can create those? [14:14] that meeting is long enough, let's deal with that after? [14:14] OK [14:15] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons/+bug/1844808 [14:15] Ubuntu bug 1844808 in gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons (Ubuntu) "Can't delete file from desktop by clicking it and hitting delete key" [Low,Triaged] [14:15] probably also a .1 thing [14:15] Agree. [14:15] UPstream dev is working on a fix too. [14:15] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1870053 [14:15] Ubuntu bug 1870053 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu) "gnome-keyring ftbfs in focal" [Low,Triaged] [14:15] hopefully he manages to fix it and is not something to fix in shell [14:16] gnome-keyring worked after a retry, a test is flacky [14:16] OK, move on for now then? [14:16] I would just wontfix, we are too busy [14:16] Done. [14:16] flackyness would be nice to resolve but not rls material [14:16] thx [14:16] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1867763 [14:16] Ubuntu bug 1867763 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashed with SIGABRT: assertion failure in st_bin_destroy: assertion failed: (priv->child == NULL)" [High,Confirmed] [14:17] That however is a rls bug. [14:17] we already talked about it [14:17] it was listed earlier on gnome-shell [14:17] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1869897 [14:17] Ubuntu bug 1869897 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "missing ssh prompt to touch yubikey device when using gnome" [Undecided,New] [14:18] wishlist, would be nice to have but I don't see that making it for .0 at this point [14:18] I agree. [14:18] maybe a good .1 candidate [14:19] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1870259 [14:19] Ubuntu bug 1870259 in firefox (Ubuntu) "firefox fullscreen display glitches with hidpi scalingb" [Undecided,New] [14:19] we can say rls notfixing don't forget [14:19] just saying, feel like we are accepting almost everything this week [14:19] sure, all those look important to me [14:19] ok [14:20] but feel free to state -1 when you feel like we should push back [14:20] it's a discussion :) [14:20] Olivier seems to be tracking the Firefox one. [14:20] -1 on that touch bug then [14:20] Laney, ubikey one? [14:20] indeed [14:21] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1870600 [14:21] Ubuntu bug 1870600 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "permissions pane only shows currently-connected snap interfaces" [Undecided,New] [14:21] Wimpress, I would probably vote -1 / notfixing for the firefox one [14:21] kenvandine, ^ do you know if that is by design? (the permission one) [14:21] seb128: i do not know [14:22] Assign to robert to triage? [14:22] Laney, I agree with that, I want a way to flag .1 potential work though before we get them off the list (maybe just using the desktop-lts-wishlist tag?) [14:22] I tagged it but I would be happy to have opinions [14:22] I think I'm probably -1 for rls [14:22] but I wanted to check with the snap people here [14:23] I'd like to know if the snap permissions one is actually a bug. [14:23] Making it a .1 is fine by me. [14:24] assign to robert and leave a comment [14:24] idk if the issue reported is by design or not. makes sense to assign to robert for initial look [14:25] Done. [14:25] also, I -1 for the yubikey one too, seems edgey [14:25] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1871069 [14:25] Ubuntu bug 1871069 in gnome-system-monitor (Ubuntu) "Speed in network history grossly exaggerated" [Undecided,New] [14:25] Not rls bug IMO [14:26] -1 from me as well [14:26] Tagged accordingly. [14:26] thx [14:26] maybe they could confirm with other networking tools, like iperf [14:26] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1871329 [14:26] Ubuntu bug 1871329 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "No "Select Audio Device" panel when plugging headphones, and no sound output to headphones" [Undecided,New] [14:27] I think we should accept this one [14:27] Daniel suggests it is this bug: http://launchpad.net/bugs/1871329 [14:27] Ubuntu bug 1871329 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "No "Select Audio Device" panel when plugging headphones, and no sound output to headphones" [Undecided,New] [14:27] after investigation it looks like it might be an upgrade issue [14:28] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1866194 [14:28] Ubuntu bug 1866194 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Focal) "External audio device shows up in the sound output options but the sound keeps being emitted from the internal laptop speaker, or none at all." [High,In progress] [14:28] That one ^ [14:28] I got that reply from upstream [14:28] 'I would understand if you need to remove the config once after upgrading to PA 13.99 because the way audio is routed has changed significantly. If there is an old preference left, a stream may always play to that old preferred sink.' [14:28] I asked upstream if pulseaudio should then delete its config or migrate it in some way [14:28] anyway I think we need to get that sorted out [14:29] Yep. [14:29] so +1 and I'm happy to take assignement [14:29] i also vote +1 [14:29] Done [14:29] I have another meeting to get to. [14:30] Shall we schedule another one of these later this week to review the remaining bugs? [14:30] sgtm [14:30] And decide what to do about marking some bugs as .1 [14:31] OK, ending the meeting here. [14:31] We'll circle back to this. [14:31] #endmeeting === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 [14:31] Meeting ended Tue Apr 7 14:31:28 2020 UTC. [14:31] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2020/ubuntu-desktop.2020-04-07-13.31.moin.txt [14:31] thx Wimpress, good next meeting :p [14:32] thanks [14:32] thanks... [14:33] Wimpress, I think we should have covered https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages still [14:33] I would have been happy to do that, it's late in the cycle to postpone items by a week... [14:33] I will schedule a follow up call. [14:33] anyway, I will do it alone and trello cards things as appropriate [14:45] hellsworth: are you guys aware of a problem with gtk in snaps recently? [14:45] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HZWDzXk8Y9/ [14:46] I can't run firefox or remmina at the moment [14:48] hey ... with an up-to-date focal the alt-TAB chooser the 'highlight' is near exactly the smae colour as the background; is this known ? [14:48] hmm reinstalling the snap helped [14:50] Saviq: that looked like you either didn't have the gnome-3-xx-1804 installed or the plug was disconnected [14:50] weird [14:51] btw, it would be great if someone could append "2>/dev/null" to all these relapath calls [14:52] apw, not known, could you open a bug with ubuntu-bug gnome-shell and include a screenshot showing the issue? [14:54] marcustomlinson: I did need a hard reset today for other reasons… [14:55] did you try turning the snap off and on again [14:55] :) [14:55] or wiggle the cable ! [14:56] yeah the plug obviously came loose :D [14:56] seb128, apparently not ... as you cannot take a screenshot while holding alt-TAB [14:56] marcustomlinson: yeah, that (plus regenerating the pixbuf loaders cache) made firefox go [14:57] where to ?? [15:00] seb128: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/yelp/-/merge_requests/21 [15:01] seb128: i'll work on getting that patch into the package in a bit [15:03] apw, no smartphone? [15:03] kenvandine, thanks! [15:03] seb128, yep working on it, but i'd hoped to not have to add 25Mb to it [15:04] 25Mb for a phone picture? [15:05] marcustomlinson: yeah, mystery solved, all my snap connections went away… [15:05] oh joy [15:05] Saviq, it's a bit scary that those things do happen still :-/ [15:12] seb128: I'm on zfs root, got ENOSPC (or that's what zfs was reporting…) had to hard shutdown… can't blame it for sync getting wonky [15:12] s/sync/things/ [15:13] seb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1871416 [15:13] Ubuntu bug 1871416 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "alt-TAB hightlight colour almost indistinguishable from the background" [Undecided,New] [15:16] love the bjf cameo in that image ;) [15:16] seb128, gnome-tweaks says that gnome-shell doesn't have theme support enabled; is that right? [15:16] Saviq, I see [15:16] apw, thanks [15:17] apw, doesn't sound right no, did you change settings or session type? [15:18] seb128, not that i know of; this is a very old install since like 8 cycles [15:18] seb128, all the others are drop boxes with Yaru in, shell has a triangle with exclamation which has the tool-tip of no theme support [15:19] oh it says user-theme extension not enabled [15:19] is that somewhere else i wonder [15:19] apw, you need to install user-theme extension to enable that dropdown menu [15:19] why would it not be installed if it is required [15:20] it's not required in fact, it is optional [15:21] clobrano, hmmm, isn't yaru our theme though ? [15:21] ^ it is needed only to change gnome-shell theme from gnome-tweaks [15:23] apw, I don't get what you mean. Yaru shell theme is available, what is not available out of the box is the ability to change it to another gnome-shell theme [15:24] clobrano, /me backtracks, would the alt-TAB colours be part of that ... [15:24] clobrano, as i don't seem to have the right colours in gnome-shell alt-TAB [15:28] apw, that colors comes from yaru theme for sure. The alt-tab background is #222222, while the highlight is #323232. Honestly, I've never thought it was a problem [15:29] but the ratio is indeed a bit low [15:29] clobrano, so there is nothing wrong with my colours, they are as expected ? [15:30] in any kind of backlight i am struggling to even see it [15:30] apw, it is expected [15:30] can i change it without editing yaru ? [15:31] apw, I don't think so, in 20.04 shell css is in gresource, you should change and rebuild the file [15:32] * apw looks sad [15:32] feel free to close my bug then, thanks [15:33] apw, well it's worth a discussion in yaru team :) [15:33] designers ... heh ... [15:34] :) === mitya57_ is now known as mitya57 [16:10] kenvandine, there is a .1 vte, want to do that update/merge again? (and maybe g-t also if you have some free cycle this week)? [16:16] seb128: we'll see [16:16] going to try to do yelp [16:16] right, one step at the time :) [16:17] oSoMoN, want to do the librsvg point update this week if you have some cycles? [16:17] seb128, can do [16:17] thx [16:22] seb128: yelp doesn't have an ubuntu/master branch [16:23] * kenvandine checks the wiki for instructions :) [16:24] yelp's in sync! [16:37] kenvandine, right, just upload to Ubuntu the build fix since Debian Vcs has a newer version WIP (&MP the fix to Debian), unless you want to finish the update for Debian and MP that with the fix then sync back to Ubuntu [16:38] i was going to look at updated to 3.36 [17:04] Laney: i just pushed the fix for debian. Could you sponsor that to debian then we can just sync? [17:04] Laney: yelp was UNRELEASED in debian because of this [17:05] pushed to debian/master that is [17:05] this would fix it for debian and ubuntu [17:05] kenvandine: I'm out of time, will look tomorrow [17:05] thx