
=== Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer-Quasse
=== Eickmeyer-Quasse is now known as Eickmeyer[q]
=== frebble is now known as phenomene01
kernelxqtHello. How do I set up dark mode? the programs remain white. I'm on 20.0409:06
=== angel is now known as novato1900
=== sam is now known as Guest92690
Guest92690hello everyone14:12
wabohi, I need some help with my headset. Im testing the mic on audacity and pulse audio. After several tries I can record on audacity but the mic volume seems to be a little too low. Also pulse audio doesnt detect any application recording audio15:55
waboOn pulse audio / input devices, I see the headset and the volume is on 89% but its grayed out, I cant move it15:56
waboI managed to turn it up all the way but its still low16:10
wxlhopefully you're not17:33
kc2bezwabo: which version of Lubuntu are you using?17:36
kc2bezwabo: what type of headset do you have?17:36
ubottuchristian_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:38
=== jbmorris289 is now known as RisingTechGuru
lubot<Kernelxqt> You know why windows don't go dark mode on 20.04?17:54
wxl@Kernelxqt i suspect this will be helpful https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/lxqt-apps-do-not-respect-chosen-theme/612/517:59
santimir[m]With some help, now the system I'm running changes the wallpaper automatically when logging in19:08
santimir[m]did this by creating a .desktop file under /etc/xdg/autostart19:08
santimir[m]that runs a shell script, and pcmanfm-qt changes the wallpaper.19:09
santimir[m]Is it possible to do it user scoped? I've tried copying the file wallpaper.desktop under ~/.config/autostart and it just doesnt work19:09
santimir[m](unless manually running xdg-autostart)19:10
santimir[m] * did this by creating a .desktop file under /etc/xdg/autostart (as stated on /etc/sddm.conf19:10
akemThere is that tool called Variety which does that too.19:11
akemYou don't have to edit anything or do any console manipulations.19:12
santimir[m]thanks, I know, but I'm trying to learn and there should be some directory to place user-scoped startup scripts, aint it?19:12
santimir[m] * thanks, I know, but I'm trying to learn and there should be some directory to place user-scoped autostart scripts, aint it?19:13
=== Jonopoly_ is now known as Jonopoly
wabokc2bez, its working fine now, thank you20:19
wabomaybe it was just an audacity issue20:19
kc2bezwabo: You are welcome, I am glad it worked out.20:23
waboim not getting sound on audio calls on firefox and chromium but elsewhere like skype seems to be fine21:02
wabowhat could be the issue?21:02
waboit was working just a moment ago21:03
waboi changed the usb port of the headset and it got fixed , weird21:07
wxlsounds like hardware issues. they happen21:15
lubotScary_Hallo was added by: Scary_Hallo21:23
=== dax is now known as ezri
=== triplenull4 is now known as triplenull

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