
=== Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer-Quasse
=== Eickmeyer-Quasse is now known as Eickmeyer[q]
EickmeyerOvenWerks: We've lost patchage, they failed to update to Python3 in time. We also lost gmidimonitor and displaycal.15:09
studiobot<azbulutlu> eickmeyer don't we have carla at least for partial coverage?15:19
studiobot<azbulutlu> (for patchage I mean)15:19
studiobot<Eickmeyer> Yes, we do.15:21
studiobot<Eickmeyer> I will miss DisplayCAL, however. :(15:22
studiobot<azbulutlu> yeah... :/15:26
studiobot<azbulutlu> what happened to displaycal anyway? package conflict?15:26
studiobot<Eickmeyer> No. Displaycal is still on Python 2.15:41
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @azbulutlu [what happened to displaycal anyway? package conflict?], Developer didn't see the value in updating to Python 3. https://hub.displaycal.net/issue/17813/15:43
studiobot<Eickmeyer> They've only had over a decade to get it sorted.15:43
studiobot<azbulutlu> :(15:43
studiobot<Eickmeyer> Indeed. I'm not happy about that one, as a photographer. Now I have to boot into Windows in order to do any sort of calibration, then take the profile over to my LInux install(s).15:44
studiobot<Eickmeyer> As for patchage, it's kinda been limping along and on its death bed, so I'm not too surprised. At least we have Carla.15:45
studiobot<azbulutlu> I mean more and more screens come out of factory calibrated. but yeah having display cal as an option was a good thing. :( is there an alternative out there?15:47
studiobot<azbulutlu> pathage... *is also not surprised*15:47
studiobot<Eickmeyer> I've looked for alternatives to DisplayCAL, and there really is none.15:48
OvenWerkspatchage has commits in feb 202015:48
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Yes, but no release, and still needs Python 2.15:48
EickmeyerPython 2 is officially gone.15:49
OvenWerksDave is pretty busy with real work.15:49
EickmeyerI agree, but the archive doesn't care.15:49
EickmeyerI'm not upset about that one. The DisplayCAL developers actually get PAID to do that one.15:50
EickmeyerBTW, Patchage and DisplayCAL are both missing from Fedora for the same reason.15:51
OvenWerksand arch15:51
EickmeyerUnless Dave can miraculously fix Patchage in the next week, people will have to adjust their workflows. We have no control over that.15:52
OvenWerksmaybe it was me that vanished16:03
EickmeyerYou did. Your network took a dump, I think.16:03
OvenWerksgmidimonitor is probably more important than patchage16:05
OvenWerksmy new inet service seems much more flakey than the old...16:05
EickmeyerRE: gmidimonitor: Sadly, there's nothing we can do at this point. It's gone.16:07
EickmeyerLooks like trebmuh has been working on it in Salsa.16:10
EickmeyerHuh, looks like it might just be a build-dep issue.16:11
EickmeyerUnfortunately, without the upstream code, I don't know how to fix it.16:11
OvenWerksit is really quite a simple gui and app for that matter16:12
EickmeyerThe source home doesn't even exist anymore.16:12
EickmeyerI guess I could play around with the salsa repo and see if there's a fix that way.16:14
EickmeyerOh... it builds with waf. That's why.16:14
EickmeyerSame issue as we had with Ardour.16:14
OvenWerksI wonder if Nedko is still around16:16
EickmeyerWell, with my experience fixing Ardour, I *might* be able to fix this, but don't hold your breath.16:16
EickmeyerAdditionally, it's WAY late in the cycle.16:17
Eickmeyerteward: Might need your help.16:17
OvenWerksbackports is fine16:17
EickmeyerTL;DR: gmidimonitor was removed from the repos due to ERR:Python2.16:17
EickmeyerAnd it was removed 1) after Beta freeze, and 2) after Feature freeze.16:18
* teward yawns16:18
tewardi'll need more details here16:18
Eickmeyergmidimonitor was in the repos until sometime within the past week. It was removed due to Python2's removal.16:18
EickmeyerIt FTBFS.16:18
tewardit was also removed in Debian16:18
tewardsee Debian Bug #94304116:19
ubottuDebian bug 943041 in src:gmidimonitor "gmidimonitor: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/94304116:19
EickmeyerBut all this was after Feature Freeze.16:19
EickmeyerAnd Beta Freeze.16:19
EickmeyerTurns out, according to OvenWerks, this is a rather important application.16:19
tewardand...?  The Py2 removal has been an "Ongoing Task" with freeze exemptions since the dawn16:19
tewardthe only way to fix it is to port it to Python 3, or find a replacement16:19
EickmeyerWell, it's just the build system that's Python. The rest is c.16:19
tewardin both cases, it needs to be an -ng variant probably because it's a 'new' replacement16:19
tewardi'm confused then, what do you need from me?16:20
tewardi can't veto a removal in this case16:20
EickmeyerI might need you to sponsor an upload.16:20
tewardEickmeyer: i'll need to heavily vet it first16:20
tewardand i'll need to coordinate with Archive Admins and Release Team16:20
EickmeyerThat's assuming I can get it to build, of course.16:20
EickmeyerIt's the exact same issue we had with Ardour.16:21
EickmeyerExcept it got removed (annoyingly) much later.16:21
OvenWerksEickmeyer: we may want to concider it dead of bitrot... useful as it is.16:21
OvenWerks if some one really wants that function they can use amidi in the terminal16:22
EickmeyerOvenWerks: If you're OK with that... you seemed to give me the impression that it is necessary.16:22
OvenWerksit is 201116:22
Eickmeyer9 years old. Yeah, let's let it die. We can't keep resurrecting stuff from the dead.16:23
teward> 8 years ago3.6  | commit | log  < yikes16:23
tewardyeah i'm not sponsoring bitrot16:23
OvenWerksmaybe something to add to -controls16:23
EickmeyerMaybe, if you want to take the code and give them credit.16:23
OvenWerksI would just add a gui layer to amidi16:23
tewardunrelated, its homepage is one lol16:23
trebmuh<OvenWerks> I wonder if Nedko is still around -> yes those days he's on #lad16:25
trebmuhhe's right now16:25
OvenWerkstrebmuh: yes but I have not seen comments from him in ages16:25
trebmuhhe's not involved too much in the linuxaudio community since the ladish VS jack-session debacle16:26
OvenWerksboth have basically gone away16:26
trebmuhbut if you want to catch up with him about gmidimonitor, you've got an answer to your initial question16:27
OvenWerksThe days of using a pile of applications all connected via jack are basically gone with LV2 and lxvst16:27
trebmuhEickmeyer, y'es I've been adding a few little things : https://salsa.debian.org/multimedia-team/gmidimonitor/-/commits/master/16:28
trebmuhI don't believe so OvenWerks 16:28
trebmuhit might be right that some stuff are done now with an host/plugin approach16:29
OvenWerksnot going to argue that one, it is true that people still route via jack16:29
trebmuhbut one still need jack for using lets say using hydrogen with ardour with rosegarden16:30
trebmuhjack transport rocks16:30
OvenWerksand it does so because it has not changed :)16:30
trebmuhif we would loose the jack approach, then the linuxaudio realm would be f*cked up16:30
trebmuhand we would end up with the same crap than on proprietary system16:31
OvenWerksremind Paul and Robin of that once in a while...16:31
trebmuhie : you're bloody stuck with the host/daw you started with16:31
trebmuhI know, I know16:31
trebmuhbut hey, they aren't the center of the universe16:31
OvenWerksboth have commented about how easy things would be if they just removed the jack backend]16:32
trebmuhand moreover, they're community driven16:32
trebmuhthey're ardour/mixbus driven16:32
EickmeyerJust throwing this out there: pipewire supports the Jack API now.16:32
trebmuh(even if they are doing a great job within the community IMHO)16:32
trebmuhEickmeyer, no16:32
trebmuhEickmeyer, it supports parts of the API16:32
* OvenWerks hides behind a rock16:33
trebmuhbut it's not ready to replace jack and will not soon16:33
OvenWerkstrebmuh: I agree that those who use jack for gluing daws, trackers etc. together would not like PW16:34
Eickmeyertrebmuh: That's true. I have it in Fedora Jam 32 as an optional, experimental component.16:34
trebmuhOvenWerks, why hiding? you work for mixbus/ardour maybe?16:34
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Talking to the devs, they are working on the same glue that Jack uses in terms of patching/routing together different audio applications.16:35
trebmuhthat wasn't a "they are the evil" thing from me, just a fact that you're not driven by the same thing when doing thing freely or doing thing for money16:35
OvenWerksI do work on Ardour but do not agree jack is dead. No hiding because I really don't want to even begin arguing that one16:35
EickmeyerIncluding apps that only use Pulseaudio.16:35
trebmuhOvenWerks, you do work as a paid work ?16:36
Eickmeyer(it doesn't use the Pulse APi yet).16:36
trebmuhthat the full point OvenWerks 16:36
trebmuhat least the one I'm talking about here :)16:36
OvenWerksThe OSC surface stuff is mostly mine though16:36
OvenWerks The foldback bus/send stuff is mine16:37
trebmuhoh yeah, I remember a bunch of commits from you on the github ardour tracker now16:37
trebmuhgreat job BTW16:37
trebmuhanyway guys, I've got to go now16:37
EickmeyerBye trebmuh o/16:37
OvenWerksHowever, I test all ardour stuff with jack16:38
OvenWerksEickmeyer: what is the status of libfltk in 20.04?16:39
EickmeyerNonexistant, afaict.16:40
EickmeyerUh... hold please16:40
EickmeyerI was looking at the wrong package. It's there.16:40
OvenWerksYa it is still there16:41
Eickmeyer!info libfltk1.3 focal16:41
ubottulibfltk1.3 (source: fltk1.3): Fast Light Toolkit - main shared library. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.4-10build1 (focal), package size 532 kB, installed size 1520 kB16:41
EickmeyerI have it installed as a dep for something.16:42
OvenWerksfluid is still there too16:42
EickmeyerYep, stuff got rebuilt against fluidsynth 2 back in January.16:43
OvenWerksfluid as oposed to fluidsynth16:43
OvenWerkslooks like infamous plugins uses it16:44
OvenWerks(I must have the source in here)16:44
EickmeyerSo, the only things that got removed when I updated the metas this morning were the packages I listed, only after Ross told the ML DisplayCAL was gone.16:45
* OvenWerks prefers fltk to gtl or qt16:45
EickmeyerPatchage fell victim, and gmidimonitor died of bitrot.16:45
Eickmeyerfltk is a bit DE-agnostic, so yeah, I can see that.16:46
OvenWerksgmidimonitor make come back it seems but I think it would be better look for something that being maintained16:47
EickmeyerI saw a qt equivalent at one point.16:47
OvenWerksit is still there in 18.04 still in 20.04?16:52
OvenWerksamidi, BTW, will not replace gmidimonitor16:54
OvenWerkskmidi mon only goes to disc16:56
OvenWerksmidisnoop is still there16:57
OvenWerksEickmeyer: Can we at this time substitute midisnoop for gmidimonitor as being the same feature?17:00
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I think we can. Let me check..17:00
Eickmeyer!info midisnoop focal17:00
ubottumidisnoop (source: midisnoop): MIDI monitor and prober. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.2+git20141108.bc30f600187e-1build1 (focal), package size 166 kB, installed size 642 kB17:00
EickmeyerYeah, let me sub it out in the seed real quick.17:01
OvenWerksActually it looks nicer17:03
EickmeyerUpdated in seed, now updating metas.17:05
OvenWerksIt has no upstream though :P17:06
EickmeyerLovely. :P17:07
OvenWerksgooglecode is gone17:07
EickmeyerIt's only moved: 17:07
EickmeyerExcept... latest commit was 2014.17:07
EickmeyerWe can include it, but it's not long for this world.17:08
OvenWerksand there is no desktop file17:10
OvenWerksthats ok I think17:11
OvenWerksnot nice but ok17:11
EickmeyerYeah, we can backport something in -menu to fix that.17:11
EickmeyerI was considering an emergency bugfix to that, but it is SO late in the cycle, the changes to -meta are sure to annoy the release team.17:12
EickmeyerAs it is, I am going to be filing a FFe for the metas.17:12
OvenWerksEickmeyer: is there anyway to tell which libs it actually chose as deps?17:12
OvenWerksThe source does seem to have a desktop file17:13
EickmeyerThe deps aren't outlandish by any means, and I think stuff we already carry.17:14
EickmeyerNice that it's already Qt5.17:14
OvenWerksand python317:16
EickmeyerOk, metas updated and uploaded with FFe attached.17:20
EickmeyerNow the release team does their thing.17:24
=== dax is now known as ezri

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