[00:36] wallyworld: were there any conflicts backporting it? [00:39] babbageclunk: yup, due to 2.8 supporting cancelling actions [01:44] babbageclunk: were you still going to review the PR? [02:42] wallyworld: does this bug look familiar? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1828076 [02:42] Bug #1828076: juju deploy fails because no machines can be found in MaaS in a given AZ [02:44] thumper: not really. there was an AZ issue in AWS that was fixed, but I am not aware of any recent maas fixes [02:45] kelvinliu: tlm: got time for a HO? [02:46] wallyworld: yep [02:46] yeah [02:47] wallyworld: was it a general az fix or aws specific? [02:47] thumper: i thought aws but can check [03:00] thumper: i was wrong, it was generic code [03:01] so the bug could well be fixed [03:01] ws tested on aws as that's where the issue was reported [03:13] wallyworld: the hook failed because the leader was gone. the leader was gone because the map of pod <-> unit was lost. [03:13] kelvinliu: otp, sorry [03:15] nw [03:35] kelvinliu: yeah, so seems like a real issue to fix [03:35] kelvinliu: since xtian is away, could you please review this backport whenever convenient? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11430 [03:36] but I wasn't able to re-produce the pvc terminating error [03:36] looking now [03:37] i am wondering if the pvc thing came from a storage increase ? [03:38] wallyworld: oops got halfway through before I had to go - doing it now! [03:38] tlm: you are not allow to change storage config with juju once deployed. not to say there isn't a bug there somewhere [03:38] ha, it just updated that kelvinliu has, sorry [03:38] babbageclunk: all good, i thought you were away for the arvo! [03:39] ok just not sure where that 1g to 20g came from [03:39] no, back [03:39] may have read the logs wrong [03:39] tlm: we use 20G for the controller PV [03:39] ah k [03:39] 1G by default for workload [03:39] done [03:39] tyvm [03:40] np [03:40] i will tets on iaas to be sure we didn't break anything there [04:06] kelvinliu: what file did the golang version selection for building debs live in? [04:09] wallyworld: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-qa/juju-release-tools/packaging-juju2-default/view/head:/debian/control#L8 [04:10] ty [04:10] np [08:13] manadart, ping [08:15] stickupkid: Pongzor. [08:15] daily [09:07] Watching from Sweden! [09:13] I'have a question to the live show. Can I ask it here ? [09:15] elox70, sure [09:17] Cool! I'm also on youtube. [09:48] Thanx for the great show! [10:42] stickupkid: Simple one: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11432 [10:43] manadart, we've already got an IDSet [10:43] manadart, probably needs renaming https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/develop/core/network/subnet.go#L171 [10:44] stickupkid: That's what I have renamed. [10:44] ah [10:44] * stickupkid is an idiot [11:30] manadart, that's actually our dependency list of reload spaces https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5PWFKnqjFp/ [11:32] stickupkid: Okay. [12:34] stickupkid: Another precursor patch for my validation work: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11433 [14:00] achilleasa: got the last resolver test done - it wasn’t testing what it thought it was testing. now it does. :-). i’ll push the state manager change shortly [14:12] achilleasa: Want to do QA on 11431? Code looks good, but I am running out of disk here and reset my mk8s. [14:13] achilleasa: pushed, working on the state changes now [14:20] manadart: ok, I will try it locally in about 5 min [14:37] manadart: stickupkid please let me know when the reviews/merge is ready for wallyworld's patch please. [14:37] rick_h_: running QA steps for ^^ [14:38] cool ty achilleasa [14:53] manadart, I've really picked one thread here, there is some really funky stuff here. [14:55] stickupkid: That's the Juju way. [14:55] essentially we "shim" state, but actually it does different things, it's like an adapter [14:55] I might rename it to adapter and this it won't lie [15:04] achilleasa: I think i have all of the changes made for the relation pr [15:05] achilleasa: pondering the drive by to remove the panic. wondering side effects: what might be left behind because of an error rather than a restart of the uniter caused by the panic. [15:07] hml: I think if you bubble up the error the uniter will restart anyway. However, a panic (unless the dependency engine catches and suppresses panics) would likely cause the agent to be restarted, right? [15:07] achilleasa: i’d like to be sure. would rather not do in a drive by [15:07] it's probably fine to leave as-is for now [15:08] achilleasa: will look at in a separate pr [15:08] however, we should probably get rid of them when we see them again in the future [15:08] panics and long-running tasks are probably a bad combination ;-) [15:25] rick_h_: QA for 11431 complete and PR has 2 ticks; we can prob go ahead and land it [15:28] achilleasa: awesome ty [15:28] hml: reviewing 11414 [15:52] achilleasa: i have a few tests in state to clean up [15:53] hml: got some questions about error handling; overall it looks great so far. Do you want me to get started on the QA steps? [15:53] otherwise I will go back to my caas tests [15:54] achilleasa: yes please on the QA steps, i’ve added some more detail there [15:55] hml: ok! [15:55] achilleasa: reading questions [16:12] hml: QA works as expected. Nice! [16:12] achilleasa: sweet [16:12] achilleasa: updating the error handling [16:13] also, I think I figured out why my k8s upgrade was not picking up the fix. I will verify now... [16:14] achilleasa: i have to clear any operator things from the local docker sometimes… [16:14] I think it does not use AlwaysPull so it never pulled the new image from dockerhub [16:20] achilleasa: i’m thinking the qa should deal with some subordinates also, that has different code paths [16:58] achilleasa: pushed up all my changes… including some error stuff. i have a gremlin in mockSteps28Suite.TestMoveUnitAgentStateToControllerIAAS setup code that i have to nail, but wanted to get the rest up for yo [16:59] hml: looking [17:03] hml: error handling looks correct to me. Given that it's just a test that needs fixing do you want me to approve the PR now before my EOD? [17:04] achilleasa: yes please! and thank you for the indepth review on a large pr [17:04] playing whack a mole with setup directory creation. [17:07] hml: done. After merging please run your QA steps again in conjunction with the ones from 11423 to make sure that both upgrades and model migrations work without issues [17:07] achilleasa: rgr [17:08] achilleasa: were are we with the juju upgrades for caas investigation? [21:42] achilleasa: docs updated for k8s upgrade testing