
nonix4attempted update-manager -c -d from 18.04 with gpu only supported in 20.04... can't finish because the ui is unusable in 800x600 (fallback xorg)00:21
nonix4... guess do-release-upgrade might be a better choice for low res?00:23
nonix4(also when testing live usb boot, it got somewhat confused when utilized in ipv6 only network)00:36
nonix4also attempting to diff conffile changes during do-release-upgrade gave "sh: 1: pager: not found"01:00
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
nonix4Somehow liveusb had triple display working out of the box but upgraded (16->18->20) doesn't... wonder how to make it notice the other displays too.02:22
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chudak2on 20.04 screen sharing does not work on fresh install, via Settings/Screen Share the Network Slider is disabled, any help appreciated ! 16:39
lotuspsychjechudak2: can you move the switch ontop?16:40
lotuspsychjei tested, and that works for me16:40
chudak2lotuspsychje  yes I can all settings but the slider in Networks 16:41
lotuspsychjechudak2: hmm yes, seems like stuck there for me aswell16:41
chudak2I have seen it going 16.04 -> 18.04 and was able to fix (see https://askubuntu.com/questions/1070520/screen-sharing-no-network-selected-for-sharing-problem-in-unity-control-center )16:42
chudak2but no love in 20.0416:42
chudak2very odd for pre-release !!! 16:43
chudak2hope someone knows the workaround 16:43
lotuspsychjechudak2: we are still in beta right now, bugs can still occur16:43
chudak2i'd like not to install x11vnc16:43
lotuspsychjechudak2: bug #187178716:43
ubottubug 1871787 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Screen sharing can not be enabled from the Gnome Control Center" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187178716:43
lotuspsychjechudak2: affect both bugs plz16:44
chudak2yes that's it 16:45
lotuspsychjechudak2: affect also the one sebastien links to16:47
lotuspsychjechudak2: affect also in the left upper corner please, 'yet this bug affects me'16:57
=== Kon- is now known as Kon
howarthAnyone know what package is supposed to provide the OEM logos described here? https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/10/ubuntu-20-04-release-features18:53
=== Kon- is now known as Kon
guntberthowarth: according to https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/03/ubuntu-20-04-oem-boot-splash it comes out of the box22:29

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