
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
dufluHi callmepk and pieq 03:19
KGB-2mutter ubuntu/master d73d25e Marco Trevisan * pushed 116 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/33lYF03:24
KGB-2mutter ubuntu/master 2990cbe Simon McVittie debian/copyright * d/copyright: Update * https://deb.li/iOmO103:24
KGB-2mutter ubuntu/master c42ee4a Simon McVittie debian/patches/ debian/synaptics-support.patch meson-add-back-default_driver-option.patch * Refresh patches * https://deb.li/U4Re03:24
KGB-2mutter ubuntu/master 590abb0 Simon McVittie debian/libmutter-6-0.symbols * Update symbols file * https://deb.li/37Rn003:24
KGB-2mutter ubuntu/master cfbe1af Simon McVittie debian/patches/ series clutter-stage-Don-t-assume-stage-relayouts-reallocate-eve.patch cogl-Defend-against-empty-or-unallocated-framebuffers.patch cogl-Don-t-allow-creating-sized-textures-with-0-pixels.patch * Fix gnome-shell crash with Native Window Placement extension * https://deb.li/mlvA03:24
KGB-2mutter ubuntu/master cd71aa8 Simon McVittie debian/changelog * Update changelog * https://deb.li/3amti03:24
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master fc65bca Marco Trevisan * pushed 195 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/rmzv03:26
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master 95beec1 Simon McVittie debian/ control control.in * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian/master' into debian/master * https://deb.li/3I4Un03:26
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master 68e7d4f Simon McVittie debian/ control control.in * Build-depend on appstream, for its gettext .its integration * https://deb.li/Moss03:26
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master f064bfe Simon McVittie debian/gnome-shell-extension-prefs.install * Install new AppStream metadata for extensions tool * https://deb.li/iklrU03:26
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master 93be4fe Simon McVittie debian/ control control.in gnome-shell.install rules * Install bash completion for gnome-extensions CLI * https://deb.li/7N3G03:26
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master c99ab4c Simon McVittie debian/patches/ (13 files) * Update from upstream gnome-3-36 branch up to 3.36.1-12-g3a863ee34 * https://deb.li/3rlJM03:26
Trevinhoduflu: hey, since you're here you might want to test shell/mutter .1++ at https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/4010/+packages :)03:28
dufluTrevinho, oh sounds interesting03:29
dufluAnd you should sleep03:29
TrevinhoI should, and I go :)03:30
dufluOh, conflicts now :(03:31
Trevinhoactually last version of mutter has not ben synced yet by lp... but I've dput that already, so... will come soon hopefully03:31
Trevinhoah, didn't see that...03:31
Trevinhosorry, let me handle that03:31
dufluI can just rebase it myself if you want to sleep03:32
Trevinhonw, so I've it ready03:33
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master cffce68 Daniel van Vugt debian/patches/ series ubuntu/keep-ubuntu-logo-bright-lp1867133-v1.patch * debian/patches: Keep the Ubuntu logo bright * https://deb.li/ixK0R03:41
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master cf06bf1 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/changelog * Update changelog * https://deb.li/49Wd03:41
Trevinhoduflu: ^03:42
dufluTa Trevinho03:42
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master Marco Trevisan * [close] merge request !38: Keep the Ubuntu logo bright (LP: #1867133) * https://deb.li/KBHi03:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1867133 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu logo vanishes and fades back in on gdm start" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186713303:42
KGB-2gnome-shell Marco Trevisan 153622 * commented merge request !38 * https://deb.li/3Wk8V03:42
dufluUgh, I was deceived by the author time vs commit time03:44
dufluThanks git03:44
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:18
seb128good morning desktopers06:28
oSoMoNsalut seb128, ça va?06:29
seb128lut oSoMoN, ouais nickel, et toi ?06:29
oSoMoNça va06:29
didrocksgood morning06:34
dufluHi oSoMoN, seb128, didrocks 06:35
seb128hey duflu, lut didrocks, how are you today?06:36
didrockshey duflu, salut seb128 06:36
didrocksça va, et vous ?06:36
dufluseb128, woke with a headache but it's improving. et vous?06:37
seb128I'm fine, just not fully awake yet and it's going to be another of those challenging days after to switch between the computer and other things06:38
seb128anyone up to help with some simple merges today? 06:39
seb128there is vte2.91 / g-t / gvfs to be done06:42
oSoMoNhey duflu06:48
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 06:48
oSoMoNseb128, can do some merges, but most likely in the afternoon06:49
oSoMoNmornings are challenging…06:49
seb128oSoMoN, great, well feel free to do those I listed if you have some free cycles, thanks in advance!06:49
seb128I know what you mean, don't worry :)06:50
oSoMoNack, they're on my list06:50
dufluHmm, Launchpad is also overwhelmed by European mornings again06:53
duflutiming out06:53
didrockssalut oSoMoN !07:00
didrocksseb128: I’ll try to get some if we can finish the perf test + release today07:00
seb128didrocks, thanks07:04
marcustomlinsonmorning desktoppers07:05
didrockshey marcustomlinson 07:08
marcustomlinsondo any of you have the super powers to approve this for me? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=update-manager07:09
marcustomlinsonhey didrocks07:09
seb128hey marcustomlinson, how are you?07:12
seb128marcustomlinson, no, try #ubuntu-release07:13
marcustomlinsonseb128: I'm good thanks :) you?07:13
dufluMorning marcustomlinson 07:31
marcustomlinsonhi duflu07:32
oSoMoNgood morning marcustomlinson 07:41
marcustomlinsonhey oSoMoN07:45
marcustomlinsonyo Laney08:03
didrockshello Laney 08:10
dufluHi Laney08:14
Laneyhey marcustomlinson didrocks duflu 08:16
seb128marcustomlinson, I'm good thanks08:24
seb128Laney, hey, how is it going?08:24
Laneyyo seb128 08:35
Laneygoing allllllllllright08:35
Laneylooks sunny again08:35
Laneyhows the nl?08:35
seb128grey today08:37
seb128hum, are the .zsync files next to the iso supposed to be updated together or does it takes some time?08:37
seb128the iso had a build today but zsync just gave me yesterday's one, confusing08:38
LaneyI think the .zsync files just say to get a file in the same directory, so not sure how that can happen08:43
seb128http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/focal-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync  is timestamped from yesterday, but yeah, weird08:48
Laneyok /me tries an install on hw08:53
Laneylooks ok09:01
popeyGood day desktoppers.09:28
popeyIs there some way to debug gnome shell lock screen not unlocking after typing in my password?09:29
popeyI can ssh into my machine and it seems okay (not massively overloaded or anything doing core dumps) but my laptop is wedged on the lock screen with my password typed in and accepted09:29
popeyI tried sudo loginctl unlock-sessions09:30
WimpressMorning desktopers09:31
dufluMorning popey and Wimpress 09:36
duflupopey, no idea09:37
dufluThat stuff is too tied up with dbus and security things for me to even know how to debug it when I build it09:37
Laneya bt or a gjs_dumpstack() might show something09:38
duflupopey, after you restart see if it only happens when the lock screen goes over a shell dialog. I think we have bugs for that09:38
popeynot sure I can tell that09:38
popeyit locks when I walk away, and I can't unlock it so can't see if there was a shell dialog there or not09:39
dufluYeah in that order you can't tell09:39
dufluMaybe we should assume that's the case and let me find the bug...09:39
LaneyI'm going to deploy the new appstream-generator now09:40
* Laney puts on the devops uniform09:40
duflupopey, anything like https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/issues/2446 ?09:40
popeyI still see the lock screen with my password typed in09:41
popeyi have seen the thing where moving the mouse around (in the past, not today) the cursor changes because there are links  on screen. but I cant see them because the lock screen is in front.09:41
dufluor maybe https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/232109:42
gitbotGNOME issue 2321 in gnome-shell "Password overlay dialogue breaks during screen lock while overlay present" [Opened]09:42
popeyno, not that either09:43
popeyappreciate the suggestions though :)09:43
duflupopey, yeah it's a new feature. I suggest going straight to gitlab and logging a bug so the people who wrote it can answer09:49
dufluAlso look at 'journalctl -f' in real time while the bug occurs. This kind of thing often generates log messages09:50
popeyok, thanks09:51
popeyduflu thanks, filed https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/issues/260810:40
oSoMoNpopey, I think I might have seen this bug once or twice, thanks for filing it!11:23
dufluOh look, it's Easter11:38
Laneyhttps://appstream.ubuntu.com/logs/2020/04/09_1112.log it is going11:40
Laneythe new version of the appstream generator11:41
Laneyall shiny and running from a snap built using b.s.i11:41
seb128Laney, nicely done sir :)12:02
tintouHello everyone, I opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1871723 yesterday as at elementary we happen to ship our own AppStream data for firefox in order to show it in the application store, given that firefox now has AppStream data in its sources and is used in the Flatpak version it might be good if it was included in the debian package :)12:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1871723 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Provide an Appdata file to allow Firefox to show on application stores" [Undecided,New]12:42
KGB-2mutter signed tags 6273dbd Marco Trevisan ubuntu/3.36.1-3ubuntu1 * mutter Debian release 3.36.1-3ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/VY2012:52
KGB-2mutter ubuntu/master 2044a36 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/changelog * Finalise changelog * https://deb.li/53XC12:55
KGB-2mutter signed tags 382e420 Marco Trevisan ubuntu/3.36.1-3ubuntu1 * mutter Debian release 3.36.1-3ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/VY2012:55
KGB-2gnome-shell signed tags 4df5154 Marco Trevisan ubuntu/3.36.1-4ubuntu1 * gnome-shell Debian release 3.36.1-4ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/3m5Z113:00
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master 2ee144b Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/changelog * debian/changelog: Fix syntax on launchpad bug link * https://deb.li/3UYkd13:00
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master 171452b Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/changelog * Finalise changelog * https://deb.li/it3qV13:00
=== hggdh is now known as hggdh-msft
seb128oSoMoN, ^ the msg from tintou is probably of interest to you13:14
seb128tintou, hey and thanks for the suggestion13:15
Laneylook at Trevinho doing uploads there13:23
seb128using the power!13:25
seb128nice to see those updates/fixes landing, feels like we are getting closer from release quality :-)13:26
Trevinhohopefully, still I've to do fixes in extensions land, but will follow up a bit later13:37
oSoMoNseb128, tintou: ack, thanks13:49
ograkenvandine, as usual, nothing to discusss ... 14:00
kenvandineogra: ok :)14:00
kenvandineogra: maybe we can get some momentum after 20.04 release14:00
ograi'll definitely work on it over easter ... 14:02
Laneytkamppeter: did you see my message yesterday about foomatic-db?14:08
hellsworthgood morning desktopers14:23
kenvandinegood morning14:24
tkamppeterLaney, no, what happened?14:30
Laney08/04 18:24:31 <Laney> tkamppeter: can you check foomatic-db in the unapproved queue and let me know if you think it should be accepted please?14:31
tkamppeterLaney, foomatic-db is generally only data, no executable code, and it serves for hardware enablement, so it can get generally approved.14:33
tkamppeterLaney, The last major change which probably triggered this was an addition of a large amount of printers by Ricoh.14:34
Laneytkamppeter: if you could just check the diff quickly, that would be great14:37
LaneyIt probably is what you say, but I'd be happier if you had looked to confirm14:37
tkamppeterLaney, could you give me a link to the diff? Thanks.14:51
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
Laneytkamppeter: https://people.canonical.com/~laney/weird-things/foomatic-db.diff.xz14:59
Wimpresshellsworth: o/15:02
hellsworth\o Wimpress 15:02
tkamppeterLaney, that's OK, it is a big bunch of PostScript PPD files for new printer models (made by Ricoh) added.15:03
Laneyok thanks15:03
Laneyif Jeremy hadn't synced that, would we have missed getting it?15:04
tkamppeterLaney, I had seen the upload to Debian, but then it takes a day before it gets available for syncing (this is the time Debian needs to build it on all these exotic architectures).15:22
tkamppeterProbably before I came back looking at it, jeremy had synced it.15:22
LaneyI just wanted to check that things aren't going to get missed15:23
Laneyjibel: I filed bug #1871885, maybe you can take a look if you have a minute? I don't know what it could be but maybe I screwed up my qemu17:05
ubot5bug 1871885 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[qemu] Installed system fails to boot "ALERT! /dev/vda5 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187188517:05
Laneyif so, yeah feel free to close17:07
Laneyseeya post easter!17:11
jibelLaney, sure thing.18:20

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