
seb128goood morning desktopers06:30
didrocksgood morning06:33
seb128lut didrocks, comment ça va ?06:34
didrocksseb128: ça va, et toi ?06:40
seb128didrocks, ça va bien :)06:40
didrocksen espérant quon arrive plus à progresser qu’hier sur ce pb de perf de go-libzfs :/06:41
seb128bon courage!06:42
didrocksmerci :)06:42
jibelbonjour à tous06:57
didrockssalut jibel 06:58
jibelsalut didrocks 06:59
seb128lut jibel, comment ça va aujourd'hui ?07:06
jibelseb128, ça va même si être confiné commence à me taper sur le système07:09
jibellevé depuis 5h à faire du sport et la cuisine07:10
didrockslooks like my IRC window crashed09:50
didrocksno crash file though, hum09:51
Dr8g0nhey - all. Is anybody successful in fixing multitouch touchscreen gestures on 20.04?10:40
Dr8g0nMind this is about the touch screen, not about the touchpad (this works)10:41
seb128Dr8g0n, hey, try #ubuntu for user questions10:45
Dr8g0nseb128 - I did but there's nobody who is able to help. They forwarded me to this channel...10:46
seb128sorry but this channel is not an user support one10:46
Dr8g0nseb128 - I do not think it is a user question, but a technical issue...10:46
seb128then report a bug on launchpad?10:46
Dr8g0nseb128 - what is this channel for then (honest question)?10:47
seb128Dr8g0n, coordinating work between the people building the desktop10:52
seb128we are busy enough to not take on more debugging or helping users usually10:52
Dr8g0nseb128 - hmm. ok. I see. Yea. :D - - - while I think there's an issue there, I understand it is not appropriate for me to ask here.10:53
seb128otherwise we would be busy full time doing user support and never get to update any package or fix any bug10:53
Dr8g0nright. I'll drop off then. Thanks for all the good work guys. Appreciated!10:54
seb128np! you can hang around here and even ask a specific question but I would expect people to driving you through debugging, at least not today (a good part of the team is off for easter weekend)10:55
seb128in any case if something is not working feel free to report it on launchpad10:55
seb128we deal with bugs there10:55
Dr8g0n@seb128 - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/187207613:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1872076 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Multitouch gestures do not work on touchscreen in 20.04 X session" [Undecided,New]13:27
seb128Dr8g0n, thanks, did that work in the past with GNOME? Could you describe what gesture you use? (is that multifinger dnd?)13:34
=== Eickmeyer[q] is now known as Eickmeyer
hellsworthgood (late) morning desktopers16:26
ximionhi kenvandine17:32
ximionkenvandine: Would it be possible to add this patch to the next gnome-software update in Ubuntu Focal? https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-software/-/blob/debian/master/debian/patches/02_fix-appstream-featured-data.patch17:33
ximionthis change was present in the development releases of gnome-software and was accidentally reverted right before the release was made17:33
ximionby not having it, users will get an annoying warning message every time they run `apt update`, which at least in Debian triggered quite a few bug reports to various components17:34
* ximion will probably file a bug for that in advance as well17:34
KGB-1mutter signed tags 7c4ff7b Simon McVittie debian/3.36.1-4 * mutter release 3.36.1-4 for unstable (sid) * https://deb.li/3nnrd17:47
KGB-1gnome-shell signed tags e7be33e Simon McVittie debian/3.36.1-5 * gnome-shell release 3.36.1-5 for unstable (sid) * https://deb.li/3x26h17:50
KGB-1gnome-shell-extensions signed tags 9fc6365 Simon McVittie debian/3.36.1-1 * gnome-shell-extensions release 3.36.1-1 for unstable (sid) * https://deb.li/ilbfc17:52
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
kenvandineximion: sure, can you please file a bug?19:53
kenvandineI can make sure it gets uploaded, probably on monday19:53
ximionkenvandine: will do, thank you!19:55
kenvandineximion: please post the link here so i don't miss it19:56
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
seb128kenvandine, hey, any chance you could upload https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-terminal/-/tree/ubuntu/master for Olivier? he asked me yesterday evening but I didn't get to it today and now I don't have my key around to sign/upload :/20:52
seb128kenvandine, it's commit/tagged, I just think he misses the acl to dput so it's build the source & dput, should be trivial20:52
=== sa-ghosts_BNC is now known as sa-ghosts

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