
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
pragmaticenigmaHey ops... we have someone that is using improper slang in main. Can someone please help with _BIGSHOT_ ... the usage of a racial slure should not be allowed13:43
pragmaticenigmaThis is rather serious... is anyone able to help please?13:46
JimBuntuwowza, despite any colloquial use, _BIGSHOT_ should probably hear about their language from someone of authority.13:46
pragmaticenigmalogin: ~big__@unaffiliated/niceguy00  ; handle: _BIGSHOT_ ; logged in as niceGuy0013:48
pragmaticenigmadax, hggdh, Pici, phunyguy ???13:49
=== Eickmeyer[q] is now known as Eickmeyer

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