
sheddahello...Im running an old version of ubuntu studio and Im looking to update it. Does current ubuntu studio include gstreamer and pitivi?08:58
sheddaCant see a reference to either on current website...08:58
areyoulocoshedda: check distrowatch website09:43
areyoulocothey should have comparition of packages version09:44
sheddaGreat...yep...I can see gstreamer and pitivi there...thx areyouloco!09:47
mnlmusicHello! I'm having problems recording audio with Ardour. I'm not sure if it's Ardour related or Ubuntu related. When I try to record audio suddenly stops playing and after a few seconds it continues to play. Sometimes it never continues and Ardour freezes, it doesn't respond to play/stop buttons. So I have to force close everything.21:03
mnlmusicAnd I'm also having tons of xruns. Here's my jack log https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qW8ftcCYt8/21:04

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