
=== TDO|Denton is now known as Denton
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== linuxnt_ is now known as linuxnt
user|19430Anyone online?06:57
diogenes_!ask | user|1943006:59
ubottuuser|19430: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:59
user|19430Sorry... I'm new to xubuntu ... It's taking 3 minutes to boot but Ubuntu gnome takes 22 sec to boot ... I'm using 20.0407:01
user|19430And is there a telegram group of xubuntu?07:01
diogenes_user|19430, any kinds of bugs could happen to 20.04 at this stage.07:05
well_laid_lawnuser|19430:  try   systemd-analyze blame   in a terminal https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-analyze.html07:05
user|19430It's showing fwupd.service on top ... Over a minute07:08
xu-help98wI have a problem installign lubuntu or xubuntu (either one would satisfy me). Now 'm back running ubuntu, since the sound dont work on xubuntu/lubuntu. Could someone point me in the right direction to a support forum where I could post details?16:11
cousteauHi!  Any recommendations for a simple audio recorder?18:58
well_laid_lawncousteau:  alsa comes with arecord19:02
diogenes_cousteau, i use audacity.19:02
cousteauok thanks!19:02
cousteauI just installed gnome-sound-recorder, but that doesn't seem to allow saving files19:03
cousteauwell_laid_lawn, well I was expecting something slightly less simple than a command line utility but I guess that'll do19:03
cousteauah never mind, I have a ~/Recordings folder now19:05
cousteau(who was the genius who decided to put the record and stop buttons two miles apart though?)19:06
=== hggdh is now known as hggdh-msft
n-iCehi guys, can I make xubuntu to run faster settings the governors to always be in performance?21:51
well_laid_lawnn-iCe:  if your cpu has that option sure you can21:57
n-iCehow can I know sorry22:03

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