
=== dax is now known as housecat
lubot<lynorian> I find that the thing is with a pdf of the manual is that the outline to the left is not working at all01:39
lubot<lynorian> I can make a pdf version but the chapter nubmers are also kind of broken01:41
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lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Oh. I didn't know we had ^ this capability in our channel.06:53
snoop_ciao a tutti e buona pasqua07:42
snoop_Happy easter07:42
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triplenullHello o/14:35
Halcyfornhow this system work on older laptops i have old hp pavilion 9500 with athlon x2 and geoforce 7150m14:36
Halcyfornand how much space need14:36
Halcyforn2 gb ram i have14:36
The_LoudSpeakerYup! @Halcyforn Lubuntu runs pretty welll in the specs you have.14:43
The_LoudSpeakerfor space even 15gb is also enough.14:43
The_LoudSpeakeralso, @guiverc I have a problem with ubuntu 19.10, The wifi disconects after sometime if the system is locked. It doesn't connect back even after logging back in untill I restart the system.. Is this a known bug?14:43
Halcyforni remeber this bug but on mint i must change wifi program14:44
lubot<kc2bez> @The_LoudSpeaker Ubuntu or Lubuntu?14:45
The_LoudSpeakerA friend is facing it.14:46
Halcyforndid he try change program to wifi probably manager have a problem with card14:46
lubot<kc2bez> You could try in #ubuntu14:46
Halcyfornor reinstall it14:46
lubot<kc2bez> I haven't had the issue in Lubuntu14:46
Halcyforni have this issue but on linux mint 10.1 :D14:47
The_LoudSpeakerI tried in #ubuntu14:51
The_LoudSpeakerjust filed a bug report too14:51
The_LoudSpeakerlets see14:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1872308 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "wifi gets automatically disabled when screen is locked and can be enabled once reeboted" [Undecided,New]14:52
Halcyforni have question about lubunntu how in this system look change language, i need 2 languages in system polish and russian/ukrainian14:54
danny58hi, sorry to bother you. I know it's April when a new Lubuntu is released. what's the exact date?15:20
kc2bezdanny58: On or near April 23. Delays can happen sometimes. For more information https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule15:22
danny58thank you! :)15:23
kc2bezYou are welcome :)15:23
triplenullThe iso tracker is showing the live session test script as not completed for yesterday's focal daily image. Is it still useful if I were to run through this?15:25
kc2beztriplenull: Testing is always welcome. There are things changing all the time.15:26
triplenullkc2bez: thanks! I'll give it a shot.15:27
kc2bezThank you for testing triplenull15:27
soyrealHi, is anyone having problems at installing 20.04?15:46
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LavaPuppyhey guys18:21
LavaPuppyis me TechPup but with ghanged nickname18:21
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paulnoiseHi there, is anyone using UbuntuDDE yet?20:07
Halcyforni have problem its second system based onn lxde what cant turn on my wi-fi card.20:10
Halcyfornthis is broadcom lspci show me20:11
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @paulnoise [<paulnoise> Hi there, is anyone using UbuntuDDE yet?], This is not the right place to ask. This is a Lubuntu support channel. Most people here would be using Lubuntu.20:11
santimir[m]is there a way to default the window decoration to undecorate ? (19.10)20:39
santimir[m]editing the configure file under my user didn't workout20:49
kc2bezWhich file did you edit santimir[m] ?20:50
kc2bezThis config would need to go in your openbox configuration.20:50
kc2bezby default that is lxqt.rc20:51
santimir[m]i've copied that file (under /etc) on ~/.config/openbox20:51
santimir[m]btw, in my lubuntu install the tiling of windows didn't work. seems there is a clash with the shortcut for opening the menu (super) and the tiling (super + arrows). is this the case?20:53
kc2bezYes, you can't really have the super do both.20:53
santimir[m]i've changed the menu to super + M and now it's ok20:54
kc2bezFor the window decoration you need to add something like this to your openbox config file https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CwhVYpnqPq/20:54
tbshello, im testing lubuntu daily build:) it works well after installation but installation was bad... i could not install if i wasnt experienced about it, i needed gparted to set esp flag, not installation app or kde partition manager could set esp flag. i also didnt see language selection page at start of live usb, i like it actually. other than these all is well^^ lubuntu is fast and feels good:) but that esp flag bug/error is so importand really!20:56
santimir[m]oh i see the problem. the line was commented on this file. sorry20:56
santimir[m]and thanks20:56
kc2bezHappy to help.20:56
tbsi also tried if turkish discover has same bug, it works well  now20:57
tbsis there anything u guys suggest me to try?20:58
kc2bez@tbs did you get an error on your failed install and did you report a bug?21:01
tbs@kc2bez no i didnt yet, im still trying lubuntu21:02
tbsbtw installation s  not failed cuz i found a way to continue but not with what lubuntu has21:03
tbsi used gparted to make it21:03
tbseven kde partition manager couldnt put esp flag...21:04
tbsso im not sure if i say installation failed or not21:04
kc2bezSounds like a failure to me, bug reports with steps to reproduce and hardware used will be helpful @tbs21:05
tbsi ll do it^^21:07
kc2bezThank you.21:07
tbsi also want to share a little video to show what i found, im not sure if it s a bug or maybe lubuntu doesnt have it21:13
tbshow can i send that video here?21:13
tbsi used a file sharing web site but it has ad, should i share it with that web site?21:14
lubot<kc2bez> https://imgur.com/ ?21:14
tbsvideo doesnt open at my browser, does it work for u?21:17
kc2bezI got it.21:17
kc2bezYou can't move a maximized window. I would call that expected behaviour.21:18
tbsthere s something i was wondering about ram usage at lubuntu21:27
tbsthere s 2 apps at lubuntu to show how much ram system using21:28
tbsat htop 750mb used in total 11600>>> rate is 0,646521:28
tbsat qps  837mb used in total 11865>>> rate is 0,705421:28
tbseven their rate is not same, so one of them  should be wrong, which one?21:29
kc2bezThey are different tools and do it a little differently I suppose. Also, the application is using some memory itself so depending on which tool used it will impact the memory usage.21:31
kc2bezyou could also use `free -mh` on the command line for yet a different analysis. XD21:32
tbsi calculated these while both of them are running, so there shouldnt be a differance cuz of their ram usage21:33
tbswell, not a thing i  see as dangerous but im sure there is something wrong with one of them at least or both:D21:35
tbsim going to sleep, cya21:35
cluelessHey, is this an appropriate place to get ask for some help?21:55
kc2bezThis is the place for Lubuntu support.21:57
cluelessGreat. So I reinstalled Lubuntu recently in order to have my drive encrypted. It was working just fine until this morning - now I start the computer, unencrypted the drive just fine, then I get stuck on the login screen after submitting my password. The computer doesn't "freeze", per se - I can still move my mouse around. It just hangs there until22:01
cluelessI kill the computer or Ctrl alt f3. This is different behavior from when I put in an incorrect pw: when I do that, the login screen at least gives me feedback in the form of telling me the pw is wrong.22:01
cluelessWhen I Ctrl alt f3 it repeatedly prints Cannot open display "default display" until I Ctrl c22:02
cluelessSo I have checked ownership of .Xauthority and it seems fine - it is owned by me. I have also made sure there are no prohibitively large files anywhere22:03
kc2bezWhich version of Lubuntu?22:03
cluelessOr is it 19.04? Let me check22:04
kc2bezI hope 19.10, 19.04 is EOL22:05
kc2bez`lsb_release -a` should let you know.22:05
cluelessYeah it's 1022:06
kc2bezAny changes recently clueless ?22:10
kc2bezAlso which desktop session did you choose at the login screen?22:11
cluelessNot any changes that I know of. I just installed this instance of Lubuntu yesterday - can't recall whether or not I had rebooted and logging in prior to this morning22:13
cluelessGive me one sec to answer the other question22:14
kc2bezok no problem22:14
cluelessOk it looks like I've been trying to log in with the Lubuntu session (what does the session even mean? ) The other options available are LXQt Desktop and Openbox22:16
cluelessShould I try one of the others?22:16
kc2bezNo, I just wanted to know which one you used.22:16
kc2bezWhat type of graphics card do you have?22:17
cluelessLooks like Intel onboard22:18
cluelessIt's a dinky little Lenovo ideapad22:19
kc2bezHmm, not sure why it is giving you an issue.22:19
kc2bezWhere did you download the iso from and did you check the hash?22:19
cluelessDon't recall where I got it. It was at least a few weeks ago. Definitely didn't check the hash22:21
cluelessEither of the Lubuntu websites22:21
cluelessI'd be surprised if I got it from anywhere other than one of them22:21
kc2bezWe only have one official site lubuntu.me and https://lubuntu.me/downloads would be the right place.22:22
cluelessYeah I just learned that lol22:22
kc2bezAlso it is pretty important to check the hash as even 1 bit off could cause strange things.22:23
kc2bezCorrupted iso files are actually common.22:23
kc2bezHere is our manual page that has how to check the hash https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/1/1.1/retrieving_the_image.html22:25
cluelessThanks. I think I'm gonna keep trying for a bit before I reinstall entirely22:25
kc2bezok sounds good.22:26
cluelessWhile just watching it, I noticed the screen went black and then sent me back to the login screen with pw input cleared. It took minutes for that to happen though22:26
cluelessIs there a way for me to check the hash if I've already put the iso on my thumb drive?22:26
cluelessOr do I need the actual ISO file to check22:27
kc2bezWhen you boot the USB you could run the "Check Disk for Defects" tool.22:29
cluelesshey all - i fixed my problem. if the solution is what it appears to be, this is one for the history books (at least my history book)22:50
cluelessi was about to give up and reinstall lubuntu, but before I did that i wanted to jot down all my dotfiles22:50
cluelessso i ctrl+alt+f3'd and started looking at them22:51
cluelessthe contents of my .bash_profile were:22:51
clueless. ~/.profile22:51
clueless. ~/.bash_profile22:51
cluelessi meant to have that second line be . ~/.bashrc22:51
cluelessso what i think is happening was when I logged in, .bash_profile was recursively calling itself22:52
kc2bezOh that does sound bad.22:52
kc2bezGlad you figured it out.22:53
cluelesswhen i ctrl+alt+f3'd, i was getting a message regarding the display that kept repeating until i ctrl+c'd. i think that ctrl+c was terminating the loop22:53
cluelessanyway, thanks for the help. i will definitely check my hashes from now on even though that (probably) wasn't the issue22:53
kc2bezGood to know. It is a great thing to check before you get to deep.22:54
n-iCeHello guys23:18
n-iCehow are you?23:19
kc2bezDoing well. Do you have a support question?23:19
n-iCeI installed Ubuntu full, but I don't feel it that fluid.23:19
n-iCeThinking in lubuntu23:19
n-iCehow is lxqt working thesedays23:20
kc2bezWorks well for me.23:20
n-iCeis it more lightweight than xfce?23:20
kc2bezI think tests have shown that, yes.23:21
n-iCeok, let's download23:23
n-iCemoving to usb23:27
n-iCedone, rebooting, brb23:30
=== lubuntu is now known as n-iCe
n-iCelubuntu looks great now!23:36
n-iCenever tried lxqt like this before23:36
n-iCeit's beatiful23:37
kc2bezThank you n-iCe23:37
n-iCeare you a developer? :o23:38
kc2bezI am one of them, yes.23:38
n-iCeWell, congratulations.23:38
n-iCeJust one thing, is there a way to enable touchpad click?23:39
n-iCecan't find it.23:39
kc2bezYeah, that has a weird name. You can find it in the mouse and touchpad settings. It is called single click to activate.23:40
n-iCedo i need to reboot?23:40
n-iCewas not activated23:40
kc2bezhmm it should be instant.23:41
n-iCeis not that for instead clicking twice an icon to launch just launch it with one click?23:41
n-iCelooks like, touchpad click was not activated with it.23:41
kc2bezThere are two separate spots, one is labeled mouse on the left and the other is mouse and touchpad.23:44
kc2bezThey both have single click to activate but the mouse and touchpad one is the one you want.23:44
lubot<kc2bez> (Photo, 588x423) https://i.imgur.com/oaLOJOE.jpg23:45
kc2bezi just put a screenshot there ^23:46
n-iCeawesome! thanks, solved!!23:46
n-iCe90% installation, almost there.23:46
=== hggdh-msft is now known as hggdh
n-iCestill 92% uhm23:53
n-iCedone, installed brb23:54
n-iCeDone, installed.23:59

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