
=== dax is now known as housecat
MaynardWaters /j #opensourcemusicians04:59
afx_1Hello everyone ! Is there a way I can route firefox output to mixxx through qjackCtl ? Do I need a plugin for this ?11:29
areyoulocoyoutube to mix?11:32
areyoulocoi guess you need to patch pulseaudio out to mixxx in11:33
areyoulocoi think firefox doesnt use jackd11:33
afx_1areyouloco: yes firefox does not appear on qjackctl11:35
afx_1so how should I use pulseaudio to mixxx any idea ?11:36
afx_1found this https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/a6cgy6/change_audio_output_device_for_firefox/ so far11:36
afx_1also this https://askubuntu.com/a/77713611:38
afx_1I think I try the second option11:38
afx_1you sent something areyouloco ?11:55
areyouloco[13:33]  areyouloco: i guess you need to patch pulseaudio out to mixxx in12:01
areyouloco[13:33]  areyouloco: i think firefox doesnt use jackd12:01
afx_1ok I got these 🙂 areyouloco12:02
OvenWerksafx_1: ubuntustudio should just add a pulse sink that shows as an input in jack.14:27
OvenWerks(provided you have set qjackctl to use dbus)14:28
OvenWerksafx_1: ubuntustudio-controls allows to set up more than one pulse-jack bridge if that is helpful. We generally recomend -controls over qjackctl14:29
afx_1Thank you OvenWerks18:53
vancouverhi, any Blender users here?23:00
=== vancouver is now known as Guest80451
OvenWerksblender is on my list of things I would like to learn23:01
Guest80451good news, there are a ton of excellent tuts on youtube :)23:03
Guest80451however, i am new to this distro and wonder how to get eevee to see my nvidia gfx card. Anyone?23:03
Guest80451if it matters, I just live-booted the iso (not yet installed)23:04
OvenWerksthat should be very close to the install but you would be using the open graphics drivers, nvidia drivers get loaded after install.23:05
Guest80451that's good news. I like what I see so far23:06
Guest80451ok, i just looked trough the programs i know (and know of), it looks good. :)23:18
Guest80451bye all23:18

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