[03:35] good morning [03:48] morning lotuspsychje [03:48] hey pavlushka [03:51] so lotuspsychje where can I make the request to avail networkmanager indicator as single/individual indicator to be added to the panel, in my case it is mate-panel? [03:51] network indicators are probably in a default group of the flavour [03:52] dont think they will allow them to be seperate [03:54] lotuspsychje: that would save some space on my 12.5 inch's display panel [03:55] one could use conky .. [03:55] erm [03:55] save space from 1 lil indicator? [03:56] oerheks: yes but I can not also manage the network from there with a mouse click [09:35] Hi all, got a strange problem after upgrading to Ubuntu 20.04 on my desktop, I can no longer mount an NFS share on my server... no config files have changed (double checked they weren't changed by the upgrade), desktop reports that the mount attempt times out, the server logs show that it successfully authenticates multiple times but no other messages in the logs... other desktop on Ubuntu 19.10 can still mount it no problem, any id [09:35] eas? [10:03] hello everyone. so i installed 20.04 and wow! this thing feels pretty snappy. of course there were minor issues. [10:03] (1.) my password wasn't accepted the right way, because the keyboard layout changed mid-installation without any notice. so i reinstalled and chose a simple password. [10:03] (2.) using full disk encryption and copying 50GB of guild wars 2: the system/UI stopped several times for 1-2 seconds. nothing really was going on but kcryptd jumped up to ~6% per proc. so that might cause it? [10:10] and of course the moving icons when the dock is on the bottom doesn't work correctly, but that was already reported and there's a workaround :) [10:56] aha, tried mounting with -v, it had stale file handles... running exportfs -f on the server sorted it [17:24] hello, im running gimp2.10.18 on ubuntu 20.04. it looks like when i launch gimp, all the python plugins are failing to import gimpfu [17:25] doesnt anyone know if pygimp was shipped or built with the new gimp version [17:27] roody: tell us how to reproduce this, maybe can see if its a bug [17:28] sure, i just ran gimp --verbose. im on 20.04. [17:28] i think i pulled gimp from muon [17:28] a few weeks back [17:28] its definately not the snap [17:28] package [17:29] so that could be it [17:29] ok so what happens next? [17:29] !pm [17:29] Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. [17:30] you can tell it here roody [17:30] OH ok [17:31] im running gimp in verbose now, what should i try now [17:31] the error is on launch, i just did gimp --verbose. i was trying to figure out why i couldnt see the pyhon console [17:31] roody: you are on kubuntu i presume? [17:31] yes [17:32] im running the kde window manager [17:33] roody: what should i test now in gimp to reproduce that error? [17:33] i just run into another bug i guess: subtitles in software-center are just rectangles of the width of the glyph. everything else seems to be just normal. no idea how to reproduce [17:33] myphs: can you screenshot that please? [17:34] sure [17:34] i havent used irc in a while how do i send screenshot [17:34] roody: that message was not for you [17:36] roody: i dont see the errors you provide [17:37] roody: or did you try to import a plugin to get that error? [17:38] roody: reply here please [17:38] i will try uninstall and reinstall [17:39] because i wasnt writing any plugin [17:39] it was failing to import gimpfu from the /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plugin-uncrop.py [17:39] lotuspsychje: https://imgur.com/a/JeNOaf6 [17:40] roody: where do i try that? [17:41] gimp --verbose > launchlog.txt [17:41] and just loooking through that file [17:42] roody: no, i mean did it fail to autoimport plugin in verbose mode, or did you add a plugin manual and get the error after? [17:43] oh [17:43] myphs: wich language is your ubuntu? [17:43] it failed to autoimport [17:44] ok tnx [17:44] lotuspsychje: english us [17:45] myphs: system up to date? [17:46] lotuspsychje: i just installed it a few hours ago and did an update and it worked perfectly fine aaaand as it seems there's another update ready [17:46] brb [17:48] roody: i dont even see that uncrop plugin and i dont get error neither [17:50] then i think i know whats going on [17:50] Any Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Women Meetings tonight? [17:53] because i decided i was smart and installed gimp from muon which i dont think is the official version that ships with the ubuntu software tool [17:53] lotus youve been a great help [17:54] thanks [17:54] roody: you installed the snap version perhaps? [17:54] im gonna do that now [17:57] lotuspsychje: ok, the update actually fixed it. i didn't expect another update so quickly after another. is noted [17:57] myphs: i wasnt able to reproduce the glitches in software, but i did have 77mb updates too [17:57] a lot of QT stuff [17:59] lotuspsychje: the issue must be somewhere in between then, i suppose. my update was around 15mb. well, hopefully it's gone [18:00] ok great, keep the spirit and the system up to date :p [18:01] haha, will do! [18:10] well two for two lotus, i ended up running flatpak version and that works for me [18:10] so im off [18:10] everything loads correctly [18:11] and i totally forgot: when resizing a window, the window might glitch for a fraction of a second and then return to normality. still there after the update [18:11] ok, still interesting why that error comes [18:11] myphs: graphics card driver installed? [18:13] lotuspsychje: i clicked the 3rd party checkbox, if that does it? (Mesa IntelĀ® HD Graphics 620 (KBL GT2)) [18:13] oh my error, i think its because there used to be a package called gimp-python a before 2.10 [18:13] and its no longer provided [18:13] im not sure though [18:13] myphs: no, if its intel card alone, driver should get auto loaded [18:13] roody: but why do you get that error and i not [18:14] lotuspsychje: yes, i only have that intel integrated one [18:14] hmm depends on which source you got your gimp from [18:14] roody: apt [18:14] !info gimp [18:14] gimp (source: gimp): GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.10.18-1 (focal), package size 4185 kB, installed size 19645 kB [18:14] is this the version you get the error on roody ? [18:17] yea [18:17] wait [18:17] my download size is 4286 [18:18] roody: apt policy gimp, from terminal [18:19] Installed: (none) [18:19] Candidate: 2.10.18-1 [18:19] Version table: [18:19] 2.10.18-1 500 [18:19] 500 http://kr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal/universe amd64 Packages [18:19] yep [18:19] same [18:19] i could re-install it [18:19] to see [18:19] yes check plz [18:21] by the way, im not sure if what im saying will work but myphs are you using bitmap fonts. since you are resizing something [18:21] this could cause the issue [18:22] roody: everything set to default here. and the window is irrelevant. i'm trying to grab some footage to share [18:25] well, lotus it doesnt look like after the re-install i got any problems loading the python plugins. [18:25] because guess what.... [18:25] no python modules in /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/ [18:25] on install [18:26] makes sense now [18:27] so since i need to use python-fu im just gonna use the flatpak version for now [18:30] we got him: https://imgur.com/a/B7GNJxS [18:30] what a beauty [18:31] wow [18:31] myphs: i would suspect that on ati/amd card [18:32] myphs: can you reproduce that somehow? [18:32] lotuspsychje: sorry, i am not in ownership of any of those [18:33] lotuspsychje: i can resize any window for a while and it happens once in a while, but i have no idea why [18:34] lotuspsychje: BUT! when i use more cpu cycles (when recording with obs for example) it happens less frequently [18:34] i got intel HD 620 graphics, lemme try that [18:35] any window. left and right seems to trigger it more often [18:35] hmmm cant make it scramble here [18:35] myphs: can you open a: journalctl -f and mess around after plz? [18:37] myphs: this is on xorg or wayland ? [18:38] lotuspsychje: sorry, i have no idea what you mean with journalctl and this is xorg [18:38] myphs: open a terminal and type: journalctl -f [18:38] lemme try with wayland [18:39] oh wait [18:39] you are right [18:39] i was able to do the same [18:40] yay [18:41] it scrambled with gnome monitor open on tab graphs and playing rezise very fast [18:43] myphs: do you know howto file a bug? [18:44] lotuspsychje: i don't know any canonical standards for bug reporting, but yeah [18:45] myphs: from a terminal: ubuntu-bug gnome-shell [18:46] myphs: then send the report and launchpad will jump open, add a title + description + your scrambled screenshot [18:58] myphs: you can make it scramble with other windows too? i seem only can with gnome monitor [18:59] lotuspsychje: yeah, firefox, terminal etc. [19:00] weird [19:01] myphs: lemme know the bug ID so i can affect it also [19:02] lotuspsychje: yeah, launchpad is a bit slow right now :/ [19:02] tnx for bug #1872802 [19:02] bug 1872802 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Resizing any window will randomly result in glitchy appearance for a fraction of a second" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1872802 [19:02] lotuspsychje: ah, here we go: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1872802 [19:04] myphs: thank you for reporting this [19:04] myphs: i affected & commented [19:05] myphs: oh could you also add your graphics card in the description please? [19:06] lotuspsychje: it was a pleasure working with you and will do immediately [19:07] my pleasure myphs [19:08] nite ; ) === dax is now known as housecat [20:26] Studding madagascar like fossa since already!