
craigbass76Eickmeyer, I'm having a wicked hard time actually showing what my fingers are doing on the neck. I may end up just using the Logitec, but looks like I need to practice with camera angles first anyway...00:22
=== fred is now known as Guest77270
areyoulocowhy ubuntu studio is not using normal debian installer?16:01
Eickmeyerareyouloco: Ubuntu Studio is Ubuntu, not Debian.16:02
areyoulocois there no image with d-i?16:02
areyoulocoi want to make advanced install and there is just no options there16:03
EickmeyerThe closest thing you'll find is the Ubuntu mini.iso which can install Ubuntu Studio.16:03
areyoulocois it a netboot or something?16:04
areyoulocowill check it out16:04
areyoulococan not find it. i will see what kxstudis had to offer16:09
Eickmeyerareyouloco: They don't have it either.16:10
Eickmeyerareyouloco: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/netboot/16:10
Eickmeyer20.04's netboot hasn't been released yet, if that's what you're looking for.16:11
areyoulocostudio is a distro or just ppa repositories for plain ubu?16:13
areyoulocowill see whst I can do with netboot16:13
Eickmeyerareyouloco: Neither. It's a different configuration of Ubuntu. Ubuntu Studio, like all flavors, are Ubuntu, not separate distros.16:17
EickmeyerStudio does not use separate PPAs by default. No official flavor of Ubuntu can use anything outside of the Ubuntu repostitores.16:17
areyoulocoooow so this is the wsy16:20
* OvenWerks wonders what a "normal" installer is16:20
areyouloconormal is debian installer that provides options for the user16:20
OvenWerkswhat is d-i?16:20
OvenWerksso what is normal about that?16:20
areyouloconvm ubuntu people i go debian cheers16:21
Eickmeyer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯16:22
OvenWerkslast time I ysed the debian installer, I went back to slackware cause it made more sense...16:23
EickmeyerUbuntu != Debian. Debian Based != Debian16:23
=== dax is now known as housecat
notandyesHi I don't know how or where to say it, but the software shop has dissapear from the 20.04 and there is instead a snap shop that appears to work with gnome or something because the app don't have his own windows. I think it has been done in the last two updates. Anyway, best wishes, take care, thank you22:30
Eickmeyernotandyes: It's the same software store we've had, just in a different form.22:33
notandyesok, thank you22:33
EickmeyerNothing to panic about, not a bug, not a support item.22:34
notandyesall right, only wanted to colaborate.22:35
notandyeswell, don't know what to say. good luck! bye22:36
* OvenWerks has never been happy with the software store23:12
EickmeyerWell, we'll only have to deal with it for a little longer if all goes according to plan.23:18
OvenWerkskubuntu still has muon as well as discover23:20
EickmeyerYep, and they're much better, especially muon.23:21

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