
wallyworldhpidcock: "juju-run python3" doesn't work with upgrade-charm PR02:37
wallyworldso still something to follow up on02:37
hpidcockwallyworld: can you link me the charm you are using and how you are deploying it please on the bug02:51
wallyworldwill do, just reviewing PR, and also have a zoom meeting at 1 so after that02:52
wallyworldit's just my mariadb-k8s charm02:52
thumperbabbageclunk, wallyworld: just thinking... does backup work with k8s controllers? And if so, do we have any idea how we're going to restore?02:56
thumperI was thinking about this when thinking about mongo 4.0 restore02:56
babbageclunkthumper: I haven't tried backup on a k8s controller02:57
wallyworldbackup should work. restore no, falls into the HA category for next cycle02:57
thumperwallyworld: have you discussed with babbageclunk the mongo 4.0 restore question?02:57
babbageclunkWas trying to think about how k8s restore would work - the core restore is the same, but the stuff around the outside (stopping and starting agents and rewriting configs) is all different02:58
* thumper nods02:58
thumperprobably want to have a check somewhere02:58
thumperto say "sorry"02:58
babbageclunkyeah true - I'll add that02:59
babbageclunkI mean, it'll be hard to follow the directions anyway - you can't scp the backup and juju-restore to the controller machine02:59
thumperyeah... we'll need another whole set of instructions for restoring a k8s controller03:00
thumperbabbageclunk: any thoughts on the last comment in this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/185869303:43
mupBug #1858693: ANARCHY!!!!!!! Entirely leaderless application spotted in the wild <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1858693>03:43
babbageclunkthumper: yeah - that sounds like an entirely different problem. (Or I guess the same symptoms caused by something totally different.)03:46
* thumper nods03:46
babbageclunkthumper: reading some code...03:46
thumperwhy would it timeout enqueing?03:46
babbageclunkI think that's coming from the raft apply command - presumably the raft engine loop is blocked somehow?03:47
tlmhpidcock: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11443 if you got 5 minutes05:06
tlmwallyworld: got time for HO ?05:09
wallyworldtlm: just finishing a PR, give me 505:12
wallyworldhpidcock: finally +1 on PR. i think we'll need a followup to deal with the new local attributes and controller state05:15
wallyworldtlm: ready for HO now if you're free05:16
wallyworldhang on, stupid 2fa etc05:17
hpidcockwallyworld: the local state attributes are resolver local state not operation local state. Resolver local state is not saved.05:23
wallyworldhpidcock: ah no worries05:27
hpidcockwallyworld: when you have a spare two seconds https://github.com/juju/juju-db-snap/pull/106:07
wallyworldhpidcock: so 4.0.18 was officially the latest?06:08
wallyworldand AGPL not SSL?06:08
hpidcockyep, but either we choose 17 or 18 and need to test it06:08
hpidcockits confusing because SSL is the mongo license but we include both mongo and mongo-tools (which is apache)06:09
wallyworldIANAL :-)06:09
hpidcockwell the charm itself has a license06:10
hpidcocksorry the snap06:10
hpidcockthe snap code is under whatever license we want06:10
wallyworldtup, just about to say that06:10
hpidcocktechnically the snap contains more than just mongo stuff06:11
hpidcockopenssl etc06:11
stickupkidmanadart, I got it working, just wrapping up the tests for a review08:05
stickupkidhere is a casual observation, if you're creating mocks for anything outside of your package, but within juju, then you're doing it wrong08:19
manadartstickupkid: Will look in a mo'. OTP with thumper.08:27
achilleasastickupkid: any interesting examples of this happening?08:27
stickupkidachilleasa, as in, doing it badly (got lots of those), doing it well, not so much08:28
achilleasastickupkid: more interested in the doing it badly ;-)08:28
stickupkidachilleasa, anything to do with networking common, model backend...08:30
stickupkidachilleasa, if you're taking on a bigger interface from somewhere else, then you're tied to every other place that uses it. You know longer have a vertical boundary and are locked stepped to that other component/entity etc.08:32
achilleasastickupkid: ah, so you are basically talking about dupping (or defining a restricted version of it) the interface in your package and mocking that?08:35
stickupkidachilleasa, yeap08:37
stickupkidachilleasa, my usual spiel08:37
manadartstickupkid: You can get 3 shims down to 2 by pushing the raw state shim into environs/space like this: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/fRT68XZhSQ/09:52
manadartBut that damn modelmanager backend is a bastard.09:52
stickupkidmanadart, yeah, I've not got there yet, as I'm writing tests for spaces reload API09:53
stickupkidmanadart, I've got rid of my horrid life hack as well, which has made me really happy09:53
eloxGood morning/evening.09:54
eloxI've bumped into a problem I can't understand if it is a bug or something I can resolve for myself. I've sent a discourse post about it here: https://discourse.juju.is/t/error-cert-pool-creation-failed-cannot-parse-certificate/2927  ... hope to get some help on it so I can get back my controller.09:55
eloxIn short, I get this: "ERROR cert pool creation failed: cannot parse certificate..."09:56
eloxFollowed by...... asn1: syntax error: data truncated09:57
eloxRight, I don't know what has happened. But my resolution to ^ was to remove the controller entry from controller.yaml and then log back in as admin: "juju login -u admin -c snowflake-maas"   After being prompted with a password challenge and a fingerprint accept, the controller is again available to my client.10:16
achilleasaelox: looks like you were hitting https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/138110:17
achilleasaelox:  openssl asn1parse -inform der -strparse 40 -in $yourcert manages to parse the ASN1 data (fails without the strparse flag)10:18
eloxI'll have a look and update my post on discourse.10:20
manadartachilleasa: Can you review this small one?10:21
achilleasamanadart: looking10:22
elox@achilleasa: https://discourse.juju.is/t/error-cert-pool-creation-failed-cannot-parse-certificate/2927/210:23
achilleasaelox: great that you could get back the controller without having to do any cert surgery ;-)10:29
eloxachilleasa: Yeah, the horror.10:36
stickupkidmanadart, updated in my last commit10:39
eloxFinally I was able to test the latest version of my Nextcloud charm on my own system and feel comfortable releasing it to stable: https://jujucharms.com/u/erik-lonroth/nextcloud/410:39
manadartstickupkid: OK.10:40
achilleasastickupkid: rick_h proposed change for fixing the weird defaults when parsing charm meta: https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/30913:01
achilleasacan someone please take a look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11446?14:24
stickupkidmanadart, ping you now or in the morning about the new stuff?15:12
manadartstickupkid: Morning. I've EoD'd15:32
stickupkidmanadart, ha15:32
achilleasastickupkid: re your wording comment; should I change it to 'as'?15:37
stickupkidachilleasa, yeah, that's better15:37
stickupkidachilleasa, tick15:43
achilleasastickupkid: still need to patch some more stupid tests with the correct limit expectations :-(15:44
stickupkidachilleasa, 9 year old code, 9 years old15:44
stickupkidachilleasa, it's like clippy, "do you want to limit this?" <- no clippy, NO!15:45
achilleasabtw, what is the correct command for bootstraping a focal instance?15:46
achilleasashouldn't --boostrap-series=focal --force do the trick?15:46
stickupkidachilleasa, you need --config image-stream=daily15:46
stickupkidachilleasa, not released yet, so you need to point the image-stream to the right place15:47
achilleasaaha! thanks15:47
achilleasarick_h: got a focal with 4.0.18 from the candidate snap https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kpNNWSQ9VV/. Will work on getting the conf settings through (bit harder since they need to be injected into the agent conf) but should have a PR ready for review by EOD tomorrow17:35
rick_hachilleasa:  sounds like grat progress ty!17:41
eloxI'm trying to help a friend adding AWS credentials to JAAS, and we can't do it. It complains about a credential tag. https://pasteboard.co/J3Xx4Pr.png18:40
eloxWe have been trying to follow the guide, but it simply doesn't work18:40
eloxCan this be related to already existing credentials.yaml for him ?18:44
pmatuliselox, which guide exactly?19:21

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