
putin9Thank you kryten00:00
lubot<ecsamrl> @kc2bez [Check the hash of the iso and run through the check disk for defects.], thanks01:03
lubotAlrond was added by: Alrond03:15
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Ann1caHow do I change window decorator in Lubuntu  ?06:47
guivercLXQt.Settings->OpenBox Preferences, refer https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.2/3.2.11/openbox_settings.html Ann1ca06:48
guiverc(openbox settings sorry; not preferences)06:49
guivercAnn1ca, you didn't give release details; so I've assumed latest stable thus 19.1006:49
Ann1caOh dear. I'm sorry. I'm on  19.10 but I'm not using  QT   I use GTK and compiz. I just want to change the window decoration theme. But I've no idea how to do that I might have messed things up on teh way... :-(06:53
Ann1caWhat is the name of teh window decoratro used in Lubuntu  19:10 ?07:01
Ann1caSolved :-) In case anyoen wonder : window-decorator-name  --repalce  do the trick  :-)07:12
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salonhello I try to switch from LXDE to LXQT but I don't jnow how to proceed : can someone help me to do it please ?12:32
salonI'm running on Lubunutu 18.04 LTS12:32
salonIs there anyone ?12:34
JbwncsterI assume 20.04 doesn’t have a wallpaper yet?12:37
guivercJbwncster, focal fossa uses 19.10's wallpaper until the updated package hits launchpad & hits ISO... It's already hit my system so I know it's hit launchpad, but I don't know which ISO it hit first12:38
JbwncsterI just gotta update until it hits I guess12:39
guivercif you're using a mirror, they could be an extra delay; but if running focal-fossa, I'd try sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade & explore your wallpaper directory12:39
lubotail3son was added by: ail3son14:25
qwlfy[m]Hellooo, Trying to install Lubuntu 18.4.4.. di everything fine but can't install it from my USB15:20
lubot<tbs61> hello qwlfy15:22
lubot<tbs61> why dont u choose 19.10?15:22
qwlfy[m]well I read about fact 18.4.4 will be supported for longer15:23
qwlfy[m]but Im very new to this world, so sorry if I got it wrong15:23
lubotQWLFY was added by: QWLFY17:16
lubot<QWLFY> (Photo, 1280x720) https://i.imgur.com/RatFt1q.jpg Any ideas what to do? Missing Erase disk option..17:18
wxllet me guess17:21
wxlyou didn't read the manual17:21
lubot<QWLFY> I was simply folllowing some video from YouTube17:22
wxlsomething we released?17:22
lubot<QWLFY> no.. sorry17:22
wxlif you use official resources you find this17:23
wxl> Thank you very much in advance.17:23
wxl> Andreas17:23
wxlargh not that XD17:23
wxlnote the note17:24
lubot<QWLFY> yeeee, I was already looking at this, but still, doing smthng wrong17:25
kc2bezmmc devices get automounted too17:25
wxlthere's all kinds of things that core ubuntu automounts17:26
kc2bezThey look like removable media.17:26
lubot<QWLFY> oooooh17:26
wxland obviously you can't alter a filesystem that is mounted17:26
wxlok maybe that's not obvious17:26
wxlbut you can't :)17:26
lubot<QWLFY> so how do I unmount em xD17:27
wxlyou can use kde partition manager17:28
wxlor in terminal use `mount` to see your mounts and do something like `sudo umount /path/to/mount/or/device/file`17:29
wxlnote i did not mistype that. it is u-mount not un-mount17:29
lubot<QWLFY> Ok, how do I do it from KDE, I'm not rly skilled in using PC's this way, I'm just giving life to my old PC17:31
lubot<QWLFY> so using commands would be rly hard to understand for me, since I typed "mount" and so many things jumepd out17:32
lubot<QWLFY> well I unmounted one thing, second is USB which I'm installing lubuntu from17:40
lubot<QWLFY> and it cannot be unmounted17:40
wxlright. you don't want to unmount that one17:41
lubot<QWLFY> but still, no erase disk option here17:43
wxldid you close and reopen the installer?17:45
lubot<QWLFY> sure, I'm an idiot... thank you 😆17:46
wxlaw i'm sure it's just a momentary lapse of reason ;)17:48
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mamorenoalbaDesde Ubuntu18:39
MMCAre there any alternate links for the Focal Fossa iso? The official download is crawling through the pipes down to NZ @ 15KB/s23:49

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