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Laneyvorlon: Good point, I'll add it to the agenda for the release sprint08:02
Laneyhad planned to add a GG-cycle discussion there too08:02
mwhudsonjibel: thanks for reviewing my^WLaney's code :)08:28
Laneysil2100: ^- can you share the link to the doc you're prepping so I can add those items please? :-)08:29
* Laney elbow bumps mwhudson 08:29
Unit193Hrm, is there somewhere I can push a package to see how Ubuntu's autopkgtest would handle it?08:30
Laneyif you can upload: bileto, or you can trigger from a PPA: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration/#Testing_against_a_PPA08:31
jibelmwhudson, np08:32
Unit193I'm only MOTU, so the second it is.  Thanks, Laney!08:33
LaneyUnit193: Test using autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud locally first, though08:34
LaneyFor most cases that's close enough to what you'll get08:34
Unit193Laney: This shouldn't be one of those cases, I'm testing a specific quirk of the Ubuntu ADT stuff.  In theory, one should pass and one should gracefully skip.08:35
LaneyI'm interested what quirks we have there08:36
rbasakcpaelzer: so on upgrade from Bionic to Focal, chrony is being removed in favour of systemd-timesyncd?12:56
rbasakcpaelzer: ^?13:17
rbasakHave I understood the bug correctly?13:17
cpaelzerhi rbasak13:18
cpaelzerrbasak: what you mention is bug 187290213:19
ubottubug 1872902 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Upgrade to Focal now removes chrony" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187290213:19
cpaelzerwhich rbasak works on to fix in do-release-upgrader13:19
cpaelzerrbasak: if due to that (or any other condition) you have the new sytemd of focal and the old chrony13:19
cpaelzerrbasak: and then you remove the old chrony (which also happens on upgrade)13:19
cpaelzerthen the crash triggers13:19
rbasakI think I follow, thanks.13:20
cpaelzerbecause the chrony postrm in bionic isn't tolerant to the case if systemd-timsyncd might be unsinatlled/masked/otherwise not there13:20
rbasakSo this bug is still valid because if you remove chrony there's no longer any guarantee (and with the Conflicts it's impossible) that systemd-timesyncd will be available13:20
cpaelzerwe added hardening a while ago but never needed it in bionic13:20
rbasakFor 1872902, would a Conflicts/Replaces on chrony help?13:21
cpaelzerrbasak: for 1872902 no, that is what caused all of this  - it was properly split out of systemd to be a package on its own with proper conflicts/breaks and so on13:21
cpaelzerrbasak: the issue is the dependency resolution in d-r-u it seems13:22
rbasak"Replaces allows the packaging system to resolve which package should be removed when there is a conflict"13:22
cpaelzera blunt bionic/focal upgrade without do-release-upgrade will not remove it13:22
cpaelzerrbasak: this is multi-dimensional with openntp/ntp/chrony/sytemd-timesyncd13:23
cpaelzerxnox:  and rbalint work on it and I'll leave it to them to pick their fix for 1872902 in focal13:23
rbasakAnyway, let me resolve the current SRU then13:23
rbasakHave I broken "git ubuntu clone chrony" in the edge channel?13:24
cpaelzerI only fetched in the recent days13:25
cpaelzerlet me try13:26
rbasakI think I might be running out of my source tree by accident13:26
cpaelzerit works for me on edge13:26
cpaelzeryep clone complete13:26
rbasakThank you for checking13:26
rbasakYep I've broken it in master I think, not published to edge yet13:27
rbasakAccepted, thanks!13:30
Laneybdmurray: any chance you could review https://code.launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/update-manager/update-manager/+merge/382291 for marcustomlinson please? I got a bit close to writing the code for this one so I don't feel like a good reviewer any more. :-)13:59
cpaelzermvo: stgraber: since it now re-occurred I guess I better ask you, is lxd being lockged (all lxd commands hang) until snapd was restarted a known issue14:31
cpaelzerI'm seeing this on s390x in 20.0414:31
cpaelzerI can't really reproduce, but it is the second time I found the system in that state14:32
cpaelzerI'd mostly want to know what to look out for next time I might hit the case14:32
stgraberHmm, not something we've seen reported so far. Having to restart snapd is pretty suspicious though, maybe related to the apparmor profile ordering change that went into snapd recently?14:33
cpaelzerany logs in particular that you'd want?14:33
cpaelzerlast time I saw it maybe 4 weeks ago, so I'd not look for a recent change14:33
stgraber'ps fauxww', 'systemctl -a', 'snap changes' and the journal output would be a good start I think14:34
bdmurrayLaney: sure, I can have a look at that14:37
cpaelzerstgraber: mvo: I filed bug 1873004 for now14:41
ubottubug 1873004 in snapd (Ubuntu) "lxd interaction blocked until snapd was restarted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187300414:41
mvocpaelzer: if you have the system in this state, does "SNAPD_DEBUG=1 lxc ..." show anything useful? can you attach the output of that as well?14:59
mvocpaelzer: when you saw it last time, was it on s390x as well?14:59
cpaelzermvo: yeah it always was on s390x so far15:05
cpaelzerI'll note the extra debug request on the bug for when it hangs agin15:05
hallynargh.  my ubuntu-core-dev membership expired :(15:07
hallynthe reminders were lost in spam15:07
hallyndo i have to go through the whole process again ? :(15:07
hallyn(i noticed bc people.ubuntu.com/~serge-hallyn seemed to disappear :( )15:07
Laneyhallyn: email devel-permissions@lists.ubuntu.com and ask to be re-added15:08
Laneybut if you haven't used your permissions in a while, maybe you want to ask for membership instead of upload access15:09
hallynLaney: yeah, that's probably agood idea.  i wouldn't want to push anything without lots of review these days anyway15:10
gQuigsxnox: did you see this? https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/systemd-resolved#DNSSEC   I read that as systemd giving up on DNSSEC..15:37
xnoxgQuigs:  we have extra patches to make downgrade work better.15:38
xnoxwhich i think are still not upstreamed15:38
xnoxit is true the dnssec doesn't work still.15:38
xnoxwe do "maybe"15:39
xnoxwhich i think is above DNSSEC=no, but below allow-downgrade.15:39
xnoxnot surprised15:39
xnoxgQuigs:  i don't know if we need to change any of our defaults. But my guess is that dns-over-tls is taking over, because that works, and dns-sec does not.15:40
gQuigsrgr,I don't see as dns-over-tls doing the same thing, but I guess it's something.. thanks15:43
cpaelzerrbasak: FYI https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chrony/+bug/1872183/comments/12 in case you want to tweak the aging period anywhere that is the post to reply to16:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1872183 in chrony (Ubuntu) "package chrony 3.2-4ubuntu4.2 failed to install/upgrade: installed chrony package post-removal script subprocess returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,In progress]16:12
rbasakcpaelzer: I commented. I think it's appropriate to release to bionic-updates now, if you're happy?16:19
rbasakcpaelzer: do we need the Focal fix to land first for this to be effective? I think not?16:19
rbasak^ I'd appreciate a second opinion on skipping the ageing period for this SRU please, if someone's around.16:20
cpaelzerrbasak: the change has no dependency on anything else it has to wait on16:22
popeyIs there some reason why we point directly to specific mirrors on a default install, and don't use mirrors://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt to load balance things? Is it something we have considered?16:23
rbasakcpaelzer: it does look like there are unrelated autopkgtest failure16:25
cpaelzerrbasak: taking a look16:26
cpaelzerI was just working on the related test failures in focal :-) see bug 187303116:26
ubottubug 1873031 in systemd (Ubuntu) "245.4-2ubuntu1 has broken dhcp based NTP updates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187303116:26
cpaelzerlooking at bionic now16:27
cpaelzerI know that bug, it seems someone backported some changes to linux headers into bionic16:29
cpaelzerrbasak: I can fix it but no more today16:29
cpaelzerrbasak: I'll provide a follow on upload to go over the current one once I had the time for it16:29
cpaelzerrbasak: I'll let you know tomorrow16:29
rbasakcpaelzer: sure, though is it necessary to fix this current bug?16:30
cpaelzerno it is unrelated16:30
rbasakI'm open to ignoring the test if appropriate16:30
rbasakWhat do you think?16:30
cpaelzerI think waiting a day is fine16:30
rbasakOK, I'll wait then16:31
cpaelzerrbasak:  I added a comment to the bug so that anyone coming by knows16:32
bdmurraymarcustomlinson: Can you explain a bit what happens in the cache.get_changes() loop?16:51
bdmurrayre https://code.launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/update-manager/update-manager/+merge/38229116:51
bdmurrayor Laney ^^17:03
marcustomlinsonbdmurray: we're looping through all packages that would be removed as a result of removing the replaced deb. If any of those have been manually installed we abandon the removal17:40
marcustomlinsone.g. in the case of snap-store replacing gnome-software. One may install ubuntu-software manually causing gnome-software to be marked auto17:40
bdmurrayso ubuntu-software depended on gnome-software? I guess that's the part that wasn't clear to me.17:41
marcustomlinsonbdmurray: yes17:41
bdmurraygot it, okay I'll merge and upload17:41
marcustomlinsonwe'll run into more of this in the future. e.g. if we decide to replace libreoffice with the snap17:41
marcustomlinsonwe may look at libreoffice-core as the replaced deb17:42
marcustomlinsonbut one can install that via libreoffice, libreoffice-writer, etc.17:42
marcustomlinsonthanks bdmurray17:42
bdmurraycoreycb: If bug 1855890 is fixed can you update the status?18:15
ubottubug 1855890 in nova (Ubuntu) "drop netcat dependency" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185589018:15
coreycbbdmurray: done, thanks for the nudge18:39
hallynLaney: hm, i suppose my ubuntu.com account was also tied to ubuntu-core-dev, so i won't get a response :)20:31
hallyni'm so sad20:31
hallynhm, no, that's not how this mail is set up.  oh well20:33
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CarlFKwifi regression - hp laptop    Realtek  RTL8188EE cosmic is fine.  focal randomly (i guess) 261.278152] wlo1: deauthenticated and [ 2917.206570] rtlwifi: AP off, try to reconnect now21:30
CarlFKit just did that a bunch for a min or two, now is stable again.21:31
CarlFKwhat package should I log a bug?   dpkg -S rtl8188ee gives me a bunch of hits21:39
rbasakWhere's the script that generates https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.yaml? It outputs a !!python/object/apply:collections.defaultdict which is a pain to parse safely. I'd like to switch it for a regular dict.23:23
jbichainfinity: mmm, I kinda want debhelper 13 in focal. That way we can build packages that have set debhelper-compat = 1323:44

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