
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> hope you filed the upgrade testcase :D (re @MrkiMike: UbuntuMATE 20.04, so far, beautiful :D)00:14
lotuspsychjegood morning02:15
lotuspsychjeanyone on -desktop try this please bug #187280203:28
ubot5bug 1872802 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Resizing any window will randomly result in glitchy appearance for a fraction of a second" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187280203:28
lotuspsychjeother graphic cards might be interesting to test this03:30
lotuspsychjeRikMills: just for info, had one of our volunteers have this on kubuntu https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DFs6FwPDYG/03:38
lotuspsychjesomeone helped him to dpkg force things to fix03:38
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RikMillslotuspsychje: thanks. I will fix that later today06:56
andres_Hi all! My name is andres, noob on linux and this is my first time I test an ubuntu version. I hve found 3 things I dont know what is the problem.07:48
andres_I'm testing Kubuntu 20.0407:49
andres_first: When I install a theme on global themes menu, if I want to unninstall the theme I dont see the remove icon when I put the mouse on theme to be uninstall. I have to open the press the "get new global themes" button and search the theme and click to uninstall button07:51
andres_second: If I remove a theme, this theme does not disappear from themes window.07:53
andres_third: I'm not able to close window with double click on menu icon from window. I dont know if it is a problem or not because this problem run with a lot installed themes not by default.07:57
RikMillslotuspsychje: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ksmtp/19.12.3-0ubuntu211:55
lotuspsychjetnx RikMills13:41
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> welcome geremias14:53
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <geremias> /✌️15:02
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <geremias> /15:03
ubuntu-tester94wim testing ubuntu studio 20.04 since 3 days, wifi keeps disconnecting im not sure if this is a known bug15:09
Eickmeyerubuntu-tester94w: So, you're the first person to mention this out of possibly hundreds of people. Sounds like a hardware problem on your end.15:10
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> ubuntu-tester94w: does this happen with previous versions of ubuntu?15:11
ubuntu-tester94wthats why i said im not sure + i can call myself a newbie in linux but i want to help as much as i can15:11
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> geremias which flavor are you testing today?15:11
ubuntu-tester94wit doesnt happen on 18.0415:11
ubuntu-tester94wim using ubuntu studio15:12
oerhekswhat wireless chipset exactly?15:12
ubuntu-tester94wit happened also on 19.1015:12
oerhekssome are known troublemakers15:12
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> if it didnt happen in 18.04 then it sounds like a regression and you should file a bug for it15:12
Eickmeyer@philipz: Not necessarily. Some chipsets are known troublemakers with newer kernels.15:12
ubuntu-tester94wbroadcom 802.11 linux sta wireless driver source from bcmwl-kernel-source (proprietary)15:13
EickmeyerOk, that might be why. Broadcom wireless is known to be problematic.15:13
EickmeyerEspecially with the lowlatency flavor of the kernel.15:14
ubuntu-tester94wok thank you for that. if i disable that is there a way to use another one?15:14
Eickmeyerubuntu-tester94w: Try installing the linux-generic kernel and see if that helps. The lowlatency kernel is only useful if you're doing lowlatency audio work.15:15
EickmeyerAnd, if you're doing lowlatency audio work, it's best to disable wifi anyhow.15:15
ubuntu-tester94windeed thats why i got the ubuntu studio. planning to use it for audio production.15:15
ubuntu-tester94wyes you are right15:16
ubuntu-tester94wi will cope with that. waiting to get a thinkpad and try it there also15:16
Eickmeyerubuntu-tester94w: Then yeah. Disabling wifi is best when doing audio work as it tends to interfere and cause xruns.15:17
EickmeyerYou can, however, have both kernels installed simultaneously and boot to whichever you want.15:17
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <RikMills> Has anyone tried smplayer recently on focal? The upstream new versions (we don't have) say they fix compatibility with mpv 0.32, which we do have. Implying that our smplayer version might be broken with our mpv.15:47
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <RikMills> or can anyone test :)15:48
oerhekssmplayer 19.10.2~ds0-1build1  is current15:50
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <RikMills> no, it's not15:50
RikMillslatest is 20.4.215:51
RikMills'Support for mpv 0.32'15:51
RikMillsoerheks: oh, you mean our current? yes, that is true15:52
lotuspsychjetested, seems to working here RikMills15:52
lotuspsychjeanything specific we should try?15:52
RikMillslotuspsychje: sadly it does not say what was changed to support the new mpv15:53
RikMillsif it is not massively or obviously broken, might be patches to cherry pick if bugs get reported15:56
RikMillsprevious updates for mpv compatibility were because some controls did not work with the new mpv. i.e. mpv had changed the commands/codes needed to be sent to it15:57
lotuspsychjeRikMills: i cant see things broken on smplayer or mpv yet here15:57
lotuspsychjeboth playing movie like a charm15:57
RikMillsgood. hopefully it mean any issue the upstream author fixed is minor :)15:58
ubuntu-tester97wanyone having issues with snap store on ubuntu studio? it looks like a gui bug16:08
lotuspsychjeelaborate ubuntu-tester97w whats happening exactly?16:09
ubuntu-tester97wubuntu studio 20.04 beta, when i open snap store it appears transparent and windows dimension weird16:11
lotuspsychjeubuntu-tester97w: im getting weird things aswell, but i presume its still being worked on16:15
lotuspsychjeim on -desktop, and when opening snap store, ubuntu software launches, update of snap store is showing but im getting error updating it16:15
ubuntu-tester97wit seems to work btw but its completely transparent, i can see the icons, and i see my desktop through16:16
lotuspsychjemaybe popey or Eickmeyer know more of this?16:16
ubuntu-tester97whi there. so snao store looks completely transparent, i can see the icons, and i see my desktop through16:17
popeycan you put a screenshot in imgur or something?16:17
ubuntu-tester97wyes right now16:17
lotuspsychjeim just getting update problems https://imgur.com/a/F0AdmuA16:19
popeyooh funky16:19
popeyenv | grep SESS16:20
popeyyou running wayland or x11?16:20
ubuntu-tester97wjust ubuntu studio straight, didnt check if its wayland or x1116:20
popeyif you open a terminal and run "env | grep SESS" it will tell you16:21
popeyor just echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE16:21
popeyalso try from a terminal "sudo snap refresh snap-store --edge" and then restart your session, see if that "fixes" it (I am not convinced it will)16:22
popeyok, good16:22
ubuntu-tester97wim doing the refresh16:23
ubuntu-tester97wlets see16:23
lotuspsychjeupdate issue fixed, with update-manager auto snap updates here16:23
ubuntu-tester27wok so i tried sudo snap refresh snap-store --edge and restarted and now snap store is missing popey16:28
popeyit's probably called "Ubuntu software" in the menu?16:28
popey(which is what it should be on ubuntu )16:28
popey(i am asking you to try this because edge contains latest build of the application, and if fixed there, means we don't need a bug filed)16:29
ubuntu-tester27wno its the same :/16:29
lotuspsychjeclicking the snap-store open now ubuntu software on -desktop16:30
popeyok, I would file a bug with a screenshot then please. https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store/16:30
ubuntu-tester27wok thnks16:30
popeyubuntu-tester27w are you based in the USA?16:39
popeyGood, can I ask you to tell me which mirror is listed in /etc/apt/sources.list) ?16:40
popeyand did you change mirror, or did it auto-choose the one listed there16:40
ubuntu-tester27wyes i changed to main16:40
popeyah okay16:40
popeynever mind then16:40
* popey wonders what calamares does, if it uses a local mirror or not.16:41
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> i think @ItzSwirlz reported this same transparency a while back16:42
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> ?16:42
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> i know ubuntu for weirdly adding the weird cd-rom apt repo thing (re @ubuntutesting_bot: [irc] <popey> wonders what calamares does, if it uses a local mirror or not.)16:42
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> was it you who found transparency issue with snap store16:42
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> no16:42
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> i'm doing release notes right now xD16:42
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> my mistake, but i do remember someone mentioning it here.16:42
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> its fine16:42
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> damn. Cinnamon v4.0.10 to v4.4.8-316:43
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> A lot has changed lol16:43
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> here it was (re @Udange: )16:44
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> hm16:46
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> Okay so16:46
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> ugh forgot what i was going to say, horray16:46
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> oh eys16:46
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> oh yes (edited)16:46
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> As mentioned, Ubuntu Cinnamon's theme is pretty problematic. We can all agree it's not the best16:47
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> I think instead we will fork Mint themes-well not exactly fork16:47
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> Instead, use their compiler thing to build a #DD682A theme16:47
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> Udange did you file a bug report for the transparent software center bug you reported?16:55
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> ubuntu-tester27w: do paste the link here once you file the bug16:59
ubuntu-tester26wubuntutestingbot i will do that17:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1873033 in snap-store "snap store missing background" [Undecided,New]17:00
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> thanks ubuntu-tester27w. please give as much info on your system to help with tracking down the issue.17:02
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> possibly copy and paste the output of 'inxi -b'17:02
ubuntu-tester26wok sure17:04
ubuntu-tester26wshpuld i write system info in the bug description section?17:05
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> found a duplidoge and its saying that its a theming issue - https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store/+bug/186741717:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1867417 in snap-store "snap-store launches without theme (transparent) when using non standard themes" [Undecided,New]17:06
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <kc2bez> calamres-settings-ubuntu has a python script to set the sources based on GeoIP. If it can't determine the Geolodogion it uses main. (re @ubuntutesting_bot: [irc] <popey> wonders what calamares does, if it uses a local mirror or not.)17:07
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> Are ubuntu flavors/remixes allowed to choose their own GRUB theme that isn't like Ubuntu's-something a little more different like Linux Mint or a more glossy selector?17:20
Eickmeyer@ItzSwirls Yes, I created a custom GRUB theme for Studio.17:21
EickmeyerMATE started it.17:21
EickmeyerFeel free to fork.17:22
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> more polls :p17:24
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> alright-heres the Ubuntu Cinnamon 20.04 Release Notes. Will deal with images later https://docs.google.com/document/d/1McPbDnXTP4W8EbqvRP3QKfEqW-fYH97oeqkPK4r0mwY/edit?usp=sharing17:26
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <ItzSwirlz> (private link)17:26
ubuntu-tester26wwhen i try to resize any window in ubuntu studio 20.04 (beta), goinf to the right bottom corner its pretty difficult to get the proper arrow for the specific type. it would be great for this to be much easier if possible18:18
Eickmeyerubuntu-tester26w: Limitation of the GTK theme, I'm afraid.18:23
EickmeyerActually, it's a limitation of Xfce.18:24
ubuntu-tester26wEickmeyer is there any workaround or maybe request feature to xfce developers18:25
Eickmeyerubuntu-tester26w: alt-space, resize18:25
ubuntu-tester26wyeah great :)18:26
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> or alt + right-click + drag18:27
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> https://xubuntu.org/news/window-resizing-in-xubuntu-and-xfce/18:27
ubuntu-tester26wubuntutestingbot thnks!18:29
bduncanhey, i've been  running the kubuntu beta upgraded from eoan for about a month now. today i tried to upgrade some packages for the new kde upstream release and it looks like some packages are missing... aptitude's resolver says the problem is: libkf5akonadicore5abi1 depends upon libkf5akonadiprivate5abi2 (= 4:19.04.3-0ubuntu6) and libkf5eventviews5 depends upon libkf5akonadicore5abi1 (>= 4:19.04.3). should i file a22:13
bduncanbug about this? seems like it might be a simple oversight which will be fixed soon...22:13
ubuntu-tester13wextracting .tar.xz on ubuntu studio 20.04(beta) seems to not work well. after extract here, the folder does not show. after closing and opening the file manager than its there22:23
ubuntu-tester13wbut it may happen that even reopening the file manager will not work. i would need to extract one more time and than it will show 2 folders22:24
Eickmeyer[m]bduncan: There's a lot of stuff getting upgraded still. I'd be patient before filing a bug.22:29
ubuntu-tester13where it is how it looks after being extracted22:30
ubuntu-tester13wit shows like a text file beneath22:30
Eickmeyer[m]ubuntu-tester97w: I'm unable to reproduce. @philipz, have you had that issue on Xubuntu? ^ (Xubuntu and Ubuntu Studio use the same DE, file extractor, and file manager).22:32
Eickmeyer[m]Sorry, ubuntu-tester97w^22:33
Eickmeyer[m]Dangit... ubuntu-tester-13w^22:33
Eickmeyer[m]ubuntu-tester-13w: Thunar can be slow sometimes, not sure if it's a known bug or not.22:34
Eickmeyer[m]The Xubuntu team handles anything Xfce-related like that.22:34
ubuntu-tester13wyeah i noticed that it takes a bit to extract indeed22:35
Eickmeyer[m]The file extractor is Engrampa, which is a MATE tool iirc.22:35
ubuntu-tester13wi will need to wait and see22:36
bduncanEickmeyer[m]: no problem thanks22:39
bduncanmy googling skills are weak. is there a way i can watch/follow/rss updates to the ubuntu repositories? frantically hitting "update" seems backwards23:05
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> Eickmeyer[m]: no problem on xubuntu for me23:09
RikMillsbduncan: the lower versions of those packages should not be needed any more, but it looks like yesterday launchpad had a glitch when copying the newer .debs that don't need them :(23:10
RikMillsI am talking to archive admins23:11
RikMillsapparently this is something that could happen, but they have never seen before!23:12
RikMillsI am so lucky! lol23:12
EickmeyerRikMills: Fancy odds. Too bad you couldn't have used those at a casino.23:44

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