
cmaloneyparty party14:07
cmaloneyCHC tonight at 7pm14:07
cmaloneyLink forthcoming14:08
jrwrenTIL: Wendy Carlos did the score for A Clockwork Orange14:33
cmaloneyYeah, I didn't know that either until I did. :)14:34
cmaloneyShe's one of my favorites. Amazing musicianship.14:34
jrwrenyeah, she is awesome.14:34
jrwrenwhoa! and Tron?!?  and a couple on The Shining Soundtrack?!?14:37
cmaloneyOh yeah14:38
jrwrenoh. also TIL: Wendy was born Walter14:55
greg-gvery good WP article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendy_Carlos14:59
greg-gI was confused for a second "Carlos disclosed her transgender status in a series of interviews with Arthur Bell " I thought, "Art Bell?! of Coast to Coast AM?!?!"15:00
cmaloneyYeah, not quite15:03
cmaloneyI actually sent her a "you're awesome, no need to reply" email.15:03
cmaloneyFunnily enough, didn't get a reply. :)15:04
jrwrenthat is where I learned it from.15:13
cmaloneyThe wikipedia article?15:35
cmaloneyI learned about Wendy from a Byte Magazine article about TRON and the confluence of computers and the arts.15:35
cmaloneySorry, it was the one on Graphics: https://archive.org/details/byte-magazine-1982-11/page/n49/mode/2up15:40
cmaloneyNuts. She wasn't in there.15:42
cmaloneyMight have been one of the other magazines at the time15:42
jrwreni think i learned about her from you cmaloney15:46
jrwrena few years ago15:46
=== greg-g is now known as gjg
=== gjg is now known as greg-g
cmaloneyGoing to try to use my self-hosted Jitsi instance17:55
cmaloneywe'll see if it crashes and burns. :)17:55
greg-g"Crash and burn!" from the best worst 80s movie about mechwarriors/big fighting robots! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpX7S-gV10o17:56
greg-g(I referenced the movie in one of my sub-team meetings so I had that link handy)17:57
cmaloneyhttps://jitsi.decafbad.net/CoffeeHouseCoders20200415 <- CHC is live23:36

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