
=== housecat is now known as dax
studiobot<teward001> @Eickmeyer [@teward001 When you come back to us, critical fix for Ardour at https://code.lau …], if i recall this was fixed already14:41
studiobot<teward001> thank you to others for handling the upload yesterday :014:41
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @teward001 [if i recall this was fixed already], That's correct.14:42
EickmeyerWe're looking at two packages that need to be accepted at this point: ardour and rapid-photo-downloader, with ardour being the more critical of the two.14:43
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @teward001 Do you think I should incessently pester #ubuntu-release to get that done? ^14:44
studiobot<teward001> i'm already pestering them for an nginx FFe to get done14:44
studiobot<teward001> if you want to pester them that's your call14:45
studiobot<teward001> given it's a Critical I would14:45
studiobot<teward001> because IIRC Final Freeze is today14:45
studiobot<Eickmeyer> Final Freeze is tomorrow, but yes.14:45
studiobot<teward001> meh whatever14:45
studiobot<teward001> *yawns*14:45
RikMills@teward001 just pretend you are Simon14:45
studiobot<teward001> I am still waking up14:45
studiobot<Eickmeyer> hahahahahaha14:45
studiobot<teward001> yeah no i'm better than Simon lol14:45
studiobot<teward001> Simon actually owes me cash lol14:45
studiobot<teward001> or rather, Lubuntu Foundation probably will if they want faster SLA to their infra issues xD14:46
EickmeyerRapid Photo Downloader update is accepted, we are good to go, pending no other mejor issues hit us.20:10
OvenWerksArdour is through too?20:28
OvenWerksEickmeyer: ^^20:29
OvenWerkswhen will the ISO be ready?20:29
EickmeyerNext daily will probably be tomorrow, and they'll probably start making final RCs starting tomorrow.20:30
OvenWerksI just noticed while doing some cleanup that my wife has a BT speaker sitting around. I may try to see if it is possible to auto connect from script...20:59
EickmeyerI'm pretty sure the only way to do that is through Pulse. Not even ALSA connect directly to BT speakers21:02
OvenWerksYeah, but going from jack to pulse to BT is not straight forward21:14
EickmeyerOh, absolutely true.21:14
OvenWerksIt would be nice to be able to create a jack->pulse bridge called BT-speaker or something and send a command to pulse that connects it to the BT speaker21:15
EickmeyerI just hope nobody would expect it to be low latency.21:16
OvenWerksnot even Intel lowlatency (30ms) I would guess21:16
EickmeyerBluetooth is notoriously latent.21:17
OvenWerksI know (from the LAU mail list) that there are at least some people who have figured it out21:17
OvenWerksThe best solution would be to use the zita SRC lib to create a BT-out jack client21:18
OvenWerksI think the pulse solution is best for now. The jack client may become redundent if pipewire replaces pulse soon21:19
EickmeyerI have pipewire installed (but not activated) by default in Fedora Jam.21:20
OvenWerksdoesn't show up in ubuntu (at least not 18.04)21:21
Eickmeyer!info pipewire focal21:22
ubottupipewire (source: pipewire): PipeWire multimedia server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.7-1 (focal), package size 217 kB, installed size 1408 kB21:22
EickmeyerIt's in Focal.21:22
OvenWerksdisco even21:22
Eickmeyer!info pipewire disco21:22
ubottupipewire (source: pipewire): PipeWire multimedia server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.5-1 (disco), package size 211 kB, installed size 1345 kB21:22
EickmeyerYep, slightly older version.21:23
OvenWerksone hopes the versions are going up quickly at this point of development21:23
EickmeyerMight be fun to play around with. I know the version in Fedora 32 uses the Jack API.21:24
EickmeyerNot yet pulse though.21:24
OvenWerksI think they offer a pseudo default device like pulse though21:25
EickmeyerThe idea is that it will use the Jack and Pulse APIs, therefore eliminating the need for a bridge.21:26
OvenWerksyeah, I am guessing that a jack to jack bridge will just show up :)21:27
OvenWerksThere are a lot of people who are not ready to trust PW over jack even with the API21:28
EickmeyerWon't be necessary. Jack applications won't know any different.21:28
EickmeyerI wouldn't expect anyone to trust PW yet.21:29
EickmeyerIt's still real early.21:29
OvenWerksmay not be needed for our use (someone who wants to work around it is welcome to do so... on their own21:29
EickmeyerExperimental, even, though Fedora does want to move to it as default by Fedora 34.21:29
OvenWerks34... what is current? and how often do the numbers move?21:30
EickmeyerCurrent is 31, 32 is in release candidate, and 33 will be in October/November. Fedora does delay if they feel it's necessary unlike Ubuntu which sticks to very strict release dates +/- 1 day or so.21:31
OvenWerksso around next year at this time21:31
OvenWerks (within a couple months)21:32
EickmeyerRoughly, yes, unless they feel there's blockers. PipeWire has a lot of Red Hat backing.21:32
OvenWerksyeah, a lot of things get in that way21:32
OvenWerksif the pulse-jack bridging is better with pw I am all for it21:32
OvenWerksthat is, basically if they use jack as the backend for pulse as we do21:33
EickmeyerWell, the bridge would be PW itself. In theory, if you look at a Carla patchbay, each application, whether it uses pulse or jack, would show-up in the patchbay.21:34
EickmeyerOf course, they would auto-patch to primary system out, but you get the idea.21:35
EickmeyerSo, you'd have Firefox in there, or anything else with an audio in/out.21:35
OvenWerksThe question in may mind is: with multiple devices, where do they show up?21:35
EickmeyerIn theory, yes.21:36
EickmeyerI mean, each device would show up in the patchbay as well, kinda like we have with zita-ajbridge.21:37
OvenWerksIf a jack application gets it's device from the pw backend rather than alsa, many people may not be very happy21:37
EickmeyerI'm not sure PW overrides alsa.21:37
EickmeyerI think it's more like a replacement for Pulse and Jack.21:37
OvenWerksSo if pw uses the jack part as the backend that is fine and makes sense, but if jack then goes through pw then through alsa not so good21:38
EickmeyerNo, you don't understand. Jack wouldn't actually run. PW would essentially *be* both jack and pulse.21:38
OvenWerksnow I guess pw essenially rewrites jack in anycase, so it may be that the jack api works directly with the pw backend21:39
OvenWerksso one might say pw is a rewrite of jack that features a pulse front end... and video streaming21:40
EickmeyerSomething like that.21:40
OvenWerksI wonder if there will also be a pw front end that applications can access directly.21:40
EickmeyerWell, browsers can access different devices separately via pulse, so I'm sure that will be the case. Applications won't have to be rewritten for their audio backend, it'll be transparent.21:41
EickmeyerI'd say PW is more like a rewrite of both jack and pulse that combines the two.21:42
Eickmeyer...and video streaming.21:42
OvenWerkshow does the video streaming affect X and or wacom? (and vulcan?)21:43
EickmeyerNooo clue, but I know it's all on their radar.21:43
OvenWerksSo have you played with pw at all?21:48
OvenWerksHow does one set SR, buffers etc?21:49
EickmeyerNot yet. Been too busy with getting our stuff fixed.21:49
EickmeyerThat and homeschooling.21:49
EickmeyerI might play with it soon though.21:49
OvenWerksmy son is "leave me alone, i've got it"21:50
EickmeyerMy son it 8.21:50
OvenWerksmine's 1421:50
EickmeyerYeah. If he were older, then yeah, he could do it, but he doesn't stay motivated on his own.21:50
OvenWerksI'm not sure how motivated Tim is either, but he does seem to do better without help21:51
EickmeyerMine would never even do his school work if I weren't motivating him. He's on spring break now, but we have a schedule of subjects we follow.21:57
OvenWerksour spring breat was the last two weeks of March... he never went back :)21:58

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