
xnoxLaney: hm somehow $XDG_SESSION_ID is not set for me, yet i thought it should be. Or is my pam_systemd missconfigured?00:04
xnoxjbicha:  it's not out yet.00:05
xnoxjbicha:  is it?00:05
xnoxjbicha:  and debhelper in focal, can do 13 compat level.00:06
jbichayou can't currently use focal to build a package that Build-Depends on debhelper-compat (= 13)00:06
xnoxjbicha:  and one cannot do that in debian either, debhelper-compat (= 13) is not out yet00:07
jbichaxnox: it's in unstable now00:07
xnoxjbicha:  ah, i see.00:07
xnoxjbicha:  i was looking at tracker, and it's not yet in trackers' unstable minde00:08
xnoxright only built 6h ago00:08
xnoxrbasak:  lp:ubuntu-archive-scripts generate-team-p-m i think00:09
xnoxaka "archive reports repo"00:10
xnoxand it's bzr one00:10
mwhudsonrbasak: it's in ubuntu-archive-scripts or ubuntu-archive-tools, i can never remember which is which00:16
mwhudsonscripts probably00:17
xnoxjbicha:  uploaded merge, i guess it's up to release team to accept it.00:22
rbasakxnox, mwhudson: thanks!00:23
Unit193!info debhelper unstable00:23
ubottudebhelper (source: debhelper): helper programs for debian/rules. In component main, is optional. Version 12.1.1 (unstable), package size 992 kB, installed size 1609 kB00:23
xnoxit's built, but not published yet00:24
Unit193...Well looks like ubottu doesn't update for 'unstable'.00:24
jbichaxnox: 🙂00:24
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Laneyxnox: no, it shouldn't be, most things aren't run inside a logind session08:03
Laneyrbasak: lp:ubuntu-archive-scripts generate-team-p-m08:04
RikMillscould someone review and perhaps upload? https://code.launchpad.net/~hmollercl/software-properties/+git/software-properties/+merge/38234908:29
RikMillsI cannot08:29
RikMillsjuliank perhaps, as you pointed the right way the other day?08:30
juliankRikMills: This works, but it's not nice08:31
Laneymapreri: did you intend to drop all of the ubuntu delta in that inkscape sync?08:34
Laneylooks to me like it's still wanted ...08:34
RikMillsjuliank: well, it mirrors the implementation in the gtk version, so what can I say?08:36
juliankRikMills: Like I wrote in the comment (and on IRC the other day), this should be shared, not duplicated, so I'll just do that now08:37
RikMillsjuliank: sorry. I am effectively being intermediary here, so that message may not have been communicated well08:38
RikMillsthanks for the help08:39
RikMillsjuliank: you are correct timezone is an issue here, as the author is in the US (AFAIK)08:42
juliankRikMills: Anyway, I uploaded a nicer version, it's in unapproved now08:44
RikMillsjuliank: much appreciated! thank you :)08:47
AsciiWolfhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1639863 - any chance this appstream-generator bug could be fixed? the issue was opened in 2016 and there was no visible progress since... it is blocking Firefox and Thunderbird from showing in GNOME Software / Snap Store11:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1639863 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "Firefox and Thunderbird don't appear in the (new) appstream metadata" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:04
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sil2100mvo: hey! I was wondering, how is lp:ddtp-ubuntu updated? Is that automated, or do you press some button manually?11:42
mapreriLaney: yes, that was my intention because I thought I had already included the python2 bits.  looks like I forgot, so I'm now uploading a ubuntu1 variant11:50
mapreridid you reject it?  no mail reached me, but I can't see it in the queue anymore.11:50
Laneythink so11:52
Laneythere's some bugs around mail for rejected syncs11:52
cpaelzerrbalint: as I've seen no triage on it yet from the systemd POV I wanted to ping you about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/187303111:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1873031 in systemd (Ubuntu) "245.4-2ubuntu1 has broken dhcp based NTP updates" [Undecided,New]11:56
cpaelzeranother one for the context of timesyncd11:56
mvosil2100: I press some button and usually there is a bit of baby-sitting because of LP, let me quickly have a look11:59
rbalintcpaelzer, looking right now12:01
cpaelzerthank you12:01
rbalintcpaelzer, at first glance a reboot fixes it12:02
sil2100mvo: thank you :)12:03
mvosil2100: this should probably become a service just like the command-not-found stuff :/12:04
rbalintcpaelzer, no, not fully12:04
cpaelzerrbalint: as long as the service stays masked this issue will occur12:05
cpaelzerthat even could have happened before12:05
cpaelzerdue to intentional config changes12:05
cpaelzerbut now due to the conflict between packages and conffiles staying behind is more common to happen12:05
cpaelzerrbalint: if in the script it would checked to be unmasked and enabled before restarting - that seems like a good fix to me12:06
rbalintcpaelzer, yes, but i think even a 2> /dev/null would do it, too, i just want to play with it locally, also to make sure that when systemd drops the old config file and timesyncd does not install the new one it still gets fixed somehow12:10
rbasakI need an example of a source package that exists in Debian but has never been published in Ubuntu (so no publication history whatsoever). Any ideas?13:21
rbasakApparently such a thing exists because git-ubuntu has an existing code path for this.13:22
rbasakAnd I want to know I haven't broken it.13:22
ahasenackcheck the sync "blacklist" in lp, if such a thing exists?13:22
Unit193Would a new package not in any Ubuntu release count for your test?13:22
rbasakUnit193: unfortunately not13:23
rbasakIt's because we walk the publication history itself13:24
Unit193rbasak: iceweasel? :P13:24
rbasakThat looks good. Thanks!13:24
* rbasak tries13:24
rbasak...and it failed, and I have a bug to fix. Mission successful :)13:26
rafaeldtinocodidnt fail.. it just didnt work as planned13:28
rafaeldtinocohalf of the glass full developing style13:28
xnoxnot a regression, as it has never worked => suitable for release13:28
xnoxship it13:28
Odd_Blokexnox: Exactly the attitude we want 7 days before release. ;)14:44
bdmurrayxnox: should bug 1871268 be Fix Released?14:47
ubottubug 1871268 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Focal) "Installation fails with Could not configure 'libc6:i386'. , E:Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libgcc-s1:i386'" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187126814:47
xnoxbdmurray:  yes that's fixed now with debian-cd14:48
ladyfridayI'm running focal, and the update from kernel 5.4.0-21 to 5.4.0-24 broke my ethernet controller (Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 according to lspci) - is this a known issue? if not, where do I report it?15:19
ladyfridaydmesg gives "realtek.ko not loaded, maybe it needs to be added to initramfs?" / "r8169: probe of 0000:03:00.0 failed with error -49"15:21
ladyfriday(might not be exact, typed them out since I'm on a different machine so can't copy/paste)15:21
RikMillsdoko: is the upload to make something 'Provides: python' happening?16:05
dokoRikMills: it's in the archive17:01
RikMillsdoko: ok, so the person here is wasting their time LP: #187329917:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1873299 in xboxdrv (Ubuntu) "Several packages recommend the "python" package, which doesn't exist in Focal " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187329917:03
cjwatsonRikMills: It's still good to fix those since those packages probably actually mean python217:04
RikMillspoint taken17:05
cjwatsonTracking bugs like that are deprecated though17:05
cjwatsonA separate bug per package works better when it's really multiple bugs with similar manifestations/fixes, as opposed to a single bug that needs fixes in several places17:05
cjwatsonOr tags, as I've suggested in the bug17:06
dokoRikMills: no, because installing python-is-python2 locks you down on python pointing to python2. we just got rid off the last dependency last week17:11
RikMillsah, yes, it installs the symlink as well!17:12
RikMillsso as you say, not desirable17:12

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